
Early Universe Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"The James Webb Space Telescope's job was to help astronomers understand the early universe, just the first few hundred million years after the Big Bang."
"Understanding how the early universe was born, especially right after the big bang, it's pretty cool. That's 13.8 billion years ago. Yeah, we're basically, we made a time machine."
"These three forces we think then there may be the possibility that they unify at some early epoch in the history of the universe."
"Gravitational waves are a new amazing connection between gravitation and quantum mechanical processes in the early universe."
"It's going to be looking way back in time to some of the earliest light."
"So Webb can see all the way back to first light when the very first stars and galaxies were beginning to form in our universe."
"That in the wake of the big bang, the universe was filled with a cloud of extremely hot gas that scattered all light."
"Galaxies seem to mature really quickly in the beginning of the universe."
"The entire universe was flooded with the dense hot quark-gluon plasma."
"Primordial black holes could play a significant role in the universe by seeding the first stars, the first galaxies, and the first supermassive black holes."
"With enough energy, like in the very early universe or at impact point in a large particle collider, space gets sort of saturated so that new quarks can’t be formed."
"The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered six giant galaxies far out in space that existed between 500 million and 700 million year workers after the big bang."
"Discovery of a blackout... 1.6 billion solar masses... when the universe was just 670 million years old."
"At some point, all that hydrogen and helium gas collapsed to form the first stars and galaxies, lighting up the universe."
"This Quasar marks one of the densest Galaxy formations in the early universe."
"It can peer back over 13.2 billion years observing the first stars and galaxies forming in the darkness of the early Universe."
"We know that we have black holes 1 billion years after the big bang which already have the mass of 20 or 30 billion Suns."
"These hypothetical one-dimensional defects in spacetime may have formed in the universe's early moments, resembling cracks or lines of immense gravitational."
"The conversion of energy into particles is a cornerstone of our understanding of the early universe and the processes that filled it with matter."
"Primordial black holes are thought to have originated from the high density fluctuations in the incredibly hot and dense early Universe."
"These titanic gas clouds in the early Universe were so large and massive that even after their birth, more and more gas piled on the newborn star, making it grow to unbelievable proportions."
"The theory of cosmic inflation serves as a compelling explanation for the state of the early Universe, providing a plausible explanation for the uniform temperature of the cosmic microwave background and the distribution of galaxies."
"In the very early Universe if you wind back the clock from today you would find the universe to be a very hot and dense State."
"Using that we can actually Focus the light from some of the earliest galaxies that existed."
"It's called a population of red candidate massive galaxies approximately 600 million years after the big bang."
"The amount of time it takes for quantum fluctuations to push the field off the hill is relatively long compared to time scales involved in the early universe."
"The Cosmic Microwave Background tells us what was happening when the universe was about 350,000 years old."
"Now we can use this light to actually probe the deepest, earliest times in the cosmos to understand what was going on back then."
"The last time a photon was scattered until we observe it, we're seeing the universe as it was when it was about 360 thousand years old."
"The Cosmic Microwave Background is a prediction of a hot early universe."
"The majority of the stars were created in the first 2 billion years of the universe."
"The universe is about 300,000 years old at this moment."
"Understanding massive black holes in the early cosmos may benefit greatly from more research on black hole mergers."
"If wormholes were made in the early universe, whether with cosmic strings or some other way, they could be all over, just waiting to be discovered."
"The early Universe was very even and proportional."
"Everything would have been crushed to such high densities and high temperatures that you would be in a thick opaque and very hot cosmic soup."
"The James Webb Space Telescope will give us a picture of what the infant Universe looked like."
"Many of these particles only existed in the early universe for a fraction of a second after the Big Bang when all the energy transformed into matter."
"The Cosmic Microwave Background represents the distribution of matter approximately 300,000 to 400,000 years after the Big Bang."
"In the earliest time, our universe, we believe, was radiation dominated."
"This fossil relic from the early universe tells us a great deal about what the composition and matter was like, what the expansion rate was like, and really what the conditions were at the birth of our universe."
"The polarization of the CMB light offers additional clues about the early universe."
"Gravitational waves... carry information about the very early universe that could extend to the unobservable cosmos."
"The early Universe holds crucial clues about the cosmos that extends beyond the observable limits."
"Maybe there was a period of very very rapid expansion in the beginning called cosmic inflation."
"The universe was very uniform in the early times when the light was produced."
"Inflation... zooms in on one tiny part of that ball of fire where the temperature is all the same."
"When we look at the cosmic background radiation, we're really seeing an image of the early universe."
"If these small dark matter clumps exist, we can tell that the dark matter needs to have been cold or slow moving in the early universe."
"The cosmic microwave background... provides a snapshot of what the universe looked like at this very early time."
"The Cosmic Microwave Background... we have now even evidence of how the earliest phase of the expansion of the universe proceeded."
"The great majority of cosmologists now think something like inflation happened in the very early universe."
"The universe was a plasma, with electrons and protons interacting freely with photons."
"Black holes formed surprisingly early in the universe and grew surprisingly fast."
"The early universe would have radiated gravitational waves."
"We're seeing the star as it appeared less than a billion years after the Big Bang."
"Our best understanding is that that was the time when the Universe cooled enough for matter to clump together to form the first stars."
"These galaxies look so well-formed after such a short time after the big bang."
"This is a Galaxy seen when the universe was only about 500 million years old."
"It's this little galaxy that turns out to have formed about 300 million years after the Big Bang."
"The higher energy reproduces the conditions of the early universe."
"The effect of them in the early universe is almost certainly computable."
"The gamma-ray bursts are probing back into these very early times that we can't see with other satellites."
"There was an epic in the very early Universe where we think it was actually expanding much faster than the speed of light."
"The fact the universe was so hot at the first few minutes meant that the nuclei which were there... would be combined together and they would fuse together if you have high enough temperatures."
"The cosmic background radiation... is the fossil radiation from the first minutes of the universe."
"One of the big surprises from JWST is there seems to be a lot more black holes in the early Universe."
"This is actually a picture of the early universe, of how it was created."
"The acción makes a ghost-like appearance in the early universe."
"Somehow the universe is building galaxies earlier and faster than our theories predict."
"The structures of galaxies form earlier in the universe, much earlier in fact than anyone had anticipated."
"The cosmic microwave background is a relic of the early universe, existing as a faint glow permeating the cosmos, offering a snapshot of the universe when it was just about 380,000 years old."