
Chastity Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Chastity is the way out. It gives us the strength not to be reactive or controlled by our passions and lust but rather the freedom that comes with self-mastery."
"Chastity does not mean abstention from sex, it means abstention from the orgasm, from spilling the divine energy that is the Holy Spirit."
"I am a virgin and that's something I'm really proud of."
"He soon understands that no matter how hard he tries, his actions are futile; all living beings are manifestations of will."
"Sexual immorality is a sin against your own body."
"I'm married to God and he's the one I wish to save myself for, not for someone else."
"Chastity is an inner ordering of your entire sexual appetite from your mind and your spirit all the way down to your body."
"It's so beautiful to see this celibate love and this chaste love and to be able to experience that and witness that."
"There are some things that are holy that are set aside for God and that virginity is one way of doing that of living that out."
"There is a noble way to make love in marriage in Christian marriage and we're praying for it for this couple that they might conduct themselves in a chaste way with decorum with restraint without perversion."
"If someone is not able to live chastely, then they should get married. It's important to be attentive to what the Lord is calling us to and how He's inviting us to offer ourselves to Him."
"Calling a chaste woman a prostitute carries punishment, it carries Hud in Islam."
"Chastity shows the way to a love in which we dare to transcend difference, and obedience shapes us as pilgrims on the way."
"Premarital sex is a sin because God wants us to have an intimate relationship in marriage through purity."
"Chastity is the ultimate practice of nonviolence."
"He was chaste. You mean he was celibate? Yes."
"Chastity means treating your wife with respect, with dignity, right?"
"Guard the purity of the relationship."
"Not a question, but I love chastity. Me too, high five!"
"Yes, there are women out there who want to be chaste and wait."
"High value Muslim women don't let men pressure them into physical intimacy before marriage."
"Chastity clears your mind and your heart. Stay chaste for her before marriage, so you can stay chaste for her in marriage too."
"Modesty is your Chastity, it's your Brokenness, it's your submission and your humility that creates love in the heart of your husband."
"She took a vow of virginity and imposed the same vow on her sisters."
"Chastity brings freedom and if you can embrace it, you're going to be able to speak that message without having to say a word."
"Your body being a virgin is a given. What's really important is that your heart remains virgin as well."
"Living chastity is not a human effort. Chastity doesn't even begin until you realize you cannot do this on."
"Chastity, abstinence, refraining from sex, celibacy, self-restraint. All that means the same thing, basically."
"Chastity means the patience to wait till it's given so it can be given as a gift and received as a gift."
"I deeply respect people who choose to live a chaste life who are gay and who choose to live according to those biblical precepts."
"Chastity is not just for single people; Chastity is for all people."
"Consecrated virgins and widows... have decided with the church's approval to live in the respective states of virginity or perpetual chastity for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven."
"But till this astonishing creature I know, as I long have lived chaste, I will keep myself so."
"Virginity is great perfection, and continence eke with devotion."
"I take God to be my judge, that I was a true maid without touch of man."
"If you're a virgin, it needs to be by choice, not by default."
"Obedience to the law of Chastity will increase our happiness in mortality and make possible our progress in eternity."
"Chastity ultimately is going to be the successful integration of sexuality within the person and thus the inner unity of man in his bodily and spiritual being."
"Chastity is manifested when the appetite does not move towards that which is illicit or contrary to God's law."
"Christ is the model of Chastity; every baptized person is called to lead a chased life, each according to his particular state of Life."
"If we're going to talk about chastity, we got to talk about abstinence... everybody needs to take personal responsibility and accountability."