
Communion Quotes

There are 699 quotes

"Since God exists as a communion of persons, He gives, they give themselves in love to each other constantly, for all eternity. Well, man and women are created in the image of the Trinity, so they are made not to live isolated but to also give to each other that reciprocal love."
"The priest does not say 'The body of Christ' as he places the host on your tongue but says 'May the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve your soul onto everlasting life. Amen.'"
"The initiate ascending always finds in the end communion with the innermost, communion with that which is the divine within himself/herself."
"I want to know what it's like to have uninterrupted communion."
"When they go out into space they have this phenomenal sense of uplifting communion with the universe."
"As I have been taking time to sit with, to commune with Him, to listen, to be present with Him until the answers come, I have been feeling strengthened and knowing that the Lord's priority is me."
"In that communion, you are seeing his glory, tasting His goodness, and being drawn to trust his promise."
"Beginning our day with God sets a rhythm of communion with him that can continue throughout the day."
"In her heart, [Mary] spent every moment in profound inner recollection, prayer, and spiritual communion with God."
"From the time of receiving Holy Communion, there should be at least 15 minutes of Thanksgiving."
"The mystery of faith: when we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come again."
"When Jesus is there celebrating the Passover... it's a common union. Communion makes us one."
"Communion is a blood transfusion from the throne of God."
"Let communion also be a way of reminding yourself what He's done in your life."
"A place of the most sacred and blissful communion."
"The Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak."
"The ecumenical endeavor of the sister churches of east and west grounded in dialogue and prayer is the search for perfect and total communion, which is neither absorption nor fusion, but a meeting in Truth and Love."
"Each of the faithful always has the right to receive Holy Communion on the tongue."
"The traditional manner of distributing Holy Communion must be retained." - Pope Paul VI
"We receive the gift God Himself is when we receive Holy Communion."
"I just felt this deep sense of communion with them that we had really, we were recognizing within each other."
"Those that support grievous sins should not be given communion, period."
"Prayer becomes more than just a quiet time of communion, it becomes an intimate connection."
"Communion is the Tree of Life. He is your righteousness, He is your Holiness."
"So tonight we thank you for the cup and for the bread and we receive your gentle touch Upon Our Lives now."
"She would need to repudiate this position or else refrain from taking communion and referring to herself as a devout Catholic."
"Communion is not the reward for sanctity but the bread of sinners."
"Spiritual communion consists of a burning desire to receive."
"Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people."
"When God wakes you up at this specific hour, he is inviting you into a sacred time of communion with him."
"The Creator of the universe is calling out to you, inviting you into a sacred moment of communion with Him."
"By waking you up early, God is inviting you to spend quality time with Him."
"I meant what I said, communion is about being around other people that you can commune with."
"Our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ."
"Bread and Wine will be served because we want to be in communion with the father."
"Both forms of the Roman rite are equally holy because they bring us the true body and blood of Jesus Christ."
"Unless you eat My body and drink My blood, you have no life in you."
"The third text deals with an elaborate 18-month long ceremonial operation involving a progressively intensive cycle of prayer, anointing, fasting, and abstinence by which one receives communion with what the text calls one's holy guardian angel."
"True communication is communion, the realization of oneness, which is love."
"Jesus told us to practice communion to remember the sacrifice that he made for us."
"I truly felt like I was in this fantasy world just communing with this creature."
"You give us yourself completely to us, body and blood, soul and divinity in the holy Eucharist. Help us to respond with the same spirit of self-giving."
"In Holy Communion, I am heart to heart with Jesus. How sublime is my destiny."
"Beloved, that you make it to heaven with no doubt and that you will receive Eucharist as you never have before."
"We must always prepare for Holy Communion that you receive the Lord with Mary's Faith, Mary's hope, and Mary's love. Amen, amen."
"A pledge of eternal life. The Eucharist is a pledge of everlasting life. Amen, amen."
"Every Eucharist is consecrated to be consumed by a human heart."
"You want to take these elements that represent the broken body and the shed blood of the Lord Jesus in a way where you know the one they represent. This is only for the person who believes in Jesus."
"The Eucharist is not the prize for the perfect. It's medicine for the sick."
"The word triggers fellowship with God."
"Here's the lord of the universe has come to sit as my Divine appointment to serve me communion."
"It's our greatest joy to commune with who is love."
"Prayer is our lifeline. Prayer is our communion with God. Prayer is the means by which we speak to God."
"What a privilege it is for us to be able to commune with you anywhere, anytime, anyplace, with anything that's on our hearts."
"There's something about the body and blood of Jesus that enables us to enjoy him even more deeply."
"In the Lord's Supper, believers spiritually partake of Christ's body and blood by faith—it's a soul-reviving cordial."
"Jesus gives us the Eucharist as a sacrifice to forever commemorate and renew the sacrifice of the Cross, to be received by the faithful in Holy Communion, and to remain with us on our altars as proof of his love for us."
"God is in that gold box. They'll have a deep understanding when they receive their first communion."
"At the altar rail we all come up and we receive side by side together at the table."
"We're very quick to run up and receive communion, and we have no idea what we're doing and we don't know the evil that we're sometimes welcoming in by our unwillingness to repent."
"The purpose of prayer is not merely for me to talk to God about doing stuff, it's about obtaining his heart."
"I desire to have close communion with you, to be in close fellowship with you, Lord."
"When you come together and break the bread, remember the debt that I paid."
"Communion incorporates us to the life of Christ, incorporates us to the death of Christ, and incorporates us to the members of the mystical body and their joys and sorrows."
"God uses this token of ordinary table fellowship and nourishment to provide us with the Divine fellowship and graced nourishment which our hearts are desperately Longs for."
"'Take eat, this is my body,' Jesus said as he broke the bread."
"'Drink of it all of you, for this is my blood of the Covenant,'" Jesus said as he gave them the chalice."
"We're social animals. By our nature, we seek companionship, we seek communion."
"Prayer is a relationship with God. It is fellowship and communion with him."
"The climax of the mass is when we become properly aligned, fed with the body and blood of Jesus."
"Communion is for the righteous. It's for those of us who are saved and have accepted Jesus as the Lord and Savior."
"The New Testament teaches them how to fish, and now they have to work it out. God's people gather and break bread and pour out wine and share it in the name and love of Jesus—that is a Eucharist, that is a mass, that is the Lord's Supper."
"God is waiting from you AAR he's prepared a table go and sit with him dine with him."
"One of the many aspects of the Lord's table, receiving communion, is saying, 'I am receiving Christ. I'm receiving Him into my innermost being. I am partaking of Christ, putting Him inside me in the deepest sense.'"
"Respond to the request of our Lord, make reparation for those lukewarm and bad communions."
"Communion with God is more to be desired than the Comforts of the royal chamber."
"It's through the Holy Spirit that we enter into intimate communion with the divine."
"There's power in taking communion."
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all."
"Start having communion in your home every week."
"Ten minutes of real communion with Jesus Christ gives a sinner more joy than an entire lifetime lived in this world."
"As we draw near now to the table of the Lord, as we remember the sacrifice of Jesus Through communion, we pray God that we would be mindful of this great sacrifice that was paid for us."
"It is a delightful thing to commune with God intimately."
"He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life."
"Prayer is communion with God. It's not just something where you're doing it to be religious; it's actually your communion with God. Your communion with God should be constant."
"We're eating out of the same dish, we're dipping the SOP with Jesus, we're at one with him. That's what the at one moment is."
"Become one body in Christ and then return to the body of Christ that you can partake of."
"Only the priest consecrates and only he elevates the host or the chalice. Conversely, only the laity come forward to receive communion."
"I think God is more concerned with us having communion with him than he is with our infatuation with being used by him."
"The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?"
"Our communion with God is in those spiritual and holy acts and doings of our souls, in those graces and by those ways wherein the moral and instituted worship of God doth consist."
"The key to a joyful, powerful Christian walk is continual communion with the Living God through his word by his Spirit."
"Our fundamental reason for praying is to commune with God."
"We're not converting to Catholicism, we're entering into full communion with the 2019-year-old Catholic Church."
"...communion can only take place in a functional setting, in a functional reality."
"...the Eucharist is the Risen Jesus real and present and uh and and the church is the continuity of the that companionship that he's created..."
"My fear my obsession had led me to this a strange communion with a creature of the night."
"Real presence when you receive the bread together with the bread, you receive together with the bread eaten physically, the soul feeds on Christ really, truly, presently."
"For most of my life as a Catholic, the majority of times that I received communion, I didn't have any clear feeling of anything."
"By offering your tale like a kind of communion, you formed a sacred bond of kinship with the people in this room."
"The god of the universe is saying how do I want to be worshipped? Do this in memory of me."
"You are receiving the very body that Jesus handed out."
"It's the way that we receive into ourselves Himself."
"This is why we partake in communion - to remember what Jesus did for us."
"The Eucharist is where your flesh and blood gets to meet his flesh and blood. That's such a revelation."
"We're going to take communion remembering his broken body and shed blood."
"Did you know this, Lachita, that Jesus said unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you don't have life?"
"... I was in the presence of God. This was not just a piece of bread, this is not just a little wafer. It was God, the Messiah, the savior of the world who came for somebody like me..."
"The flesh feeds in the Eucharist on the body and blood of Christ that the soul likewise may be filled with God."
"To have the proper disposition to receive the Holy Eucharist, if you receive that presence of Christ, you're not going anywhere."
"We're not just partaking of the body and blood of Christ; we're actually becoming one with it."
"I just knew that this was the body of Christ at that moment."
"Our visions of sacred geometry patterns can mean a literal communion of our human mind with the Divine mind, transforming our deepest sense of ourselves and our true potential."
"We eat the Flesh of Jesus, we drink his blood and we become one with the Lord Jesus Christ."
"It was like the veggie meat of communion, so to speak."
"Enter into a communion, engage in communication with the Holy Spirit."
"The physical body of Jesus Christ sits down at the table to serve the memorial Body of Christ."
"They admire how you feel your intuition, how you have a close communion with it."
"That's the covenant meal. It's called what every time you have communion you sign again and he signs again and releases his power."
"Dinner moves the hand of God fast for you. That's why communion is so important in our life."
"For we being many are one bread and one body. We are all partakers of that one bread."
"When I eat, I become a part of the work of Calvary. I partake of the work of Calvary."
"Therefore, when I eat what's offered to God, I fellowship with him. I'm having fellowship with the Lord."
"Now you're having fellowship with who? Jesus."
"This is no longer bread, is it? It's the fellowship of the Lord."
"It's not about your goodness but about your awareness, the honor with which you treat communion with respect and dignity."
"At the table, there is union with Jesus."
"This is the Fellowship of the Son of God, the communion of his blood."
"His life enables us to live, to pray, to commune with him."
"We draw near not away from Christ and from and with each other when we come to this table."
"Many in their season of prayer and study fail to receive the blessing and the communion because they are in too great haste... We must learn to spend time with God, that's how we prepare for the final Conflict."
"Your time of prayer is your time of communion with Him."
"When we come to the communion table, the Lord's table, we are looking at the cross and we are looking at the great event, the great historical reality of Christ paying the price to purchase for God His people."
"The meal that heals is the communion. If we would discern the body and come together and eat worthily, we would live longer and we would be healed."
"Your personal prayerful reading of Scripture should lead you into a deeper experience of the Word made flesh in the Eucharist."
"On the Lord's own day, gather yourselves together and break bread."
"You want Christ in you, and by doing this ritual, you're taking Christ in you."
"You are going to sit in your house one night every single night of the week or every one night, you know, every night, and you are going to take communion."
"We're going to come together and partake of the Lord's body and partake of his blood, and that covenant of acknowledging him is going to bring answers and resolution supernaturally."
"Let's start with communion. It's personal."
"But if you don't come to the communion table thoughtfully and you don't come to the communion table having reflected a bit and understood what you're trusting God for, you will forfeit the benefits and the blessings of God."
"Even God Almighty, you must understand what you're getting into when you come into communion with Him."
"These two experiences illustrate the importance of regular scripture reading and study in opening up avenues for the Holy Ghost to commune with us in ways that we can recognize."
"The soul must unite itself to Christ each day and for that, there is nothing better than Holy Communion, the food of the soul for life."
"Every time you take communion, you take the life of Christ. You change your weak life, your weak body, for the strong Body of Christ."
"Jesus took bread and blessed it and break it and gave it to the disciples and said take eat, this is my body."
"This is remembering the last supper, and the Lord is saying come and eat this with me, I want you here."
"Whether it's confession, whether it's praying for others, let's come to Jesus as we take the bread and the cup and as we worship together. Amen."
"Thank you for your broken body, Lord."
"Shouldn't your day just be a daily interaction with God about what you're doing and what you're thinking? Shouldn't it just be a daily, natural, hourly, even minute-by-minute communion with God?"
"If any man eats this bread he shall live forever."
"When you take the Holy Communion and your sins are forgiven, you are eating a substance of power that brings you immortality into the kingdom of God."
"When you take the whole communion, you will be releasing the healing power of God Almighty into your body."
"I don't desire just works and good deeds. I desire communion. I desire relationship with you."
"Muir sought the sublime in Yosemite, a communion there with God and God's nature."
"We believe that all our sins are forgiven through him. All who have faith in him must be sorry for their sins, be baptized in the Holy Spirit of God, live the rules of love, and share the bread together in love."
"Taking communion is not an escape. It's a shortcut to your healing."
"'Therefore remember' is one of those communion-type words because it's what Jesus told us to do as often as we had the cup and the bread."
"Our commitments give us a sense of communion and joy."
"Communion between man and God at a spiritual level is at its heart."
"Sharing communion together... that from which you partake that which nourishes me is the same thing that nourishes you."
"Slowing down to go commune with me this is not ritual this is relationship and really that's what we're all saying from different experiences is he has made knowing him he he's he allows me to know him he's such a kind God."
"Father God, we come to the throne of grace. Lord, we come with the ability to access a space that we are not worthy to access, the ability to engage and commune with a being that we're not worthy to commune with."
"We talk about the sacrament of reconciliation or confession, where it's Christ comes to heal, it's a sacrament of healing, it's like that reality of things that Christ gives us, he gives us his church to bring us into communion, it's all ordered toward communion..."
"the Supper is a place where we are all equal there is one food there's one table there's one Savior we all have the same need for him it's the great equalizer"
"Prayer is communion with the Lord. It's Oneness with the Lord. It's fellowship with the Lord."
"He doesn't come to fix us. Thank God, He comes to love us. He comes to bring us into communion."
"The natural state of humankind was to be in communion with God."
"The ecumenical councils were events of communion."
"Sweet communion with the Father reestablished."
"Orthodox Christians believe they're being saved together in the church, not in isolation. Communion is essential."
"What are you about to eat and drink? You're about to eat and drink God's declaration of the remission of all of your sins. With every bite, with every swallow, hear and taste the word forgiven, forgiven, forgiven."
"We're sharing bread today, like Jesus."
"In prayer, we commune with the divine in the mountains, valleys, shrines, and temples."
"To receive in faith the gift of the Eucharist is to receive the Lord himself."
"The unique God who is in the bosom of the Father, he's at the father's side. There's intimate communion."
"I found myself in a state of total communication with God, a total awareness of his presence, total exchange of thoughts, and a total experience of his love."
"Communion is not just taking away from and taking the cup."
"I literally cried when I distributed Holy Communion to her for the first time, and she was overwhelmed and wept."
"We're on our way to heaven and we have the Bread of Heaven."
"It's still Bread and Wine when we eat it but in faith the Holy Spirit's making up the distance between Christ and heaven."
"Holy Communion, I touched the Chalice, the blood, and said Dad this is Jesus. I'm giving you Holy Communion, this is Jesus."
"If you receive a cracker in the name of a cracker, what are you going to get? But if you receive the blood of Jesus shed for the remission of sins, if you receive the body of Christ... communion is sacramental."
"Jesus made a promise... to receive Communion on the first Friday of the month for nine consecutive months."
"Every time we come to the Mass, we receive the very Heart Of God."
"We should learn to think of tears as liquid prayers. They really can be. So, we really can be in communion with God, even in the midst of our agony, that our tears are something like liquid prayers."
"Don't receive in the hand. God knows the great sacrifice you're making. He also knows what you're going through. Do your very best to make a good spiritual communion."
"As soon as I took communion, a peace came over me."
"The moment we eat the bread and drink the cup, we're releasing God's peace in our lives."
"You can expect to receive God's vision for your life, God's answers for your life, God's wisdom for your life."
"God wants to give that to you the moment you take communion."
"When we take communion, we're eating his flesh, drinking his blood, and receiving his life."
"Every time we take communion, we're activating that life. We're plugging into God's power."
"Anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him."
"In the Eucharist, the cup of blessing which we bless is it not a communion in the blood of Christ?"
"Christ's body and blood strengthen us in our weakness."
"The world is liturgical. It's like the world actually exists that way through communion of multiplicities into their telos. That's how things actually bind, you could say."
"That night Jesus did something new. He took some bread and after he gave thanks and broke it into pieces he gave it to the disciples and said, 'This is my body, broken for you.'"
"Now may the grace of our Lord, the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit, rest on us, rule over us, abide with us, inform us, now and forevermore, in Jesus' name. All of God's people said, Amen."
"You become what you eat. You eat Jesus, you become him. That is The Blessing of Abraham."