
Drug Abuse Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"God didn't envision any one of us living in a tent on the street with a needle in our arm."
"Fentanyl is the leading cause of death for Americans age 18 to 49 because it's pouring over the border like an open sewer."
"The United States has a serious drug problem and it’s bigger than you think."
"Methamphetamine: the most addictive illegal drug in America."
"It was almost like these kids had a revelation like, 'Oh, these drugs can really kill us.'"
"The meth was not... I mean, the meth was sort of an instigator, but the DEA, all that kind of stuff came later. But it really was about the character."
"I said dope fiend larceny that's the [ __ ]."
"If you provide alternatives to people jobs other sort of alternatives they don't over indulge in drugs like this."
"Massive drug use, massive depression, mental depression, massive numbers of suicides."
"It's just the latest major safety concern about these fake prescription pills that are everywhere these days."
"I could put this pill on tinfoil and take two hits and be dead."
"It's evil it's evil and this fentanyl garbage it's killing society."
"And when you are abusing ketamine a drug that's very strong especially if you're you're smoking it like he claimed he did um I mean it destroys your your like gray matter in your brain."
"You will end up oding or you will end up turning to drugs, and it's incredibly sad."
"If you're trying to prevent them from killing themselves... you're still going to end up dying if they're using drugs."
"It says, 'I am still in EB because when you get here we need to talk. Mom found several bags of pills in your computer bag.'"
"Crack cocaine: cheap, easy to make, and highly addictive."
"It kind of pisses me off that all of these artists have died from drug overdoses and nobody really bothered to take the time to look at the toxicology reports."
"It's hard to build a future when our young people are addicted to drugs."
"You're not going to get a handle on the crime problem unless you get a handle on the drug problem."
"The opiate plague is a disease of capitalism run amok."
"Trend is often over abused in my opinion and it is a very effective drug at what it does but it's certainly not necessary for the majority of individuals who are even performance-enhanced athletes that are trying to push the envelope."
"As many of our listeners know, we lost our son on his fourth day of college to an accidental overdose of fentanyl-laced heroin."
"Drug dealing kick-starts a miserable cycle of addiction."
"The environment gave me at least I was able to look around and see the damage drugs were causing these other people."
"This is an embarrassment. This is a stain on America for this to be happening here. They get come out or when they were coming out of this building basically they're being now bombarded with with drugs."
"Huffing, believe it or not, is the second most common drug of abuse for young teenagers."
"More than 100,000 deaths a year have been linked to drug overdoses since 2020, and most of them are fentanyl related."
"Someone put fentanyl in that baby's sippy cup."
"When team 10 gets a call that there's been an overdose somewhere here in San Diego County... we knew it wasn't a matter of if but when, because these are happening so frequently."
"The weaponization of fentanyl is real. It is not a joke."
"Life may not ever get better than that. What scares me now is the drugs are too intense that kids are dying because they can't have that fun that we had."
"People abused the drug because it increases their sociability, euphoria, and relaxation."
"No one does drugs initially to escape the way they feel, but eventually, you do drugs to escape the way you feel."
"If this story that I've just told actually inspires you to go on your own drug binge, I got to say, uh... No. Don't fucking do it."
"Many online Trends and memes that surround the consumption of Benadryl pills have led to the literal deaths of teenagers."
"It's the heroin capital of the East Coast."
"If you have any kind of drug problem, LA is not the place to go."
"We did an operation not long ago where they were pressing the pills, the fentanyl pills, to look like oxycodones complete with a number on it so people were thinking they were getting an oxycodone pill and they were getting a fentanyl stamped pill."
"It's okay to talk, please reach out, don't sit there and do drugs like I did."
"It's as serious in my mind as some of the other drugs of abuse like the opioid crisis."
"Synthetic cannabinoid abuse doesn't just affect the people who are using it, affects the family members."
"The second it comes out, the copycat drug people are working."
"...because of the fact that some of them are abused, particularly all the stimulants are rather akin to very abused drugs like cocaine and crystal meth so there's been a huge amount of study on stimulants so we do know a lot of what they do."
"Those that survive this phase will wake up to a shorten lifespan a horrible effect caused by the cocktail of drugs flowing through their bodies."
"There's no idea on her. There's one thing though. Yeah, I think she was an addict. Needle tracks, pop marks on one arm. More dope coming in, more pushers at work. Scum dealing slow death to innocent kids."
"The number one thing that's detrimental in the inner cities is drug abuse."
"Drugs kill three of my sons, drugs killed my wife. I don't want that to happen to you."
"Drugs are victimless crimes, but in this situation, we can see that drug use isn't always a victimless crime because your child is the victim of your drug abuse."
"People always ask me why why were you so evil and this because i was doing drugs"
"Sometimes a drug abuser's brain is so fried he doesn't know what kind of danger he's in. That's when the police have to step in and take control."
"He began making speeches on the dangers of drug abuse."
"Watch the movie. Okay, watch the movie. Don't lose the message of drug abuse through prescription drugs because a lot of kids are on this. It's a serious matter."
"Be the best version of yourself, and that does not include abusing performance-enhancing drugs."
"Alcohol is the most harmful drug to society because it's the most widely used drug."
"My mom continued to struggle with drug abuse and went to jail and prison multiple times."
"There's nothing glamorous about taking drugs, nothing whatsoever."
"A nation addicted to pain killers, plantations enlisted with pain dealers."
"Take drugs? It's hazardous to your health. You sell drugs? Hazardous to your freedom."
"Using drugs is not worth it, you'll lose so much."
"Ultimately, when drugs are involved, lives are at stake."
"Dirty drugs are not cool. Don't do drugs, kids."
"The truth should be told. And when I say it out that this thing is a serious issue, it is biting everybody."
"They're turning to drugs; they're numbing the pain; they're trying to find a way to escape."
"Drug abuse should be treated as a health problem."
"Truth and transparency is our best approach as a society to tackle the issue of drug abuse and addiction."
"This is your brain. This is drugs. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?"