
Cartography Quotes

There are 340 quotes

"Maps often reveal what was important to the cartographers making them."
"The map is not the territory, and when the world was not mapped well, maps changed frequently."
"I almost completely missed that too. I just love the absolute chaos of this map."
"The fact that the Peri Reis map could depict Antarctica with such precision long before the age of satellites, GPS, and advanced mapping technology we use today is truly remarkable."
"Maps are a crucial tool for geographers to analyze and interpret the world."
"The Perry race map: an astonishingly accurate depiction of the world in the 16th century."
"This one really tells a story within just how the map looks, again you know if you've read Stormlight Archive I have a theory that Roshar was perfectly meant to look like a storm cloud because of the red."
"Fazos: 'Ready for some map-making as a cartographer.'"
"It remains true that he helped to advance and popularize mathematics and cartography."
"They were mapping those continents early in the Ice Age before the ice age had totally built up upon them."
"Best laid plans of partisan cartographers unravel because political trends overtake it."
"What I focus on is what I think makes mapping interesting."
"This map had been drawn in 1513 by a Turkish Admiral, Admiral Piri Reis."
"It shows features of the earth but nobody in 1513 should have been able to know before the 18th century."
"The world map created in 1513 and named after its creator the ottoman Explorer and cartographer akmed muhidin Peri attracted attention."
"Ancient maps depict Antarctica free from its icy shroud."
"This is a fault image but you can add a new map and edit the map."
"I've absolutely loved digging deeper into the history of wargaming and cartography in general."
"The invention of maps and charts is a fascinating chapter in human history."
"Perhaps our role in history will be remembered as those who drew the maps that our descendants will one day take for granted."
"I became the de facto map maker of the group."
"These types of maps are going to become commonplace."
"The map of the stars has been located, a big deal, the oldest known map, a remarkable breakthrough."
"By changing everyone’s maps, China wants to change how people think about the world."
"Whoever made this map knew that the Earth was round."
"Map making takes time and practice, and unfortunately, one thing is guaranteed to be true: your first map is going to suck."
"This map is amazing, Sphinx you've outdone yourself."
"It's an iconic map no matter how you spin it."
"Maps were more valuable than treasure, guiding through lands we've forgotten."
"Save hours of time while drawing awesome maps."
"The Piri Reis map is the oldest map to show the Americas."
"I'm a cartographer. That means I make maps. I've been exploring our great former America for some time now, trying to create the best route available to reunite the country with itself."
"The possibilities are endless when it comes to what maps can be used for."
"This map is good enough to be published."
"Every map projection has distortion in either the direction, shape, area, or distance."
"The charts become increasingly accurate."
"For a picture of the world that is this accurate, there are people prepared to pay good money."
"The Mitchell map of 1755 is negligible for local details."
"On trying to use the map for his journey he wrote, 'in good faith we traced what we afterwards ascertained to be a Labyrinth of errors, carefully following the outlines of the imaginary lakes which the map contains.'"
"The map of today’s Middle East was mostly drawn after the First World War."
"The oldest map in the whole world... it predates written language."
"Maps reflect people's subjective understanding of the world."
"Every map was made by someone with an agenda."
"Magellan's co-captain and designated astronomer slash cartographer was one of the first Europeans to accurately portray the principles of latitude and longitude."
"Create a new composition with your map image."
"Many maps feel unfinished or unrealistic, and this is due largely to a lack of planning."
"Cartography is a needed keystone for Laugh Tale."
"Web Mercator was, you know, when Google Maps came out in 2005, it revolutionized this kind of cartographic representation of our planet on the web."
"You don't have to be good at drawing to make really really awesome looking maps."
"Before comprehensive charts were created and readily available, ships relied on Navigators who knew the waters they were sailing through to chart a safe course."
"The existence of the New World was very well known in 16th-century Turkey, and we see here an important Turkish map that shows the New World which was made in 1513 by the Turkish Admiral Piri Reis."
"These maps were created in the 15th century. They're hugely significant to the history of cartography because they are the first printed maps made in northern Europe."
"So how do you represent the entire surface of a sphere on a flat sheet of paper? The solution is a map projection."
"The Dymaxion projection: it shows all the continents accurately and also shows just how close they all are."
"Imagine how much magic was taken out of the world when the world was mapped."
"What I is a line on a map connecting places of equal temperature?"
"A colleague of mine Luigi Diana has given an interesting explanation of the many sea monsters in the Norwegian Sea on Olaus Magnus's map."
"This map shows Rabat as the capital, but it is twice as big as what the international community recognizes as Morocco."
"I can create maps that are live and interactive."
"A map scale is the relationship between distance on the map and corresponding distance on the ground."
"You can have geography without a map but you can't have a map without geography."
"I'll take a map that feels good with its mountains over an awkward but scientifically accurate one any day."
"All this navigational stuff is put together in a giant Atlas by a guy working in Italy for the Duke of Tuscany."
"It's considered to be the very first map of the Battle of Gettysburg."
"Color the white areas of the map gray in order to signify unexplored land."
"Nami's ultimate goal in life is to draw a map of the entire world and its oceans."
"The accuracy and detail of the Piri Reis map suggest that ancient civilizations might have known much more about the world's geography than previously thought."
"...here lie dragons. This has not yet been mapped."
"These soldiers would lead their men over 7,500 miles of rough country, providing the first detailed map of the area and bringing back valuable information."
"The Madaba Map: the oldest map of the Holy Land in the world."
"What at first looked like a pretty standard map, it's actually starting to take on quite a dreamlike element."
"... so every single line on this map is made of one single bird trip."
"The map was etched into the stone with great precision."
"...you see I have circled in red something that reads Berg Zion."
"I'm a big fan of Butler Maps and I've got an entire drawer in my basement desk full of the original paper Butler Maps."
"Latitude and longitude turn the world into a giant grid system."
"Maps are amazing; they show us the world and sometimes provide us with interesting information or statistics regarding the area which is represented."
"The beaver trappers, the mountain men, came through here over a century ago, learning the rivers and passes, making the maps of memory."
"Ghost of Salt Marsh has really great maps."
"So wonderful, so there's our map of the moon."
"I'm starting North tomorrow with one of the mapping expeditions; we'll travel over country no human has ever seen before."
"I really like maps and fantasy settings because they help ground the world and provide context for the character's journey."
"What covers the entire globe here is the distinction and wooded area to have a slightly different green; snow areas to have a bluer tint."
"It's really for cartographers, designers, developers looking to create custom map styles."
"Making maps is always so fun and so interesting."
"Everyone loves to make maps, which is cool."
"We could also put our north arrows on here if we wanted to; that would also be a good idea."
"30 people were asked to draw a map of the world from memory, here are the digitally merged results."
"Cartographers are very conservative, and they try to retain all their information somewhere on the map."
"This is the most common map of the world that we're used to seeing in schools and on Google Maps, but it doesn't tell the entire story."
"My goal for creating this map is to have something that I can hand my players and have them be super excited to leave the city and explore the wilderness."
"A curved surface cannot be represented on a flat surface without distortion."
"...every map is wrong, the Earth is what the earth looks like."
"Building the maps is almost an art."
"That makes this map more valuable to me."
"One of the top resources for relic and treasure hunters is the use of old maps."
"The Madaba Map offers a glimpse into the world as it was over 1,400 years ago."
"These maps suggest a level of technology and science that was far beyond the period in which they were derived."
"Exploring the unknown, the party is hired to map an unknown territory."
"The map now known simply as the Wash map is unique in that it shows Antarctica as it would appear without ice."
"I love maps. I don't know why, but I do."
"Imagine being the person pitching what the world map would be in 1595."
"The shadow of Atlantis can still be seen in modern cartography."
"Sometimes when we look at the world, the lines on a map don’t fully do justice to the situation on the ground."
"David Rumsey is a private map collector; he created a website with way in excess of thirty thousand old maps on his website."
"I love my maps, I love the geography, I love this world building and lore."
"In Renaissance times, maps were extraordinary creations with a huge cosmic significance."
"That's how much fun I have doing this, especially when I can find maps."
"Maps are an important source of information."
"This map takes me right to the spot; the country just sort of comes out of this map."
"The existence of it is significant enough that Oda included that in a world where Nami is supposed to make a map of the whole world."
"What about this cartography? That's not like this isn't just archaeology to make this thing, there's something else significant here."
"The Betalina map is one of the oldest topographic maps in the world."
"The map looks exactly like a satellite image made 500 years before satellites ever existed."
"Following the method of creating a nautical chart, Lightning drew a grid with equal distances on a square parchment."
"Isn't it crazy how people just like traveled the world and made maps and drawings of where everywhere they've been."
"We are the map makers and the travelers."
"All maps are imperfect representations which is why they are good for challenging things."
"Plans are related to map making, surveying, and geometry as they all revolve around measuring, marking out, and drawing on the earth's surface."
"Maps are not just reference materials to show where things were, but rather as documents that lead us to consider how issues like political struggle, group representation, and global development are shaped by places, borders, and connections across space and time."
"Geographers have made many different kinds of maps."
"On a number of occasions, I've made maps for videos to help illustrate whatever nonsense I might be spouting at that moment in time."
"Whilst I would not claim to be a full-blown cartophile... it just means that you like maps."
"It's details like these that really make maps like this so atmospheric."
"One way to get your maps started is to double click on any of these dimensions that have a globe next to them."
"This one looks like it's very real, and it's a map."
"I'm gonna make a quick world map, let map equals... our world can be real basic right now."
"We're taking a curved surface of an earth and putting it on a flat piece of paper."
"The Cartographers... is about a map maker who goes to uncover the secrets of her father's murder."
"Creating a map is much like painting a picture."
"I make these maps so that I can firmly ingrain the geology and the geography in my head."
"If we were able to view the Borges fable in which the cartographers of the Empire draw up a map so detailed that it ends up covering the territory exactly, the decline of the Empire witnesses the fraying of this map, little by little, and its fall into ruins."
"A map of the world that does not include utopia is not even worth looking at."
"Maps are not useful despite being simplified; they're useful precisely because they're simplified."
"Maps... serve both as a way to locate a region or country but also as a vehicle, a way of visually transmitting information regarding that region."
"The coastline Paradox is not only mind-bending but also has practical implications for cartography, geology, and various other disciplines."
"Nami dreams of drawing a map of the entire world."
"Drawing maps and who draws maps is seen as a political act."
"Cook's comprehensive mapping and documentation of New Zealand paved the way for increased European interest in the region."
"The mind-boggling question arises: How could a map drawn in the 1500s accurately depict Antarctica when its existence was unknown at that time?"
"If you discover a new realm you have to somehow expand your cartography."
"The National Map is a collection of mapping products and services produced by the USGS National Geospatial Program."
"Before we compose a map, the first thing we ask ourselves is what's the purpose of the map, what are we trying to accomplish here?"
"If you're wondering what this type of map is called, it's called a chloropleth map."
"Making a map and sharing it with people that can embed it in the workflows that they do every day can really get people excited."
"I feel like I'm a cartographer, and I can find my own trails."
"There's a lot of cartographic design thoughts that go into all these things."
"I just want to make a prettier map as a backdrop maybe for some data and less road focused for navigation."
"It was a really cool map because it shows more or less what's there now."
"One of my most daring creations was nearly complete, it was a map unlike any other, wondrous with power to transport dreamers to any place imaginable."
"These maps contain memories, experiences, and history."
"I love maps, love the world, love traveling."
"Let's have a look at the map, shall we?"
"Maps are colorful with plenty of detail but not too busy that they become difficult to follow."
"I love their art that they use, I think those the maps are incredible."
"Maps do not generally show us opinions, they just show us facts."
"Graham Hancock's interpretation of the Piri Reis map presents a fascinating narrative about the knowledge of ancient civilizations."
"The most fascinating of the ancient maps... is the Peutinger Table."
"The maps are primarily world pictures which are essentially... giving you a picture of how the world works."
"Before Christopher Columbus set sail for America, he made maps."
"This is the map of Earth in the nighttime."
"The map appears to show not just an imagining of Antarctica but the continent at a correct scale."
"The Peri Reis map made in the year 1513 includes a fairly accurate depiction of Antarctica without any ice on it."
"Charts are basically like similar to road maps; it lays out the geography of the water that you're going to be sailing in."
"Mr. Jeremy likes to say otherwise, but I am a map maker, and this place matches no sky I've ever seen."
"He was the greatest cartographer or map maker who ever walked the North American continent."
"The scale on a map is the ratio of the distance on the map to the actual distance."
"I love to draw maps, and maps is probably the thing that I do most of nowadays."
"These forests were topographic maps, drawn with trees."
"All maps are imperfect representations of a space, but they're great tools for learning as long as they are maps, not graphs."
"Phantom islands are islands that were once believed to exist, often appearing on maps only to be proven non-existent."
"We can make a three-dimensional map of the universe."
"This is the Hall of Maps, the original 'Guardaroba,' where the most relevant documents were kept, together with the 'Mappa Mundi,' a six-foot-tall sphere which was the largest rotating globe of its era."
"Ptolemy was also a geographer... his other books... was the Geographia, which was a map of the world at the time."
"This book about maps is an awesome book."
"It would be fun to do a planetary map of Alagaësia."
"This is how to lie with maps, don't unless you have a reason."
"The globe projection is what makes it so that it turns into a globe once you get out below zoom level six, which looks great."
"The mapping of our galaxy is one of astronomy's great achievements, but it's more than just a map; it's a snapshot of a dynamic star system with a history that has unfolded over billions of years."
"Nami is the world's best navigator and cartographer."
"The mapping stage is the most important stage... it is at this point, this mapping point, because here you determine how wide the mountain is, how high the mountain is."
"Despite creating the great map that basically led to the vision and creation of Canada, he and his wife and most of their kids actually died in poverty, almost forgotten."
"The maps are a collaboration between Oxford and Cambridge."
"Maps are a kind of piece of artwork in their own right as well."
"We are royal cartographers, and we are going to be flipping cards and writing stuff on a piece of paper because we are trying to map out this environment."
"Maps have done a lot to confuse things for people."
"Any point on this map can be located by determining its horizontal and vertical positions."
"Her dream is to create a full map of the world."
"...we now have or will have a completely new way of mapping things and a complete really new area of modern cartography."
"...the most accurate and the most complete multi-dimensional map of the Milky Way galaxy."
"It's a map of Westeros... very cool."
"Just by looking at underground maps, you can actually trace a whole lot of incidental social history of London over the years."
"Each of the soles is a map of the city that it comes from, which I think is really cool."
"They had maps and charts that were created by the Greek astronomer and geographer Ptolemy."
"Look at a map and what do you see? Lines traced across an expanse of global space."
"I spend a lot of time just looking at Google Maps both on regular and satellite mode and I find a lot of interesting places that way."
"He has a new invention to help him draw a map of the world."
"How did people kind of build maps back in the day?"
"You feel a little bit like an old explorer making a map."
"We're just going to get a fun little map here."