
Friendship Values Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Friendship... when I think about friendship, it might be top three as far as values in our life."
"Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum."
"Real friends should tell each other the truth."
"The best part about hanging out with Jonah is his creativity."
"You remembered your friends... willing to sacrifice everything even yourself because of you and your sacrifices we're still here."
"Thank you for being such a loyal friend and proven love by action and not just by words."
"That's the type of friends that you want to have."
"I love attention. I can't stand not having it." - Adam Levine
"Letting your friend die is the same as betraying him."
"The moral lesson of this anime is, it's a blessing for us to have friends we can trust, who know the best and worst of us, and who love us despite all our faults."
"Real friends lift each other up, they don't put each other down."
"You're not wanting to accept anything less than you deserve, even in friendships."
"Our lives are at stake right? Friends? We can't kill each other. It's just not right."
"Friends watch their friends' backs. That's very important."
"Be a good friend first of all and be an unapologetic and publicly catholic person."
"If they lack respect for you and your opinions, then they're not a friend in the first place."
"When she's your friend, she's your friend for life."
"Tomorrow, be yourself, be humble, make friends that stick with you through thick and thin."
"Life with you guys is never boring. Some people say a best friend is the most important friend a kid can have, but I say why pick one? I'm the luckiest kid in the world, I don't have a best friend, I have five."
"Her gender doesn't matter. It's not right to lose our friendship just because I feel awkward."
"When men are friends with women, they are showing you that they actually see women for human beings."
"Garrett knew it. He knew that friendship was magic and let the friendship be."
"I'd still be your best friend no matter if you have a big house or a little house."
"Kakashi warned Itachi against his merciless approach and encouraged him on the importance of friends."
"Just treat yourself how you want to be treated by a friend."
"The friendships that I value the most in my life are the ones that are just very like deeply loyal."
"Your real friends are around during times of jubilation, not misery. It's very true. You might not like that."
"Kids don't care about color, that little girl just noted that girl was her friend."
"I admire the nature of your friendship such that you're willing to overlook basic moral disagreements in order to spend time with the person."
"But I've always had really a close-knit circle of friends so what I value kind of above everything else is honesty and loyalty."
"We'll be your buddies won't [ __ ] talk trash about you behind your back won't talk trash won't sell you out."
"Hearts define friendships and connectivity, and so no matter where we are, I will always, always, always be connected with the people who matter most to me."
"I never prayed on nobody downfall, I wish everybody nothing but the best success, bro, I've always been a good friend, a good brother, I ain't been a snake, and that ain't even in me."
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them... your smile, your hope, and your courage."
"If I make a friend, I'll make them for life because I don't make them only, there's no point having fake relationships."
"Genuine friendships will support you through doubts and uncertainties."
"I don't want to fight. He's one of my best friends. I don't want to fight bro."
"I think that's one of the biggest things that we have like a bunch of genuine friendships and we're actually just genuinely having fun with each other."
"Just remember, new friends are silver, but those old friends are gold."
"Friendship promotes being nice, it promotes values that are important not only in childhood but later in adult life."
"Well, if a friend can't do a friendly thing for a friend, he ain't no friend at all."
"Friendship is noble, fruitful, holy — When two separate souls march in difference Yet in harmony; agreeing and disagreeing, glowingly improving diversely."
"Real friends are all about transparency and honesty."
"Authentic and organic friendship."
"I probably also really value curiosity and enthusiasm in friendships as well."
"You want friends that support you, that love you, that would do anything for you."
"Always remember why you're in that friendship, why it is like you want this friendship to progress."
"A friend who does not appreciate friendship, If he be the son of the king, leave him."
"Shinobi who break the rules are scum, but shinobi who abandon their friends are worse than scum."
"A time to reevaluate what you value in friendships."
"We need to become the elements of friendship."
"Friendship is about trust. It's about give and take."
"To love, to be friends, and also that the looks don't matter, only what's inside."
"You shouldn't change friendship for a relationship."