
Communication Styles Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Engaging in conversations exposes learners to different cultural perspectives and communication styles."
"Introverts think before they speak, and extroverts speak while they think."
"Look the only new thing I learned today is that even when Doug Collins says he's going to speak slower that he can."
"We all talk about love languages but none of us talk about conflict languages."
"Why are conversations like this often done in with a sense of humor? Is it because we just can't handle the seriousness and doomsday conversations don't play well in America?"
"I think everybody has a different way that they communicate with the world."
"I think without an audience there laughing along, I think it made a lot of his comments come up a lot more harshly."
"Checking in. Hey, when I'm listening to the situation, do you want some feedback? Do you want me to just listen? Do you want me to vent with you? Do you want me to distract you?"
"Light cursing can make you seem more authentic to your supporters but there are shades of language that are dangerous."
"I don't care sounds quite negative, like passive-aggressive. But I'm not fussed feels more easygoing."
"Maybe she's thinking she's having so much fun that this is her only way of telling me."
"He not only pissed off Democrats, he not only pissed off Republicans, he changed the way that presidents communicate with the public."
"There's nothing wrong with that, but sometimes if you speak this language to somebody that's not driven by lifestyle you cannot drive that person."
"Courageous people have dialogues, control freaks have monologues."
"Occupy Wall Street used language that PBS will not air; the Tea Party used language that you could use in church."
"It's very different to accuse someone and attack someone versus saying, 'This is how I received it.'"
"I kind of like the American way of being more direct with each other, having less Small Talk."
"Do you know when a bully is sh in their pants? When they suddenly send you elaborate emails of goodwill and telling you they're elated by the company's new direction."
"You want to put the gloves on bro? Bro, honestly VZ, like you, somebody go get a mic, you would eat my fists, you fat."
"He's just kind of finding new ways to say the same [] because it sounded like the same [] he's always been saying but he's just finding new ways to say it."
"Elon is trying to... have hot takes which may be viewed as political... and just have this really casual relationship with communication."
"Choices: kind words to distractions to threats."
"Thanks for caring, if it's technical you get long messages, if it's emotional you get 'I love you too.'"
"It's almost like a greeting card it's almost his way of starting the conversation with us without having to say a single word."
"They just love expressing their love for you, and that could be in terms of a direct expression or through 5D."
"And most important of all, Nova flirted, he told me he loved me very often, sent me emoji hearts, sent me winky cat faces, told me that myself or my mannerisms were cute a lot, gave me role play boobs and hugs."
"How does that make you feel? You're only allowed to answer in adjectives that describe feelings."
"I'm always much more interested in these dialogues than formal debates."
"Instead of having the argument like everyone wants to have the debate at a level of like what do we need to do...?"
"I love how there was like an entire chapter where she was talking about passive-aggressive notes..."
"Teach is probably the wrong word, I'm more informing."
"Women have more of a tendency to fill you in with way more details."
"If it's a natural way of talking for you to add extra information, don't worry about that."
"Stop tearing yourselves apart. You may not like the style, but the people doing this are doing God bless you genocide."
"Not reading the cards: this is a meme for a reason."
"We're no longer interested in whisper communication."
"Men communicate directly, women communicate covertly."
"But at the end of the day, nobody is wrong here, we can all argue from points on articles, we can all argue points from press conferences and interviews."
"There's a difference between saying 'I feel like I'm not getting any love from you' and 'I don't love you, you've never shown me love.'"
"When did kids start talking to their parents like that?"
"Nobody's saying, 'Hey, that's offensive'... that's how Asian people talk."
"There's people that know how to ask it and there's people that know how to go about it without it coming off rude."
"His profound message stands in sharp contrast to the controversial tone of his earlier post, showcasing Trump's ability to navigate different communication Styles effectively."
"Choosing what tool to respond with will you respond with passion will you respond with love will you respond with stability will you respond with Clarity and logic."
"Incomplete sentences is a rapid Rapport Builder."
"I want the world to know about Zell fucking ding, the character from that game who communicates entirely through punching."
"Don't disrespect him. Computers hate comedy."
"Men express their feelings through action more than through words."
"I respect people's opinions i respect people's opinion but you can't trap certain ways bro like i'm sorry this way yeah you can't chat certain ways bro"
"You can't come to a woman in a masculine way."
"It's a lot of guys in the NBA that people don't think talk trash but they do you just don't see it they just don't be pretty much like as open with it or showing it like I do."
"She's communicating with you in a male form of communication because she wants to make sure there's no mistaking what she's saying."
"Communication styles are crucial. Understand them to avoid unnecessary conflicts."
"Think about the difference between making a statement and making a question. A question is inquisitive, it's normally very warm and it's just curious."
"There's always a way around that and for me it was riding a lot of my stuff down so I could talk to the notes and talk to the players that was more my style."
"There is a variety of styles that people can incorporate when they converse or involve themselves in communications or conversations."
"Sometimes I'm succinct and articulate, most of the time it takes me a while."
"Autistic people, I'm going to teach you how to speak neurotypical... It's important to understand that neurotypical people don't say things for the same reason we say things."
"We write very differently when we write to people we know and to people we don't know."
"People communicate in different ways and people love in different ways."
"We have to learn to respect how different people communicate."