
Movie Industry Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"Pay for movies that are good. Keep paying for movies that are good. That's the only way that we can turn the dial to where it needs to be."
"The power brokers behind the movies are able to create content that they know can influence and manipulate our minds."
"Collective big budget franchise action movie fatigue."
"It's customary that a star in a movie that has performed so well at the box office would have gotten other roles and worked quite a bit afterwards."
"A opening weekend of right around a quarter billion dollars - that's just the scale that Marvel works at."
"Studios are betting hundreds of millions of dollars, hoping every film is a hit."
"Some side characters aren't strong enough to carry their own movie."
"Americans went to a movie theater a billion times in 2019. That's a billion with a b."
"AMC is hereby formally announcing on this call that by year end we will have the information technology systems in place to accept bitcoin as payment for movie tickets and concessions if purchased online at all of our US theaters."
"This movie is the most unnecessary movie sequel since Highlander 2."
"Top grossing is about what the audience is interested in seeing."
"Do I think that this choice will result in the death of the movie theater? I think that that is something that people always want to talk about."
"This is the kind of movie that's been dying to be made."
"The theatrical movie-going experience is doomed as long as incompetent buffoons like guys like Adam Aaron are in predominant places of leadership in the industry."
"It's gonna bring the billion dollar club in like the first three weeks."
"Shrek was the first movie ever to win the Oscar for Best Animated Feature."
"Tom Cruise is still a movie star in this galaxy." - Ken
"Just doing romance in every fing movie is so fing boring."
"Looking at all tickets sold since January 1st, Wonka is the top-selling movie of the year so far."
"It's a stock footage movie that's out in theaters that's crazy to me that that happened."
"Can they muscle through this? Can they make it to Black Panther? That's really the question because that Black Panther's that's going to pull in another billion dollars probably for the industry."
"The movie made $293 million at the box office."
"This movie, what I will say about adventures in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe which Avengers opened, and it already beat Justice League, it also already beat Logan's entire domestic run too."
"If Marvel puts out movies with non-white, non-male leads, fantastic."
"This movie needs to be good because it's not about the next movie, it's about the next 10 movies."
"I'm not gonna be surprised at all if we don't start hearing rumors of Robert Downey Jr. and Kevin Feige working out a new deal."
"Borderlands movie is going to begin filming in Budapest soon."
"Spider-Man's highly acclaimed filmmakers duo Phil Lord and Christopher Miller jumped on board once they caught a glimpse of the movie."
"This movie was actually nominated for Best Picture."
"I think movie studios will do anything to get you to go and see that movie."
"Your movies will be more successful on your streaming service if you put it in theaters first."
"Female-directed movies are bad. Get out of here with all that misogyny."
"Every so often a movie comes along which makes such a huge pop cultural impact that the face of the entire entertainment landscape is changed forever."
"Star Wars films are no longer guaranteed to make money. Good luck with that, boys."
"You couldn't make a movie that white now. Those movies are really, really very white." - Molly Ringwald
"Do you want more Spider-Verse, or do you want more of Marvel phase four and five?"
"It's the movie. It's not the star, it's not who is getting the 20 million dollars. It's the movie. And that's the lesson of Titanic."
"The most fun I've had... were the people we had in Justice League."
"Aladdin is doing something that no movie has done in 16 years."
"I wouldn't go so far as to say PETA does and say that no animal should be allowed in movies unless they're CGI, but at the very least something needs to change."
"People don't just go to see anything in the theater anymore. It's definitely a much different day for movies than it used to be."
"Has come out a movie that we have heard Kevin Feige kind of maybe whispering Best Picture nomination aspirations."
"MoviePass's former CEO and the leader of its former parent company have been indicted on Securities fraud charges for deceiving investors on the sustainability and profitability of the company's movie A Day subscription model."
"If you want something to get a sequel, go watch the movie."
"I kind of wonder who gets to tell James Mangold, Matthew Vaughn, Ryan Coogler, Taika Waititi, Robert Rodriguez, Patty Jenkins, Christopher Nolan, James Gunn, Shane Black, and Guillermo del Toro among others that they didn't make real movies."
"Still, No Time to Die has already enjoyed an impressive global box office of $313 million."
"Keanu reeves went from an up-and-coming actor to a full-blown movie star."
"Infinity War ultimately became the fourth movie to gross over two billion dollars worldwide."
"Movies are really hard to make. I want every movie to be great."
"This year has been such a terrible year for the whole world, but you know, I'm sorry to say it, it's been pretty good for crypto."
"Dungeons and Dragons made $38 million, but it needs to make a [__] ton more money."
"The film's production was such a colossal undertaking amid impossibly high expectations."
"The Croods 2 is on par with one room in 1984 at the box office."
"With Nolan, though, that 100 million could easily turn into a billion."
"Zack Snyder needs to not do any more of these fucking movies."
"It's a tough racket, making movies from novels."
"Meet your typical DCEU protagonist: either a naive fish out of water, an angst-filled warrior made of sadness, or a jokester stuck with Joss Whedon's B material."
"Movies make 10 times more money in theaters."
"We're really used to not seeing these incredible anime movies, that are put together, being recognized at all at the Oscars."
"A large part of the movie going audience is now happy to wait for digital for almost all movies."
"MoviePass unintentionally made the movie-going experience much better, despite literally being a money pit for anyone involved in the actual company itself."
"He seems to find it hilarious that people pay money to go watch movies where they just are confronted by his big swing it damp and he actually enjoys his idea so much that he has actively campaigned to put more penises in movies and on TV."
"We're gonna need a script office to actually write movies."
"Now we're gonna need a production office so we can actually release our movies."
"If you're a fan of the movie industry and want to hear a genuine person, not a corporation, talk about the box office in detail, you probably won't find a show better than this."
"The film 'Shut In' has a Critic score of a hundred percent."
"If we're telling Disney that we're going to boycott their movies when they're trash but when they actually put out something that's decent we boycott them anyway then what exactly are you expecting them to do?"
"This movie's gonna make it a [ ___ ] ton of money."
"These DC movies right now seem to be playing like Star Trek movies in as much as they have their audience and that audience comes out in full force and they could do a bunch of business."
"No other franchise has been able to do this string together 20-plus movies almost all somewhere between good and great with a nearly completely consistent continuity."
"However, it opened to over a hundred and thirty million dollars worldwide."
"Maybe we need to be a little more discerning about the movies that we want to see made."
"This movie is gonna hit a billion dollars, just mark my words."
"This might be the best casting any movie has ever done."
"Kathleen Kennedy had been fired, she was going to be allowed to quote-unquote step down, she's gonna leave with dignity and grace, but believe me if Solo was a smash hit she'd still be there today."
"If Spider-Man No Way Home hits $200 million, incredible!"
"Spider-Man across the spider-verse it has been the one big movie this Summer that has just been a box office hit domestically."
"Trailers have come a long way since the original Iron Man trailer."
"This is the story of an unlikely movie that became a cult classic."
"What came back to me is the allure of the artistic, of following my dreams and wanting to work in the movie industry."
"The little movie that could would go on to become a surprise box office success."
"It's incredible how much this movie changed how sci-fi was put to screen."
"The two leads in a movie are both really named Benedict. That blew my mind."
"Why is the blockbuster dying? First things first: movie studios sabotaging their own partners, the theaters."
"I wish people cared about these movies more."
"Shane Dawson does not have a great reputation in the movie industry, okay?"
"I worked in a movie theater... I would see the credits to Black Panther five times a day."
"48 million is nothing in comparison to like a billion that toy story made so there's some kind of like they need to fix the analytics and how to track how much these disney disney plus uh straight to disney plus movies make because it's not fair."
"It took all of eight years for another Batman movie to be made."
"...as plans moved ahead for a third film to fulfill Dalton's three-picture deal..."
"This movie's production costs fifty thousand dollars and they made like over 20 million."
"This is a case of studios tampering with a movie to the benefit of the film."
"This is why they keep making them guys, people are wondering why do they keep making these things, that's why. If you want to triple your investment, three quarters of a billion dollars. Yeah, it almost hit a billion this movie, so that's why they keep making them."
"It damn sure worked better than that Dark Universe. People like, 'We only got one movie, one movie killed 18 franchises.'"
"Never underestimate the power of the global box office to eat up crap."
"We're talking about a movie with an estimated budget of a hundred and fifty million dollars and it made seven million in its opening weekend."
"I think that whatever happens with the new James Bond movie, when we will get some new official updates, it will be a big reveal."
"The consensus is that the live-action Sony-based Spider-Man universe movies have not exactly all been home runs."
"It has now been out since February 17th, so what is that, like over two weeks now? And it is sitting at 367 million worldwide. Now that is for a 200 million dollar movie."
"The risk that Bob Shay took by green lighting all three lord of the rings movies no one at the studio in their right mind would ever do that now."
"This movie should get an end credit scene."
"...most sequels actually do work in terms of financially speaking rather than critically."
"If they remake every movie they've ever made, is that worth the compromise?"
"If they realize all they had to do was release a new remake of [ __ ] 'Lion King' every year, then they would."
"As long as people seem to like it, it's guaranteed to make a lot of money. It doesn't even have to be really good."
"In the age of Netflix and stuff where people have mostly up to this point in the history of movies had to take sometimes very big novels and make them fit into a two-hour structure, this is an original."
"It's strange that movie critics seem to be the ones who are excusing bad [__] in movies the most when you would expect them to be the ones calling it out the most. It's like they want these movies to be good, which is why we get [__] like Rhino milk."
"The issue isn't the heroes are women but rather that because the heroes are women the movie gets this false sense that he can do less than it otherwise would have to in terms of who the heroes are, the actions they perform as well as the world they inhabit."
"It's sad in some ways that like this is a movie made I think before I was even born and we've not really topped it in terms of Star Trek movie making."
"Yeah this this is the Pinnacle of movie making for Star Trek."
"It's such a shame that the movie had such a limited release."
"I thought that's what the question was going to be. Is even like, how is Wolverine going to work into Deadpool 3?"
"The movie had actually been in development hell since MGM bought the sequel rights to Basic Instinct in 1997."
"Movies aren't the be-all and end-all; if people like it enough, it'll sell."
"The tragic Twilight Zone movie deaths led to a number of changes and safety regulations for movie production... These precautions that came from the Twilight Zone incident almost certainly have saved lives."
"That getting zero Oscars is absolute horseshit racism yeah I mean like but it's all that's important [ __ ] that movie is an Oscar movie like that's it."
"...the possibility existed that not only could Michael Keaton return as Batman after a six-year Hiatus but he would do so alongside a brand new Superman potentially ushering in a shared Cinematic Universe of DC heroes."
"It's a whole new life man, it's like, I wouldn't be surprised if Eddie Murphy and Robert Downey Jr. in a Tubi movie. They're doing Tubi movies and [__] like so it's a weird world now."
"Hand over the Snyder cut. America doesn't need any more Jokers. We're done."
"Bobcat Goldthwait would join the franchise in the second film and has said that he has asked about it all the time."
"The careers of John McNaughton and Michael Rooker were launched by Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer back in 1986."
"...even though a lot of those movies did well or made a ton of money... this is probably the best movie he made... the most critically acclaimed... everybody liked it made a ton of money."
"There's a lot of drama with the 2004. That was... I mean, that movie was going to happen."
"A lot of people are spending a ton of money in the movie industry."
"this kind of makes me wish James Cameron still worked for Roger Corman who knows maybe he could find a way to make sharp to pus versus whale wolf look good"
"This movie became the highest grossing independent film up to that time."
"...movies need to make at least 2 and 1 half times their budget to break even so Babylon would have needed to make 200 million to break even. That didn't happen."
"Movies like ET and Ghostbusters and Home Alone and Back to the Future are the rarest of rare things: mega successful movies with no precedent before them."
"While the budget is significantly higher, the movie still has the same director and the same writer, but with mountains more cocaine."
"The truth is, Transamerica was a multi-billion dollar conglomerate. It rode off the entire loss of Heaven's Gate."
"Ticket sales data show that somebody's going to see these movies."
"They're remaking every movie that came out when we were young."
"Titanic became a cultural phenomenon and is still to this day one of the highest grossing movies of all time."
"With that performance, they're going to offer him a new movie deal worth $1 million."
"A movie's quality or a studio's reputation isn't defined by how many awards they win, especially from a heavily biased organization like the academy."
"I definitely think it's the space in the movie industry where original ideas can really prosper."
"This movie test screened and the studio reported the highest ratings they've ever gotten on a movie."
"For every great movie they put out like 'The Black Phone' or 'Freaky' or 'Happy Death Day' or 'Halloween 2018,' there are other ones that they either rush out into theaters or just throw up on Amazon Prime or on Peacock or something like that."
"It's been a very long time since we got a 'Nightmare on Elm Street' movie."
"I want a good movie, but at the end of the day, bringing back slasher icons is great."
"I know he wants to do 'Halloween,' I know he wants to do a 'Nightmare on Elm Street,' and personally, I would love to be proven wrong."
"If Superman Legacy flops, it tanks the universe that hasn't been born yet that DC has doubled down on. This is the movie for this universe. If this movie flops, that universe will never get off its feet."
"Forrest Gump had legs. It embedded itself into pop culture. Shawshank Redemption was a box-office bomb, but found its legs in subsequent re-watches."
"You're also right though that like those movies were made at the time where people were making movies based on IP that existed but no one was like making a big fucking deal about it."
"But why don't studios use the number of tickets sold to determine a movie's success instead of box office?"
"The only true comparison you have is box office dollars and that's why they do that and that's why they always will do that 100%."
"The job of the movie trailers is to sell the movie and here's a truth now. Before that trailer came out, nobody was talking about Doctor Strange: The Multiverse of Madness."
"This movie got like 80% of its buzz after that trailer. Disney and Marvel saw what happened with Sony marketing Spider-Man: No Way Home and they mimicked it."
"Sigourney's salary for Alien Resurrection was more than the entire cost of Alien."
"It is a huge shame what happened to everyone involved. They tried to make a good movie and attempted to put Superman back on track."
"a sub 50% drop off for a big movie like that is pretty good"
"The problem with John Carter was they went, 'This is gonna be the new Avatar,' yeah, they even didn't call it 'John Carter of Mars,' apparently, potentially because they had one called 'Mars Needs Moms.'"
"Disney is starting a three-month campaign of releasing some Pixar movies in theaters..."
"No Time to Die definitely the last James Bond movie for a while, but I would imagine within the next four or five years we'll get a new James Bond and a new James Bond era to obsess over like we did the Daniel Craig era."
"So yes, I'm Ned Hinkle. I book movies for a living so I was intrigued to learn about the topic of Chuck's newest novel which delves shamelessly into the trivia of Golden Age Hollywood."
"Tom Cruise has been the most prominent vocal guy trying everything to save the movie business."
"You can make 20 of these movies for the price of one Marvel movie."
"This movie is not just an MTV movie which a lot of people tried to write it off as at the time. This movie actually galvanized the horror industry."
"I think they will because people go to see Indiana Jones for Harrison Ford, without Harrison Ford, there's no Indiana Jones."
"Anthony Hopkins originally declined to return for 'Thor: Ragnarok' but was won over by Taika Waititi's approach."
"Spider-Man can have a movie and it's still going to make nearly a billion dollars."
"Here's the 30 people who acted in the movie, here's the couple grips and camera guys, and then here's the catering company. Just the catering company, not every single person who ever worked for them."
"Man, oh my God, if this movie came out today, I think it would have been a franchise."
"...and the other is sort of trust which is like a very small indie film by Berlin Shelton starring Marc Maron which just like you yeah I wonder whether or not movies like that will just become TV you know in the years to come but it was a great movie..."
"Isn't the rumor at this point that it's just gonna be like a hard reset for the DC EU? That we're gonna wrap con in Michael Keaton Batman and retcon out Batfleck Batman?"
"The film would also have an end credits scene which would have an official second trailer to The Avengers coming after this film."
"We've lost respect for the movie-going experience, and we need to get it back."
"Pirates 5 did not make as much money in the box office as the prior Pirates movies did, isn't that true?"
"His role was first offered to Jackie Chan, but he refused."
"I think right now the stock price of Mattel is at like twenty dollars and uh since the like the announcement of the Barbie movie um I think it's like doubled."
"The rock is still a movie star, Chris Pine to me is still a movie star."
"What began as a small idea of watching movies whenever you want in the comfort of your own home opened its doors to one of the biggest elements of the movie industry."
"This wasn't just a great hold for a movie that opened to a hundred plus million dollars, it is the best hold ever for a hundred plus million dollar opener."
"The importance of trailers now has never been so strong."
"Real money by the movie is made in merchandising."
"A person can star in more than one movie in the same way a movie can have multiple stars."
"Everything every movie you can have it right now on demand, so why are we remaking these pocket movies?"
"It's the most important movie I've been involved with."