
Claims Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence."
"The importance of Jesus' resurrection is this: Jesus was making some very radical claims while he was on earth."
"All the claims that I have made to you are backed by data. Every single one of them."
"All of this is actually written in the historical records."
"Exceptional claims require exceptional evidence."
"When priguration makes those kind of claims, usually is a sign that a particular place is indeed in the process of being captured."
"What's wrong with saying we're gonna do everything in our power to look into the claims you've made and see if we can find evidence for them?"
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidences."
"The burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim."
"An argument is not a claim, a claim is a claim. An argument is a claim with evidence."
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Do we have that extraordinary proof? At last, I believe that we do."
"Some of them will inflated claims that people make from time to time are not necessarily true."
"I'm sorry, but some people are going to look at the track record of those kinds of things and look at this and say this is the same exact playbook as what has been happening in these other issues."
"If I write a book that makes a lot of claims, it would be very unlikely that one of them doesn't end up being true."
"This is an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence."
"Part two of any plaintiff's lawsuit is this is how much you owe me for doing me wrong."
"Without evidence, we have no way to know if its claims are true -- and thus no reason to believe that they are."
"It is the right decision, the claims are meritless..."
"Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence."
"Exceptional claims require exceptionally good evidence."
"Ordinary claims are ordinary evidence; extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence."
"Falsifiability means that a claim can be proven wrong."
"I don't think it needs to have explanatory power... I think that if you're making a claim of any sort, then that's what needs to have explanatory power."
"For extraordinary claims you need extraordinary evidence."
"Lexia claims to know the name, she has heard it several times."
"Bushiri often spoke about the miracles he'd performed, claiming he'd cured people of HIV, changed the fortunes of those living in poverty, made blind people see, and once walked on air."
"You need extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims."
"It's nothing to belittle those types of claims."
"Having broker statements on their website and you know if they're going to make big claims being able to back them up."
"You can't expect all of us to be like 'so they're just crazy and delusional.' All these people coming out, speaking out, saying they've either worked on something, seen something, experienced something."
"The more specific your religion claims are, the more likely it is that you'll be able to falsify."
"And this will be one way that you can get claims on counties to declare war."
"When you make big claims, you have to have big evidence to back it up."
"ProtonVPN also claims to not store your web traffic."
"Exaggerated claims made in advertising such as best in the universe or absolute greatest ever are known as puffery."
"I think only ten percent of Shadow ban claims are real."
"I think extraordinary claims should always require extraordinary evidence."
"You need to have clear support for all terms in the claims."
"...Maestro claims to have defeated Galactus the Phoenix Corps and the Phoenix force itself."
"Fantastic claims require fantastic evidence."
"There's big claims going on here, and they're experimentally tractable questions."
"If you've got an extraordinary claim you need extraordinary evidence."
"Sharon basically claimed that she had engaged in many telephone calls to her father that after she had met Latonya that she had called Latonya on the phone and talked to her a number of times and of course that was something that we couldn't verify."
"Christianity makes very specific claims within history."
"We want to see manufacturers in the future do the same thing so that when they make a claim, they can back it up with an actual response plot."
"While the commonly-cited explanation makes logical sense, it seems few people are taking the next step which is of course to test this claim."
"But the promises of bottled water often don't live up to their claims."
"This is literally we are only on our third situation of like major claims with zero evidence pushing it. It is a nightmare."
"A quick read through the manual had plenty of bold claims, and some rather unique selling points which inspired me to take a closer look."
"Let's read what this product claims to do."
"Hogan made claims that he would be able to diagnose people by examining their feet."
"Skincare companies make big claims about reversing aging, but we're only able to make modest but visible differences to the skin's superficial layer."
"If you're going to make claims, you will have to back them up. You have to live up to that. That's the moral of the story."
"He's claiming to be the real champion, he's beaten more people in the past six weeks than Punk defended against entirely."
"We must hold companies accountable for their claims."
"Jesus Christ claimed so much about who he was."
"Jesus claimed to be God in human form by both his words and his actions."
"Decades later, there are claims that money was also missing."
"It's partly the nature of the insurance business that you have to have money there available in case there are big claims."
"Income claims, product claims, lifestyle claims, these types of posts are against policies and procedures of these companies."
"Saint Leo is making claims that clearly go in tandem with Vatican one."
"The claims here aren't standalone claims for negligence. This is simply something you can use if you can't prove medical negligence."
"This is a partial list of Amazon claims: 99% reliability, except for all this stuff it doesn't include."
"The idea that religious claims don't need defending simply makes no sense to me."
"Extraordinary claims are going to require extraordinary evidence."
"Elevate doesn't exaggerate the claims of what their app can do."
"The claims of fraud were... idiotic claims."
"In John's Gospel, Jesus claimed to be deity."
"Fantasic claims require fantastic evidence."
"You can't make claims you don't hold evidence for."
"If you're going to make specific claims about another person, then you're making claims about another person."
"Everybody has a claim when the ship goes down."
"A third-party administrator to handle the claims."
"They claimed the plane had been emitting military codes."
"A sub limit in a liability policy puts a ceiling on the payment for all claims that arise from a single incident per occurrence."
"The claim is, of course, that this is good for society in general."
"...just because something is claimed doesn't mean that it's true."
"It's important to push back against some of the more extravagant claims coming from AI hype. There's a lot of fertile ground in between the very inflationary claims and the more extravagant ones."
"This video is all about homeowners claims so whether you're experiencing one right now or you just want to be prepared for if one happens I'm gonna walk you through the important part of what you can do to make your homeowners claim as simple as possible."
"It's essential to have evidence to support our claims."
"Cleaner claims going out the door, fewer denials, so you're spending less time and money working your denials and you're getting the correct payment and correct reporting right off the bat."
"Every part of this process was easy, from getting a pre-existing condition screening to making claims to being reimbursed."
"If you're going to make a claim that is incendiary, you need to have really high proof bars."
"Extraordinary claims do require extraordinary evidence."
"It's okay to show some skepticism when people are making great claims."
"...extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence as they say."
"This man said he traveled to the year 2749, and he made some disturbing claims about the future."
"If I'm going to make far-fetched claims, the burden of proof is on me."
"We want to give hard evidences for why we're making the claims we're making."
"If you make an extraordinary claim, you have to provide extraordinary evidence."
"Everything that it claims to do, it actually does."
"If I make a positive claim, I inherit a burden to prove it."
"False abuse claims are the new court weapon."
"Bold claims like that should be backed up by long-term data of large populations with mortality as an end, not just short-term studies with blood tests of a few people."
"The claims that Christianity has made for 2,000 years still stand."
"Claims describe a user... your government ID makes claims about your attributes."
"Mormonism makes very tangible truth claims that are testable."
"Not all claims are created equal; extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
"Anybody can make their own claims, but you gotta have evidence to back it up."
"But though the media bought the story, the men's claims do not stand up to scrutiny."
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence or at least compelling evidence or sufficient evidence."
"There's an appropriate level of skepticism to apply to claims that contradict science."
"Being a little careful is always better than making skeptical claims."
"If you're going to make an extraordinary claim, we want to see extraordinary evidence."
"Despite this great uncertainty, some people have already attracted attention who claim to have lived before."
"Claims are enforced against the public, in a sense a claim is a public right."
"The outer space treaty... it's an area where you are not to make territorial claims and you're not to have militarized activities."
"Pseudoscience promotes claims that are not supported by empirical evidence or that evidence is lacking or non-existent."
"Usually when you make a claim, you have evidence to back it up."
"It's a doozy, first time I've ever run across a policyholder who wasn't yelling for us to pay him yesterday for his loss today."
"Lazar's claims catapulted Area 51 into the spotlight, raising widespread debate about its covert operations."
"It's called anecdotal evidence, and that is one of the lowest levels of evidence that you can have for a claim."
"Why does every toothpaste commercial say 'number one brand recommended by dentists'?"
"Many visitors and employees claim that the ship's swimming pool area is very haunted."
"Be kind, be thorough, the property claims process shouldn't be adversarial."
"We need facts to substantiate a claim."
"Insurance companies should pay claims fully, fairly, and quickly."
"That's going to serve you the best when you do finally get onto your first major CAT deployment or you get assigned claims where you're the main person on the claim."
"If you are a person that wants to know the truth about the Mormon church and its truth claims... that's what we're about."
"Focus on critical thinking skills and skepticism... do not accept claims without sufficient evidence."
"All of the claims we make about the world are at best approximately true."
"Punitive... damages... is to punish the individual for making the claim in the first place."
"If you're gonna make an extraordinary claim, I'm gonna need extraordinary evidence."
"Any claim requires proof, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof."
"If there are unsubstantiated claims made like this with nothing to back them up, they are just wild speculation."
"Your effective date is going to vary depending on when you submit your claim and the circumstances under which your claim is granted."
"Unemployability according to the Veterans Court is part and parcel of a claim."
"We want to be confident in our knowledge claims."
"The onus of evidence is on the one who makes a claim."
"You can claim anything you want, but then you know the behavior tells the truth."
"The Bible cannot be considered evidence for the supernatural because the Bible is the claim."
"You have a bunch of books that make a bunch of different claims by authors that we can't often verify."
"It's your responsibility to be confident about your claims."
"The more extraordinary a claim, the more backup it really needs."
"Russia also claims to be the true Europe, the Europe that the other Europe, the liberal Europe, has lost."
"If you're going to make such accusations against other people and organizations, you have to back it up with facts."
"We believe in friendly skepticism in the sense that we think that you should always look critically at any claim being made."
"The token is valid and then we can take our steps to authorize based on claims."
"File that claim while you're still active duty... it's a lot easier to make sure that anything that you claim is actually service connected."
"Clear and unmistakable error is a rare type of error made by VA that could potentially result in an earlier effective date."
"The advantage of filing a supplemental claim after a Board decision is that your effective date of the underlying claim will be kept alive."
"Make sure the manufacturer's claims are accurate and there is clinical evidence to support the claims."
"His in-court claims were riddled with hyperbole and scandalous and unsupported claims."
"There are sincere believers who will call in and offer what they think of as evidence for their claims."
"It has also ruled that China's ambitious nine-dash line claim in the South China Sea does not have a legal basis."
"Exceptional claims require exceptional proofs."
"The more documents you send them, within reason, so long as they're helpful to your case, the more the adjuster's forced to look at your claim."
"Your objective is to identify the top five percentile of claims for each state."
"People can claim anything they want to; it doesn't mean it's true."
"The more evidence you put in, in writing to the VA from you or family members or friends, the better for your claim, ultimately."
"It's always important to be skeptical when extraordinary claims are made."
"...extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary evidence."
"Corroborated claims are evidence."
"You want to make sure that you think of as much of the good, sensible claims that can come up in the debate on your side and be able to run them well."
"The duty to assist is basically the VA taking it upon themselves to assist you in filing a claim that you otherwise wouldn't have filed properly."
"Sending clean claims ensures not only timely reimbursement but more importantly, we really gain and retain that trust with our patients."
"Truth claims require a certain kind of world."
"The bigger the claim, the greater the evidence needed."
"Ultimately, these claims are very serious; they need to be taken very seriously."
"If you do nothing else right about the VA claim process, make sure you get the medical evidence piece right."
"Winning VA claims comes down to provable medical evidence."
"Inference claims are the most important element of logic."
"The benefits and claims will blow your mind."
"He's bringing us facts like he's making all these claims but at least he has documents to back them up."
"The only way that your claim ends is when you give up."
"None of the claims that Leah and Mike have made are exaggerated."
"Look at their claims critically, analyze them."
"I think it's really important to challenge any claim a company makes because they are always trying to make themselves look better."
"If you're making an extraordinary claim, then you have to bring evidence."