
Mission-driven Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Our entire mission is to save lives and our aim is to prevent this from reoccurring."
"For me, it's less about aspiring to a position as more about a mission."
"I don't have a partisan bone in my body. I'm on a mission to support small business."
"This is a mission, a way that so many people can benefit from."
"You have to say both have a mission. They want to do this. They want to do some epic, cool things."
"I love their mission to make laptops less disposable."
"I believe that a business should be Purpose Driven."
"You're building a team to advance your mission."
"It's difficult when you have a mission and people are against it but you continue anyway and you push forward anyway."
"Relentless belief in your mission, built on the foundation of your values."
"It is the mission-driven people who change the world, who get the most stuff done."
"It's one of those things; a lot of these sites, they start off with a sense of mission, right?"
"If you have a mission and you're working towards your mission, your mission is legit, it's ethical, you're doing the right thing then it's your duty it's actually your duty to draw attention to your mission."
"Be led by a mission that inspires you to pursue your vision."
"Being led by a mission that inspires you to pursue your vision."
"We're very much a mission-driven company ahead of anything else."
"Lay low and focus on you, especially if you feel like you have a mission."
"Money is less and less motivating the more and more you get of it; missions on the other hand, the closer and closer you get to making it real, the more momentum you have behind accomplishing your mission."
"Australia's defense industry must be driven by a mission of national significance and urgency."
"This miracle was possible with focus on the mission."
"The mission continues, and we're gonna be there for them from the cradle to the career."
"All we care about: do you have passion for the technology, do you have passion for the mission?"
"People won't sell because they're part of a community, a mission, a cause."
"Peacemaker isn't just the name it's my mission, whatever it takes, whatever the cost."
"It's never about the money, it's about the mission."
"Musk needs to accumulate that much wealth." - In order for his missions to succeed.
"The company mission is so strong and straightforward that everyone participates because they have that common belief."
"You'll be working, playing, having fun, doing something that's mission-driven all at the same time."
"The mission is more important than the money."
"Tesla is really all about people who care about the mission, are passionate, who are smart, who hustle, and I love that culture they've created."
"What's your mission? The most important thing is that you know there's no financial education in our schools."
"The only way that you're gonna have the energy to see all of that through is to have a mission to know why you're doing what you're doing to know what you're fighting for."
"He wants to make it his mission to end homelessness in the UK once and for all."
"If people believe in the mission we provide value, then we can bring everybody together."
"Our mission is to see what god can do through us. See what god can do through you."
"Thank you so much for um supporting the mission and um being a part of what we're trying to do here. I really appreciate it, thank you so much, I really do appreciate it, yeah."
"Ruth connected with jafco because of our mission, which is to provide care, safety, and support to children and their families."
"I'm on a mission to get rid of all the dark caves in this world."
"I think a lot of that's tied to the bigger picture, the mission that I'm on. I want to impact people so I don't really dread any tasks."
"No excuses like something is not working you're on a mission you're out there trying to make something happen."
"He genuinely believes that he's on a mission to unleash Free Speech."
"Solving that problem is the mission of the company. It's to replace fossil fuels as fast as possible."
"The mission requires money and therefore we will make money in order to serve the mission."
"We're no longer just a guy, a girl, and a campervan. We're on a mission."
"Sanders is a man on a mission that's green will hoard your dreams."
"I think the world's greatest businesses are led by a sense of mission and purpose."
"We're a mission-based company; our goal is to put as many EVs out there."
"If you're a mission driven investor, there's really no better feeling than knowing you're impacting the lives of 2 million people that are serving California."
"You need enough money, enough Runway to chase a noble Mission."
"These are no more than a set of tools, but the satisfaction that you get, especially for a mission-driven kind of cause, of having your whole team aligned is powerful."
"...a collection of people with, I would say, the one commonality among everyone is these tend to be mission-driven people."
"There are spiritually oriented mission-driven entrepreneurs who are doing really good work in the world through entrepreneurship."
"We're a mission-driven company. We want to empower investors to make better decisions."
"...they're very mission-driven as well, Tesla's trying to get more miles driven electrically and they also just care about safety."
"He's just 12 years old but he has a lot to say... He wants to share his mission to help other kids who are different."
"All your consumers are part Partners on your mission."
"I've got to stick to my values and the mission of the Open Stories Foundation to reach people who are in need."
"It wasn't a bunch of actors trying to create a platform for themselves; it had a real, a real needed mission."
"Combine a singular mission with a revolutionary design, and the result is something extraordinary."
"Life has to be fun and life has to be mission driven; those are things that make life worth living."
"The most important thing is to be working on something that is genuinely a mission, that is genuinely exciting."
"Carson Getty is a man on a mission."
"And that mission is at the heart of everything that we do."
"We don't work hard so that we're known as hard workers, we work hard because the mission, the purpose, is that important."
"For 21 years, our mission has been to help improve lives through innovative partnerships and scientific excellence."
"We love a company with a mission statement and we fully support a sustainable brand."
"Once you have a common goal and a mission statement, and you're both fighting for the same why."
"It's not about the money, it's about the mission and what you want to learn and challenge yourself with."
"I shared my story with anyone willing to listen because my mission is to make an impact over an income."
"I love partnering with them because they are invested in a mission that I care about, which is to make healthcare as accessible and affordable as possible."
"The mission is making all the difference."
"Great missions, great people to work with, all that is why you want people in your team."
"They're going to support your cause and your mission and they're willing to make that investment not for their personal gain but for the gain of the cause and the mission that your website or organization stands for."
"We're mission-based business... to create affordable, convenient food with minimal impact on environment and animals."
"When an IP is on mission, they're almost unstoppable."
"We always pride ourselves in really being the most mission-driven project that we can be."
"I care about my mission, what I'm here to do."
"I love Shop Miss A's products and I really believe in their mission of just like amazing affordable makeup."