
Cultural Revival Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"This is the year that we bring back Art Deco."
"The West would need to have a religious revival or its entire society would fall apart."
"The discovery of that first artifact in 1997 coincided with a Yukon native culture beginning to find itself again."
"Circles such as these are dismantling the negative stereotypes and calling in a revival of ancient ceremonial use of this plant."
"He's unafraid to just smash it all to bits so that there can be this revitalization of the Christian America."
"If we can revive that dream over group identity and victimhood and grievance then nobody in the world is going to defeat us."
"We're bringing back the culture. Cannabis used to grow wild in Thailand and was valued in traditional medicine."
"They are taking the ideals of the original rave generation and forge their own fight back with the scene totally of its time."
"It was bold and it was as authentic of a throwback as you can be coupled with as innovative as a message."
"So you're subverting 70 years of communist cultural destruction."
"We need a spiritual revival in this country. We need to get back to the basics."
"Thankfully, 90s fashion is back or at least our fixed version of it is."
"We should be trying to generate a Renaissance in our own societies."
"Love them or hate them, baggy jeans are back with a vengeance."
"Israel is for the revival of the Jewish people."
"It's the start of a new era, it's the Viking revolution well and truly underway."
"Let's make patriotism cool again for young people."
"I enjoy the idea that forgotten artists are being respected again."
"Everyone thought Aang was gone, now they have adventure airbenders."
"I feel like we're in that perfect time for Disney to make a comeback."
"It's really a quest for magic... bring this beautiful culture, their beautiful world back to what it once was."
"Stunning rice paddy art: revitalizing culture with magnificent designs."
"Clapton brought Leila back to its origin as a ballad when he performed a slow acoustic version for an MTV Unplugged concert."
"The long-suppressed Basque language is enjoying a resurgence."
"The use of bestie has come back stronger than it's ever been."
"Lord of the Rings is starting to come back into the public consciousness because it's been 20 years."
"Revival is here, a new day is here for Africa."
"We need a Harlem Nights. That's what we need."
"The return of Christendom: Is it really happening?"
"It's time for the dunmer to return to their roots perhaps with sufficient piety with the wisdom of the good Daedra behind their every deed the dun gray-skinned elves may become golden again."
"Swamiji single-handedly took it on himself to revive Hinduism, to bring back its cultural, religious, political, social legitimacies back to Hinduism."
"We have brought back the Ming in all of their red Glory."
"Mahakal, the corridor, it is not just a corridor... it is a corridor to the sanatana civilizational Reclamation Renaissance Rejuvenation and renewal in that order."
"It would be cool to have a little metal revival minus the life-ruining stuff."
"An ultimate solution to a lot of the problems that you and I agree face America... has to come from cultural and religious revival, and government can't."
"We're bringing a culture back where it's deeper than the internet."
"All that to also say Hozier I love you Hozier if you wanted to release an entire album of just you singing Irish folk songs I would buy it and I would push it and I would get it tattooed on my entire body and also bring back Bluegrass 2023."
"Perhaps it is time for us to live in the light once again, a place where we are welcome so that our culture may flourish and our children may feel what it is to play in the sunlight."
"There will be a renaissance, and we see it already."
"Bringing back a healthy understanding of standards and taboos can restore patriotism in our day-to-day lives."
"He brought James Brown back single-handedly by imitating him."
"What is happening now in this archaic revival, a parking back to cultural models 10 to 25,000 years old... We are about to leave for the stars. This is what is happening on the planet."
"The hits and misses tour it's been such a wonderful gift to the country that want to go to shows again and live again."
"All I'm asking is, can somebody please bring back the good old-fashioned classic breakdown?"
"They're playing old Dipset mixtapes in there, and it just restored that New York City streetwear feeling."
"The only way I see us reversing this is with a Renaissance."
"We're seeing a resurgence of the Renaissance."
"He is the reason why a lot of casual fans got back into Star Wars."
"It's the rebirth of the Volkswagen bus lifestyle."
"We are rediscovering what it means to be a human being. We have lost our ancient wisdom over this patriarchal period."
"The past is back, baby. A new age of glory for Greece has begun."
"Maybe there really will be a pixel chicks Renaissance where the toys are rebooted and become the next biggest thing in the world."
"We need to resurrect this neglected Sunnah, especially when people convert to Islam. This is a necessary Sunnah we need to resurrect because that's the whole point."
"Experiencing a little bit of a Renaissance, a little bit of a Resurgence."
"The launch pad for the Dragon Ball Renaissance."
"If you're not a 90s kid, I am so sorry, but don't feel too left out because honestly the 90s is back."
"I'd love them to bring back that old-school vibe."
"This makes me so excited for my generation specifically... we've never had a revival in history with social media."
"Charlemagne’s reign marked a cultural revival which spread across Christian Europe, driven by a circle of educated men in his court."
"Hip Hop Is Back Where It Started."
"We need to bring the Michael Jackson, Chris Browns all that [ __ ] back."
"Bring Sonic back, you know why? Because we really did!"
"City pop: suddenly the algorithm started recommending tracks like 'Plastic Love' and what's interesting about the sudden City pop Revival is that it was seemingly happening everywhere."
"This is an era of great splendor, ceremony, the restoration of education, and of learning."
"A lot of young Indians are interested in this now. A lot of them are trying to relearn their languages that have been lost and some of the clan traditions and so forth."
"Let's bring nicknames back. We'll petition right now."
"America is rediscovering the Mississippi as a source of its music, its culture, and its lifestyle."
"...what stories would I write? I write the stories Turks forgot in a modern way..."
"The Restoration era witnessed a major revival of English theatre."
"We're going back in time, back to the old ways."
"Heritage and rejuvenation... the desert is blooming."
"...they were trying to do an important thing, a great thing, not only trying to save their people from the suffering that they were dealing with in Europe but also trying to rekindle something beautiful that had existed for thousands of years."
"We're trying to actually get back some of the culture that we lost."
"We were really committed to bringing back jazz to the city of Philadelphia."
"I feel like the 80s are back, like the best of the 80s are back, mixed with just... it's the best of times."
"Let us be the archaeologists of a bygone age then, and let us try to understand and bring back to life the tools and the mindset of a civilization that operated under another paradigm."
"The 1920s witnessed a cultural and social revival of African-American writing, poetry, music, art, and fashion in the neighborhood which has since come to be termed the Harlem Renaissance."
"There an ecumenical culture sprang to life which revived the lapsed ingenuity of both East and West."
"...the Italian Renaissance... a revival of the philosophy, literature, and art of classical pre-christian antiquity."
"This is a whole area of underappreciated artists that should just all be brought back to the fore."
"The interest in pre-Islamic Persian culture and history right now in Iran is a direct reaction against what's happened since the 2009 crackdown on the Green Movement."
"Charlemagne presided over the Carolingian Renaissance, a revival of imperial patronage for high culture."
"The world has been out of balance for far too long; it needs the Air Nation back again."
"His rule ushered in the Carolingian Renaissance, a period of spirited cultural and intellectual activity within the Western Church."
"...the Renaissance was a rebirth of classical Antiquity... an attempt to recreate certain Roman institutions within the Christian context of the modern world."
"The Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek classical philosophy, literature, and art."
"His Frankish Empire covered most of Western Europe and he instigated a revival of art, culture, and learning."
"The biggest change that I have seen is within my people like we've been reclaiming our culture, our traditions, our language, and like restoring our identity."
"We're having a real renaissance of tea culture in China."
"Turning his back on western ways, Tenskwatawa spread the message of strength through unity among the First Nations."
"They've reopened a lot of the synagogues; there's some great museums."
"Your hex gates have done wonders for our city, reignited passions in arts and science."
"I think this will be a catalyst for the return. The Renaissance really, I really think so."
"In the decades since independence, a revival of West African traditions swept the populace, defining Dominica's unique cultural and national identity."
"Charlemagne's reign assured in a renaissance of sorts."
"We've returned to the promised land, revived our language, gathered our exiles, and built a modern, thriving democracy."
"Remember when humility was a great American value? We're gonna bring it back again."
"After 45 years of honoring ancestors, revitalizing cultural identity, reclaiming non-instrument navigation, connecting communities, and encouraging environmental awareness, Hokule'a is calling all of us to join the renaissance of our Earth."
"In recent years, there has been a revival of Krampus traditions and increased global recognition."
"Reviving a language or a culture like we are, it's passing through your heart no matter how you look at it."
"Remembering Africa will bring about the flowering of the African renaissance and Afromodernity will play its role in the globe."
"Our elders... had said, 'The same way they wrote us out, right our kin, they taught us to read, we participated in the system and now we're going to use that system to also highlight our community once again.'"
"Even though it's something that we're dragging back from history, it has a huge future."
"In order to liberate ourselves from untouchability and regain our dignity, it was very important that we regained our ancient culture."
"Woodblock prints do continue to be made; they're revived as art for art's sake."
"Native people are finding our traditions again. The traditions are coming to life. They're not always lost. Sometimes they're just asleep."
"My aim for this is to bring this alive, bring the Ayurveda alive."
"There's a Renaissance going on with mezcal."
"There is a kind of revival of interest in Chinese cuisine as culture."
"Harlem Renaissance is dated as 1918 to 1937, which means revival, and this kind of renaissance is happening especially among the African-American people."
"We must bring culture and arts back to life."