
Divine Beauty Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The beauty of nature is very fine; it's staring into a rose or into a leaf and just saying, 'Wow, isn't nature and divine intelligence exquisite?'"
"God wants those who can appreciate beauty to be able to surround themselves with beautiful things."
"Look at the glory that God made. Allah and God like that word, I believe because it's a recognition not just that God made it but that it is truly beautiful." - George Galloway
"You know, the heavens are declaring the glory of God."
"Color is a manifestation of God's glory and beauty."
"We have indeed beautified the heavens of this sky with lanterns that emit light."
"The object of preaching is to bring the beauty of Christ to you so that you marvel at who God is."
"Make sure you take a stop and look at the little things sometimes. God's just showing off."
"When I beheld the divine geometry of creation."
"Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands."
"We're all beautiful in God's eyes."
"Everything I saw in heaven exceeded what I've seen here in the natural. Everything had living quality to it. Under the river on the riverbeds, there were gemstones sparkling."
"To hallow God's name is to have a heart of grateful joy toward God and even more a wondrous sense of his Beauty."
"When we see Allah, all other beauty fades in comparison, and His presence is the ultimate joy."
"Beauty is an awesome experience. That's the only natural response to looking at God. Precisely, wow."
"Late have I loved You, beauty so ancient and so new; late have I loved You."
"The essence of worship is the heart aflame with affection for the beauties of God."
"Genuine spiritual experiences have different results: the sight of the beauty of divine things will cause true desires after the things of God."
"And the Lord says with your bowl of yogurt I give you beauty, and mercy and forgiveness, and holiness and sanctity, and devotion."
"For on this step, with its interior senses repaired to sense the Most High Beauty, to hear the Most High Harmony, to smell the Most High Fragrance, to take a taste of the Most High Savor, to apprehend the Most High Delectable, the soul is disposed towards mental excesses."
"To gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple."
"Oh my dove in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely."
"The beauty of God's creation surrounds us even in ways we didn't know existed."
"Beauty reminds us of God; He is all beauty, in the same way that He is all goodness and all truth."
"To Allah belong these beautiful names."
"It was perfect through God's beauty."
"Rest in your mercy, that's how beautiful you are."
"Oh how beautiful it is to contemplate the supreme majesty who with a single fiat dots the azure sky with billions of stars that enchant us with their light."
"The only worship that is acceptable to God is the worship that is offered in the beauty of holiness."
"Open the eye of truth, that thou mayst behold the veilless beauty and exclaim: Hallowed be the Lord, the most excellent of all creators!"
"The beauty of God exists everywhere, all around you."
"I want to invite you to taste and see that our God is a glorious, beautiful, perfect, loving, and lovely King."
"Ask Him to reveal Himself to you in all His beauty and His wonder."
"The objects in their houses look like diamonds, with similar variegations of light."
"Oh Lord, Our God, your sweet Beauty rests upon us; work with us, and then our works will endure."
"The twelve precious stones that God uses to build the New Jerusalem are all anisotropic in pure light; they are all far more beautiful."
"It has been a long journey of enjoying God's beauty."
"God truly does make everything beautiful in its time."
"In time, God will make everything beautiful."
"Golden splendor comes from the mountain of God; He is clothed in dazzling splendor."
"This world is... the glory of God, it is extraordinarily beautiful, it's the glory of God."
"I meditate on Nanda Suta, whose beauty surpasses that of millions of Cupids."
"You are wonderfully and fearfully made; you will radiate the beauty of the Lord in your life for the world to see."
"He's made it beautiful now, made it Godly."
"Oh Allah, just as You beautified my outside, beautify my character."
"We should want this to gaze on Yahweh's beauty for ourselves and for everyone else."
"God is so beautiful to us, the Father He wants real maturity for us."
"The heavens declare the glory of God; so all around us, we see the miracle of God's handiwork."
"People don't understand how beautiful God truly is and how the personality the Holy Spirit has."
"Krishna, when he appeared in front of the gopis who were crying and weeping in separation, looked so beautiful that millions and millions of Cupids would have fallen flat to the ground."
"You're beautiful because God is beautiful, and He made you in His own image."
"You are beautiful to God. You are special, important beyond any words that I could use."