
Syntax Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo: Once again, this is a perfectly grammatical sentence."
"Don't forget your semicolons, people. It's really important."
"Just because you can replicate the syntax of the language doesn't mean you can truly understand it."
"There are more similarities in the wordings, brief sentences, brief phrases."
"So, if you're going to be using columns just make sure you use that dollar sign syntax in order to do that."
"Remember that the space is also counted as one character."
"You should put a semicolon at the end of the statement and now it will not appear on the command window."
"The arrow functions don't include 'function' inside of the definition."
"Console dot write line is the same thing as saying print."
"One knows how to do conversation, one knows how to interact verbally, and out of this interaction syntactic structures are developed."
"Bracket notation is a way to get a character at a specific index within a string."
"Function application is just a space means function called on argument."
"Put the ternary operator in your toolbox; it's very helpful."
"First things first, I get the type and then the extension."
"So this is how very quickly you can save whatever the command you are going to give and it will be saved in this text notepad with the help of greater than sign so this is the syntax."
"In Java, most lines will end with a semicolon. It's just telling Java that's the end of the statement."
"Name error is actually a type of exception, meaning we've written valid syntax but Python can't process the statement."
"Async away is syntactic sugar for working with Futures."
"Python is easier on syntax for new people right? I think Python is sometimes easier to understand."
"Python is easy to learn and use, it has a simple and straightforward syntax."
"To go, or 'ir' in Spanish, bridges present and future actions in its unique syntax."
"In BASIC, a zero marks the end of every BASIC line."
"Named arguments are also cool by the way."
"You can use this beautiful syntax in C."
"You can mix positional and designated initializers."
"If we're looking for multiple boolean clauses, each of those needs to be wrapped in its own set of round brackets."
"Just something to keep in mind: you can also write between for the Stop date."
"JSON, which stands for JavaScript Object Notation, is a syntax similar to a JavaScript object syntax but with less features. It's more universal and can be understood by almost every programming language."
"With Python, there's no need for semicolons."
"You don't have to end every single statement with a semicolon."
"Python allows for using single quotes instead of double."
"Syntax did it solved a lot of issues and made a lot of money for Bill."
"Okay, right here we have two different brackets that should just be one. Let's see if that makes any difference."
"Tilde (~) to neutralize the wildcard character in find and replace."
"the syntax is really ugly it looks like it's going to return a function and it's not returning a function so it's deceptive and confusing and it's unnecessary I don't see any value in it at all"
"Dpy offers a new syntax inspired by pytorch to give us this control and flexibility over our llm programs."
"Asynch await is basically syntactical sugar on promises, but it allows for more intuitive reading of asynchronous code."
"Regular expressions are hideous, horrible syntaxes that no one understands."
"I think we've had enough of the syntax-heavy languages."
"So, you could basically get your operation here and that would be your first argument, and then you could pass it into the round function by using this chaining syntax."
"Structured bindings: let's make this more readable. What would I use? Structured bindings."
"That's one thing I think that maybe sometimes people conflate. I'm not saying that you did, but some just for clarity, some people sometimes conflate the alternative syntax for declaring functions with the ability to declare functions inside function bodies."
"Odin's unified syntax allows for cleaner and more flexible code."
"The parser is what takes tokens and turns them into an AST or an abstract syntax tree."
"Practice basic code examples to learn the basic syntax of the C programming language."
"With blocks can do all kinds of different things but in general 'with' blocks that involve files are going to close the file automatically for you."
"The good thing by the way is that when you do like this it will do type checking for you."
"Comments in rock are with hash signs."
"In rock, you don't need parentheses for function calls."
"Rock's pipeline operator is just syntax sugar for function calls."
"List.append in rock receives its first argument from the previous pipe."
"You can call functions without parentheses."
"C is not that far from Assembly Language. C is a syntactic sugar on the PDP 10 instructions or PDP 11 instruction set."
Raw string literals: "With raw string literals I don't have this problem anymore. I don't need to escape anything inside the string."
"You want to make what's called keyword-themed ad groups... The classic mistake is for people to not put any syntax."
"Now, whenever we're writing a line of code in C sharp, whenever you're done writing that line of code, you always need to end it with a semicolon."
"Where possible, query syntax is preferable."
"Indentations in python are important."
"You don't technically need to put the brackets around that."
Comma separating properties would take a lot of time, so we use the "all" keyword.
"If you don't use it to write code, you will be behind because you will spend a lot of time figuring out syntax-related things."
"Pass: how to do nothing and it's really easy."
"Let's say I want to execute a method so I'm going to do Dot."
"SQL statements need to end in a semicolon. It's how we tell SQL that the statement is done."
"so in this case we take rectangle double colon and then the function new and we provide it two values 5 and 10 right that means Rec 1 will then hold an instance of type rectangle"
"...this is the reason most people use the result type here, because then it allows us to use the question mark operator."
"It's gonna be a pure syntactic exercise of how to write how to derive business questions."
"This hybrid syntax is a perfect way to use the composition API in your existing code without a major refactoring."
"Is there a component of syntax that is versatile yet compact and also friendly to you when you're using TypeScript? And the answer is yes. And we'll get to that right now."
"The script set up syntax is now officially recommended syntax for using the composition API in Vue 3, but the other two patterns can still be useful depending on your unique use cases."
"...a declarative pipeline provides a simple and a friendly syntax to define what the pipeline should look like."
"Spread operator: expands expressions where multiple arguments or elements are expected."
"Most of the examples were written using JavaScript, but most of the syntax is very similar for both JavaScript and Python."
"You use the same scope statements you use when declaring regular variables, so dim, private, public, etc."
"This tutorial has really helped me understand the basics of the syntax within the code"
"Syntax is probably the biggest Gap in our knowledge of protonaurus as it is in fact with Gothic."
"Ruby, known for its elegant and developer-friendly syntax, has been around since the mid-1990s."
"A declaration is a construct, a syntactic construct that introduces one or more names into a translation unit."
"This is that directive syntax similar to what we have over here in the include. So it's a little bit different, but that is how you basically say, 'Hey, if we've already imported game.h, don't do it again.'"
"Using time travel, we can recreate the state of our table at any given point in time by using the 'as of' syntax."
"An interesting thing here is this eve read. If you're familiar, for example, with ranges v3 zip or something like that, they use operator star to get to elements of zip as well as all the other iterations."
"Syntax matters, it really does. It influences the outcomes."
"...there's a certain Joy to the C++ syntax."
"Syntax is complex. Data is simple."
"But now that actually just queries my in-memory data like wouldn't it be cool if I could actually use the same syntax and both the syntactic sugar and actually also the method called syntax to query actual SQL databases?"
"Everything is sending messages. There's no special syntax for if true or false, there's no special syntax for looping, there's no special syntax for switch statements."
"The JSX syntax is a mix of HTML and JavaScript."
"If I just print 'posts filtered by user', I'm going to be getting a bunch of addresses. Now, if you are a total beginner and you are new to this kind of syntax for list comprehension, it just means the following:"
"R indicates a raw string that I want passed in exactly as is."
"Semitic languages were originally VSO languages."
"Using the @ symbol makes our code much cleaner."
"In Python, spacing or tab is very important after the colon."
"Syntax is where we communicate, and how we choose to communicate will make programming what it is for the days and years to come."
"Object literal syntax turns out to be really powerful; it can make for some very clean looking and easy to write code."
"Make sure to end that with a semicolon, because otherwise it won't execute the command."
"There's no order of operations in Scheme because everything is explicitly defined by parentheses."
"This syntax will become incredibly useful for combining two different objects together."
"Introducing the arrow syntax... you can have the case and then an arrow instead of a colon and have a single expression, and it automatically breaks after that."
"The basic format of XPath starts with the tag name and then square braces at the rate whatever attribute of that particular element is."
"When it comes to comparison, we're going to use two or three equal signs, not one."
"We have this wonderful await syntax and await waits for any async process to be complete as long as it is inside of an async function."
"Syntax is the study of different word classes and the combination of words into phrases and sentences."
"Words are the syntactic building blocks of sentences and have structural criteria that determine their syntactic category."
"The hierarchical structure of a sentence is called syntactic constituency."
"The meaning of a complex expression is a function of the meanings of its parts and the way they are syntactically combined."
"These two formats, these two syntaxes, are exactly equivalent."
"Our syntax is very stable; it doesn't change every year."
"Remember one key point: any statement that you want your program to execute should end with a semicolon."
"The Julia syntax is very straightforward."
"A context-free grammar generates a language capturing constituency and ordering."
"It's a new syntax but it doesn't change any of the actual functionality of JavaScript."
"In Java 7, it gives us a new syntax called try with resources."
"Make sure you have a semicolon at the end."
"JavaScript is syntactically a member of the C family."
"Remember to add your semicolons, of course."
"The study of the syntax will always be incomplete, unless we get a study of linguistic use."
"What symbol do we use to comment out parts of our code? It depends on the language."
"This is kind of the syntax it has this D attribute and this is basically a series of instructions on how to draw this line based on the data."
"Why is syntax really important? It's because it makes kids sound and seem older like they're typically developing peers."
"This is a basic syntax of an XPath."
"Whenever you do equals, remember to put in two equal signs."
"That's the difference between semantics and syntax."
"The buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."
"Syntax refers to the way the words are arranged together."
"The asterisk is the syntax that tells Python that you are going to pass an arbitrary number of parameters into your function."
"A main method must be written exactly like this: public static void main(String[] args)."
"The syntax is intuitive and clean."
"Analyzing the syntax of a program is rather like checking that a sentence written in plain English makes grammatical sense."
"The semantics is not captured by the syntax."
"The number one impact on reading comprehension is vocabulary, but the number two impact is in fact syntax."
"For beginners, understand that there's a proper syntax, just like there's a proper grammar in the English language."
"Syntax is my favorite topic; I would rather talk about this than pretty much anything on the planet."
"We're going to use the language of syntax to facilitate better writing and reading."
"The most powerful syntactic structure in the language is the complex sentence."
"Markdown is basically just simplified syntax for HTML being run through a processor when you render it to other formats."
"Headers are done with varying levels of hashtags or octothorpes depending on what terminology you want to use."
"Or you can use a Markdown link with the square brackets and the parens."
"Structuralism points to two kinds of structure: one is the surface structure, another is deep structure."
"Many theories of syntax use binary syntax trees to represent the structure of sentences."
"Python tends to just be a little cleaner syntactically."
"A dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs, and if you want to look up a key, you simply use square bracket notation."
"Don't feel overwhelmed so much with understanding or rather learning all of the syntax of every one of these elements."
"That's the basic syntax of a for loop; it allows us to repeat something."
"Python claims to make a remarkable power with its very clear syntax."
"The asterisk means the preceding character is repeated zero or more times."
"The plus sign means the preceding character is repeated at least once."
"Period represents a single occurrence of any character except newline."
"Tuples may or may not use parenthesis or the curve bracket."
"So in the next week, we will start discussion on syntax, that how do we find out what are the word arrangements in a sentence and how do we group them in various sorts of phrases."
"That is to say, we’ll be looking at the kinds of rules that determine how words and language are put together to form larger units that have meaning."
"X-bar theory is a widely known theory of syntax and constituents."
"The escape character says print the next character literally."
"Julia's syntax was clearer, simpler, more optimized code design."
"I really like that F-sharp syntax is clear, it's easy to read and I really love its syntax."
"Meta characters are considered special and are reserved for use in regex notation."
"I'm going to implement a brand new syntax feature that I haven't seen in any programming language."
"The order of words in a sentence has to do two things at once."
"In German, we can move the elements around in the sentence. We can change the word order without changing the meaning."
"Programming languages also have rules for how they're written; the rules for a programming language are called its syntax."
"First think of the best way of solving this problem, just imagine the syntax, and then you can make it work."
"To exponentiate, you're going to use this caret operator rather than the double star used in Python."
"SQL syntax is case insensitive, which means that you can type statements in uppercase, lowercase, or a mixture of both."
"If you don't put in a semicolon, then your statement may not get executed."
"If we had more than one line in the body of our function, we would need to use a set of curly braces."
"In Shopify Liquid, we have three types of syntax: we have tags, we have objects, and we have filters."
"The syntax looks absolutely beautiful right now, clean and crisp."
"A lot of the API is the same, but the syntax of the language is different."
"The programming language does not tolerate space and other word symbols."
"One great thing about lambda expressions is they have a lot of syntactic sugar that we can add to them to make our expressions very, very compact."
"One thing I've learned is if your code highlight is not colored properly, you probably did a typo."
"Literals form the words of the language, while the meta characters define the grammar."
"Meta characters come into play to express things like white space, word boundaries, sets of literals, and alternatives."
"A for loop has a fairly simple syntax."
"The main asset of this library is that you can actually write something that just happens to look like you just copy-pasted a piece of grammar directly into your C++ code."
"We can come up with a very, very compact syntax."
"...no computer language has ever taken extensibility seriously... language designers as a class of people tend to think that they know how it ought to be and try to impose the one true syntax on their users..."
"The syntax of a language allows us to put words together into bigger units where we can build up and convey to other people a complex meaning."
"Parentheses are just a way to write this two-dimensional structure as a linear character string."
"Syntactic sugar means having somewhat more convenient surface forms for typing something."
"If you're not passing any parameters or injecting any parameters into your initializer, 'Person.new' is a preferable syntax."
"Trailing closure syntax in Swift means that if there is a closure at the end of a function, it doesn't necessarily have to have all the bells and whistles around argument names."
"When you call the function, you have to give its name and in round parentheses, you have to give the input arguments."
"Go's syntax allows you to omit a lot of the things that you already know or don't need to know."
"The ternary operator provides syntactic sugar for conditionally assigning a value depending on a condition."
"It's all about knowing the right syntax for your programming logic."
"Through cases, we understand who does the action and who's going to receive it."
"The general syntax for declaring an array is: type arrayName[size];"
"It's a bit of syntactic sugar for Python, which means that it's a nicer way of writing things."
"This do while loop, so to speak is super useful."
"You can think of a Lambda as a shorthand syntax for creating a functor right at the location where it is instantiated."
"This at the rate symbol denotes that this is the annotation."
"Changing things from camel to lowercase."
"So really, the goal here is to have a simpler syntax so it's easier to understand."
"The syntax stays out of your way."
"Don't underestimate the syntactic; the syntax is the user interface for the language."