
Chinese History Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"The courage of the Chinese troops fighting in Shanghai prompted a new sense of pride in Chinese communities around the world."
"In the beginning of 2024, the most devastating disaster in Chinese history suddenly struck the stock market."
"The history of China for five thousand years is centralization of power followed by dissolution and decentralization."
"Chinese logistics: an ingenious system of supply centers and nobility incentives."
"The Chinese Emperor: a mystical, political, and religious figure."
"Nine-meter tall Buddha statue believed to be from a Chinese dynasty emerges in Chongqing, missing its head but with finer details intact."
"Prepare to be amazed for today we're taking a trip to ancient China to witness one of the most astonishing discoveries of our time: the Terracotta Warriors."
"Much like the concept of the Chinese Mandate of Heaven, the right to rule provided by heaven could be rescinded."
"China has the deepest and most complicated and fascinating history ever."
"It's a kind of historic practice of different ruling elites in China."
"China is also a human story. It's a story of the rise of a nation after a really tough modern history and the aspirations of Chinese people."
"Terracotta Army: the eighth wonder of the ancient world."
"China was the wealthiest most technologically advanced nation on earth for most of this period."
"China is engaged in a project to restore the greatness of China."
"The term underground church is used to refer to Chinese Catholic churches in the People's Republic of China which have chosen not to associate with the state-sanctioned Catholic Patriotic Association."
"China's rise was exceptional and now fleeting."
"And now many generations of people who have been brought up under the regime not really knowing what traditional Chinese culture is about."
"So you're subverting 70 years of communist cultural destruction."
"The walled settlement here actually predates the Great Wall, which was built on top."
"China's turbulent warlord era will not end quietly."
"In 1920, the Jili and Fangtian cliques destroyed the Anhui clique."
"The Chinese warlord era is a fascinating topic and one of the most important periods for understanding Chinese history."
"One of the most extraordinary figures in Chinese history."
"A great moment of flowering of Chinese culture."
"I think it's a little bit of that cultural mindset over there, yeah, not saying that every person believes that but that's like kind of how the government pajama Institute half-second this China goes back very far into history, last a few years."
"But when Deng Xiaoping rose to power in 1978, he began opening China up to the global market."
"Empress Wu's achievements were unparalleled in the history of China, as the only female emperor in over 2,000 years."
"Musa Tian leaves Chang'an and chooses Loyang as her Eastern capital, solidifying her power as Empress Regent."
"Confronting the Nationalists before we had fully recovered may have been a mistake. Our magnificent recovery in the long march instilled hope in our supporters but now seeds of doubt have been sown."
"You all know about this one, of course. The Terracotta Army is one of the most incredible and famous discoveries in history."
"Western history says that the Second World War Began on September 1st 1939... but the Republic of China had fought Imperial Japanese aggression for a full eight years before the first panzers rolled into Poland." - Griffin Johnson
"China is in turmoil; the great Empire of the Han is being devoured by corruption."
"For centuries in China, part of a woman's beauty was expressed by binding their feet."
"Painted on some of the terracotta soldiers in China was an unusual, bright lavender pigment, which we now know as Han purple."
"The blade of a Chinese sword that was taken out of its sheath for the first time in more than 2,000 years was still perfectly shiny."
"The Sanxingdui are a lost civilization of the Bronze Age in ancient China."
"Never again, the Chinese thought, would the Arabs be able to meddle in the affairs of the Tang dynasty."
"By 2049, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic, China is to be the most powerful country in the world."
"The excavation of the Terracotta Army in Morum changed everything we know about ancient China."
"This was actually the most important archaeological finding in China of the last 100 years."
"It's an amazing discovery because it not only confirms that Chinese Royals drank tea thousands of years before people in the west."
"While communism collapsed everywhere else, China continues to rule."
"If we mentioned the words terracotta figures to you, you'd probably think of an ancient Chinese terracotta army."
"The Han dynasty would become one of the most successful in Chinese history, leading to a golden age."
"The mark he left on Chinese culture is one that is still felt today, and always will be."
"I would also want to one day get back to my Chinese in order to read more about Chinese history because there are so many stories from Chinese history."
"Tea holds a deep significance in Chinese history and culture."
"Son Of Heaven is believed to refer to the Chinese emperor, with the empress being wished a thousand autumns of joy without sorrow."
"If you're into the real world politics of Chinese Ming dynasty, I highly highly highly highly recommend you check out that drama."
"And of course, we also meet Mao Zedong, the revolutionary leader who founded the People's Republic of China."
"Crystal glass is commonly used in drinking glasses and tableware today, but until the Warring States crystal glass was discovered, we had no idea that the technology behind the glass was available to the elite members of Chinese society 2200 years ago."
"The Chinese people have been very much left alone for thousands of years until the 19th century."
"The Tong dynasty... one of the great long-lasting dynasties of China."
"Dynasties in China begin with Emperor Chinchihuang... responsible for unifying China politically and commercially."
"Some of the greatest dynastic fortunes in China were achieved during the Tong, Yuan, and Ming dynasties."
"The legitimate Chinese Court fled to the south, establishing a new capital in Hangzhou."
"His accomplishment immortalized him in the annals of history as Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China."
"There's a cyclical nature of Chinese history where you'll find these short legalistic dynasties that unify the land and then are followed by these longer golden ages."
"I'm starting to get into some Chinese history with the next Total War coming out."
"The Mandate of Heaven is a well-known concept in Chinese history, symbolizing the belief that a king's power is granted by divine forces."
"Foreign rule over China was not unusual, but whenever foreigners did rule the country, they were always heavily outnumbered by their Chinese subjects."
"For two thousand years, the secret to creating porcelain was one of China's greatest secrets."
"This was the Terracotta Army, a priceless collection of statues built 2,200 years ago to protect the first emperor of China during his journey into the afterlife."
"The Chinese Civil War, a pivotal conflict in 20th-century Chinese history, spanned several periods of fighting between 1927 and 1950."
"The Tang Dynasty reached its peak as Imperial China."
"The Mongols were the first foreigners to successfully conquer and subdue the Chinese."
"Have you ever wondered what came before China's first dynasty, the Xia Dynasty?"
"Coral is not to be cherished in the palm of your hand; It is to be enshrined as a flower in the Shangyang Palace."
"The dynasty remained firmly in place for over four centuries and was considered a golden age in Chinese history."
"The treasure blade of Ochi, wielded by the mighty Re-Shin, will carve a path to the future of China."
"In total, the industrialization, ensuing famine, and brutal repression led by Mao Zedong led to a staggering death toll of at least forty million Chinese citizens."