
Divine-interest Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"God is extremely interested in people who don't care because they often have very good reasons for not caring."
"God cares a lot more about who we are and who we're becoming than about who we once were."
"God is so concerned about you right there. He knows the numbers of hairs on your head. He's seen your destiny."
"Only the creator gives a man an interest in who you are at your core."
"God invested in you, and He wants a good return."
"God is interested in you; He wants you in heaven."
"His ways are higher than our ways... God takes a great interest in our lives and raising us up into the individuals and vessels he knows we were meant to be."
"What makes you different is you have a Father in heaven that is jealous over you."
"A man's absence should not cause intense pressure on a woman."
"God is more interested in you than you are in him."
"God is more interested in our growth than he is in our comfort."
"It was such a rare case that the gods responsible were genuinely looking forward to examining it."
"God cares, he's interested in seeing the young people come to him."
"God is invested and interested in the how of your life, not just the what."
"God's in... He's actually interested in us on the path."
"God takes a personal interest in every one of us."
"How intensely interested is he in each one of us?"
"You serve a God who's really into the cosmos."
"God is interested in every facet of your life."
"He cares more about the things about you than you care about yourself."
"Pray for the soul of your family and Jesus is very interested in the soul of your family."
"God is interested in the formation of your character."
"God is not just interested in resolving your situation; He's also interested in restoring your faith."
"God is still interested in the miraculous."
"Jehovah is far more interested in our character than our comfort."
"We're interested in God's best for you."
"The Lord has our best interest always at heart."
"God is concerned with what kind of a person you are; what you do is of little interest."
"God is not interested in cursing you; God is interested in blessing you."
"Christ's heart is in His work; every day He watches over it with the most intense interest."
"God loves them and God is interested in them."
"God cares about the details of our lives, even the ones other people don't care about."
"God wants my cares because He cares."
"The bored gods are intrigued by her writing."
"You said the gods cared about me."
"You've got to believe that He has your best interests at heart."
"The Lord's interested in our eternal welfare, not our daily comfort."
"I think God is more interested in our growth than he is in our comfort."
"If it's important to you, it's important to God."
"God is passionate about you being in life."
"Did you know that God's concerned about you? You'd be surprised all the things that God just to get your attention."
"God is more interested in us turning our hearts towards Him, asking Him questions, because He loves the dialogue with His kids."
"God is interested in the little details of my life."
"God is not as interested in your elections as He is in your elect."
"God likes you. He's really into you."
"God is more interested in you discovering Him than He is in discovering His will."
"God is not interested in the areas where you are strong and He is weak. God is interested in the areas where He is strong and you are weak."