
Political Ideologies Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"We're now in 2022 thinking only capitalism, communism, socialism. Where's the new thing?"
"Socialism, collectivism, authoritarianism, I don't care what you call it, it's a death cult."
"Discussing 'The Great Awakening versus the Great Reset' reveals a book intense in content despite its brevity, opening discussions on controversial philosophical stances."
"Forget what you think about conservatism, liberalism, romanticism, socialism, nationalism, feminism as far as if you've heard those words in the context of 21st century America because we're looking at 19th century Europe."
"But I will say, perhaps you will find most liberals claiming to be environmental. That's what they're saying, they yap it, but they don't actually walk the walk. They talk the talk, they don't walk the walk. Conservatives walk the walk and don't talk the talk."
"I have never been more hopeful... between freedom and socialism."
"The clash between ideologies: democracy versus dictatorship."
"Communism is a better system than capitalism."
"The clear double standard: trendy to be socialist, but fascism must be denounced."
"Is it fascism? Is it a new brand of conservatism? Is it classical liberalism? I don't think so."
"The conservative movement has done more to help me as an other person than the progressive movement."
"Liberalism makes being poor comfortable, makes living in poverty comfortable. Conservatism is about giving people the power to escape that kind of poverty."
"Anarchism and communism stand in direct opposition to the political opportunism of liberals and fascists."
"Nazism and fascism are substantially closer to communism than they are to any sort of right-wing ideology."
"Do we remember fascism? Do we remember Nazism? Do we remember communism and totalitarianism? Have we completely forgotten the sacrifices of our parents and grandparents in prior generations?"
"Truth is not a left-wing value; it is a liberal value, it is a conservative value."
"The answer to neoliberal corporatist Democrats isn't mask off conservative hyper capitalism, it's an actual working-class politics centered around restoring the American middle class."
"Joe Biden stands for American democracy. Donald Trump stands for the proposition that he will be America's dictator."
"I don't care if you're conservative, liberal, libertarian, or communist... free speech, that's what it's all about."
"Everybody has their Spider Sense super tuned in for Nazis but no one does for Communists."
"It's freedom, it's capitalism, it's democracies that do that, not socialist governments."
"Wokeness is the left's religion. Banning critical race theory or the 1619 project won't fix the problem."
"Remove D and R from ballots... well-informed voters will succeed and you're voting for the person not some ideology."
"The thing with fascism I really do see is just honest socialism."
"Hamilton would grant greater legitimacy to the federalist party's more radical wing, reaffirming the country's direction toward federalization."
"Understanding ideologies requires nuance, not just labels."
"Liberalism and nationalism are diametrically opposed concepts that both fit the democratic structure of society."
"Conservatives are happier than leftists. They are more content than leftists. They find greater joy in life."
"Conservatives are happier than left-wingers." - Michael Knowles
"Conservatives understand the left more than the left understands conservatives." - Michael Knowles
"Our principles are pro-choice... we believe pro-life is a part of it... who's actually the liberal... who is actually trying to open up the doors for everyone?"
"By pointing out the dishonesty of dave rubin the gatekeeper the profiteer and the apologist in chief for these ideologies my hope is that we might catch some people before they get to that point of no return."
"Hitler was not a liberal; he was a conservative and a nationalist."
"Both extremes are wrong. It's a dynamic equilibrium. Our pendulum has been swung so far to the right with neoliberalism and with rampant capitalism in libertarianism that now it needs to swing back to the left to socialism."
"What 'could have been' for both anarchism and communism can, in the imagination of the audience, turn into 'what could be'."
"Liberals see large structural forces of inequality, conservatives see behavior."
"Freedom for conservatives comes with responsibility because freedom is impossible without responsibility. For the left, freedom from responsibility is sort of the point."
"I'd say people on the left are generally more um, you know, higher in whatever psychological traits that are likely to empathy."
"The left started embracing collectivist and communist ideas."
"The pro-life movement is really, really deep in the American tradition."
"People want to tear the system apart. They want to rebuild the system in a different way. I've suggested that I quite like to do it along authoritarian libertarian lines because I think that makes more sense."
"Both capitalism and socialism are very different schools of thought."
"This is an election about basically racism and socialism versus capitalism and freedom, something like that."
"I'm not a Bernie or buster. Allow me to defend Bernie or bust if I may. Sure, there's I think that accelerationism gets a lot of bad rap sometimes."
"One side is trying to be your hero. The other side is saying I believe in you, I think you're capable, once you go do something about it."
"Just get the government out of the way and let's open up this is a very big sort of difference between democrats and republicans that's so deep rooted the large government democrat verse small government republican very deep rooted belief now."
"Being trans is not an inherently violent ideology, whereas being a Nazi is an inherently violent ideology."
"It's not about black and white or left and right. It's about globalism and nationalism."
"We have to distinguish between Jewish and Zionism, Jewish is a religion which is one of the books that we as Muslims believe in and Zionism is a political faction which belongs to animals that are inhumane."
"You can try collectivism, you can go on and try your communism, socialism, have your little enclaves, have your little communes, give it a go, have an experiment with that and just try it out and see if it works."
"Socialism on communism is just the same thing, they just rebrand it."
"The ultimate goal for the New World Order is to destroy nationalism and the greatest nationalism and threat that is not totalitarian as or it wasn't were traditionally white countries."
"Democrats want to preserve democracy, Republicans care about the economy."
"The three expansionist ideologies wanting each having a very open public statement to take over the world."
"American values essentially are tolerant. The left values are not as tolerant."
"Christian nationalism or leftist globalism? Which political order do you want to live under?"
"There's two conservative philosophies... the real one based on Christian values, and the straw man political philosophy."
"The battle inside the world right now is between these two ideas of socialism and freedom."
"The consensus of American reality that the right held back in the 80s and the 90s is the same thing as the moral equivalent today that is held by the left."
"I'm different than Knowles in Shapiro and that I'm a conservative because I'm a liberal."
"The new Left says 'we are all equal' and the new right says 'you ain't the boss of me.'"
"Out of it comes communism and fascism, out of it comes votes for every citizen, the foundation of modern democracy."
"Communism is a regime that kills, socialism is the precursor to communism."
"If you weren't liberal all the time you're 20 you don't have a heart if you're not conservative the time you're 40 you don't have a brain."
"Is right-wing comedy even possible? Is it desirable?"
"Socialism is stronger in the United States... capitalism is weaker than it has ever been."
"The left will try to one by one eradicate the principles of American exceptionalism."
"I've heard a lot of people say Bernie Sanders but I know he's very far left."
"Democrats seem to want to build systems that are based on good intentions."
"The basic philosophy between extreme left and right is really the same."
"These things don't stop unless they're stopped. Communists do not just let you live."
"The politicians they modeled this after: the progressive populist was Bernie, the woke Progressive was AOC, and the moderate Centrist was like a Joe Biden type candidate."
"There's very little difference between the anarcho-libertarian types and the Rainbow Coalition types. They're basically saying the same thing."
"The left-wing position is that speech should be free but not for hate speech, whereas the right-wing or conservative position is all speech except that which calls for violence should be free."
"Liberalism, capitalism, democracy, republicanism, neo-marxism, fascism... are not merely abstract labels; they are animating sets of ideals."
"Nationalism was stronger than communism."