
Personal Inquiry Quotes

There are 210 quotes

"The most important question to ask about any person is what does that person worship."
"I've been diving deep into my research, trying to figure out what the heck is going on."
"What's something that actually makes you happy?"
"Ask yourself the question: Can I and take it from there."
"What's love got to do with that? That's a question to you now."
"David had such a willingness and a desire to say 'Search me O God and know my heart.'"
"He holds up this bottle to me... did you drink this whole thing?"
"Cut through all the crap when you're doing self inquiry and get right to the root."
"I just have to know if I still have a chance or not, that's all."
"Would you consider experimenting with DMT? Oh, this is a good question."
"You can do anything in five minutes, right? How's your house and your daughter's room?"
"The prime thing that I would like to say to her is why if you sincerely believe this..."
"Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Are you tired? No, I'm not."
"I'm only 5'1", that's not even that short, right guys?"
"Did you do something different with your diet this week William?"
"Will I find love soon? A wish coming in for you."
"What message does Spirit have for me? Happiness and fulfillment coming in for you."
"Is marriage in the future for me with my current love interest? Yep, ten of pentacles."
"Are my boyfriend and I gonna move in together? Yes, queen of wands, two wands."
"Conor Brown, you think Conor Brown's got some protection?"
"I don't know what are you up to are you crying in here no he's just he's chillin done some research."
"Guess the question I want to ask you too, it's your thing."
"Last question: Where do you find fulfillment outside of work and family?"
"I've met a few people that when asked that question they realized that they didn't have any reasons."
"What do you want of me? This is a beautiful, beautiful question."
"What are your deepest desires? How do you define passion?"
"I just got one question, did y'all make it through the eclipse?"
"How much stress do you actually keep around you on a daily basis?"
"Who is the real Bill Gates and how did he become so hated?"
"Ask yourself, 'How do I really want to feel today?'"
"Why did you treat your ex boo thing of nine years... the way that you treated her?"
"For nothing is secret that shall not be revealed nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light. Do you have any secrets? Any secrets?"
"People who ask you what you do for a living are trying to determine the level of respect they will show you."
"No one really asks how are you or how are you doing."
"So, what was Sophia like as a kid? You were such a good kid."
"If you're asking the question, you're already showing self-awareness."
"Congratulations! What do you do from your picture?"
"Are you interested in entering a trance-like state?"
"This year so far you made 200,000 profit thereabouts. You're having a great time, so why are you here?"
"Question what you're told; seek to know for yourself."
"The first thing you need to ask yourself when you read the Bible is, 'What is this saying about God?'"
"How would it change your life or business in a really meaningful way?"
"How do you get married for 40 years in R&B? That's a great question."
"How you doing? This is a mental health check-in. Just how you doing?"
"I saw you mentioned getting tested for EDS... so much medical stuff."
"What are you hiding from us, Tanner? I'm on to you."
"My grandparents and uncle and I know everything, that's why I asked for them to come tonight too."
"How many of you guys thought you were getting ready to retire?"
"If you have back problems like that, there are some serious questions you start asking yourself... Your back is central to everything."
"Why do you think that? Because last time, you had this happen."
"This is one of those so bad it's good movies."
"Explore the heart and soul, the depth of the person that you are asking about."
"The best comeback you can tell someone when they're being negative to you is to say, 'Are you okay?'"
"How tall are you? Do you have a hard time finding clothes that fit? I'm a little under 5'10" and no, I don't have a hard time finding clothes that fit."
"I need more background on what happened with her son's dad."
"What happened that night and why did Sean remove his shoes and belts?"
"How are you? Mentally, emotionally, how are you?" - Charlamagne
"I guess it's hard to say how did you become so successful."
"So regardless of what the [__] happened, where is her money?"
"Sorry, Hank, nothing on something I wanted to know."
"How would you describe your physical condition?"
"How would you describe your mental condition?"
"The reason why I'm asking you about this, my card, I did not use my card online today, okay? Let me tell you."
"How can I be more deserving of my ideal life?"
"I'm just wondering what your name is, that's all."
"Let's talk about it tiger, do you believe Karen?"
"The new year is right around the corner. I am curious if you guys have any New Year's resolutions."
"Communication becomes super super super important... have you ever sat down and really asked your partner in a loving and open way how do you like to be touched?"
"On a scale of one to five, how high is your sex drive? I'm a four amateur, five minute half a minute rabbit."
"What words say you're going to Cal State Dominguez Hills? You actually go there?"
"For the first time I had questions, and I wasn't past the point of ignoring those questions that I had. I wanted to find out now."
"Ask yourself what do you really love about reading."
"Who hurt you? Because I feel like many of you are feeling like you can't actually speak your truth."
"At the end of the day, people ask me all the time."
"Been dating for three months now, do you still work?"
"I'm the one who's trying to figure out what people actually know."
"I thought you were about it so dude who so you believe because I asked him about the wings and he told me he didn't so I had to find out from Ben."
"So many people send me messages and they're like, 'Yo fees, I ain't trying to come off weird, but dude, what do you do for your skin?'"
"Life could be fun, or did you always have this?"
"What was your favorite race? How did you develop your skill? What was your strategy?"
"What qualifies as a serious expedition to you, Tony?"
"I just want to know the next hour of your life."
"So, any friends at all? Any liberal friends at all?"
"I just want to know the truth, I just want to know." - Josh Turner
"I'm not trying to check you my bad, but why are you here?"
"Did you do something to her? Probably some lewd, right?"
"Help me understand what I did that was wrong."
"They're seeking truth about this connection."
"How many times a day are you doing cardio and stuff right now? Are your days really really busy?"
"Why are they holding back how they feel? Aquarius, why?"
"Several former customers contacted me personally to inquire why I was no longer with the company."
"Am I really that bad of a human being? And if I am that bad of a human being, why do I have a wonderful girlfriend by the name of Allison Smith who stuck by me for nine years?"
"Physically and mentally, I'm always crazy. Thank you for asking this spud stud."
"What is the passion behind your victories? What is the mystery behind your victories?"
"Are you doing the love of God? Is the love of God in you? Are you kind? Are you compassionate?"
"Could debbie actually be sucking up electricity from the world around her? Electricity plays quite an important role in our human body."
"When will I let go completely? And the answer is when you stop asking the question."
"You want love, huh? What kind of love do you want? You just look at are you lonely? You need some physical touch? Are you really looking for someone..."
"We've been trying to figure out Maurice Morhaime... Nick was asking for where I learned to speak English."
"Don't tell me what you used to do, tell me what you're doing right now."
"When the children go to bed, I ask this question because I've actually lost touch with the real world."
"So Joey, people have been saying that you've been doing a lot of cocaine lately. What do you think about that?"
"I think Deepika because I would love to know how does it feel to be loved and adored by a whole nation."
"Have you ever cut my heart and looked in my heart to see what my intention is?" - A participant
"Thank you for asking cuz not many people have asked if I'm okay."
"A man being concerned about your body count doesn't mean he hates you."
"What would it feel like to be enthralled with yourself?"
"So, what do you guys think? This time has time changed and made it better for you?"
"The question is how long does the pain last?"
"What are you thinking? Where is your thoughts going?"
"Hold space and just checking in and saying, 'What do you think about that?'"
"Our neighbor used the same perfume that Frank wanted. I came to visit him and over a cup of tea cautiously asked him, 'Maybe you have a Dior bottle left?'"
"Ask yourself that question and don't be afraid of the answer"
"I'd love to hear more about Tyler, your current beliefs."
"How do you deal with insomnia? Mine's been very annoying lately."
"How did someone like you get a nickname like princess?"
"You must have come here for a specific reason. I need to know what it is. Let's think."
"What do I want to learn about a particular topic, whether it's Tesla or just the electric vehicle market in general."
"I don't even know how much YouTube you're allowed to watch."
"Ask him you know what are you interested in in a relationship at this stage in your life."
"Have any of you ever been hit or assaulted by your significant other in a serious manner?"
"But then women don't like that, yeah, well, I'll ask you, let's get will make it a little personal, would you like a male feminist guy who just fawns over you and does whatever you say?"
"Are you living your best life right now? I usually say everyone, Kaylee."
"Has your hand shrunk since the day was on my knee?"
"Why do you run? Is it simply because you can?"
"What does it feel like to be you at this moment?"
"I'm not looking for a favor I don't I don't need a favor I i just want to know."
"Do you know what happened to my mother?"
"I'm trying my hardest to see if you're in another relationship."
"What's your relationship status? Do you have any kids?"
"...I just thought of contacting you because I consider you the expert on all of this stuff."
"What was the best book you read in August?"
"I just want to say, how are you? You feeling okay?"
"Your name is Jane. Are you a betting person?"
"What does safety look like to you?"
"How did your team do this week? Tell me about your week, how did it go?"
"Every person that's married or about to be married should ask this question: What do we want our home to feel like?"
"and is what you do perfectly natural"
"The first thing I did when I walked into Oceana is I asked the guys, 'So who's the best F-14 pilot ever?'"
"Did your father ever direct Romeo and Juliet and did you ever ask him about it?"
"Is your figure less than Greek? Is your mouth a little weak? When you open it to speak, are you smart?"
"My life started to get better when I quit, but what was the deal?"
"I am good, what part of the UK are you in?"
"Tell me why you want to be a doctor."
"Anything in particular you would do in these moments to calm yourself? Just slow yourself down a little bit."
"Be prepared to answer personal questions; they can be tricky, they can be difficult to answer."
"Life is good, how's life for you?"
"I want to talk to you about Jesus Christ. Do you have a moment?"
"What is most important for you in the morning?"
"When did you fall in love with beauty and why?"
"Winston, is it possible that you're a closet romantic?"
"Are you jealous of Richie? He's a talented guy."
"One of my most common questions I get is how I come up with these recipes."
"Ask me any question, nothing's too much information, nothing's too personal."
"Good to see you, how you been? Thank you."
"I like you, Kento. What do you think about me?"
"It's the first time in my life I've ever actually been curious of whether or not there is really something wrong with me."
"Let me know what you're making, is there anything that's just filling you up with all the joy lately?"
"What lights you up? This is an energetic thing."
"Look what did you come for? For you."
"I slept like a log, thanks. How about you?"
"I want to understand why you are, not what you are."
"You smell amazing, what perfume are you wearing?"
"Have you ever been in love before?"
"I am a girl with eyes that wants answers."
"It's cold in Zion National Park, Jeffrey, you keep watching from Zion, do you work in Zion Park, are you a ranger?"
"He's the first one who will go up to someone when you're walking with him and say, 'Is your son okay? How's your daughter doing in college?'"
"I just wanted to find out what's your perfect Sunday."
"Are you the happiest girl on the planet?"
"On a scale of 1 to 10, how are you feeling today?"
"You look disturbed, Kathy. Why?" His question teased me as if he knew already my secrets.
"Are you happy? Yeah, why do you ask that? Just wondering. Hope I'm the one adding to your happiness."
"It's good to see you again, old man. How have things been in the village without me?"
"Just by virtue of this special way of inquiring into these questions... there'll be a certain empowerment in the face of the risk that being alive is."
"What is your favorite board game?"
"What does your ideal day and week look and feel like?"
"Gus, does getting old ever bother you?"
"What's your biggest fear? It doesn't have to be common; it can be weird."
"How has your stay been here, Yanuzumaki?"
"Can you tell me how old you are, Katie?"
"I've been doing splendid, what about you? How's it been back in your world?"
"Sending love. Have you felt any changes socially with returning to normal?"
"Can I bring you out in the light? My curiosities got me tonight."
"How was your day? What was the best part of your day? What was the worst part of your day?"
"I'm doing great as well, where are you from?"
"When was the last time you were in love?"
"How tall are you? Six two, six two tall."
"How's Timothy doing? How is little man doing?"
"That's crazy how old are you, Chris? I'm 74."
"How are you and like deep down how are you doing?"
"God, how are you? Like, what are you doing here? What are you reading right now?"
"Ask God to reveal these truths to you, along with how He feels about you."
"How many smiles does it take to be happy?"
"It kind of asked this question like are you really the happiest version of yourself."
"What did you love most about the day?"