
Writing Tips Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Avoid the use of 'very' and 'really' by choosing stronger adjectives to level up your vocabulary."
"Focusing on the sounds of words and how they make you feel... is a key to good writing."
"Try to have different vocabulary, different sentence structures, okay? And practice, practice, practice."
"You leave blank those are for the reader to fill on their own when you fill those blanks with what you originally thought or what you think now you ruined the experience for someone somewhere."
"You want good stories, focus on character and story first."
"If you are writing your first book or you're just thinking about maybe becoming an author in the future then keep on watching."
"Treat writing advice like tools in your toolbox, use what works for you, discard what doesn't."
"Write your body paragraphs first and save the intro and conclusion for last."
"Telling is often necessary to bridge different scenes, and the amount of telling you use can depend on the genre."
"In writing fight scenes, consider the relationship between characters and the overall narrative."
"Use other words which give more information."
"Your lead is the section of your page that comes right after your headline."
"For method number two on this same WikiHow, it says, 'Create a unique handwriting style.'"
"Starting your article with a question is always a good idea."
"The key to good writing: understanding how to use specificity."
"Specificity: the secret ingredient to compelling storytelling."
"It's an essential component to writing a captivating character."
"No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader."
"Adding contradictions makes your world feel more grounded and believable."
"Simplify, simplify, simplify. Use the shortest possible sentence instead of writing a paragraph this long, write one this long."
"There is an exact scientific formula for making your viewer or your reader care."
"This trick has literally saved my life as a writer."
"The purpose of details is to inform how you write, not a checklist of ideas that need mentioning."
"That writing should also face in the same direction."
"Remember what the end goal of the scene is. If you're stuck in a slow bit of dialogue, it can be helpful to remember why you're here and where you're going."
"It's a good way to hook your readers and keep them drawn in throughout your entire story."
"Character arcs should center around the lie that the character believes."
"Show don't tell. What this phrase means is that it is much more interesting and engaging for an audience to see the actions and events take place rather than to hear about them through narration or character explanation."
"A good thing to always keep in mind is story."
"First lines shouldn't be your priority; concentrate on character development, building a strong story, hitting appropriate story beats, pacing, and fulfilling promises."
"Creating an empathetic main character is the foundation for all of the above tips."
"Don't write like you're writing, write like you're talking."
"Your villain is AS important as your main character, and should be crafted with equal attention and care."
"This will give you a better idea of how to craft an antagonist who is layered and believable."
"Characters tend to fall into five different broad types in writing: Dynamic, round, static, stock, and symbolic."
"Every little thing should progress the story."
"Some of the ones that I specifically liked were the writers toolkit six steps to a successful writing habit and creative writing essentials writing standout opening scenes."
"Hack number 11: Create a character that can fit into the world you created in your story."
"Hack number 9: Learn to free write, just let the words flow."
"Engage your reader's attention through examples, illustrations, and anecdotes. Use clear, precise language to express complex ideas. Avoid obfuscating jargon. Favor active verbs and concrete nouns."
"Balancing personal stories with the focus on yourself is essential for a compelling essay."
"Choose vocabulary by making it fit what you're writing."
"You want to check for spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes, and also punctuation errors."
"Keep writing, keep persisting, and keep networking."
"Avoid using reductions in formal writing; it can look really unprofessional."
"This video is for you. I'm going to show you how to create strong writing samples."
"Scene structure follows a pattern: goal, conflict, disaster, reaction."
"Weaving in those personal experiences and those little things that you can relate to is going to make your character feel so much more real and genuine and authentic."
"If you do a good intro, your whole essay will be easier to write."
"You want to keep your reader engaged."
"Center paragraphs around a specific point. Grouping sentences together that are in support of a main point really, really helps improve reading comprehension."
"Here are my general tips for writing in second person: use it in a short story or novella."
"If you want to write well, then it's recommended that you read a lot."
"So how do you write a good blog post? Okay, let's talk about the anatomy of a good blog post."
"Controlled serendipity works great. And you know, the two things I think work well for authors is a, have a no response expected incoming tip line. Articles, interviews, books you think I should know about, my address I use is called [email protected]."
"Number one productivity tip: if you're trying to write something, don't go back to the beginning all the time."
"If you write to the criteria, then you can certainly improve your chances of success."
"It's really helpful to look at what's common in your genre."
"Just make sure that your chapter names are in header one or size 20 or bigger, and if you have a section break, just use three asterisks."
"It's really critical to start your book in the right place."
"Writer's block isn't real... there are real, concrete things you can do to make yourself write."
"Whenever you need a brief pause, use a comma."
"I hope this helped you understand what narrative distance is and how closing it can make for a more engaging and effective narrative."
"I hope that you found these tips and suggestions useful because I definitely think this will help you immensely improve your academic writing."
"The key with the short story is that you have something you want to accomplish, and then you try to accomplish that thing in the fewest words possible."
"Use proper capitals and punctuation as much as you can."
"If you follow all of these steps, there's almost no way you can write a bad assignment."
"Use short paragraphs... Your paragraphs should be just a few sentences, and should have a space between them."
"Use nice language and explain your points nicely; that's what gets you into the fours and fives."
"Starting sentences with verbs is the thing that's going to make the most difference to their assessment of your ability to write a sentence."
"Use transitions such as first, second, additionally, furthermore, and so on because this will boost your TOEFL writing score considerably."
"You can make the reader's job so much easier if you start your sentences with a capital letter and finish them with an end punctuation mark."
"Write down your points which you want to include; organize your points, your most important idea first."
"A secret formula that you can use in order to make a great story opening."
"Avoid writing too little as this will make it difficult for the examiner to award marks."
"Consider starting with a question, intriguing statement, or relatable scenario to immediately hook the audience."