
Communal Support Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"My heart is broken for the families and friends of those who lost their lives and for anyone who is suffering."
"We're all in this together. We need each other."
"Let's get that glitch exhibition net and kick cancer's butt at the same time."
"We're all just doing our best. We're all in this together."
"My children, stay together more than before, help one another because soon everything will be lost."
"Every single part of that is actually made by the community and every single part of that is actually given to us as gifts from our community."
"Everything's gonna be fine. Everyone's figuring it out."
"I hope it's what he wanted was a legacy of healing to let people know that you don't have to suffer alone."
"We will get through this and we will get through this together."
"We're humans, we're imperfect, but together we work through the struggles of life."
"May the Lord bless you all and we're just going to keep on keeping on."
"Empowering and engaging activists and creating grassroots movements is also a part of how we're going to work to fight legislation and fight actions to suppress voters around the country."
"It's important to have these moments when tragedy strikes, so you feel that and share our humanity."
"Endurance, encouragement, and hope. We March onward, we fight."
"Your heart goes out to everyone affected, doesn't it?"
"There is conspiracy. There is crafty council against our race, against our nation of people."
"Let's pray because these are critical times."
"I want an army of women, mothers, and grandmothers to pray for our families."
"It's just love... it's the hope that your brother or sister beside you is going to either at least respect you in your truth if not stand beside you."
"Our thoughts are very much with the families and loved ones of those who've lost their lives."
"The power of music... it felt really good to get the same love."
"I felt validated when everybody else got on the clubhouse and was like, 'You did this, you did that.' It made me feel like, 'Word, I'm not the only one that this happened to.'"
"Let's just pray for everyone, let's try to have love."
"Sharing is caring, closed mouths don't get fed."
"We have to flay ourselves to have rightful access to communal empathy."
"There's space for everyone to be great without hating all the time."
"As we share with others our testimony, it can help others that might be dealing with the same struggles but feel they are alone."
"I honestly just think that we can all help each other move forward and have a really good year ahead."
"It's time for us to start holding hands together."
"Living in God's peace empowers us to be a source of peace and encouragement to others."
"In the decision-making processes of life, his guidance is there."
"Do something tonight and praise God for these people getting saved tonight."
"Share your trials as well as your triumphs, your stories benefit you and others in the hearing."
"If I give to Ryan because of the Lord, and he has to give to me because of the Lord, that means we're all balancing one another out."
"The doors of the pod began to shake as the men in their cells just banged on their doors as a sign of support, love, affection."
"Take care of yourself and each other. Peace."
"With new consciousness comes new confidence. We got this, family."
"I do think we should start to think about how we set up a sort of pastoral care, communal care towards allowing people the opportunity to grieve."
"Appreciate the content, please hit the like button."
"So much like what we did in addiction medicine, you were required to come and to be present with other people, and that act of showing up in a small group and sharing your struggles allowed them to see things they've never seen before."
"These medical staff stopped what they were doing to line the walls of a hospital in Idaho joining the family and friends in a powerful show of respect for an organ donor."
"Learning that you are not alone is worth celebrating."
"I think the power can really come in creating infrastructures of like of care and infrastructures of you know especially as people."
"We're all in this together. It doesn't matter how you voted in the last election, you're in this situation."
"Thank you for these that are standing here, get ready, Lord, get ready to be healed."
"No man is an island. We must draw our strength from others."
"We need prayer, we need intercession as we go forth."
"So many people to thank. It's been a very long road for us."
"From then on Capricorn and the other zodiac Gods no longer compete with Pisces, they assist her in fulfilling more wishes and bring happiness to the world."
"We will get through it, and we will get through it together."
"Humanity's back is against the wall and I want to tell all of you that I love you."
"You are really holding this higher level energetic frequency not just for yourself but for the people that are around you that are connected to you as well."
"Uriel encourages believers to help each other."
"We create what is known as cause and effect momentum... more I can help you and help somebody else it creates momentum."
"Your mom is your mom, need taking care of. She's our mom. Oh, it's our duty."
"My heart goes out to the victims, these are always horrifying stories."
"Your effort is more important to the Village than you'll ever know."
"When you get a prophetic word without direction, get around people that can help."
"I'm sad it's happening but I'm heartened to see it's getting attention because I want people to feel less alone with it."
"Life is hard but we need to do this together."
"Can you feel the love and support? We're all in this together."
"Success lives where I live, we must be willing to share our success and to help others succeed."
"I know it's a really hard time right now... but we're gonna get through this, we're strong."
"Our thoughts are with you. Hopefully 2021 will be a better year."
"God bless you all and keep you all safe today."
"Fascism makes people fearful. I understand that, but in this moment, we need to be there for each other."
"Things are great, I am grateful for a meal. I am grateful my family or friends might not be here and I might be on my own this year, but I am grateful that you guys are here."
"Through hard work, perseverance, and a little help from our friends, we can overcome anything great or small."
"Biblical prosperity is when your needs are met and there's enough left over to care for others."
"Keys to happiness lie in getting help from others and supporting them."
"That's thanks to all mine if this evolution truly is a good thing."
"Courage is contagious and sometimes it needs financial support."
"We're like a family here, in the good times and the bad times, we help each other through."
"This is just inherently in us to take care of the people that's around us."
"Every little bit matters, raising our vibration and helping everyone around us."
"Everyone in this chamber is praying for you, everyone in America is grieving for you. I want you to know that 320 million hearts are right now breaking for you."
"Hang in there, we're all gonna get through this."
"You doing what the hell you want to do for yourself and your people."
"We gotta defend each other because if we stand by the wayside and become complacent and only we want to do is take out our video..."
"It's a blessing to have an additional help here and there when you need help and I feel like it's a blessing that we can pay forward."
"Do it in the spirit of meekness, do it out of love not to have a gain or to feel better about yourself or to put them down help other ambassadors around you other diplomats around you walk with integrity amen."
"May this music still touch the body of Christ, no matter what's going on."
"We're one country when we help out someone who's been ravaged by hurricane."
"Community, that community that we get our strength from."
"It really is such a good feeling to know you're not alone."
"A lot of healing happens by the act of sharing."
"This is where we're going to be beautifully supported going forward..."
"These are beyond words for us to even express our sympathy and our sorrow."
"We're all in this together, so let's just be kind to each other."
"To all of you out there that experience any kind of pain or any kind of heart at the result of somebody else I think that we can all get through that together and just be a little bit kinder."
"We will get through this together. We are all the same in this."
"I'm just praying for everybody that is out here battling, I'm praying for everybody that's taking the vaccine."
"Please don't give up, stay strong and just whatever you're going through you're not alone."
"This should be the common good fund, the social safety net that everyone invests in."
"At the end of the day, we are all here to help each other and we are going to win this war. We're already winning it."
"They wanted to show us how bullshit the 9-5 grind is and with their act of kindness we realize indisputably that we aren't alone."
"You fight for the equality whether or not you get it or not you fight till the end you fight for other people you fight for people who who are less fortunate to you."
"Just know that if you're having a hard time right now you are not alone."
"You shall rise again; those who have felt as though their identity or any other marker of security has been torn away from them are her children."
"I love you anyway and I love black folk I always have and I'll do what I can to help you as long as I'm alive take care of my friends."
"Let Brotherly Love continue in spite of everything the Gentiles are doing to psychologically and spiritually attack us."
"We're all gonna get through this damn thing together."
"We wanted to be able to share something... hopefully that gives people some hope at the very given moment."
"We're reproving each other as iron sharpens iron, and we're growing in holiness, greater freedom, and what comes from with greater freedom is absolute joy."
"Love you, Ginger," "I love you, Emma," "We love you," everyone chorused.
"Our heart goes out to Marie with the recent loss of her son."
"The ceremony is fortified by a wall of earthly compatriots—all of whom serve as witnesses to this divine miracle."