
Industry Critique Quotes

There are 363 quotes

"It used to be something that...people got in because they were deserving in the overall history of wrestling, and now it's become a modern popularity contest amongst people with the most shallow knowledge of the wrestling industry and its history imaginable."
"In a world of AAA titles, we have started to see the rise of failure in larger studios; games being half-baked, nothing what they were said to be, overly ambitious, and worst of all, fully live service focused."
"I don't think anybody goes into video game development and sits through 80 hours of crunch time just to release a game that's trash."
"The pharmaceutical industry is not interested in a drug you only take once. They only do drugs that you take every day for the rest of your life. That's where the money is."
"These decisions are being done deliberately because of the absolute state of modern gaming today."
"The self-help industry is a huge business and it is relying on you not being content for you to continue consuming the goods and services that it produces."
"I'm really pleasantly surprised that we got a game this polished and this high quality in the middle of a year where we really have had some pretty lackluster releases."
"Hollywood hates labor and hates shows about labor worse than any other thing."
"I wish sports games were run by people who wanted to create something great rather than those looking to simply make profit."
"The Hollywood we know today is truly awful; it's a monolithic machine that swallows up creativity and talent, driven by the greed of a few at the expense of the many."
"Assassin's Creed Origins is actually a welcome change...in a time in our industry where open-world games seem to not have a lot of care put into them anymore."
"The child entertainment industry is terrible as it is, but at least in Hollywood, there are some regulations."
"After years of getting ripped off by big wireless providers, there's finally a better option."
"I really do believe that increasingly, indie titles represent this sort of palette cleanser when you find yourself overwhelmed by the worst excesses of the industry."
"Woke Hollywood is dying and ultimately it is not the fault of the consumer or even the pandemic it is the collective tone-deaf approach of the executives, producers, and writers."
"Rockstar Games have kind of been the South Park of the video game industry."
"For me, gaming is art, and that's what is often forgotten by executives who don't care about the artistry of game making."
"Overwhelmingly developers are plainly not happy about any of this."
"The video game industry needs a course correction. It needs to stop attacking its audiences with stupid braindead articles and tone-deaf opinions."
"If you're a k-pop stan, you should probably be additionally more critical of the way that this industry destroys the artists."
"Every artist I've spoken to, they'd say that they wish that it didn't have to be this way."
"Number 13: Red Dead Redemption 2. Okay, sure, they only punched me. Aren't the French team a lot harder? The alleged cruelties behind its construction notwithstanding..."
"You know the headache of health insurance is exactly why Crowd Health was created."
"It’s a multi-billion-dollar industry based on perpetuating chemophobia and baseless distrust of scientific principles that have given us the modern world many of us take for granted, prolonged life expectancy and all."
"I think that that's something that the mainstream adult industry has been kind of lacking severely."
"I saw how truly evil some people in that industry actually are."
"The revelation for me about the oil and gas industry is how bad they are at their own game."
"Hollywood is really gender-blind and color-blind, they don't see you, they see money."
"How come actors can use what's in the world authors can use what's in the world they never get accused of punching down."
"Reviewing Cyberpunk 2077 allows me to review every modern video game of the past three console generations."
"Remember, just because it's the only NFL game, that doesn't mean you need to buy it."
"It's a huge waste and a bad thing for the industry."
"It's an anomaly in every single way there's no woke nonsense in it there's no pandering or insufferable girl bosses it feels like a real movie made by people who know what they're doing."
"Yeah, I think you're gonna see ugliness from the food industry, from the farming industry."
"Triple-A gaming these days seems to mean very little but that and I don't think it's actually meant innovation for a very long time."
"The Last of Us 2 leaks and Sony's assault on youtubers may be the most sinister video game industry move of the decade."
"He is the most influential gamer that I have ever known, in terms of, especially in terms of Starcraft, but just of all time."
"Hollywood is a perfect microcosm of late-stage capitalism."
"Games are designed around the monetization model."
"Hollywood is just more and more digging themselves into this pit where they are not accessible or relatable to regular people."
"It's a very, very weird, wonderful, strange, depressing, concerning industry."
"So many developers and publishers take the safe route... you don't get home runs without taking chances."
"I think it really does have to have some level of improvement just releasing games in their basically original unmodified form as a new release I don't really like that."
"Maybe what this will do is be a bit of a wake up and smell the coffee call for them to really innovate in terms of performance."
"Respect for art is in short supply in the videogame industry, no matter how many publishers pay lip service to it."
"Apex Legends proves that good games can find an audience without the pomp and circumstance that publishers often treat as necessity."
"The fitness industry is a cesspool of misinformation."
"The games that you could get and watch continually improve over the course of many years are far more engaging and reliable than this model of releasing a new game every Christmas."
"I don't think it's correct to look for, expect, or even try to make something that's expected to be a mainstream triple-A title a work of art."
"Netflix has overvalued a lot of their content overpaying to lure top talent and green lighting projects often the pet projects have said top talent that no other studio would touch."
"But there were often more interesting and innovative than this stuff coming outta the AAA space."
"In a world of brain dead fast food auto tuned cookie cutter sample driven music, Eddie's philosophy reigns over us like a spirit in the night."
"We're seeing how this type of industry can scam and swindle money from a lot of people."
"The studios only see dollar signs, they don't care if an actor or actress is male or female."
"Sensuality plays more to a guy's emotions for a long-term commitment."
"Embarrassing that a great industry has been brought to this."
"Nobody should have to live paycheck to paycheck being employed by one of the biggest game developers in the world."
"This movie really had something to say and exists for a reason not just as a cash grab."
"The main reason why I would put Greg on this list is because he has such a large outreach and he calls out so much [__] in the industry."
"It's refreshing what Elden Ring does because all open world games have become lately is some sort of that Ubisoft formula."
"The formula that has been going on for the last 10 years is no longer working and people want to see something different."
"It is so important for us as fans of kpop to be aware that the industry is nowhere near perfect and to keep this conversation going and to spread awareness."
"Why can't gaming just be about the games themselves?"
"Sad to see an awesome IP kind of get chewed up and treated in this way."
"I still remember the first days Marvel's Avengers was teased... instead we got an experience that represents the worst as an industry."
"The Netflix model wasn't sustainable, the binge-watching... you literally shoot your load, bro."
"Why the hell is the guy or girl that's not in the truck making more money than the guy or girl that's in the truck? So you gotta be smarter."
"Quality control has been at an all-time low, and if you've been watching my channel for a while, then you know that."
"We've been putting gaming into a box, a box of who games are supposed to be targeting and how they're supposed to be made and played."
"Music is a means of expressing art rather than a business."
"For as much expectation as there may be for big budget games to approach a certain visual standard that has inevitably grown more luxurious over time, certain studios are indulgent to a point of patent fucking absurdity."
"The crash of flight 9633 shone a harsh spotlight on commercial aviation in Russia."
"We truly won a good 10 to 15 years without a great single-player Star Wars game, and that is just baffling."
"The gaming industry cannot keep taking our money and deliver unfinished products. This needs to stop."
"Apple's way of fixing how broken mobile games are today."
"The fans are the lifeblood of this thing, otherwise we're just a bunch of people in an office just circle jerk, you know?"
"This whole process has taught me that the music industry is Boomer as anything."
"We're eating our creators and that's the dumbest thing we can do."
"Being critical about video games is not only acceptable but essential for the industry's growth."
"The rise of the anti-beauty guru... I don't think it's a coincidence those were at the same time."
"The racial bias that we're seeing here and the prevailance of upholding white voices over others is pretty much everywhere it's on book talk it's in the publishing industry from the agents to the editors to the authors."
"This is one of the most self-inflicted L's that I have seen in a bloody long time in the games industry."
"The Last of Us Part 2 was spoiled by crunch."
"Abuse is how The Last of Us Part 2 was made."
"Ninety percent of the supplement industry is garbage."
"This industry just chews people up and spits them out it's awful it's disgusting unbelievable."
"One [ __ ] song and the reason why, in my opinion, is that because there are tons of industry-backed and supported songs that are way [ __ ] worse than Friday."
"I've never in my life, never in my movie watching life have I seen a director of an upcoming movie write an op-ed piece for one of the trades to eviscerate and talk about how much the studio he's working for sucks."
"The brands aren't moving fast enough, they're still paying millions of dollars to these girls who are trying to sell women's clothing to a 92% male audience, like it is the biggest disconnect ever."
"It says a lot about how little has been done to protect video games as a medium."
"Babylon's Fall has fallen. It's a dud. It's also a great representation why every AAA game studio does not need to develop an MMO."
"Maybe Hollywood shouldn't have prioritized identity politics over profit."
"It kind of pisses me off that all of these artists have died from drug overdoses and nobody really bothered to take the time to look at the toxicology reports."
"You're fake. You see this fake love? The industry is fake, bro. Tell me, how this, you [expletive], you blindsights up out of the pocket, man?"
"Innovation is why we like Nintendo games in an industry conditioned for the same inoffensive products."
"Steal everything from fortnite besides the building and you'll probably have a good game."
"I do believe that the industry of porn is greatly influenced and a product of patriarchy and capitalism."
"And as a result now hollywood can look at this movie and have yet another reason not to make original concepts when the problem here wasn't the original concept in the first place."
"Maybe if more games focused on doing something interesting with gameplay and storytelling instead of marginally increasing the number of greeblies on Master Chief's helmet, we'd actually get a finished game every now and then."
"The FDA is the only thing standing between you and the money-hungry pharmaceutical industry it's meant to regulate."
"At its core E3 is a double-edged sword: it's great to see new stuff, it's exciting, it's fun. But on the other side of the curtain, E3 is also a huge industrial tool that isn't always used with honesty, integrity, or consumer goodwill."
"If there's as much money in all the rest elsewhere why is Team Liquid somehow some special organization you have to join their brand new into csgo."
"Is the Behemoth of Marvel Studios releasing so much content that it's going to collapse under its own weight?"
"Mass Effect Andromeda's disastrous launch isn't just Bioware Montreal's fault; all of Bioware and EA had a part to play in crafting this perfect storm."
"Kanye West is making very good points about an outdated industry at this point that really does need a lot of reform."
"Do you not see why that's a bit see what that I can see why they'll see they should have a category for CGI definitely."
"Fashion is dead... in every era of every art form, there are going to be challenges."
"Certain creators get to a point where they just don't try anymore and honestly it's kind of depressing."
"There needs to be more self-awareness in the entertainment industry."
"Hollywood is a paradoxical industry, built on progress but insistent upon staying the same." - "Babylon"
"The gaming industry is turning into a corpulent hell bent on making as much money as possible while giving you as little experience as possible."
"I am freaking sick and disgusted to hear of what transpires behind the scenes."
"If you don't recognize this feeling of ambivalence is superimposed upon you and reclaim sovereignty of your own sense of right and wrong, then industry farms you as cynically as it does the pig, the cow, the sheep."
"This industry is just as sexist and racist as any of you, yeah."
"Power world is a wakeup call, a lesson, a shining big red light that's telling these developers to stop and just re-evaluate for a minute."
"They care more about record sales than they do about humanity."
"When major videogame publishers don't fucking like something, it usually means it's a pretty fucking good something."
"Puffy's supposedly a billionaire, this man was dying for years. Even from when he was messing with Drew High and then when he was signed over to Duck Down, he'd been going through the years."
"The conversation around industry plants is largely driven by emotion."
"Tribes Ascend is going to be an extremely important game for anyone that thinks that PC shooters are having some severe problems at the moment."
"Modern AAA gaming is largely dominated by generic soulless open world collectathons."
"Who needs confidence in the food chain of video games?"
"The potential of this game, if they would've truly given it the Triple A treatment, would have been huge."
"It's a lot, child. These people, they do whatever they can because they're making the money."
"Video games are a weird mix of art and business. I try to keep business out of it as much as possible because it really taints the experience."
"I failed as a teacher, I failed as a designer, and that's why one of the reasons why I'm pretty against a lot of the businessy decisions."
"Games don't need to be as earth-shittingly large as Baldur's Gate 3 to be good meaningful well-made stable games at launch."
"We want focused meaningful games made by people with a clear vision, not some cynical slop directed by committee."
"I have never seen a tattoo artist act like this ever, ever."
"Shining a light on a multi-billion-dollar global industry that suggests a better U is just a few shades away."
"If you landed from Mars and came here and saw this wireless industry, you would get back on your ship."
"That's like a little uh contradictory because we talk about how like we reward shoes that do something new."
"This is [ __ ] up and I'm starting to believe like all of the accusations of like crunch and unethical [ __ ] going on at AAA game studios because this is what they do to make [ __ ] Gordon imagine what they do to like a cubicle slave programmer."
"I kind of hope this is the beginning of the end for loot boxes."
"Now people actually expect quality. It's just so damn terrible when you have to give it to them."
"We don't need constant sequels all the time; when you get excited about a story, your instinct shouldn't be how do I make 10 more of the same thing."
"The comics industry at the moment is being run by degenerates, absolute degenerates. They have no interest whatsoever."
"These writers are basic, obvious, non-creative, pathetic people."
"It's a money-making industry if y'all haven't gotten it at this point um you need to think twice about it."
"Stasis under any efficient means of playtesting should have never shipped."
"YouTubers like me can do far better fundamental analysis and financial analysis than our real analysts who get paid a fortune."
"The semiconductor industry is not only a technical marvel it is also a capitalist business."
"Fox will never renew this contract. Three years in WWE is dead. Who gives a []? You know who's dead? We are 'cause I'm [] tired of talking about this show. Guys, we're getting out of here. Thank you so very much for all your support."
"Why would you do that? And yet it will happen. It will happen with Aliens: Colonial Marines. It happened with War Z. It happened with Duke Nukem Forever."
"Diversity cannot be a priority of MTV or E when the shows that they showcase with black cast members don't even showcase them in positive ways."
"I was in Vancouver, and I was like, you know, there was a definition of a liar. It's a gold miner saying they saw a hole in the ground."
"I will challenge any gangster rapper to rationalize what's going on here none of y'all talk about it because all y'all do is make money off of these [] while promoting this dumb []."
"In a landscape of pro wrestling where more people are anti WWE than ever before honestly this Seth Rollins was needed."
"Pray the rosary daily. It's the gospel of Jesus Christ on beads."
"Cesaro is one of the most underutilized wrestlers in the world today, realistically he could be slotted into the main event picture of any company at any given time."
"For those of you who hadn't been looking on Twitter, Kanye West has been putting out copies of his contract. And lo and behold, random white folk are upset."
"Esports has destroyed quite a few games trying to make everything an esport."
"C Labs is the solution to the ticketing industry that is currently so flawed and corrupt."
"At a glance Steve seems as if he is the living embodiment of all things that are evil and wrong with the music industry, but once you get to know him a little bit, you understand that he has a very particular skillset."
"Scarlett Johansson shouldn't be able to play every role... People of color have historically been sidelined or removed from their own stories." - Discussion participant
"Spirituality becoming an industry like never before."
"The main problem with 40K and it's something that you'll never be able to fix until Games Workshop except..."
"We really are like I still don't get the complaints that they're like not being anything to play because there is so much to play."
"If I couldn't, if I had to choose between a Grammy and feeding my kids because the Grammy doesn't necessarily mean that you can feed all kids, let's be very clear."
"The core of our thesis is competition is going to crush Tesla."
"FSD is vaporware, it does not exist, there is no such thing as full self-drive."
"Chandra I think is fully safe because she has 'marketing armour' which, as everybody knows, is twice as strong as plot armour when under the effects of capitalism."
"Everything could be better but it's too big wrestling was not meant to be promoted nationally with publicly traded companies that have to worry about hurting people's [ __ ] feelings."
"If you are thinking about buying... why didn't one of the big car manufacturers think of this a long time ago?"
"I respect the hustle, but complaining about not getting specific PR feels out of touch with reality."
"Developers who came from the Fallout 4 team thought that Fallout 76 would disappoint a sizeable chunk of their loyal audience."
"Common takeaway: make your own original [ __ ]. Don't try to just rip off something that's already successful and do a worse job at it."
"But let's be honest for a second. Does any serious person actually believe that hamburger and chicken patty manufacturers are holding back supplies of their products because they are greedy?"
"I think what I realized... I just love building businesses with friends. I hated Hollywood."
"Classic Physique guys aren't getting paid nearly what they deserve to get paid."
"The industry being so Money Motivated now is exactly the thing that's absolutely killed the art."
"Pop music exists in sort of a weird space. A lot of people really like it but our traditional models don't seem to do a very good job explaining why."
"David cage should be kicked out of the industry."
"Maybe we're not at the top of the charts, maybe we don't have these big-budgeted videos or maybe we're not included in the awards... but we're icons and we're happy and we're not being tuned out by a puppetry or a machine."
"Tarak does represent a time in the industry and especially for first-person shooters where a lot of titles just really started to be kind of dumbed down."
"Ridiculous how everybody doesn't give a [ __ ] about creating new stars."
"The best they can do is just remake it but the part about it that I think is really lame is how critics and reviewers have just swallowed it up wholesale 10 out of 10 better than the original I think that is absurd."
"The oil industry led by Exxon and Koch Industries lied, cheated, and did everything they could."
"Resist Disney, resist Kathleen Kennedy, resist Ryan Johnson."
"It'S fun and That Seems to be an Element that A lot of Game Designers Kind of Thing to forget These Days."
"YouTube is selling out and they're selling their content creators out, I don't like that man."
"I'm going to the money, Candice. I don't want Netflix to do that. I want NBC that airs the Golden Globes to say I'm going to the money Golden Globes."
"They're not healthy for the games industry, they're not healthy for the players."
"The video game industry is dominated by male perspectives."
"The entertainment industry is not real life."
"The industry is rigged. You can buy a number one."
"Toby is everything that is wrong with the paper industry."
"Hollywood is not qualified to tell a black story."
"Christian Keys added fuel to the fire with a tearful video on Instagram talking about abuse of power in the industry."
"That's proof of the need for real change in Hollywood."
"Time to watch how they make the least in demand eyeshadow palette in the entire makeup industry."
"We need more games like Baldur's Gate not less."
"He was a [ __ ] industry plant the whole time, I could, I told you both like a year ago like, academics, listen, you can't, you know how much it costs, this [ __ ] had unlimited access."
"The financialization of the food industry: the primary determinance of almost every action that happens in almost every food company that supplies say 90% of our calories—all the indicators are financial."
"Right now the only things that the big companies are making and promoting is remakes, reboots, sequels, recalls and extended Universe Shenanigans."
"Every brand has a dark underbelly in some way or another."
"Designing games for the top one percent is how you kill games."
"It's hard not to see the obvious parallels between this and the real-life problems in the film industry."
"Well, there's no competition. I mean, GM just took all their cars back and has to fix all their EV cars. There is no competition for Tesla."
"As I slowly realize that time may pass and mistakes may be made, but developers and publishers will always do stupid things."