
Tragedy Response Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"We are going to rebuild in a way that remembers the people who this tragedy has impacted and also do it in a way that honors the community it serves."
"It's so powerful when a community comes together, and it's sad that it takes something like this, a tragedy, for the community to come together."
"Every single time there's a tragedy, our leaders don't act in the best interest of the people. They see opportunity, and they grab as much as they can."
"Don't let our loved ones die in vain. Use this tragedy to do good for other families going forward."
"A deep part of my heart goes out to that family and to Tim's relatives and friends."
"We need full clarity on how such a horrific tragedy could have occurred. Families are seeking justice and accountability, and they deserve closure."
"It's positive. Though as tragic as what we're dealing with, I always keep the crew focused on why we do what we do. Providing answers for a family." - Doug Bishop
"In the aftermath of her death, Stuttle's family started Caroline's Rainbow Foundation."
"We may never know why he did what he did but what we can say for certain is that the small community living in Hungerford refused to be beaten by his cruelty or haunted by the nightmare of Michael Ryan's deranged killing spree."
"Unfortunately, the loss of someone's life, but at least now it's getting the reaction that I think it deserves."
"I'll be the first to say Alex Jones should not have defamed the families involved in the Sandy Hook tragedies."
"It's important to have these moments when tragedy strikes, so you feel that and share our humanity."
"We send our love and our prayers of the nation to every family that was affected."
"It's enough for folks. People are -- 22 people died. So you have to call it what it is."
"Political power doesn't change overnight I wish it did I wish Sandy Hook changed everything but you need to build it."
"Life is what solves tragedy. It's the only answer to tragedy is life."
"A major act of kindness following tragedy in Tennessee... an anonymous donor will cover the funeral costs for 20 victims."
"Four girls lost their lives but yet in spite of all of that the church is still thriving today."
"We can't live in a country where presidents show up at the scenes of tragedy and craft speeches for power and profit."
"I'm going to be praying so hard for all of the victims' family and friends."
"In the wake of any tragedy, we are all left trying to understand why."
"Offering free counseling for those affected by tragedies is a reasonable response initially."
"Our thoughts are with the families who of those whose lives are taking the tragedy. The right to peacefully protest is a bedrock of our democracy."
"It's always difficult every single time one of these happens, and it is a horrific tragedy."
"Everyone who was affected by this tragedy deserved a search for the truth, not a search for a scapegoat."
"Within days of the Uvaldi elementary school shooting, the Mr Ballin Foundation sent 150,000 to support victims and their families..."
"I think many people have the stern don't take advantage of a tragedy principle don't capitalize on someone else's suffering."
"Despite the darkness of this tragedy, the strength and the unity of the community offer a glimmer of hope and resilience in the face of adversity."
"From tragedy comes unity, standing up and absolutely saying no."
"I feel Beyond devastated for the families and friends who lost loved ones and for all of those affected by this absolutely senseless crime."
"The president was horrified by that just as we all were."
"It's always shocking and tragic when something like this happens in your community."
"What we really need to keep focused on is what happened here, the tragedy that happened, what was responsible, and let's make sure it never happens again."
"It's hard to make sense of the loss of life. It's just such a tragic, tragic incident."
"We want to make good out of this horrific thing."
"Our prayers and thoughts are with the families that have been affected by this."
"It was a lifelong dream of theirs, but it took family tragedy to really get it off the ground."
"It's a two-week feeling because obviously it's like it's tragic and is everything but it's also so how find the right word but just how like the earth kind of stands still for like a moment."
"These are beyond words for us to even express our sympathy and our sorrow."
"We're resolved to not make this meaningless but to bring meaning to this tragic moment in our state, in our nation's history."
"Thank you for giving us hope that's given some relief in the terrible tragedy that we've been living."
"It saddens me to know that the disappearance of a four-year-old child is not as important as playing the blame game."
"This will not define us because what will define us is what we will do in the midst of this tragedy and what we will do after it."
"When the tragedies happen, people are standing together so close, helping each other at every single point."
"We're going to find ways to make the community safer; we're going to learn from this tragedy."
"We're an organization that believes in the power of prayer, and there is nothing more this community could do for us than to pray for the families and the loved ones and the victims of this senseless act."
"We're such a tight family, and when we have tragedy amongst us, I think that's when we're at our best."
"The techniques haven't changed that much, but the application has become more widespread after certain tragedies."
"When unthinkable tragedies occur, it's natural for people to want to prevent them in the future."
"We will stand united in the face of this tragedy, of singular mind and of singular heart."
"I began to do a lot of introspection and I began to think I need to do something. Something good has to come from this tragedy."
"We have learned a lot from the tragic fatality of Zimer Perkins and we've striven to use it to strengthen all the components of our system."