
Auditory Experience Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"The Rift features an integrated VR audio system designed to convince your ears that you're truly there."
"We want the sound to be so hot, we want to hear the goosebumps popping."
"There's records that I don't like the music but are recorded so well that I listen to them for sonic enjoyment."
"With Everywhere at the End of Time, James Leyland Kirby shattered the typical boundaries of the auditory medium and delivered an experience like no other."
"The soundtrack is incredible, and I don't know when I will ever replay this game, but when I do, I will make sure to use headphones."
"There's a sound I will never forget, the sound of pounding on the door like a battering ram, the most haunting sound I ever heard and I will never forget it."
"The whole audio experience is really proper."
"The echos make it sound more ethereal and like I'm actually atop a mountain peak."
"It's a beautiful linear game with exciting combat and incredible soundtrack."
"Do you hear it? It actually was like... yeah."
"Elvis's young female fans were screaming so loud that audiences couldn't hear the dialogue."
"This one just sounds human-like. Just listen for yourself."
"Hearing poetry read out loud gives you a sense of the throughlines of the poem, a more complete sense of it as a whole, and it can also just be an incredibly chill experience."
"The Safdies are very careful with their mix while there are many layers and often background characters lines will overlap with the primary dialogue."
"The sound of that [time stopping] is the best part. It's legit."
"When you heard his audio and heard his voice, it was almost like a visual. Like you can close your eyes and listen to King Von without even having the video, and you can imagine what he was telling you about."
"This is a really fun game with great graphics and a better-than-average soundtrack."
"The music of Chrono Cross is really just that good."
"But the amazing and distorted and tattered soundscapes that Liz pulls together on this record, along with her disembodied alien ghosts, leave ocol work together in an incredibly hypnotic, surreal, and unsettling fashion."
"Wash this in the bloods a bop like it's still a jam every time I listen to it it's a soundscape that I really wanted to hear from kanye and was hoping was going to be like emblematic of his next album just it's really cool I think it's great."
"Sound matters to the experience, and that really could go farther than the visuals enhancing it."
"New World does such a good job... and audibly makes you feel good."
"The soundtrack is probably the best part of the experience, a commendable effort on all three fronts by the artists involved."
"A gorgeous sexual lullaby that crackles and fizzes in your ears."
"The soundtrack as a whole was a treat for the ears."
"You get this typical Ferrari sound and the supercar experience."
"His music feels more like an auditory experience."
"I still cannot explain what we heard back there. It sounded like 'help' to me."
"I listen to all the old shit from the 80s. Let me make some shit that I want to hear."
"Unique sound difference...Blended in with the V8 Rumble."
"I'll be driving down the road and I'll hear 'Ooh, Chavo.'"
"This is a revolutionary in the dream and then listen to the sound all come on to that."
"Star Wars is about the sounds... the ships, lightsabers, droids, and the score. That's what conjures Star Wars for me."
"Sound is supposed to be a third eye to make you feel like you're power incarnate."
"Under the Milky Way rolls over the listener with a smooth stargazing Melody."
"It sounded just like me, distorted like it came from an old TV."
"There's nothing like listening to that launch vehicle take off."
"One thing I was always impressed with... was how amazing the music in the game sounded."
"When those heavy doors slam shut, it is a very distinctive, definitive, loud sound."
"It's literally like listening to a movie, but you get to be the director because you're the one making the images in your head."
"If it sounds good to your ear, then it is good."
"The soundtracks to these games are incredible too."
"Complete silence is loud, yeah, yes I think so."
"You know, I love the whistling in the background too, for the music. It's so good."
"Cage's piece '4 minutes 33 seconds' challenged listeners to 'listen to the world.'"
"Wrath of the Righteous isn't fully voiced over for everyone all the time, but there's a lot of top-notch acting in this."
"It was such a great listen, well an amazing listen."
"The music in this game, I've said it a few times, is so good."
"It's when you start hearing this echo coming in strong."
"I also like the sound of this engine... it has kind of a synthesized growl."
"After almost 40 years of service, the great rumble of the Bears engines can still be heard across Russia, Europe and other oceans of the world."
"I love it when somebody says they don't sound any different."
"The score with Lisa Gerrard and Hans Zimmer, 'We Are Free,' is epic. Slap on some earphones and play it aloud."
"Thunderous growl with the pops, bangs, and crackles."
"Transparency mode on AirPods Max is almost indistinguishable from not wearing headphones at all."
"This song is hard not to listen to from start to finish because of its gravitational pull."
"The wave sounds so beautiful, honestly, man."
"Wow, wow, wow, imagine listening to this all day. Wow."
"But if you guys want to listen to the story I'm gonna play it here in just a moment it's a radio theater type story it's really interesting to listen to and the similarities are just uncanny."
"Everything I've heard so far sounds fantastic."
"Sound is definitely a big part and being able to hear this has just made me fall absolutely in love with this machine."
"That sounds so good... sounds like a motorsport car."
"I think there's definitely something to that experience and it's something that I feel like, yes, I agree, there are some people that have really impressive hearing capabilities but I think a lot of it really is training."
"At the end of 'A Day in the Life,' there are vibrations that only dogs can hear."
"And there we have liftoff of starlink group 6-40 from space launch complex 40 we will remain quiet so you guys can hear the awesome sounds."
"The BMW R9T, killer German feel, super soulful sound."
"To my surprise, the modded board with the same alpaca switches in PBT keycaps sounds considerably different than the stock one."
"The sound of your loved ones breathing while they're sleeping."
"The soundtrack is pretty damn good and very unique, blending well with the environment."
"The madness of the voices in the hello foes coupled with an excellent sounding delay in distortion makes I think for quite an experience."
"I couldn't believe it, but of course I heard it."
"The music is phenomenal, from barely audible violins that trill away in the background to some soul-stirring battle music."
"Adding effects to the song makes it feel part of the environment, enhancing the experience."
"Every element of the sound, from the crazy glitching noises... to the beautiful score by Mac Quayle."
"Standing in a quiet Country Church in the silence, yet you hear the noise of the past."
"There's some magic to it when you hear songs in a certain order."
"The Borla exhaust makes the vehicle sound a lot more mean, a lot more performance-focused."
"Once you are in the middle of the world of sound, my God, there's so much you can do. It's so exciting."
"So immediately you can hear the hands in the soundtrack playing even as we start off the driving comfort mode and it's such an important thing I think in any EV that the option should be there."
"As you guys could see presentation wise this game is like a 90s cartoon on the soundtrack especially."
"The sound reproduction, the silence, and the noises of the snow were hauntingly immersive."
"You listen to the staticky signal on the other end. It's harsh to your ear, but then the noise begins to slowly change into something beautiful."
"It's a beautiful bell by the way, you really have to hit it. It does make that noise out loud."
"Sonic Unleashed has a great soundtrack, some of my favorite pieces."
"There's two kinds of music for me, there's listening music and dancing music."
"The sound effects just do so much work."
"That's going to give this a nice sound."
"All three sounds playing at the same time layered on top of each other."
"It's a sound like no other sound."
"Changing that auditory response will make a whole lot more fans."
"I heard like somebody playing drum bro."
"You get a really distinct sound out of this that immediately you know is an R1 motor. It's very deep, very growly, and it sounds awesome."
"...it was like music to my ears. My engineer wondered what happened, and I explained that I felt like I was being chased."
"it's really just something it's a feast it's a feast for your ears"
"He could hear for miles on the calm night and he did hear things. He heard a cry of a boy, help, help, help…."
"It's weird hearing a shout but like it works. She sounds great."
"Of all the games I've been involved in, that noise at that moment when that goal went in is different to anything I ever heard or heard before or since. It was just unbelievable sound, different sound to a football crowd."
"I woke up after hearing chanting from the wooded area behind my home."
"Top Gun Maverick was just so great to look at, so great to listen to."
"I'm trying to suggest you can educate your ear the same way I would say go listen to live music."
"The sizzle sound now what we're going to do now is pile this up like so."
"I heard music, more specifically a piano."
"The sirens had a very different sound, which later on, when I was after the war, the same sound was actually in Toronto."
"She said she didn't look again but could hear it running next to her car until she reached roughly 50 miles an hour."
"You just can't beat the sound of the v8 no matter how many six cylinders you'll drive."
"The only true way to judge sound is with our ears."
"Not overly loud and obnoxious, I just feel like it has a really good tone to the car."
"You hear new things each time you listen to this album."
"The shifts man, oo the downshifts listen to all the pops."
"We always talked about there were two films the one you see and the one you hear and I think in many ways the one you hear was always the one that I well you know the one that I was more not more interested in but but but that was the most important one to me."
"I want to give people a good listen."
"Oh man, I can hear that crunch from here."
"Sounds amazing, sounds fantastic."
"The sound is absolutely incredible. I was kicking up the tunes to history and it was just amazing."
"It's like a Sonic pop-up book that makes geometry audible."
"Music is such a beautiful language because it gets in your ears; you can't close your ears off."
"He finds himself in some space where he can only listen to Show's voice."
"The auditory pleasure, the driving engagement is just properly impressive."
"Once you put your headphones on and you activate this kind of effect, you suddenly get this sense of the music and the sound enveloping you instead of being inside your head."
"It makes the music more enjoyable for me."
"The early sounds qualify or add quality to later ones in various ways, so the overall effect is different from each of the sequential sounds on its own."
"I can hear the oceans breaking, can you hear that?"
"First, there's people listening and not watching too."
"It sounds like nothing you've ever heard before."
"Really amazing, beautiful sounding."
"We hear things different as we evolve."
"Just to hear the weight of the strings and the cellos and basses thrumming underneath, it's a wonderful sound."
"It felt like every sound had an entrance and an exit."
"It just gets my foot tapping; it's just smooth and enjoyable and warm and liquid without fatigue."
"If you go to a show and you close your eyes and you ask your brain where is the singing coming from, it should say right where they are on stage."
"The sound of multiple bells all swinging away at their own speed was probably the first time that my ears registered the concept of a polyrhythm."
"One of the craziest sonic listening experiences I've had this year."
"People hear it differently, but it's discernible to me."
"It's not how it looks, it's how it sounds."
"You can't hear the beginning of silence, only its end."
"The music has a way of getting in your head and staying there all week."
"That is just incredibly beautiful. Do you hear the echo on the tree line?"
"It definitely had a soothing quality to it, very relaxing to listen to."
"Oh man, and that sound is awesome, too, especially- you can hear when you downshift, it, like, crackles and pops, and aw, it sounds amazing!"
"The sound of the songs tell stories of their own."
"Every hour you were treated to a symphony of clocks."
"You have to hear it, so what I would do when I was learning this scale is I'd play the seven chord and then do this."
"I'm gonna listen to the bass and the whole feel of it."
"It's an auditory experience that you'll need to hear to truly experience."
"It sounded holy, and it was beautiful."
"It's a very rewarding listening because you're always hearing new information."
"The ear wants to ignore those reflections because they're delayed in timing, can be confusing."
"I've been playing these over two days, and I can't stop listening to them."
"The best vinyl experience I've ever had."
"The sounds that we get here are so wonderful."
"It's just a masterpiece to listen to."
"The sound of the race is critical for the enjoyment of the viewer."
"It's pure fusion, it's what it is, and I can't hear it as anything else now."
"I highly recommend it as an audio experience because the types of words that she chooses to write with are just so whimsical and so fun."
"I heard the soft sobs of a woman, possibly young, coming from the far side of the cemetery."
"Music is designed to be listened to repeatedly, and the music that gets to you the more it's listened to is the most successful."
"I remember loving the sound of the call to prayer."
"I consider sound a much wider topic as less music."
"The sound alone is enough to get your blood pumping."
"The performers being able to hear everything they need to hear all the time is key to them being able to give their best performance."
"The sound of that ball coming off the face is pretty rare."
"I have been able to discover just miracles of musical expressiveness and gorgeousness and thrilling experiences all because I kept on listening."
"The world speaks to me through my ears more so than my eyes."
"Hear that sound? I mean, that sound is just incredible."
"Imagine listening to 40 people singing all at once while you can easily hear that they're in harmony."
"I can't wait to see him and that cool Tiger painted on his side and hear his whistle that sounds like a tiger."
"Your listening environment at the end of the day is going to be so, so important in helping you learn."
"It's not just about hearing more; it's about feeling more, understanding more, and connecting more deeply with the music we love."
"Let me just listen to my block, the streets were made of music."
"I could just totally zone out but not zone out from the music, but zone out to the music."
"Dreams never sounded better, Love Walks In sounds incredible."
"We heard voices, I should say girls' voices and men's voices, and it was laughter and merriment."
"What we hear is what is going to shape us, what is going to change us."
"We both heard that most chilling screaming which must have lasted 45 seconds to a minute."
"This is a symphony of destruction of your auditory color palette."
"It's such a love that goes into making music, and with the right combination of people, you do wish for people to be able to hear it properly."
"If you walk through it quietly enough, you'll hear the echo of everything that was happening when it was built."
"How lucky are we to be able to experience music."
"It goes extremely quickly, it's a fast machine, it handles well, and it actually sounds really, really cool when the exhaust starts popping and snapping."
"It just sounds like what you would hear the band sound like if you're listening to them live."
"It's the most elegant sound that I've heard."
"The Void just sounds much more pleasing, warm, relaxing."
"When you listen to live music... you hear a blossoming of sounds."
"There is a third dimension that comes from listening to records compared to listening to digital music."
"Sometimes it doesn't even sound like it's a piano, the playing is so smooth, so precise, so beautifully gauged and graded and shaped."
"It just adds this extra sense of engagement and it's a really interesting presentation for the music."
"I don't listen to sound anymore, I listen to music."
"Music sounds better, speech sounds more robust."
"That is a music lover's experience."
"The singing continued for another minute or so, fading slowly, leaving an unsettling silence in its wake."
"You cannot have loud without having soft."
"Collecting classical music on vinyl is so different than collecting other genres on vinyl because every little thing really does make a huge difference in your listening experience."
"It's warm, it wraps around you, the sound is just phenomenal."
"Love the cold start, love the way this thing sounds."
"Music is a beautiful thing, heard by the ears of them that can hear it."
"More people can appreciate listening to something and hearing the direction you want to go with something rather than seeing something on a piece of paper."
"Listening to music is as much an emotional experience as it is a scientific one."
"We all hear things differently but we all like to enjoy music in different ways, in different formats, and we have different buying habits and that's what makes the world go around."
"Magic happens, you won't hear the speakers really, you will hear the music."
"Sounds absolutely phenomenal, listen to that."