
Interface Design Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Animating the right thing can really enhance the user experience, making the interface feel more interactive and responsive."
"Adding more clicks for the sake of decluttering and prettying up an interface can have an adverse impact on navigability for users who know what they're doing."
"People aren't really looking for traditional one-to-one inputs. They're looking for something that feels nimble."
"I just look at what I want to touch and then I just touch my fingertips together and it clicks."
"Simply by removing the 'click here' arrow and making the player find the right option themselves is enough to make them feel engaged."
"Now when you want to go to the home screen, you simply swipe up from the bottom. It's that simple, it's that easy."
"Every single motion you're going to see, every tap gesture, everything is gonna seem very very real, responsive, and more direct."
"What matters is the part we choose to act on."
"The weapon mod screen is going to be vastly overhauled."
"Chunking has been applied to computer interfaces for things like drop-down menu items and menu bars with buttons."
"Color modification increases the contrast of colors on a screen, making the interface easier to see for people with low vision."
"What is wrong with the design of the interfaces to these chips that they require so much extra work how do we get it down so it's the same as Linux was what can we simplify because I know that we can."
"Opening a shop with an NPC brings up the shop window, but pressing escape on my keyboard doesn't close the shop window." - Josh
"All of a sudden, our back and forth button just work without really any effort whatsoever."
"Clippy was universally hated and deemed way too distracting."
"Infinite's vigor wheel is the most satisfying and easy to use weapon swap system that I've seen so far."
"Menus in the game could feel heavier and more substantial... a click and hold animation right there... would be good."
"This should make picking up keybinds a lot easier for everyone."
"It ain't over till the fat lady sings, in the end, you're gonna be happy."
"The high-resolution touchscreen on the back... easily the best implementation by Nikon so far."
"Fallout 4's dialogue interface was so simplistic you didn't really know what to think literally you had no idea what your character was going to say until he or she said it."
"If you want to move around the different sections, it's really easy, it's actually just drag-and-drop."
"UX designers exist primarily to bridge the gap between the idea and the code."
"The new Action Center is a much better experience in my opinion compared to Windows 10 and this is something I really hope shows up on desktop at some point because it's just an improvement overall."
"Garrison Mission Manager...great...manually...followers...more effort...put into a mission board system..."
"Camera controls are probably the best feature of the entire update."
"The new menu is a split screen based interface... this can all be accessed via touch finally."
"I wonder is there any way they should like mark if you've already done it or not that would be kind of an interesting thing."
"I gotta say, really liking the settings menu, very comprehensive in terms of the toggles you've got access to."
"It's a nice fluid experience when you scroll through the menus."
"The Fallout 3 HUD overhauls Fallout 4's HUD to be more similar to what we had in Fallout 3."
"There's a lot of familiarity and simplification going on here."
"We've designed a revolutionary user experience that centers around hovering."
"Playing a strategy game that cares about the user interface, it's so nice."
"This is actually how progress bases became a thing because it was such a convenient method of looking at all of your levels much faster and easier laid out right in front of you in a neat and tidy order."
"If only you could do the holding-right-click thing, oh god it would be so much easier."
"There's officially too many [__] buttons I'm not hitting T though."
"This tweak will bring the Apple watch UI to your iOS 8 device."
"Even if you've just started and are already confused, just looking at the interface. Don't worry."
"The model is the thing that surrounds that and then provides us with an interface by which to communicate with a database collection."
"Ultimately this means less time in menus, less mandatory third-party app usage, more time doing the things you want to do."
"I hate whatever layout you see under my screen, all I can say is I've earned my watts."
"So if you find yourself very frequently accidentally clicking somewhere other than the scroll bar and accidentally scrolling someplace, then you might prefer this because you specifically have to click exactly on the scroll bar to drag it."
"The ping system is amazing...I've never seen something so intuitive..."
"A complete rework of the user interface... would be great to give the game a fresh coat of paint."
"They've taken advantage of this room with a new interface that very much takes inspiration from their watches as well as the new inReach Mini too."
"There is a setting in the menu to turn off the super distracting red arrow under your feet pointing towards your target."
"Just give us a 'not interested in this' button, please, I beg you."
"It's like one one-word press Start button. I don't see the press Start button anywhere."
"The control scheme is just a touch different."
"The user interface in this game is insanely good."
"We have a gun now, and it follows the mouse cursor around."
"There is a Crisis crisis and there's dinos now there is a woman with red hair but it's not Regina no but there's a crisis like it's such a weird thing."
"Frontends turn your games into a console-like experience, making them more responsive, interactive, and easier to navigate."
"Click the button that reads compulsively sort every time you come back to it."
"The controls they implemented here I prefer so much more than the analog stick controls."
"Responsive design with dynamic layout adjustments."
"The Metro UI layout, having live tiles and live streams, pouring in information constantly."
"So, in that case, if this was a toggle-able option, I think that'd be best."
"The interface is a lot more dynamic and personal."
"It's a clean, fast UI that's a joy to use."
"That tab is getting highlighted, which is perfect. So the user has a visual indicator as to which specific tab they have selected."
"This eight inch color touchscreen display is really easy to use."
"The interface is redefined to make the experience even more user-friendly."
"It's still compensatory technology absolutely dripping from every menu and pinch and swipe action accessible through this enormously capable landscape-orientated Central display."
"This dialog box launcher button is important and it's in many of the groups on the ribbon."
"The interface segregation principle advocates for the creation of small and atomic interfaces."
"Utilize responsive design principles to create a seamless and consistent user experience."
"I think it would have been more logic when I control the digital instruments on the left side and the volume is on the right side."
"The interface kind of blurs itself so you can focus on making a sound rather than thinking about how to use the synth."
"Now something you might notice over time is the applications have these little sort of circles with numbers on them."
"Interface Segregation Principle: Define fine-grained interfaces tailored to specific needs."
"Split interfaces into smaller ones to avoid unnecessary methods."
"DSM just feels more polished... more responsive... a graceful experience overall."
"It's actually very intuitive at least it was for me so that was a plus off the bat looking at the front panel."
"Powerful experiences like a home page feed created with repeating groups."
"Super super easy, I love that interface."
"You want to have an interface function that handles all that for you."
"I think that's where the arrow of progress in this field points, is towards more abstraction, easier to use, more intuitive interfaces."
"It's so important to make sure that all of the interface function signatures match what you're actually trying to interface with."
"We were doing a desktop motif. Guess what, Apple didn't invent a desktop motif, we were doing one too."
"The next thing I would like to do is add the center label showing the parameter's value."
"Standing in front of the boiler, you've got an interface there that is really easy to use."
"When this button is now clicked, what I'd like to do is essentially move someone on to the next stage of our process."
"The search interfaces will be like that, where you're going to understand the intent of the user and what they're trying to look for."
"Most users are going to say yes to this because most people like that web interface to have the graphs and charts."
"Instead of having to sit down and code out things, you just work with this web interface."
"The purpose of a human interface is not to hide what the code does, but to accurately convey what the code does."
"When you build a human interface, you're trying to create a mental model in the user's mind of what's going on under the hood."
"And it will avoid introducing inconsistency in your documentation and in your interface contract."
"MLflow is built on an open interface philosophy."
"Dragging a disc icon to the trash to eject it was something that we knew confused new users."
"As your dock gets smaller and smaller, it becomes harder and harder to differentiate between the different things in the dock."
"It's a very elegant looking interface to me."
"The external public interface to our platforms and how it insulates users from detail and change in the platform is a primary design concern."
"Learnability: how easy is it for a new player, a new user, to learn how to interact with an interface?"
"Virtual reality has some really cool 3D interfaces."
"You're not going to deliver the right interface until you actually test with real users."
"It's very easy to use, it's very user-friendly, very simple, very straightforward."
"The interface of Fidelity is just hands down a lot better."
"The precisely designed interface negotiates. Its forms reveal rather than obscure."
"Making it easier for us to get what we need to get done and keeping everything that we need to see in one clean Interface."
"This opens up more control over how you want to manage showing and hiding various different elements."
"Using containers enables you to avoid stacking hidden elements across different platform types and improve the overall user experience."
"The graphic user interface of TrueNAS is still absolutely sharp as a knife."
"You can precisely control the loading states to reduce the jank."
"We're going to be using Qt Designer to design our interfaces."
"All the important behind-the-scenes functionality should be encapsulated behind interfaces like public methods and public properties."
"This mega menu has three groups: a closed menu, an open menu, and then there'll be a hover and sub menu."
"So Performio is a large and complex app with many interfaces, so naturally we face the challenge of developing a consistent user interface."
"In fact, users have a really nice interface when they want to log in."
"That looks good and that will show our current step."
"We managed to redesign an interface completely from scratch."
"It provides a better user experience because it doesn't cause the screen flashes."
"Users are good at structural memory; they remember the relationship between different screens within the same application."
"We simplify the interface and only let people control and input the information that we want to put in."
"You want users who look happy and at ease, the apps feel natural to them, they know how to use them just by looking at the interface."
"It makes bad interfaces really stand out."
"Having really good interfaces is an art form."
"You can change how the buttons look, you can give them sound effects, you can change the positions on the screen."
"The iPhone OS interface has already been adapted for tablet resolution, and Android thought... 'Why don't we adapt our system too?'"
"Material Design is a new visual language focused on creating bold, graphic interfaces."
"We've written our own simple touchscreen interface."
"Good interface design... it's hard to go convince the people above you that interface design really matters."
"I am much happier with this new interface; it is a little bit more inspiring and definitely more fun to interact with."
"The stable load... allows the user to interpret the page better, not accidentally tap on the wrong thing."
"It's a really nice effect and it helps with the user experience."
"The sheet set manager is simply just an interface with three tabs and several other functions to help you organize your sheet sets."
"Your interfaces should be easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly."
"What function should go in the interface? You already know two that you'll be in there: something to make a something that represents the state of the game and something to delete it."
"In this tutorial, we are purely focusing on building a basic GUI and getting a look and feel as for how this is done."
"Context sensitivity significantly reduced the fumbling with the panels."
"We are going to learn how to create segues in interface builder both for modal segues and for navigation controller segues."
"One of the main USPs of the program is its graphic user interface, which is quite intuitive and easy to use."
"What I really want to happen is when I click on that button, I want it to turn green or red and then pause for a couple of seconds and then go on to the next question."
"When you start a really good game, what's the first thing you see? The graphic user interface."
"What is a node? A node is just a little box on our interface, and we link these boxes up like a flowchart."
"Swipe up from the bottom will become the gesture for home."
"It's like people can have a lot of really big picture ideas that they do really right, and if people can't figure out where to click, the entire thing is for nothing."
"It creates a clean interface between the directive and the caller, it's a contract."
"You want a login screen that looks like every other login screen that people are used to using."
"We're not going to start with the interface; we're going to build up the thing using composition."