
Healthcare Critique Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Cancer has never been caused by a lack of chemotherapy."
"The NHS does some things well, some things badly. It's a service, not a deity."
"And so the point I'm making here is that the way we're currently treating these conditions sure seems like it could be better."
"The only people who should prefer [American healthcare] are the richest 1%."
"I appreciate that a Mr. Beast video can highlight for millions of people the flaws in the Healthcare System."
"American health care is performing horribly. Americans' healthy life expectancy now ranks 68th in the world... And for that awful health, we're spending an extra 1.5 trillion dollars a year on our health care."
"I was doing the most dangerous thing you can possibly do as a doctor or as an individual in this country, which is do your own research."
"American healthcare is more like a vibrant quilt hand-stitched by a drunk pioneer woman with one eye and a cabin full of possums."
"There's nothing more profitable for the pharmaceutical industry than frankly a sick kid."
"The fact that patients like Robin are going to these clinics, are going to these dispensaries and getting that sort of personalized attention and education and service, really should be a wake-up call to the healthcare system."
"Just one more reason why this pandemic was a gigantic bureaucratic nightmare."
"Most doctors look at one number to throw a pill at. I look at blood work to tell a story."
"Medical schools and schools of nutrition have been completely hijacked by big food and big pharma."
"Medical debt is a huge byproduct of the failures of the US healthcare system."
"It's just so sad and so broken that the people who are supposed to be there to help and it's their job and they've been professionally trained and hopefully gotten educations to do so just don't do it."
"It's not a healthcare system, it's a disease management system."
"It's like if you have skin cancer and the doctor says, 'Well how about let's put a band-aid on it.'"
"I'm really tired of watching the US health system's failed response to this pandemic."
"Chronic disease management isn't healthcare; it's just not health care."
"Doctors don't know hardly anything about preventive health care preventive care they don't know a lot the people that do know about preventative health care are personal trainers and wellness centers."
"America what it do it poisons us with food then it sends us to the pharmaceutical people right who's given us something just to treat symptom of what we're doing with the food."
"We have a sick care system not a health care system."
"A whole other issue with the medical system here."
"Our healthcare system is a sick joke, and no one should ever vote for a candidate who doesn't say Medicare for all."
"The more we spend on healthcare, the shorter our lives are."
"This is not about your health. This is about building out what I call the pharmaceutical hospital emergency industrial complex."
"There's been a huge failure in the system... to listen to patients."
"Freedom is what it's about. You don't control top-down medicine."
"I think we can all agree that the US healthcare system is fundamentally broken."
"That's the difference between a truly caring medical professional and capitalism."
"We deserve more than a dollar store economy and a GoFundMe healthcare system."
"The medicalization of chronic disease has been an utter failure."
"We're spending a trillion dollars in America on healthcare, which is not healthcare, it's disease management."
"It's so simple. If anyone's been to a hospital before, you understand how screwed up this system is."
"I've seen American healthcare from the inside and I'm not liking what I see."
"The medical system has failed in one way or another and we need to address that."
"The way health insurance companies screw you over."
"Western medicine has largely ignored, put down, even buried information about safe natural alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs."
"I mean, that Americans are saddled with. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Just look at our healthcare system. Just a disaster."
"Universal healthcare isn't Universal if you don't actually get the healthcare."
"The overall arching theme of this story is taking a good hard look at the medical industry."
"Medically speaking, not passing funding for boosters and treatments now is stupid and nuts. Is that right?"
"The treatment they receive in there is just next."
"The vast majority of what we now see it doesn't... we'd had that conventional approach just doesn't work that well."
"Every institution of healthcare is incentivized for people to be sick."
"I think we just have it backwards for for mental health for for physical health we Embrace these these hacks these things that kind of Band-Aid over the prom and and stigmatize the root cause and and financial incentives are at play there."
"Nobody is asking why everyone's getting sick."
"Health insurance is incentivized for us to be sick. Even prominent health scholars with good credentials - health insurance wants prices to go down, so they raise premiums."
"The fact that they let this guy die is just so [__] up."
"Life expectancy is still below average. Wow, no private health care."
"Just a very unlucky woman whose healthcare system failed her."
"Doctors prescribe it like Oprah handing out cars."
"Prescribed like a band-aid, not actually fixing these things."
"So it's like they're not playing with fun quirky interesting features."
"Nutrition was really a very, very more important part of medicine than most conventional doctors are trained to understand."
"Health insurance private health insurance has figured out how to exploit us." - Dr. Abdul El-Sayed
"There's no profit in the cure now, is there?"
"This is a sick, sick system that we have and anyone who argues against Medicare for all supports the system where the workers must serve those corporate masters otherwise their lives are on the line."
"Take those pills, distracted by the healthcare system making people so broke they can't pay those bills. They don't even care if you're sick no more, long as you got money, you should take those pills."
"It almost seems intentional to promote and promote as much fear suffering hospitalization and death and clearly intentional to sway doctors away from ever advocating any treatment."
"When people talk about more funding for mental health services, we're not talking about more funding for the pharmaceutical industry."
"We don't have a health care System, we have a sick care system."
"The absurd cost of health care in the United States has become a constant irritant in our culture."
"Lyme disease: incredibly difficult to diagnose, to the point where some doctors just dismiss it right away."
"In America, we do not have a healthcare system, we have a healthcare industry."
"What we do in my opinion is health care what's going on in the United States right now is mostly sick care with drugs and injections and surgeries and you know chiropractic offers a whole different natural scientific approach that works."
"What is it? There are no horrible side effects, there's no ridiculous expense, there's no Farmageddon."
"How many times do people have to die because of a lack of health insurance before you realize how stupid the system is?"
"Both things can be true: it is indeed over diagnosed for the drug companies can sell more drugs."
"It's a sad state of our mental health system... we never know what's going to happen."
"We're dealing with a sick care system, not a healthcare system."
"I think it certainly does. I view it as the institutional takeover that's really so prevalent throughout medicine today."
"I mean really an emergency room physician who, again, I hope he's never eaten a cheeseburger in his life, never gone to McDonald's never done any of that."
"We've got a healthcare system built on sickness, not on actually making people healthy."
"Women were dying during these nasty abortions."
"Something's wrong with how we're treating these chronic... health conditions."
"The most expensive Health Care system for the worst Health outcomes."
"Cancer screening is the worst thing to go after; it turns a lot of healthy people into patients."
"The entire systems in Healthcare, Pharmacy, Big Pharma, medical system, even food industry and government is aligned with a continuation of a system that just is contributing to the worsening of humanity, particularly the health of humans."
"Health insurance in the US is not insurance, it's access."
"The American health care system is a system that relies on people getting sick and coming in for treatment."
"The United States messed up almost everything healthcare related, please let us have this just this one time."
"Healthcare as a market is one that uniquely fails on almost all levels."
"We totally overmedicate; we don't treat sickness, we treat symptom."