
Language Practice Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Talk to yourself...It's so important to speak the language."
"Learning words in context helps learners grasp the meaning of the words and how to use them more effectively."
"Speak out loud to yourself. Even if you're a little embarrassed, it forces you to listen to how you speak."
"Gradually expose yourself to faster speech through listening exercises and authentic materials."
"Practice fearlessly, try to use those big words that maybe you mess up, that's okay, that's how you learn."
"The LRC method: Listen, Repeat, Compare, Repeat - a powerful speaking practice."
"Get the input, get the practice, and then when you're speaking, it will just come out naturally. That's the stage we want to get at."
"So, if you want to become better at speaking fluently, you need to practice this."
"Speaking to yourself is good practice when you get stuck."
"Do in-person or online language exchanges, learn by talking with somebody."
"Playing video games is a great opportunity to practice languages."
"Keep a diary in your target language, express yourself and talk about personal things."
"Staying with a family during travels, practice language skills and get cultural immersion."
"Practice your confidence in another language today and try it out now."
"Let's say you're learning Japanese... a random native Japanese speaker... gonna take a look... and fix it for you."
"The only if I decide to touch this book it will be for like pronunciation practice."
"Nothing will help you learn to speak a language faster than having real conversations with native speakers."
"Watching the documentary is a nice way to practice your language, but also to learn about the culture of the country."
"Remember to speak out loud when you're learning Korean."
"Always practice English but also always have a smile on your face."
"Start using English with English speakers since day one."
"Just speak, even though you may not have other English speakers in your home, you can still speak English. Speak to yourself, speak to plants, pets, speak to inanimate objects as if they were your friends."
"Just get together and communicate in English the best you can. It's really to help your fluency, right? Just practice saying things in English, practice chatting in English, practice communicating."
"Don't be afraid to practice your Japanese, talk, and make mistakes."
"If you want to get good at speaking, there's only one thing you need to do, and that is to practice speaking."
"Learning those patterns is going to get you talking, so the person will be talking back."
"The quickest way to end the frustration and get the regular practice you need to start speaking your language well is to go out and find a bunch of speaking partners."
"You need to review that vocabulary so you can use it well. That's the secret."
"Speaking is not practicing the language; practicing is actually experiencing the language."
"If you don't get review, you will just have a passive vocabulary that you can understand quite well, but you struggle when you speak. If you have that problem, Fluent for Life will solve that for you by giving you the naturally varied review that you need to speak."
"Agreed. Will you be my English practice partner?"
"Do you write in English? I try to write a diary in English."
"Instead of trying to hope, you should be feeling a little bit more fluent each time you learn some new vocabulary."
"The next three websites I'm going to talk about have one thing in common: they allow you to get feedback from native speakers."
"I feel like when I force myself to write out the Japanese, it sticks in my head a little bit better."
"Start speaking today. Don't wait."
"Talking to native speakers is literally a game changer."
"Don't worry about bothering people because most of the time they're just really happy that you're trying to learn their language."
"Doing an entire video in your target language, even if it's scripted, is worth heaps more than just talking about speaking your target language."
"Watching Chinese TV shows is so great because you're practicing your reading, increasing your vocabulary, and learning how to speak in more colloquial ways."
"I was desperate to find people to practice my English with."
"You need to keep the English moving through you."
"You are improving your English right now, you're practicing English."
"Focus on being able to do English rather than just understanding or knowing English."
"If you want to learn a language, you need to spend a lot of time with it."
"Social media is an awesome way that I would recommend to practice Japanese."
"Cooperative learning encourages students to work together in groups or pairs to achieve language goals."
"Work in small groups. They can interact. They can practice using the language."
"This act of participation is powerful, getting you to recall and use the language just as you would in real-life situations."
"Every conversation is a step towards fluency."
"The speaking partner program... you can make friends and discuss speaking with them."
"I think that's a great way to practice your English, not only go through your day but also talk about your feelings."
"Find someone whose accent that you like... shadowing them is definitely one of the best ways to improve your pronunciation."
"The best way to learn a language is through speaking because when you speak, it's easier to memorize the sentences and words."
"It's really important to start speaking in the very beginning."
"Have fun with it, try to make some funny voices, speak with emotion, and really enjoy it."
"Do a lot of reading, a lot of actually using the language in conversations, and that's what's going to help you get fluent."
"Speaking a sentence and hopefully having it understood and responded to would be the highlight of my trip."
"I practice English by watching cartoons and movies with English subtitles."
"This will help you develop your speaking confidence much more."
"Fluency is not something you reach after studying a bunch of time. It's something you make, you learn to speak each individual thing fluently."
"If you stop thinking that you are an English student and just imagine that you are an English speaker already, even if you are not perfect, then you can really start speaking with more native speakers."