
Personal Motives Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"It's brilliant at first, I was like, I don't know, that sounds somewhat compassionate, but then I'm like, this [person] is getting what she wants out of it."
"Even underneath all of his tactics and ruthless choices, there is a heart... he does want something beyond just his Machiavellian scheme."
"I guess I'm always constantly seeking experiences where I can show off and get a response. It's probably to hide some sort of deep seated insecurity."
"Far better is to say... you do things for the kid because you want to make them happy."
"The actual reason behind why Eins decided to become an adventurer."
"I do things because I genuinely want to do them."
"Is that your real opinion, Billy, or are you just looking forward to a long sea voyage with the attractive Mrs. Gelman as your companion?"
"The reason you want wealth is because it buys your freedom."
"Many people have affairs not to exit their marriages but in order to stay in them."
"Check your motives: Are they for God's glory?"
"When Tim reports the news, it never feels like he is communicating his sincere beliefs but rather positioning himself strategically around the topic at hand."
"Our capacity to justify things to ourselves... if you really want to do something... the payoff is enough..."
"He wanted the attention, he wanted the adoration, he wanted to be somebody important."
"You always want to feel like you're doing it for yourself and not for everybody else around you."
"If you want to be recognized for being a good parent, you've missed the point."
"The Wagner Chief has his own personal motivations for escalating this conflict."
"Personal vendettas masquerading as social justice or righteous call out is such a beautiful strategy to couch your own Petty juvenile capitalistic personal egotistical aspirations in."
"In my mind if I was trying to hide something from Melina there's only one reason why I wouldn't tell her something and it's because I don't want to lose access to that person."
"He knows what he's doing and why he's doing it."
"Putin wanted to get rich - he was a pragmatic person."
"He's doing it for the money, it's so insincere that this individual would like to be recognized and gained success for the hard work that he's putting in doing what he believes in."
"If you record yourself giving things to homeless people, you're doing it for personal boost, not for helping."
"I think Jay is an opportunist... before she leaves."
"Later on, you do it not to acquire anything, but for the sake of love."
"Desire can be rooted in pride. Be sober about why you want what you want."
"She's just doing this apparently for money and power."
"He wants to be in the news once... that's what he wants."
"I believe Kanye's agenda is what's best for Kanye until he shows me something else."
"He did it because he cares about her and he cares about people."
"Never judge someone's character based on words of another. Instead, study the motives behind the words of the person casting the bad soozee chasm."
"I never got involved with this to try and make fans happy. I didn't do it for them. They kind of did it for me."
"When you admit that what you're pursuing in life is nothing other than your own selfishness and biases and preferences... you'll have freedom from ideology."
"His actions only satisfy his selfish need for payback rather than solve the actual problem."
"It's debatable whether or not his desires to protect people are genuine or he's simply looking for an excuse for violence in certain circumstances."
"You want to kill this guy because he basically killed your sister, so like you know what, let's continue our working relationship because I'm a nice person."
"If you're in this for yourself, you're going to end up being empty."
"They may feel like you just returned because of financial insecurity."
"Eddie Lawrence told investigators that Sara was going to divorce Fred."
"I'm here to lower my taxes. What about love?"
"As a society, we're shifting from orange to green, questioning our motivations and desires."
"Fundy is a true neutral, bound only by his want for acceptance."
"She loved her son but also recognized that he was her ticket to a better life."
"You were just trying to be a good dad. Just wanted to give faith what she wanted."
"When they have an agenda and they want what they want, they're looking for somebody who wants to give it to them."
"Micah just did everything she did out of spite."
"His actions as president appear to be informed through personal gripes and anger."
"You're not looking for integrity, you're looking for a severance package from your chat dating."
"I'm doing this because I want to serve God well."
"Improve yourself based off of your own desires, not the desires of a man."
"He intends to keep it for a personal agenda."
"Seeking clarity on her impulsive actions," - Dennis
"It's not money. It's ego and being a character in the scene."
"If I have to hear one more time that you did this for the family-" "I did it for me."
"I feel like I naturally analyze influencer behavior and I think a lot about their motives, their delivery, their presentation, their public personas."
"It's safe to say that everyone goes to Bohemian Grove with their own agenda."
"They're both kind of quote/unquote selfish reasons, although they may appear altruistic. The first one is that I want to leave footprints; every human being wants to leave footprints."
"Absolute power is all that this man desires and he will do anything in order to achieve his goals."
"Redemption that's what I'm here for Revenge Redemption whatever you want to call it that's what you're gonna get Saturday night."
"Some people have kids so they can have a second youth living vicariously through them."
"Robin is playing a zero sum game... in it for financial gain and fuel for her narcissism."
"Fame is not something that is to be pursued in its own right just for the sake of I want everyone to know who I am like it doesn't serve anybody except your own ego"
"People be saying I'm with him for money. Nah, I'm with him because I love him, through The Good, The Bad, everything."
"I'm doing this for myself I was doing it for all the wrong reasons and started thinking about making money and not just winning world championships."
"This drama has never been about profit for me; it was about clearing my name."
"Am I moving houses for my own ego? Or am I a dad who wants to have the happiest family?"
"Are you doing this for the Lord, or are you doing this for yourself?"
"Motives don't have to make sense to us; they have to make sense to them."
"At what cost, right? They come to this place where they finally wake up and they ask themselves, am I doing this for me or am I doing this for my parents' approval?"
"Understand the reasons why it is that you're doing things and come to them honestly."
"I didn't think she was clout chasing. I think she was trying to break it down without giving me too much but giving me enough."
"Be clear on why you're doing what you're doing, because if you're doing something to appease somebody else, your authentic self is suffering."
"Honestly, this isn't about you. I have another reason for this, so don't get too happy."
"It was an amazing thing to find that there are people doing that who really don't have a personal agenda."
"You do it for worldly gains, for power, for money, out of fear."
"I can't say what you did was right, but I can understand you had a reason for doing it."
"Revenge is about selfishness; justice is about selflessness."
"It was never about anyone but Charlie. He did what he did because of his own needs, his own compulsions."