
Illustration Quotes

There are 633 quotes

"This was a dark fantasy story that was not only beautifully illustrated and captivating but most of all, emotionally compelling, involving characters with psychological depth and convincing existential themes."
"Let me illustrate this with what physicists call back-of-envelope calculation... It may not be very accurate, but it may make you say, 'Hmm.'"
"The energy consumption of the United Kingdom...is as if we've all got 125 light bulbs on all the time."
"If you're creating an illustration that has a figure as the main focal point, you want to find ways to give it more emphasis."
"In the world of illustration, every month is an art challenge month if you're creative enough."
"That's a wonderful sweet illustration of that guy."
"This is just how I do it, and if any part of my process appeals to you, then I hope it helps you become a stronger illustrator."
"According to this, Tite Kubo, the creator of Bleach, has drawn this villain visual special illustration of Bleach's Solskay Eizen next to Marvel's Loki."
"The wilmington massacre was illustrative of the moment."
"It was all powered by Stephen Gammell's ghastly illustrations, which were nightmarishly unforgettable."
"Animation is a fun way to bring your illustrations to life."
"I was gonna be an illustrator before I decided to stick with music."
"This is a good diagram to show you the potential outcomes."
"I think this is another illustration that they certainly can be held accountable."
"I very much wish we could, to better illustrate what's going on in the film."
"Her art was very special, she could dramatize a story in pictures. Jemima Puddle Duck, Mrs Tiggy Winkle, and most famous of all, Peter Rabbit."
"This story perfectly illustrates karma at its finest."
"Detail invites the viewer to complete the illustration with their own imagination."
"Detail in illustrations gives viewers a sense of being in that world."
"I think half of my audience is also into the kind of fairy tale children's book illustration."
"Stop seeing it as a font... manipulating it as if it's any other illustration work."
"I could spend the rest of this video just doing a thing after thing on this illustration."
"Government's job is to take care of its people. That's the only job government has."
"All we're working with here are cylinders for the entire body."
"If you're looking for an alternative to Adobe Illustrator... there is Inkscape."
"His shape design is outstanding... he's not only a great illustrator, he's a great designer as well."
"Behemoth essentially becomes an example that God provides Job, allowing him to behold the monster to illustrate his point."
"The US in general has a bigger illustration budget than other countries do."
"I love anime. I really, really love anything to do with like art and like the illustration of it."
"That's such a cool way to depict the idea of acceptance."
"Contrast is really, really important to create an effective and dynamic illustration."
"The real key to creating these cool grungy illustrations is don't restrict yourself."
"You know this this is a study of God through the scriptures but you're seeing it Illustrated through 70 people from all over the globe."
"Faces are usually the focal point of an illustration, and making the focal point more appealing will, in general, make your overall illustration more appealing as well."
"Sketching is just what makes you feel most comfortable; sketch to the point where you feel like you're ready to take this into Illustrator."
"A graphic illustration then of how narrow mountain straight is."
"Let's just use Nicki Raj for an instance, right?"
"I've always thought that Jack Kirby's Professor X with his head like a big boiled egg."
"This is a perfect example of watching this."
"The illustrations are really just to die for."
"You see, it looks like I was a little bit hungry and it wants to eat this illustration."
"The tablet version of Clip Studio Paint is the same as the desktop version in terms of the feature set and the tools you get."
"The pen tool is both very useful in Illustrator, but it is the same pen tool that's in Photoshop, it's the exact same pen tool that is in InDesign, and it's in lots of CAD and 3D and drawing applications."
"I'm always thinking when I'm starting an illustration what is the point of this? What am I looking at? What is the most important thing in this illustration?"
"Utilize photos. A picture is worth a thousand words."
"I'm going to show you how to turn your illustrations into a picture book, how to create a template that will include the bleeds and the safe zones, and I'll explain what all of that means in a little bit."
"For this one, I was like, 'I'll just draw a dragon. A classic Nathan move."
"let me show you what i'm talking about"
"If you have any interest in illustrating and designing characters like me, you need a place to put that artwork on display."
"I wish there were more Margaret Thatchers. I must say, but you know that's a perfectly good illustration of the point."
"We just roll with whatever happens, happens, and we enjoy the process. And these are kind of illustrative cartoon type figures, so there are no rules. You get to make them into whatever you want them to be."
"Ricochet is the next [__] example to that true statement."
"This is a great pool here, a good example of what a Tampa pool looks like."
"In the medical publications office, where the woman works as an illustrator with her business partner Karen."
"I'm simply trying to illustrate how it's two sides of the same coin."
"...think of like a clothesline right."
"I just think that's so cool when Harry Potter illustrators or even Harry Potter actors like for example Ivana Lynch are real Harry Potter fans."
"I really love these little hand-drawn terriers."
"I am probably showing some of those to you on the screen right now."
"Effective rendering of textures is extremely important in cartoon illustration. Rendering textures correctly gives dimension, credibility, and a lifelike quality to an object."
"Great illustration of what science can do."
"The power of the pen, it is the power of the pen especially with the telestrator."
"Give it an example, examples are a great way to describe and also to document."
"A real-world case should look something like this."
"This is a moving example of what's happening right now."
"Clip Studio Paint Pro is more useful for creating line art and simple backgrounds like you'd see in comics, manga, and animations."
"This Edition is the new English Library Edition these illustration by Bruce Pennington these are wild in a different way these are so colorful I love the type here it is still has like a 60s psych psychedelia element to it but also like a big sort of like Western slab serif."
"What is the point of your illustration of your lighting image? Is there something to look at? Point that thing out."
"Skull Kid's actions illustrate how not to cope with trauma if we want to live a life worth living."
"...create paths using the Pen tool, Pencil tool, and Calligraphy tool."
"And these eyewitness drawings are especially helpful because people will often see something or remember something as they make a drawing that they may have forgotten in their verbal description."
"For me one of the best illustrations of this knowledge and attention to detail is the way Clara and the others are able to find yams."
"A good illustration is one that replaces many words."
"...this is kind of you know the bare minimum of what you can do and if you're doing something geared towards kids like this one then simple illustrations like this are perfect."
"What's the use of a book without pictures or conversation?"
"I imagine would be very helpful. I have not read it, but I have it here, and I got it because I don't know, I felt like it could make me feel like I'm a better illustrator."
"the basic way I can describe this job is that if you were a student taking your end of the year Statewide test and you saw a picture of a Geral in the test booklet I drew that Geral"
"Now, you can see, I have a picture that you can see, look by the icon here, and this is the video."
"The best way for me to explain this is by giving you an example."
"This is a wonderful example of a study of a group of birds."
"Let's look at the Baker's map as an example."
"A is just the perfect example of that."
"Exponential growth: A piece of paper folded in half repeatedly would be a little over 60 million miles thick after 50 folds."
"This book kind of inspired me to become an illustrator and it's also accompanying me on the journey of fulfilling that dream so it's just really really special to me so highly recommend checking it out it is just one of my favorite books absolutely ever."
"The illustrations are so beautiful and simple but the message is so huge and profound and deep and if you haven't read this book oh my goodness please please please please read it."
"I feel like I've started to look like a Lisa Frank illustration, which to be clear is fantastic."
"These are Sensational these are amazing illustrations from Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak."
"It's the Folio Society edition of Evgeny Onegin. Oh my god, and it's fully illustrated by some of my favorite illustrators."
"There's this amazing fight between Aokiji, or I guess I gotta call him Kuzan now, and Doflamingo, just beautiful illustrations with the ice."
"The GPT ensures consistency in their appearances, outfits, and expressions across illustrations."
"That looks cool. Fun cutie cartoony version. Outcast, second printing of issue two."
"Just wanted to give you another wig example."
"Descartes had an interesting illustration to try and explain this theory."
"I think this was so brilliantly illustrated."
"Yeah these are some weird comics like even wolverine's face is just like so cartoonish and so distorted you know if you drew if you kind of put that how to draw a face next to that face the distortion is amazing."
"The shot you choose needs to illustrate what's needed in that panel, as well as work within the entire page itself."
"The yellow line splits from the red line two thirds of the way down the line."
"So, what's my point here? My point here is, not only was the sun just drawing things, the sun was drawing things that remind you of everything I've been telling you."
"Those illustrations are the ones that really sold it."
"That's why the new Mistborn covers, for instance, are taking a more symbolic approach than an illustrative approach."
"This is like a true art piece. The illustration is beautiful."
"You're gonna have basically a nice laminar flow here, and it's gonna keep it there longer."
"I also love the fact that Demetri just explores one thing in here. He doesn't try to go too deep, it's just very simple, very clear on what he's trying to illustrate."
"Tran's column...these magnificent illustrations tell the story of Rome's Wars against and eventual victory over daia now modern Romania in 106 ad."
"The main point and takeaway of this is to use a figure."
"He was a lover of nature. He constantly used nature to illustrate things, particularly birds."
"It's really not drawn as well as I should have drawn it. You're gonna see this more on acoustics and sometimes on things like Les Paul's, but it's not really like this, actually."
"...in the end you're gonna be filling your Sketchbook you're gonna be having fun and you're going to be making an illustration so like what's the harm now there ain't no loss there ain't no foul and there ain't no waste of time here so might as well enjoy the process..."
"Having slightly different color outline, I think is a really good way of making your illustration look more polished and more professional."
"It's like to use a football illustration because the NFL season has begun again but, to say that football is about seven men dressed in white and black striped shirts with whistles and yellow flags who run up and down the field, that's not football."
"The reason why Mr. Gage is such a good illustration... in fact different parts of the nervous system perform very distinct and discrete functions."
"...because in many ways it is the clearest illustration of God's love for Humanity."
"Often times examples like that, which are really quite outrageous, can be helpful because they shine a light on the dynamics."
"So even if you're painting cartoony or illustrative scenes you can really give them a ring of truth by first understanding, and then applying real-world lighting fundamentals."
"Illustrations are like windows in a dark room—they let in light and help people identify with the message."
"I don't discuss this story simply to attack JK Rowling or to illustrate JK Rowling's hypocrisy in a single incident, but because it's a heightened singular example that highlights the more everyday truth."
"I think there's just something about examples."
"There have been times as I've spoken with my students at institute, and I'll draw on the board a what I describe as the two-sided hand cart."
"You have a visual representation here."
"So one of my insert tabs, and right over here in my illustrations command group, go ahead and drop in a Smart Art."
"Now, if I give you a couple of concrete illustrations, you’ll have this in no time at all, and it will be plain sailing."
"The author and illustrator, Raul III, is really able to capture the excitement and liveliness of crossing the border."
"...the illustrations enhanced and told part of the story..."
"Every line is perfectly delivered through illustration paneling and timing which makes it pretty much a perfect comedy series."
"Realizing that you have a lot more to work with than just the number of pages... you can help out or massage the story along in multiple illustrations."
"So it's often helpful to see what a real world example looks like."
"One awesome thing is looking at the credits here this issue is illustrated by the great Ross Andru."
"A great starting point for illustration process using references."
"Understanding storytelling in illustration... conveying emotion and different ways of painting."
"The pencil tool is like a smooth pencil that allows many anchor points, more freedom."
"The shape of the dash, the materials, the colors... they really illustrate just how customizable the platform underneath this car is."
"If you can add a chart or add a graph or an image to support what you're talking about, that spices up the content."
"The lines are used as illustrations of the concept."
"But it's almost good that that happened for illustration purposes, so uh, stick around and I'll finish up with the Thousand in a second."
"If you stretch a string across, that's your perpendicular line."
"As soon as I started it but I figured I would give you some sound Clips give you an idea of what this thing actually sounds like under load just kind of driving around a little bit just giving a little bit of an example."
"That gives me a good place to start I'm going to head over to illustrator and I'm going to start working on the designer for this wall paneling the flooring and now to figure out the geometry for this pillar on the side with the illuminated panels."
"This is literally the first full illustration I've done with alcohol markers in my Sketchbook in years."
"...put it into kind of a real-world example."
"Show a picture right. I mean, if you're going to explain where the fire hydrant is and if you're going to explain where the grass is and where the driveway is, just show a picture while you're explaining it."
"He could do Mickey Mouse to the Black Knight fully rendered in Howard Pyle's style."
"The formal alliance with the Nazis that stare of no oh how did it I like that face right there whoever Drew this it's like yeah that's me you're probably wondering how I got here."
"A concrete example definitely goes a lot further."
"Was there ever a greater illustration of grace?"
"...this drawing was perfect for Egyptologist's notebooks... something that showed a very interesting monument."
"The Garima Gospels, thought to be the oldest surviving illustrated Christian manuscript in the world, are a testament to early Byzantine text."
"The illustrations make this feel even more cozy and wholesome."
"So, many of you may be aware of something called an iceberg chart, which is basically a chart that as you can imagine has an iceberg."
"Isn't that cool? It's kind of a cool way to add. You don't have to draw every single page in your book."
"This drawing illustrates the functional separation of the different parts of the channel."
"Petition for more books to have like pictures in them, you know what I'm saying? Not like a picture book, but like every now and then throw a little illustration in there and I will automatically like buy that book, you know what I'm saying? It's just so much more fun that way."
"American illustration is the most American of American art."
"One of the things that I think might illustrate Mark's brain best is actually this puzzle."
"So, here's a good example of inflammation. It's now an abscess, which is a walled-off area of pus."
"I just really love it, it's like that confidence to not draw everything and still know that you can illustrate the scene basically."
"When we talk about the hip and you'll see this picture that'll pop up here."
"Having color pencil texture just sort of like peeking here and there throughout the illustration in combination with some of the really like Smooth Blended areas just creates like some more interest."
"What is really captivating about the Book of Kells is that the illustrations are full of symbolism."
"Mr. Bad Bones lived up to his name in Jen's drawing."
"Morata just knows all the details that really stick the landing for each illustration he does."
"I tend to draw backgrounds a lot but they're mostly done to make sure that the reader knows where the scene is taking place and they're not confused as to where the characters are positioned."
"Putting shadows in rocks creates the form and makes them look rounded."
"Scribner's was one of the first publishers to dip its toe into children's books with full color illustrations which it did with two famous volumes of nursery rhymes: Eugene Fields Poems of Childhood in 1904 and Robert Louis Stevenson's A Child's Garden of Verses in 1905."
"Write down an equation to illustrate this information."
"For now, I hope you enjoyed and were shocked and horrified as I was because what else to do to prove a point but cut off an appendage logically."
"So I tell some funny stories in the book about civility on the court to try and illustrate what I think of as civility."
"Could not have been illustrated any better with those two shots."
"What happens when they pass through those doors is a vivid illustration of some of the problems facing America's schools."
"Try to think in 3D and don't be afraid to use 3D model assets as reference when you are illustrating."
"This is just a great example of what it is like."
"This is probably my favorite illustration style out of all of them."
"There's like the most unflattering picture in the world it's like drawn ren and stimpy style whips up his picture and then black jack cutting suddenly the paper changes."
"Underneath the magnet was a Superman poster of Joyce's boyfriend Bob illustrated by Will himself."
"Number two, it really helps to develop your style."
"This former First Federal Savings Loan Association bank building... illustrates the post-war shift to bank architecture."
"The Killing Joke is a great story and it's gorgeous to look at all thanks to Moore and Boland."
"My favorite read of the entire year has to be Tan and Sarah Junior High with illustrations by the amazing Tilly Walden."
"The lines that Al Williamson would ink, just like all these obsessive parallel lines all over the place and textures, like, that added to the mania."
"if you want an example of that, look at just about any professional poker tournament"
"The best way to show that a principle works is to place it in the context of experience through stories."
"The designs really evoke the same feeling of the illustrations from the book while being a unique design for the film."
"Nobody looks like McKeever's line work."
"Definitely awesome illustration and sinister symbiote."
"It's not a large, it's not a double extra-large, it's an example."
"Examples are always great to explain a difficult concept."
"...we're not illustrating here is more elaborate things like you could have when you hover or click over stay over the map another plot on the page could update and so on."
"Zaxano blends western comic book art with anime."
"Arvalis draws realistic depictions of Pokémon."
"One story or anecdote that exemplifies the point you want to make."
"It's a drawing of a vtuber, usually drawn as a LLY, but in that case, that's blaming me for a drawing that's not."
"Now let me illustrate this from acts 1."
"Have a play around with adding textures to your illustrations because it's a really nice way to liven them up and I find that if I have an illustration that feels a little bit flat or I'm finished that often adding some texture can be just the thing it needs to Jazz it up."
"Illustrate something just for fun once a week."
"Rim lighting is a really nice subtle way just to add really add some curvature to your illustrations."
"...this type of thing this kind of breakdown again is something you don't quite see in a lot of books you know as far as Anatomy is concerned it's mainly just memorization and labeling."
"...illustrating what that previous paragraph stated."
"...this is what a bleeding ulcer looks like histologically..."
"Let's take a look at an example right now."
"Mexican artist Humberto Ramos brought a singular kinetic style to Spider-Man."
"Using examples throughout your video keeps viewers engaged and clarifies your message."