
Success Philosophy Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Success is internal and should be internal if you are desiring long-term fulfillment of success, not temporary success."
"You've got to stay [ __ ] humble with it. You've got to realize that talent is overrated."
"The people who chase the end that never get there and it's the people who let go of the end that are the ones that become the giga chats."
"The third R is resilience... there's no such thing as failure."
"The only way to succeed is to take risks. You can't succeed without failing." - Osman Bhai
"Success is not something you pursue. Chase run after success is something you've developed, something you become, you attract success."
"Success is not a destination, it's a journey. You have to consistently always be successful."
"Success isn't a destination, it's a journey. Define it your way."
"Perseverance guarantees success." - Justin Sun
"Success is an ongoing process of failure that you've made adjustments on."
"If you want to be successful, do not seek success, seek to become a person of value."
"Success is not a matter of hope but simply a matter of time."
"Too many people try to be number one, and then if not, they wanna be zero."
"Not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success, yeah sure it is."
"Incredible success is something you attract not something you pursue."
"You can't really have success without failure... failure is the biggest driving factor for success."
"Success is about punching through the wall, not punching at the wall."
"Failure is the beginning to success; you have to fail to succeed."
"You gotta step out here and take a gamble so I think that's the biggest thing ross because a lot of people are afraid of failure and I think if you're afraid of failure you're never going to succeed."
"The opposite of success isn't failure; it's inaction."
"Failure isn't the opposite of success; failure is part of success."
"Realize success takes time. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme."
"Success isn't just built on one pile of trash. It's built on so much trash, so much trash, failure."
"Success isn't everything. You've got to walk your own path."
"Success is best looked at as a symptom of your efforts, not as the main aim."
"Winning is not a sometime thing, it's an all-time thing. You don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit, unfortunately, so is losing." - Vince Lombardi
"Success isn't a destination. It's more of a letter. Gotta keep partying."
"If everything you touched was successful, you probably wouldn't relate to people as much. You'd be bored silly."
"True success comes from that. You don't know your purpose, you don't know your worth until you truly know who you are."
"Success is something that can be had only by taking others along with you."
"Success is all the small efforts of every single day."
"Success is the pursuit... you never land on betterment."
"Success comes from a field of failure. No successful person is a success, we're just really good at failing."
"As long as you don't give up, you can't lose."
"Success is the ability to fail repeatedly, you know?"
"Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value."
"I always say, if you don't give up, eventually you will find success, plain and simple."
"The way to live your life and have a successful life is to work for it it's to graft."
"I'm just a big believer in the fact that there are many different paths to success."
"Success is a lifestyle choice. Success is a lifestyle. Poverty and being a dumb ass also a lifestyle choice."
"Success isn't about the high points, it's about staying centered through it all."
"Success in life is more about finding enjoyment and making progress more so than the end result."
"Losing and failure is a big part of success. You've got to go through those motions to be successful. There's not a single champion out there that hasn't failed at some point in their life, hasn't lost."
"An interesting thing about success is that it's like a breath of air, although your last breath of air is important it's not nearly as important as the next one."
"Success is not about the cars or the money, it's about seeing you guys evolve."
"Their failures aren't just failures... They're a part of success." - Phil Spencer
"I think when you learn the secret... greatness starts chasing you."
"Try different things. We only have to be right once."
"Success does not lie in achievement, but in striving."
"We made games we want to play. We believe that when you trust your gut on making something awesome, all the different forms of success you might want will just flow naturally."
"If you're not willing to fail, you're not willing to be successful."
"Success often comes after multiple failures."
"There is no path to success, everyone constructs their own path. The important thing is to follow your heart."
"The incremental failure is how we get success."
"The best way to fail is to please everybody."
"You were capable of overcoming, thus failure equals success."
"You really have to be willing to fail, that's how you get the gold."
"Success is not about how successful you are but how you help other people to achieve success."
"Failure means you're getting successful." - Robert Kiyosaki
"You know, I think we have to start normalizing, like, okay, working really hard is, that's how you succeed."
"Happiness is a form of success. There's not enough focus on happiness as a form of success."
"Greatness and success are what you attract to yourself, not what you pursue."
"Success is not knowing the right answers, it's knowing the right questions."
"Success comes in trying things out and failing or succeeding, learning how to try new things and understanding the value of putting yourself out there in front of others."
"Always remember, you will never truly enjoy success until you have tasted failure."
"Goals are for losers, systems are for winners."
"We're manipulating our young people out of the concept of freedom."
"Failure doesn't exist. Failure is when you give up. If I say I tried this and now I give up, yes, I've failed. But if I don't give up, I never fail."
"People who focus only on results win one time. People who focus on systems win again and again."
"Every overnight success story has 10 years of hard work behind it."
"The most successful people in the world always say you have to be a loser first in order to be a winner and this is exactly what happened"
"Because the success of isn't always about the endpoint, it's the journey it takes to get to that point, right?"
"100% of winning is your mindset, and if you don't believe you can win, nobody can help you."
"Greatness is doing the little things consistently."
"Success comes after hard work, but it's not really hard work if you're passionate about it."
"The only way that you're not going to win and you're not going to achieve what you want is if you quit. But if you never quit, you will win."
"You never really reach success because you're always asking, 'What's next?'"
"If you just work hard enough, you'll get to walk up the stairs."
"Winners win and losers lose. Losers make excuses, simple as that."
"Success is a mentality; it's not a dollar amount, it's not a social status. It's a mentality."
"My mom said quitters never win and winners never quit."
"We believe success is possible, not promised and not easy, but possible."
"Success is failure...most success is failure."
"Step by step success is an overnight thing. It's a marathon not a sprint. It's all we can ask for, exactly."
"The Winner Takes most, that's just how it works."
"Do the small things right and success takes care of itself."
"Success comes with patience. Great things take time."
"Success is not a fixed pie, there's room for all of us."
"That's one thing about being successful, you gotta fail a lot. People don't get that shit."
"The secret to success is not regular, it is extraordinary."
"Success is what you attract by who you are becoming."
"Success is not a destination but a continuous journey."
"Be prepared to be bored if you want to be successful."
"Failure isn't the opposite of success. Failure are the stepping stones to success."
"Success is a mindset, not a result."
"Success is a consciousness; it's a way of thinking, it's a way of being."
"Those who stay consistent are the ones that understand that if they keep trying, they simply can't lose."
"Being able to control your own time, your own destiny, and do what you want when you want, that's success to me."
"Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome."
"In order to build the biggest building, you don't want to tear down every other building."
"Wins and losses is what makes bosses."
"Success through stillness is... operating from a calm space."
"The key to success is actually failure."