
Alphabet Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog: This sentence contains every letter in the alphabet."
"The Phoenicians created a model alphabet that is considered the ancestor of all modern ones."
"Each time the alphabet moved from one language to another, it produced redundancies and quirks in the letter-to-sound correspondences."
"C is a lovely letter! Both aesthetically and functionally, I’m a big fan."
"The last letter added to the alphabet was J."
"You know what ABC means? Apple, bananas, and cherries."
"Elfdalian was also continuously written in a modified runic alphabet, the Dalecarlian runes, up until the 20th century!"
"The Phoenicians apparently were the first nation in the Eastern hemisphere to use a phonetic alphabet..."
"The entirety of the Sanskrit alphabet is called matria. This matria is none other than the Divine mother manifested as language."
"This is the oldest letter in the alphabet."
"The Spanish alphabet is actually no different than the English alphabet."
"Have you finished? Now recite the alphabet."
"...in 1935, the Warner Brothers corset company introduced the alphabet bra with cup sizes A to D."
"The letter not included in any of the 50 US states is Q."
"A Phoenician contribution of even greater importance to world history was the dissemination of the alphabet throughout the Mediterranean world."
"Consistency and clarity will help you learn the alphabet quickly."
"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put you and I together. That's funny, I'd put F and O together."
"The most common letter in the alphabet is the same as the most common word, 'the.'"
"Even for me to sit here and say the damn alphabet backwards in my head, I'm like, yo."
"No number before 1000 contains the letter 'a'."
"The alphabet are the components that make up the entire language really, like the foundation which when you get them right, everything else is so much easier."
"You guys might be saying Norm what is the A through Z challenge it's exactly how it sounds we're starting with the letter A buying fishing supplies going all the way to the letter Z and we have to catch a fish on every single letter of the alphabet."
"If I could rearrange the alphabet I would keep you and I separated."
"And then after we do those five we get out the next five and that way you don't overwhelm them to where they don't know what to do with 26 alphabet letters."
"Learning the alphabet is your first step in your Hebrew journey."
"Orange which starts with an O aha it's Penny the pig hello Penny you're just in time for the letter P P for pig"
"What is a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet? The C!"
"The invention of the alphabet, which was concurrent with Homer, is so extraordinary. I think Homer was so great that somebody sitting on the island of Euboea said, 'Got to write that down.'"
"The Phoenicians are the first to develop an alphabet."
"The Phoenicians' development of the alphabet around 1050 BCE is by far their greatest contribution to civilization as a whole."
"We're going to enlighten people today, Nick. That there is an alphabet of different farts. Like from A to Z, there's different farts, correct?"
"Oh, for octopus, yes. What other words start with O?"
"The Hawaiian alphabet is only 12 letters long."
"The runes don't work like the Roman Empire version of the Roman alphabet as a system."
"The letter 'W' definitely starts with a 'D'."
"I spy with my little eye something beginning with F."
"Big A, little A, what begins with A? Aunt Annie's alligator, A... A... A."
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog contains every letter of the alphabet."
"The show is brought to you by the letters V, B, and A."
"A B C D E F G H I J K... Amazing, Brilliant, Beautiful, Charming, Colorful, Courageous, Creative, Delightful, Extraordinary, Fantastic, and Fabulous... Great, Gorgeous, Smock, Honorable, and Hilarious... and what's I J K? I'm just kidding."
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog uses every letter in the English language."
"In the international radio alphabet, the word 'Alpha' is used for what letter?"
"The Canaanite script is the oldest alphabet that exists in the historical record."
"We're gonna go to the dollar store and try and find things with every letter of the alphabet."
"Welsh has 29 letters in the alphabet, including the digraphs."
"Did you guys know that I'm friends with 25 letters in the alphabet? Yeah, it's true. I don't know why."
"The Phoenicians greatest contribution to Western culture was their remarkable alphabet."
"Together, from A to Z, it's called the alphabet."
"Who put the alphabet in alphabetical order?"
"The art of the fairy tale plays a big part in grade one because they're used to introduce the letters of the alphabet."
"Hooray for U, the most unbelievable letter of all."
"Unlike the Egyptians or Mesopotamians, the Phoenicians developed a phonetic alphabet consisting of 22 letters."
"A is for apple, B is for bed, C is for co-ed, D is for dead, F is for failing to keep your head."
"The letter Q comes up way too early in the alphabet. We're not ready for it where it's currently placed."
"You guys have got to get as many items as you can of the alphabet."
"You can spend as much as you want, all you have to do is get one item per letter of the alphabet."
"Now I know my ABCs, all right. Blue, blue, one generic enchantment at the beginning of your upkeep, if you control permanents with names that include all 26 letters of the English alphabet, you win the game."
"Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf."
"Girls can be anything, anything from A to Z."
"The alphabet doesn't have an order, isn't that insane?"
"Mongolia has decided to change its alphabet, and I want to find out why."
"What is the fourth letter of the alphabet? D, yeah!"
"Celebrating the alphabet is a cool reason for a bank holiday."
"This letter can be both a vowel and a consonant."
"If you want to find anything starting from A to Z, then you can define that range within these square brackets."
"A is for a lamb, B is for basketball, C is for camera."
"The Arabic alphabet consists of 28 letters."
"The Cherokee were one of the only people to actually invent... a sort of a version of an alphabet to be able to write their language down."
"I love the alphabet, it's different colors for different letters."
"I love how the 'A' stands for applique, the 'B' stands for buttons, the 'C' stands for calico."
"The majority of tradition says that Cadmus actually brought the alphabet."
"Now we know our ABCs, next time sing with Rocko and me"
"Alphabetically, you can do a lot with that. It's very useful that a lot of people just don't take advantage of."
"Each flag stands for a letter of the alphabet."
"It's home to the world's oldest city which is called Biblos, and this is from where the alphabet was created."
"Each director was given a letter of the alphabet and asked to choose a word."
"I come before you even in the alphabet."
"S is for songs, and I love songs."
"What if God gave the alphabet to the Hebrew people so that we would know who God is?"
"You know what the most curious letter in the alphabet is? Uh... Y."
"Hurray for I, big and small, the most incredible letter of all."
"There's always been 26 letters in the alphabet."
"Hey, those are the first three letters of the alphabet. That's pretty cool!"
"He wanted to get rid of C, J, Q, W, X, and Y. He said we didn't need them."
"If the alphabet equals the numbers that they represent along the alphabet, then attitude itself equals one hundred percent."
"There are only 26 letters in the alphabet, and yet everything that's ever been said or written in the English language is comprised of just those 26 letters in different configurations."