
Nutritional Science Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Metabolic switching is where you're keeping your blood sugar at a stable place... so that when it starts to go down, the body is going to want to switch over and it can start to burn fat."
"We need to keep experimenting, we need to keep learning and researching...that's how we're ultimately going to rediscover a proper human diet."
"There's a lot of evidence, over 2000 different peer-reviewed studies, that demonstrate turmeric is very, very effective."
"Only animal foods contain every nutrient the brain needs in its proper form... they nourish, energize, and protect your brain."
"Vitamin D works like a steroid, it is a steroid, it's not even a vitamin."
"With intermittent fasting, studies are actually showing that you shouldn't be experiencing more hunger. In fact, most people experience decreased hunger levels when they use intermittent fasting."
"Eating more salt can improve glucose tolerance and insulin resistance."
"This idea that burning glucose as a fuel is ideal is clearly not consistent with the literature."
"There are far more effective and proven strategies than simply avoiding all fiber."
"Unfortunately, vitamin K has become defined by its role in clotting to the exclusion of all the other roles in the body."
"As the benefits of fiber are really context dependent, there's a lot of people promoting that because there's a lot of people that like to sell you fiber."
"Pick any combination of plant foods adding up to 2,000 calories a day and try to develop a protein deficiency. You can't do it. It's mathematically impossible."
"Does the liver turn that sugar to fat? Hang on, not if you're energy-starved or an extremely active person. Then that sugar is likely burned for fuel and not turned into fat."
"Nutritional epidemiology lies, a bunch of garbage."
"A well-formulated ketogenic diet when compared to a standard calorie restricted low fat diet has a greater effect on weight loss."
"Comparing keto and vegan diets: one increases mortality, the other decreases it."
"Craving for salty foods is surely not indicative of salt being 'addictive', but just shows that the body has an impressive ability to drive you to consume what it needs."
"The research on collagen supplements is fascinating. There's a ton of studies, and the results for improving skin elasticity, hydration, fading fine lines and wrinkles are proven over and over."
"It's not the total number of calories that's important, it's what your body does with those calories and that depends on hormones."
"I find these data unassailable... higher protein across the board is going to save more lives than it would ever hurt."
"The sulforaphane content in sprouted broccoli seeds was suggested to have the capacity to reverse abnormalities associated with ASD."
"Vitamin D regulates inflammation selenium right interacted and there's a hammock biology where everything's connected and that's really what we doing."
"Nutritional excellence, a 'nutriterian' diet, is therapeutically more effective than medications for almost every medical condition."
"My message to you today is that, sure, nutritional science has made exponential advances in recent years - I love nutritional science - but the point is it's not just preventive."
"Grape juice works too, with neuroprotective effects similar to red wine."
"Mushrooms have powerful angiogenesis inhibitors and aromatase inhibitors."
"Fermented foods like wine have postbiotics and fermented foods like cheeses have postbiotics."
"Keto is not a diet; keto is a metabolic process."
"You have to simultaneously target the fermentation while transitioning the body over to fuels that cannot be fermented."
"A plant-based diet can reprogram your body to bring down IGF-1 production in as little as eleven days."
"Food isn't necessarily food. Fat isn't fat. Protein isn't protein."
"From an evolutionary perspective, at least intermittent ketosis was the normal state."
"Nutritional deficiencies are a major cause of mitochondrial dysfunction."
"To me it's fascinating that our health is so dependent not only upon nourishing ourselves, but upon feeding other living microorganisms inside of us."
"Fasting doesn't slow down your metabolism nearly as much as caloric restriction does."
"Given these clear findings were published 55 years ago, it's quite amazing we persisted with the misguided notion that seed oils could ever be healthy."
"Plant proteins alone provide enough of the essential amino and non-essential amino acids."
"For the simplest idea that all vegetable oil is inflammatory or all seed oils are inflammatory, that doesn't seem to pan out."
"Animal proteins are much more bioavailable than the protein from plants."
"The epidemic of Type 2 diabetes and obesity was getting worse. The prevailing dietary recommendations to reduce dietary fat and calories were clearly ineffective."
"Animal protein appears to raise IGF-1 and plant protein appears to lower it."
"Higher plant protein intake, lower risk of dying."
"A large 9 is a semi-essential amino acid that can help the body produce nitric oxide."
"Turkey tail mushrooms are prebiotic to the microbiome, suppressing inflammatory bacteria and enhancing beneficial bacteria."
"No the damage of heme iron is not just an association with carb consumption."
"Cholesterol was never the cause of heart disease. It's time to rethink nutrition."
"Reductionist thinking will kill us in nutritional medicine."
"Protein intake positively affects bone mineral density."
"Even if you're eating the same amount of calories, food composition matters."
"Mushrooms are anti-cancer angiogenesis inhibitors, which is really good."
"The human body is dynamic and complex and always changing so that calorie measurement has to be something that we have much more flexibility and a bigger understanding."
"Before we discuss recent concerns about low carb diets, let's look at how carbohydrate is a factor in diabetes development."
"In 1972 some British scientist named John Yudkin decided to grow conscience and sound the alarm that sugar not fat was the greater danger to our health."
"You can't just look at this as like a yin and yang of carnivore and vegan no these are largely vegan doctors who are citing the peer-reviewed research verse just some anecdotal claims about carnivore diets."
"During a window of 7 to 15 years in an elderly person's life, if you have a high omega-3 index, your chances of dying in that window are 35% less."
"Protein isn't just important for muscle mass retention, it's important for bone strength, bone health."
"Despite what some people will say out there, there is still a practical application for calories in versus calories out."
"Your body fat stores these fatty acids, and that's why it's essential to understand."
"As long as your daily calories and macros are okay, then nothing else really matters."
"A calorie is a calorie... outside the body one calorie is equal to one calorie. However, once you put them in the body it's an entirely different story."
"Long-term metabolic health requires considering factors beyond simple calorie counting."
"Glycemic index basically just represents how long it takes for any kind of sugar to raise your blood sugar levels."
"Calcium is still the forgotten immune system nutrient and it's really a critical part of supporting phagocytosis, the white blood cells' immune defense mechanisms."
"Creatine, carnosine, and taurine: not essential nutrients."
"That's the future of this field - the idea that this nutritional formula for preventing the production of disease also works to treat existing disease."
"Urolithin A is going to be as big as the next fish oil."
"I think most people would agree that vitamin K2 is valuable for cardiovascular health."
"Luckily, people are understanding plant-based science, they're moving in this direction."
"Calories in, calories out is a little bit of an outdated metric. I would rather look into the hormonal response to foods and how particular micronutrients affect particular processes in the body."
"Fermented food is more than just probiotics."
"It's calories in, calories out... if you eat in a calorie deficit you will lose weight no matter what, if you eat in a caloric surplus you will gain weight no matter what."
"Nutritional ketosis may help to preserve and stabilize brain energy metabolism."
"The higher the EPA, the higher the DHA, that's a linear relationship with lower mortality."
"Good calories, bad calories, which to me is probably the most important medical text written in the last 50 years."
"This represents a potential mechanism by which linoleic acid may be causing problems at the level of mitochondria."
"Nutritional science has made tremendous advances in the last two decades."
"I was introduced to Dr. McDougall and Dr. Esselstyn and T. Colin Campbell's work and like they say, the rest is history."
"We are really at the beginning of a new era of really being able to truly understand not only what's in our food but how our body responds to what we put inside it."
"Omega-3 fatty acids... they literally speak to your DNA in your cells."
"What kind of nutrition voodoo is this? Well, it's just your metabolism is readjusting."