
Privilege Awareness Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Privilege is invisible to those who have it."
"Privilege hides in dark corners, and we need to make sure we see it."
"Diana, in particular, made sure that William was very aware of his privilege. She was taking him to AIDS hospitals, she was taking him to visit homeless centers."
"You don't realize how [__] privileged you are."
"I recognize the privilege that I have all the time."
"If you can expect time off from work to celebrate your religious holidays, you have Christian privilege."
"If you can use public bathrooms without stares, fear, or anxiety, you have cisgender privilege."
"If you're confident that the police exist to protect you, you have white privilege."
"If while growing up college was an expectation of you not a dream, you have class privilege."
"Pretty privilege often allows us to evade our own and others' participation in upholding a system of anti-blackness."
"We're privileged that people see us not a color, privilege that we don't get stared at when we walk into the room, privilege that we don't get followed by security when we go shopping or pulled over when we're in the wrong neighborhood."
"Good books should remind you of your privilege."
"People use the term 'privilege' interchangeably with good fortune."
"Cancer culture is a symptom and a sign that there is some privilege there."
"I think if you're super wealthy if you were born with a silver spoon it's going to be a little hard to connect and to empathize with regular Americans."
"You didn't get it from the bottom. You were privileged."
"We need to constantly give thanks and gratitude for the things in our lives that other people do not have."
"Scottish government cabinet should take the white privilege test."
"You realize just how much of a privilege it is and how fast you can grow."
"I fully acknowledge the privilege and the blessing that we have in this situation of even being able to buy extra."
"I feel like people who say, 'Oh, salaries just a number, like don't chase the money,' those are people who had the privilege to not grow up without having as much money."
"In an effort to demonstrate compassion themselves and to make themselves feel better about their own privileges they deny the kinds of conversations that they had when they were children to children who need those conversations all the more so."
"Educate young light-skinned girls about their privilege and self-worth."
"I am lucky to be alive and so are you privileged and not just privileged to enjoy our planet more we are granted the opportunity to understand why our eyes are open and why they see what they do in the short time before they close forever."
"The privilege that everybody in this room has is regardless of how much debt you have, or responsibilities, or I have to feed my kids or put clothes on backs, or whatever your thing is."
"Lofty ideas are a privilege of the well-fed."
"We are amazingly lucky to be here, privileged, and we must not waste that privilege."
"It's coming from such a place of privilege that should be kind of acknowledged."
"None of us want to live in a world where our privilege depends on the suffering of others."
"The greatest male privilege is that I have the privilege of being completely unaware of my male privilege."
"If you've been privileged your whole life, equality feels like discrimination, get over it."
"We need to acknowledge that where systems of systemic racism exist, white people often benefit."
"That's how privilege works. It's true. I'm white. I have white privilege."
"It's so interesting to see the level of privilege that comes with people like this."
"It's a privilege to be able to fish and we're all so blessed to be able to go outside and pretty much get on the water and just go fishing, enjoy life, have a good time."
"White privilege helps you get ahead in this world compared to other people of color."
"Honestly, that's why I say like we're really privileged here."
"I want us to understand that we have normalized a privileged but we haven't taken full advantage of it."
"It's very easy to forget the positions that we're in and what people had to go through in order to get what we have."
"Getting water and being able to turn on a tap and the water is there, that's a privilege."
"I've had more privilege than probably most white people in this country."
"It's our responsibility, especially if we come from a position of privilege-- like myself, for example-- to double down our efforts to make things better insofar as we can."
"I completely realize that I am so privileged to be in this position."
"Why are you so scared to recognize that you have any privilege?"
"Having access to black culture is a privilege, not a right."
"I love when, like [ __ ] like that happens in the universe, where somebody's white privilege is ruined just for a hot second."
"The white liberal feels the remorse of the endowed privilege they may not appreciate how inveterate the implicit biases of society are etched into every system."
"It's a privilege to be able to go stay in a hotel. It's definitely a privilege."
"We're privileged, we don't know it, it doesn't feel like privilege."
"You belong to the most privileged group of individuals to ever walk the face of the earth."
"I try to be aware and fight that conditioning and to remember my privilege to tell fair and truthful stories."
"Privilege... means that I need to be compassionate to other people's struggles."
"I'm aware of how privileged of a position it is to be in."
"I'm thankful to be as privileged as I am now and I won’t trade it for anything, but more often than not I wish things were easier for the common man."
"Privilege can sometimes be blind to the people who benefit from said privilege."
"The world is your oyster, and privilege is invisible to those who have it."
"I am aware and try to be aware of all of my privileges and my point is to use them to help as many people as possible."
"I am also light-skinned. I understand that there's light-skinned privilege."