
Real-life Application Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Contextual learning involves learning language within real-life situations and meaningful contexts."
"A tower is a fusion of stories and records. For instance, if a tower is based on Greek mythology and the ruler of the tower is Hercules, then everything that happened to him in legends will occur in real life as well."
"If you want to improve your listening, you need to improve your understanding of how native English speakers speak in real time, in real life."
"There are no moral relativists. There are people who profess it, but it doesn't exist in ordinary life."
"Round two is some quick real-life questions, like asking about food percentages, prices, and the news." - Joe Handy
"So, obviously, we've learned a lot here today about all the ins and outs of building something real online."
"Communicating and strategizing in video games can translate to real-life teamwork and coordination."
"I think the best way to do a tiebreaker is to have somebody join us on a real life mission."
"For me, it's really remarkable to see something that is on a poster... but to see it lived out every day with our students."
"Honestly, it's so much of this furniture I would 100% buy in real life."
"So I think I did it right I pulled back the curtain on exactly how the BRRRR strategy works both in theory and in real life."
"We use data... and then we adjust our assumptions based on what's happening in real life on the ground."
"We are literally buying bitcoin from an ATM in El Salvador, this is real life."
"We get to learn so many different things in real-life cases that you probably don't learn in law school or any kind of schooling."
"Kidnappers won't wait for you to throw down your backpack before they snatch you," she used to say. I never really appreciated what she was trying to teach me until later when I actually had to put our practices into use.
"Even as a beginner, you'll love it when you start building complex products in real life."
"Real examples, real trading: how to apply the formula."
"And congratulations for making it this far, we're actually going to hear some real-life torque wrench clicks in this video. Not bad."
"We're telling you real information that matters to your life."
"It's not just the level and the class he had in the game that is being applied in real life but it is every detail that he created about him."
"The app was curated by people who are fluent almost native speakers but who understand how to teach this language to you as if you were going to need it in real life situations."
"Let's try it out on a real monster truck."
"In many ways, it's a lot like a driving simulator, except your feedback is a response to real forces."
"It's about simple approaches that work in real life."
"I bet when he was teaching me in training he didn't think we would be doing this for real."
"When you're put in really stressful situations, you always seem to find the strength because like it's so true in real life as well."
"If they don't see their fellow human beings actually doing this stuff in their real life um it's all going to feel very abstract."
"Rowing's really translatable in real-life situations because you really have to be so dedicated to that one goal."
"Students are in control of their learning, where they're learning real-life 21st-century skills that are going to transfer into the work environment and into their adult life."
"If you are training for defensive purposes for real-life altercations, it's very important to have two eyes open so you can take in a lot of information."
"You want to bring all those good feelings and all those things that happen in the movie to life in your world."
"Thompson sampling is wonderful because it has many applications in real life."
"Our high school algebra teachers are going to be so happy to know that we actually did have to use math in our everyday life."
"All the things you learn on the forex mastery course, I'm happy that you guys are starting to see it play out in real life."
"Everything we do is stuff that will assist you in your real-life movements, your activities, your sports, whatever you're doing."
"The impact of film is huge in our country. Sometimes people are so influenced by what they see in films that they apply it immediately to their real life."
"Language learning takes place when you use language for real-life purposes."
"That's a great example of when that fiduciary relationship kicks in, and it's not just a textbook example."
"If you just see the model in the outfit, it might get a pass because of manipulation, but if you see it in real life, or if you see it on a girl that it looks more appropriate on, you're going to be like, wow, she looks stunning in that."
"Welcome to Wiz in real life, where we explore ancient Buddhist teachings and show how they can help us in today's world."
"It's good to understand how all this stuff works because as you integrate with third-party services, this is real-life programming."
"It's actually kind of fun being a senior and doing all these fun final projects where they're actually kind of interesting in real-life circumstances."
"It's cool to see it in the simulator, but this stuff actually does transfer to real life."
"This is literally something that a lot of people could actually wear in real life and pull off."
"It's very easy to make trivial examples, but the problem with trivial examples is that they apply very little to real life."
"Whoever said Minecraft can't relate to real life, nonsense."
"We tend to figure out the ideas of optimization, maximums and minimums just in real world life and how we can use calculus to find the same things."
"That is an incredible feeling knowing that the work on the simulator and your results in the live fire range are going to be reasonably close in terms of time and accuracy."
"Testing is critical, and I can't tell you how many times that I've had in my experience prescribe the issues where if you had just simply tested it with some more real-life scenarios, it would have made your life much easier."
"We're solving real-life problems with digital solutions."
"If it works with the parasitic extraction, you can be very, very confident it will actually work in real life."
"The start of the year is a better time than any. And sometimes, you learn the most through the trial and error of actually getting into it and seeing how what you had planned actually fits into real life."
"Real-life system dynamics and observation models are rarely globally linear."
"I love escape rooms, and a lot of the tasks do reflect my real life at home with my children."
"The scale factor is four; it's like it's four times larger in real life."
"This is not a rehearsal but this is about to be a performance."
"Once you are deep and have a nuanced understanding of that setup, then you create a way to find that setup in real life."
"If you can pull it off here, you can pull it off in real life; it's that easy."
"What you do in training, you'll do in real life."
"So again, these three scenarios while being very simple and straightforward are real life scenarios that you will face as a cloud operator without a question."
"We haven't got any quick fixes, we've got no magical overnight transformations, but we have got real people working in their gardens at home week by week."
"We're hoping today by bringing this mini tribunal to you that you will get to see the tribunal process in its real form."
"The grammar in context approach teaches grammar within the context of real-life situations and texts."
"The school believes that a learner should be trained to solve real-life problems that come about because of the needs, interests, and abilities of the learners."
"I'm here to tell you guys about something that'll help protect you guys against internet bandits in real life."
"This act of participation is powerful, getting you to recall and use the language just as you would in real-life situations."
"The demands of a particular task and a test need to be similar to those in real life."
"Vector spaces are such an abstract concept and people are so overwhelmed with it, I want to show you that it actually occurs in real life."
"I appreciate seeing it in practice, and I feel more empowered to do so IRL."
"We're at school to learn things and skills that we can use in real life."
"So that's one real-life application of trigonometry; it can help you to calculate the heights of large objects that you don't want to measure with a measuring tape."
"I will teach you how to formulate differential equations from real-life situations."
"Now out of all the projects that we've done in this series so far, I think this one might be the most difficult, but I also think this one is the most cool because it has some real life applications."
"I love the tattoo, I plan to get it in IRL because I love it so much."
"And they say you'll never use the skills you learned in school in real life."
"The bell curve represents a lot of things we see in real life, for example, heights."
"In real-life setup, you start by defining what is the problem that you want to solve."
"It's crazy just how many scenarios and how many very real hypotheticals you can run through with something like this."
"What's actually happening in the trenches in real life comes down to what you're doing consistently."
"This stuff is not useless; this is actually applicable to a lot of real-life stuff."
"One of the things I love about these lessons is they're based on real-life situations."
"The rule of random errors becomes quite important when we are dealing with a real-life situation."