
Trails Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"Traveling outside of the designated trail has the potential to destroy precious artifacts that can never be replaced."
"Some of these gravel trails are surprisingly really good fun."
"All right folks, I will see you out on the trails."
"If you like to hike, some of the best trails on this side of the Mississippi can be found in Tennessee."
"Stay safe out there we'll see you on the trails."
"It's about where a man fits into these mountains and the tracks he makes along trails both old and new."
"There are lots and lots of rail trails. The rail trail system in the United States is growing bigger and bigger every year. You can ride in the U.S. for hundreds of miles traffic-free."
"If we take care of these Trails then they will stay open and we can access these beautiful amazing public areas that you just saw."
"This is just like riding my standard bike but with that little bit of assistance that allows me to still get the commute to work in but actually really enjoy the trails that I'm riding."
"Respect nature, stay on designated trails."
"The only place a deer walks is on these trails, and if there's not a trail, there's not a deer."
"It's a lot narrower and that makes off-roading on tighter trails like this a lot easier."
"We're gonna stay on the trails and go find some flowers."
"If your adventurous lifestyle requires you to go out in the gnarliest terrain and conquer the craziest trails, then the 80 series is a great platform for it."
"The trail system, the amount of like untouched land in Los Angeles is pretty extraordinary."
"Lost Dutchman State Park: it's named after a lost gold mine and has several trails that lead into the Superstition Mountain Wilderness."
"Tara absolutely loved biking through the trails in her neighborhood."
"The great thing about Glacier is that there is a trail for everyone."
"We'll see you guys out in the trails."
"The single track trails are amazing."
"These Trails go on for miles and no matter what turn you take you'll find something you can't find anywhere else."
"That idea of getting lost in your thoughts and maybe even lost on the trails is a wonderful idea."
"We all love this trail and we definitely think it deserves to be a bucket list trail."
"Damn, bro, so long, Cowboy. Happy Trails."
"A ring trail is just... the trail that goes on the outside edge of a clear cut and you can almost follow it around an entire cut no matter how big it is."
"Luxury and top-notch performance on the trails."
"It opens up intermediate trails to be ridden in a different way."
"Collectively the three trails are known as the 'immigrant Trail.'"
"I joined the coyotes running group and felt open-arm welcome, just enjoying the trails."
"...lots of trails that you can walk around to get amazing views."
"It's easy to lose your way along the many, many miles of winding trails, and more than once I've gotten turned around."
"To me it's the sweet spot for mountain biking not under bikes not over bike for most of the trails that I ride."
"It is a good bike if you wanna have the one bike for riding a bunch of trails."
"Allowing people of all ages and abilities to go on adventures, to ride more trails, tackle crazy climbs, and also just to live a little."
"Another really cool trail in the area that is similar to this and a little bit more popular is the Storm Point Trail."
"The Icknield Way seems completely entangled in myth and legend stories created by generation after generation to explain the forgotten history along its path."
"I hope to share the trails with people."
"It was a good home for the Pacific Crest Trail."
"this is the kind of trail system I like to walk on"
"Well, head brings us out to the Old Sugarlands trail, so we just got to go this direction to get to Rainbow Falls trail to hike back to our car."
"We are anxious to get out on these trails and burn some calories."
"They make these like Trails through the woods that you can skate through, they are gorgeous."
"The jumps... are the best trails in California, I'd say."
"It completely ties into our mission, which is to preserve trails."
"Explore the Sun Road and its surrounding trails."
"It's a bike that does not bat an eye from any trail and is highlighted by its ability to be a ton of fun on your classic bike park trails with jumps and big berms."
"They're great for running in on the trails; they're just a really well thought out and really well designed shoe."
"I enjoyed walking around the property today to see what was going on with the logging and see the new trails."
"Happy trails again, enjoy your horses."
"This is about riding great trails in a great location with your mates, that's it, right?"
"It's a ton of fun, ride some great trails, you meet some new people, you get some great food."
"Some really, really pretty trails around here."
"Miles of Nature's Trails, which you've seen some of my videos on."
"I would like to Triple Crown, and so the CDT is probably the first trail that comes to mind."
"Rey's heart raced as he navigated the treacherous trails."
"The trails down here are prime, the weather is beautiful, we've been itching to rip."
"I spend most of my time preparing for road marathons and occasionally I like to get up into some trails."
"The main attraction at Dinosaur World is going to be its extensive walking trails located in a patch of swamp."
"This place was so beautiful, and the trails were pristine."
"They did a little bit of scouting, followed a couple of game trails."
"Trails get us right to the heart of nature."
"You in heaven buddy, all trails need to be like that."
"To be on some of the same really legendary trails as the Baja 1000 is something really humbling."
"We're not trying to ruin the trails, we're trying to help the community."
"What would be fun to buy is a dual-sport motorcycle, something that we could toot around here, take the gravel roads, maybe some light trails."
"I love this path, definitely one of my favorites."
"I saw this wagon trail from the air, you see like old wagon trails."
"I'm loving the difference in trails that we've already encountered today."
"Next time I see you, I hope it's on the trails. So until next time, happy trails."
"If you were to ask me what the most important part is about getting my eraser from my house to the trails, it would be how I get it there safely."
"I'm looking forward to years of using this in the field and helping clear out some of the trails."
"Yes, it's not just covered with snow and polar bears; it actually has some really good trails and amazing fall colors."
"All these trails all connect this entire community."
"Back on the trails, Brad, yeah, trying to relax."
"I'm so happy to have those trails cleared, we got the whole way up to the top of the mountain."
"With something like 30 miles of mountain bike trails, Bentonville proclaims itself to be the mountain bike capital of the world."
"We're creating these trails behind our points now, which is pretty cool in itself."
"With over 700 miles of trails, hikers, backpackers, and climbers could explore this park for months on end."
"Pretty pumped right now, especially at Helen, these trails are awesome."
"We love St. Helen trails, definitely recommend it."
"I'm leaving Doritos everywhere I go, it's like a crunch my way back."
"We are out of the mountains and we are back into the trails, flatter and faster."
"That was awesome! What else can we do?"
"This is our hiking journal, so any trail you go on, I record it in here."
"Fantastic day out on the trails, I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my holiday."
"Suddenly it's warm, it's beautiful, we're in a land of great trails and a great place to ride these machines."
"It's nice to meet people on trail and hike with them even for a little bit."
"There's a total of five hiking trails totaling 25 kilometers."
"Stay on the marked trails. You do not want to be making new trails, damaging the environment, trampling areas."
"It's creating some very cool trails and very nice foam."
"So I guess I was completely wrong, this isn't like any other trails that we did, it's actually just as beautiful, if not more beautiful."
"Let's get off of this road and onto some trails."
"That sky, that light, those trail lines from the aircraft in the sky."
"I started my entire journey into Trails because I wanted Adventure."
"Trail users are our customers, appreciate your good work."
"There were four known trails that came together over by the main monument."
"I was really impressed with how the shoes performed out there on the trails of Cornwall."
"The trails are beautiful, the forest is beautiful."
"Gravel Foil has 200 kilometres of gravel trails and Aberfoill is right in the centre of it."
"Treat the trails well, donate to your favorite trail organization."
"Trails literally built inside the town—how cool is that?"
"A good trail is one that is easy to follow and well-maintained."
"Diverting surface water off the trail is the most important job in trail maintenance."
"Once you actually construct or maintain a trail, you will never look at one the same way again."
"You're ready to go hit some trails and get rowdy."
"Since there is so much geothermal activity in the area, many of the paths are restricted by a boardwalk or defined trail."
"I love deer trails; I love understanding why they're there."
"Turns out Adam's a complete history buff, and according to him, you're often following trails and tracks that are hundreds, if not thousands, of years old."
"We created this circle, we created this fake trail, and we created a bunch of masks that we are going to be using the other setups."
"It's been great to have you along, and we hope to see you out there on the trails."
"It's not just about trails here; the trails are complemented by unreal scenery, unreal views, and vistas."
"Trails are where it's naturally more comfortable, unlike that of sidewalks or footways."
"I've been coming up here to the Burns Canyon trail for years and I'll let you in a little secret: it's one of my favorite ways to get to Big Bear."
"I also love to do backpack trails, which is also conducted within the Kruger National Park."
"Trails are actually in really good shape."
"I had no idea what to expect... we had a blast out on the trails."
"This gets a lot of looks out on the trails; if you're one of those guys that rides down the road in a Raptor and likes the fact that you're in the baddest, widest vehicle on the road, this is kind of that same vibe out here on the trails."
"Cochrane offers up 350 kilometers of some of the widest, straightest, and smoothest snowmobile trails in the world."
"Up here in Northern Ontario, I'm thoroughly impressed with the quality of the trails and the diversity of the trails too."
"It's like the best zoo trails you've ever been to."
"It's a stunning place to go and race mountain bikes on some fantastic trails."
"We're loaded up, ready to go, we've made a solid day on the trails."
"It's been four years since we've been on the Mickelson Trail, and we always thought this is the best."