
Best Friends Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"You two are almost like each other's best friend."
"We're the three best friends that anyone could have."
"Ever since I can remember, Mom and I have been best friends."
"I have a really good emotional connection to him, and he's most definitely my best friend."
"It's definitely possible to have more than one best friend. I can agree on that, Santa."
"Your cosmic self is literally my best friend."
"Jade is the best friend I have ever had on this planet and I am going to show up for her and support her for the rest of my life."
"What if they said we're best friends and we want you to be our best friend too?"
"We were both best friends and lovers."
"They're your best friend forever."
"You never forget your childhood best friends."
"We're best friends, we are best friends."
"You know you're all my very best friends."
"You know you are my very best friends."
"You're my BFF, you're my best friend."
"He is your best friend forever; in fact, he now thinks of you as his brother."
"We're just best friends; literally, I tell him everything, he understands me, he doesn't judge."
"She's my twin, my built-in best friend."
"We are best friends connected by the heart."
"We'll be best friends forever and more."
"Just really, really forge that friendship to maybe a best friendship."
"We are friends; when I call you my bestie, I mean it."
"She literally is my best friend, the person I talk to every single day."
"I would be gutted because I would consider, to this day, to this hour, Jeff my best friend on the earth."
"I just feel like she was my best friend; we did everything together."
"Best friends are so hard to find because the very best is already mine."
"I love her, she's my best friend."
"I'm so lucky to have the most beautiful bestie."
"It's like 'oh, man! I want you to have other best friends'."
"Thomas, you're my son and my best friend. You have been since you were born."
"I genuinely believe that you're my best friend."
"I love that you consider me one of your best friends."
"Besties forever, never apart, maybe in distance."
"I love me and Jay bond; we're literally the best of friends."
"We're the best friends right here."
"I think we would be friends, no, yeah, because, well, we're best friends."
"You're my best friend Rheneas, and there's nothing stronger than friendship."
"We're best friends forever, it's okay, I love you."
"That's my best friend, that's my best friend."
"Oh my goodness, you're my best friend in the world."
"George is exceptionally close to Mercy and considers her his best friend, and she feels the same way."
"It's truly one of my life's greatest pleasures to call you all my best friends forever and ever."
"I ended up meeting Ellen's roommate and that ended up becoming my best friend for like ever."
"You know you are my very best friend."
"You're my best friend, you always have been, and you always will be."
"Did you know you're my best friend?"
"We're not just friends, we're like best friends."
"You're my best friend and we're best friends."
"We were best friends for a long time; we were the best friends in the whole world."
"That's when they became best friends."
"You'll always be my best friend, no matter what. I love you."
"You're my best friend, I appreciate that."
"Hey Dixie, you're my best friend."
"We're not friends, we are friends, you're my best friend."
"There's nothing like female friendships and like spending time with your best friend."
"Sasha and Anne have a very strong friendship, Sasha and Anne are BFFs."
"She is literally my best friend. It's crazy how it happened."
"That's how I met Wiz, and he's still one of my best friends to this day."
"You treat anybody everybody that you socialize with like your best friend."
"You're like my best friend. We have so many moments together."
"That's what friends are for, not just friends, best friends."
"You've always been friends, and now you're best friends."
"You're my best friend, the best friend that I ever had."
"I have a blast with you though, you know what, you're my best friend."
"But not just any friends, the best of friends."
"I love her, she's so great. Kaylie is my best friend ever."
"I'm telling the truth. You're my best friend. Why don't you believe me?"
"Chloe and Zoe are the best friends ever."
"Chloe and Zoey are the best friends ever."
"She was and still is my best friend."
"My very best friends forever, doing everything together."
"I considered him my very best friend in the whole world."
"And I love you more than anything else in this world too, Mama. We're best friends."
"We're really close; we're best friends."
"Here are the two beautiful best friends."
"I consider him one of my best friends to this day."
"We are friends, Pinkie. In fact, I'd say we're best friends."
"The three of us were the three best friends that anybody could have."
"She's really my best friend, and I want to protect her."
"I can say without hesitation that she's one of my best friends."
"My very best friends forever, we're doing everything together."
"We're more than Bros, we're best."
"He's just literally my best friend."
"Don't you worry dear, I will stay here by your side, you are my best friend."
"You're not my friend; you're my best friend."
"Seymour and Joe were the best of friends."
"I speak to my mom every day of my life; she's my best friend."
"You know you're my very best friends."
"It's like we go deeper than work friends, it's like a best friend thing."
"You guys are going to be like best friends."
"You know you're my best friend, right?" she asked.
"You'll always be my best friend, no matter what."
"I'm so glad you guys are my best friends."
"Jamie is always saying that I'm her best friend, and she is my best friend too."
"Mother daughter best friends forever."
"When you really like something, you're like, 'Oh my god, I want to get that for my best friend, and then we can match because it's the most amazing, life-changing sweatshirt on the planet.'"
"This is Danny, my bestest best friend ever."
"I cherish every second I spent with you; you are my best friend."