
Investment Caution Quotes

There are 242 quotes

"Always do your own due diligence and never blindly listen to a random guy on YouTube."
"Don't trust celebrities to guide your investment decisions."
"Whenever things have gone this well for me, usually there's a correction around the bend. I do want to warn investors that, you know, in the investment world, it's not just straight up and to the right."
"Stay away from investments that you don't understand."
"Before you buy a stock, it's important to create a thesis against yourself."
"It's really important, when it comes to real estate, to focus on the specifics and make sure you know what you're getting into."
"That kind of a technical breakout is something you definitely do not want to ignore."
"Treat investments like you treat eggs at the store."
"I don't ever want to be that guy that's out there saying bye bye bye."
"If you take outside capital, you've got to be super careful."
"You respect the pump but you don't necessarily chase the pump."
"Exercising caution and making sure that you have strong fundamentals... especially prudent in today's day and age."
"A word of caution if you're investing in this stock, be careful."
"Be wary of Robinhood. You might end up paying much more due to unfavorable fills."
"This proves that just because you have someone throwing a lot of money around does not mean that you should trust it."
"Be careful, don't lose your bitcoin leverage trading. If you're gonna lose your bitcoin, it should be because you're taking profits and you're buying a house."
"Do your own due diligence and your own research before investing in crypto or the stock market because it can get pretty volatile."
"You cannot think like that. If I put all my eggs in this basket and this basket breaks, where do I end up?"
"Volatility comes with the territory and if you can't stomach the fluctuations, then maybe you're not cut out for crypto."
"It's people like, 'Oh okay, good point, like I'm gonna get in a little bit,' and then they lose everything."
"Nobody who is an influencer should be telling people where to invest their money."
"Everyone should keep in mind how early the whole crypto market space is."
"Fortune does not favor the lazy and it does not favor the slow in crypto."
"Until there's actually utility to the technology of NFTs, I wouldn't really put my stock into it."
"One red flag that I find is when the main developer sells their entire stack."
"Investors are being too greedy, speculating wildly, shouldering too much risk, and chasing unrealistic returns." - Michael Burry
"Don't want to bet the family farm on crypto."
"The four most dangerous words in the world are 'it's different this time.'"
"Make sure to do your own due diligence before investing in any type of stock."
"What you don't want to do is you don't want to be the person that buys it at the very top."
"Make sure you guys just take this video as entertainment purposes only and really make sure to do your own due diligence before investing in anything."
"Be cautious and understand the true potential of what Cardano could do."
"Market health is critical right now, we are in very unhealthy waters."
"Don't confuse good projects with bad pump and dump projects."
"The famed big short investor Michael Burry is warning that we're currently in one of the largest speculative market bubbles in history."
"In 42 days that will be 28 times the daily Supply absorbed by one ETF if this does not horrify you I don't know what will."
"Just keep your eye on it. I think that um, you know, you gotta be careful. Getting first in on things, yes, you might make a gazillion dollars but yes, you might lose a lot too."
"Purchasers may be unable to sell their securities."
"People are careful when they buy a toaster, but they don't do it with stocks."
"If anything seen a particularly low share price is likely a warning sign to look into the business further."
"Don't get caught up in FOMO. This is not decided yet."
"There are stocks that look cheap, and actually, when you look at the business, and you run the valuation, they're actually secretly expensive."
"If you're bullish on crypto, I don't know that now is the time to add to your position."
"I know the stock market shouldn't be used as a get rich quick scheme."
"If FTX actually has a $10 billion hole in its balance sheet, you wouldn’t really expect anyone to get involved."
"Markets can go a lot further than people think they can go."
"Valuations are high, so keep some powder dry and be defensive."
"If you do not believe that Square is going to grow, do not invest in this company."
"Quality stakes can be a pricey proposition, so it's best to do your homework before dropping some major coin."
"Dividends are a great way to encourage investors to invest in the long run."
"Do not invest in a company just because they offer a huge dividend."
"Just because someone's offering a good yield on one platform doesn't mean it's the right yield to go for."
"The problem is you never know what the market is going to do."
"The future's still very bright but just be careful what you own and be careful who you listen to as well."
"I'm not necessarily saying that Angel Investing in Vision capital is bad."
"When greed sets in, it's just going to be a rough ride."
"This feels like FOMO to me. This feels like people are chasing the dragon's tail."
"Investors are finally recognizing this market has gotten a little bit frothy."
"Never jump in because of FOMO always do your own research."
"If you're in a position like that, right? You're in a position where you can't sleep at night, where you're worrying about holding a position overnight, about how much money you've gotten any certain stock, you got to take a step back."
"No thanks, I don't know, hey, play the dips on this one folks."
"Nobody can accurately predict the stock market consistently."
"Just be careful with just everything honestly because i i know it's bullish at the minute i know people are excited."
"We think this is the beginning of a bear market that's likely to drop more than 50 percent."
"Be very very careful with how you invest your money in the future."
"Your body is essentially running a high fever at all times, and that leads to organ damage."
"The market is euphoric, everyone's making life-changing money, but we need to all be responsible."
"Super bubbles are formed when investors get greedy and buy over-inflated assets at crazy valuations."
"This is merely my opinion, this is not financial advice, and you should always do your own due diligence before buying or selling any stocks on your own."
"Past success is no guarantee of future performance."
"Bitcoin is fine, but we did have that sudden drop. Liquidations happen, do not be too greedy."
"When price is disconnected from fundamentals, you need to ask serious questions."
"Always do your own research and don't just invest in cryptocurrencies based on anyone's opinion."
"If you ain't got 10 million in the bank, bro, don't touch that house." - Akon
"Don't invest in something just because you saw a hashtag on Twitter for a project... do your own research."
"You cannot look at candles like the one we had last night and not feel euphoric... but this euphoria is going to lead to dumb decisions."
"By investing in government bonds, you actually lose buying power over a decade."
"Make sure you guys do your own research and due diligence on this company."
"A spacious studio with character and charm. No one can hear your screams."
"Protect you and your family. I'm not a financial advisor, I will never tell you to buy, I will never tell you to sell, all I'll simply do is let you know what I am doing."
"If you get cryptocurrency right, you never have to work another day in your life. If you get it wrong, you lose everything."
"Don't eat stupid risky investments, but for god's sake, you obviously agree with me on this."
"Don't impulsively just jump into things expecting a short-term profit."
"If that roadmap doesn't appeal to you and you're not like wow I'm excited to hold this token in six months, probably a bad sign."
"I think the biggest thing... never invest money you can't afford to lose."
"All money ain't good money, you know? If somebody comes along and invests in your company and they want to tell you how to run things..."
"But where you have to be careful is when you have these gigantic whale wallets that can dump the market."
"If your life was on the line, would you put a gun to your head and bet on that company? If not, it's not that good."
"Don't put money into things unless you know and trust the source."
"Don't use leverage... you don't need it this is already a volatile asset class."
"No matter what, don't get caught up in panic buying. People can't just buy cards forever; there's gonna be dips."
"Don't chase a hyped-up stock without knowing the actual info about it."
"You're not doing yourself any favors if you're not considering the downside risk."
"I would strongly advise all of you guys watching to look into this very closely and do your research."
"Don't be a jerk about it. If you're going to go total Deku, do it, but don't make the mistake that we all have to fall in line under that banner just because it's popular."
"Remember go into to crypto knowing that 98% is a scam and people are there to mug you all right only invest in pristine assets with leadership teams that you can trust and they're smart and they're experienced all right very important."
"I wouldn't want to be in an altcoin that's trying to be money like bitcoin."
"Just because they're worth billions or have billions locked in doesn't mean that you could trust them fully."
"So that's the bottom line. Just don't ape into projects just because other people are aping into it."
"Don't be greedy and leverage like 100x longs. You're going to get liquidated."
"Don't believe the hype, don't believe the FOMO."
"For me, it's not worth increasing my risk exposure to the crypto markets by hoping that I'm going to be some sort of crypto wizard when the data says I won't be."
"Take profits fam, please take profits on this wild crypto journey."
"Tesla the company is doing great... Tesla the stock is not the same thing."
"Fundamental analysis matters first, don't jump in head over water."
"Nobody knows if the bottom is in yet. That's the bottom line from where I'm standing, or rather sitting right now."
"You can't be buying Luna now, but you can definitely not selling Luna."
"You don't want to lose money in real estate. You don't want to lose the deal."
"These indicators aren't perfect you should use them for other indicators this is not financial advice it's financial opinion."
"For every moon boy out there, you have to step back and just go, you know what, what is the flip side of this."
"You're forgiven, just maybe only ever pray again if the situation really really calls for it."
"If I don't sell, I could be the asshole left with nothing."
"Bitcoin is the most stupid thing you can do with your money."
"Always have multiple batteries in your bag just in case one goes bad or you run out of juice and then your camera basically becomes a paperweight."
"If you're buying it at the same price it was over a month ago, that's my caveat here."
"For investors who agree with our earnings path, they may decide to simply look through the downside this year. However, given where valuations are today, we think that is a risky strategy."
"I think it's too soon to tell you to go ahead and buy that."
"We would personally suggest an allocation lower in equities, 30 or so or less even now."
"How many people have been caught on the wrong side of the market?"
"You can take the profits put it in somewhere safe for a little bit while you clear your head."
"Be very careful about holding altcoins during bull season."
"You're not the loser holding the stock through the bleed out."
"Look at the chaos that's going on. Up and down, up and down, up and down."
"You don't want to have to exit the market entirely and have no lever or no capital to re-enter the market and regain those profits."
"Don't chase the yield... if you see something paying a 20% dividend, be very careful... it's a falling knife... not sustainable... company is likely headed to bankruptcy."
"Don't invest in something you don't fully understand."
"Returns are probably going to be negative in stocks over the next ten years."
"I'd rather be out of it than wish I was out of a trade."
"Until we have closed below this 200-day moving average, I can't be bearish."
"Overall, I think it's just a very risky industry with a lot of dynamics at play that I wouldn't feel comfortable investing in."
"The people who I have seen that have had the greatest success in the stock market are the most suspicious people. Just to willy-nilly throw out money, that's not... that's not... you don't want to just ban wagon random things."
"I wouldn't tell people to go all in or invest, but I just think long term it could be a good hold."
"I know there's a lot of people who maybe are in their 50s who are watching this video and they want to play it safe because stock valuations are pretty lofty right now."
"When Cape is very expensive, the decade returns following tend to be very poor."
"Be cautious guys, just be careful when it comes to your investments."
"Only invest or trade what you were willing to lose."
"Remember never invest more than you're willing to lose into a play that could be considered a short squeeze play."
"When I see something that has a gigantic gain right away, I'm like, 'Oh, I'm not gonna buy that, then I miss the party.'"
"Cryptocurrency mania: even a coin started as a complete joke like dogecoin can rocket up in value."
"You should not be trading based on someone's tweets and you should not be buying anything from someone posting their profits while getting bottle service at the club."
"Everyone's buying the dips, but they'll run out of money soon. We've never seen a bear market like this."
"I have a tiny tiny position because the thing is so crazy but there's no way that the price matches up with the underlying business given the competition and all the other things costs and everything that's going up."
"Investors should understand that regardless of the type of investment, a promise of high returns with little or no risk, is a classic warning sign of fraud."
"Smart money doesn't make money, scared money definitely doesn't make any money and the majority of the market is neither smart and is full of fear."
"We shouldn't jump to conclusions by being in a bear market when we're actually trading sideways."
"We must guard against fraud and manipulation whether from big actors, hedge funds, or elsewhere."
"Don't put all your eggs in one basket; diversify."
"Going all in on one thing isn't a good way to do it."
"The first rule of investing is: never lose money."
"In these FOMO markets, it's probably a good idea to transfer things over. But when we start to see like this big lull in the price, like we just saw and things are choppy, maybe it's not so bad to hold on to it for a little bit."
"Be careful with those Kickstarter campaign spreads."
"Do not pay for courses, do not pay for content, and do not pay for coaches at the very start of your real estate investing journey."
"No good financial decision ever comes from panic, fear, or greed."
"Bitcoin will not surge unless there's a catalyst... it feeds off of fomo."
"Nobody knows where the market is going to go, it's all kind of weird and wacky and that's the market that we're in."
"The four most expensive words in the English language are 'this time is different'."
"Don't let defy interest rate volatility hold you back."
"Elon Musk only holds Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Doge. So he says as I've said before, don't bet the farm on crypto. True value is building products and providing services to your fellow human beings, not money in any form."
"I have no sympathy for you if you lose money at all."
"Ethereum isn't going anywhere, and let me tell you guys from personal experience, one of the biggest mistakes that I made in crypto was trusting my friends."
"Don't fall for hype because it's so dangerous; you can literally lose all of your money."
"Avoiding pre-sales can mitigate the risk of investing in unproven projects."
"Only invest what you can afford to lose, and then once you've figured out that total investment amount split it up."
"Don't spend more than you earn and don't be tempted to chase higher yield investments."
"You have to minimize if you have any exposure to crypto at all, it's got to be very, very small."
"On-chain analysts are saying above 41k is this a pump can we trust this pump or is it a trap?"
"The premium is ridiculous... I would not buy any constitutional silver right now."
"If you find this coin you're in for a real treat guys make sure you keep it very safe do not damage it because four hundred and eight thousand dollars for this coin is what it sold for."
"I don't think any of the tokens are a store of value."
"If they go beyond that it's financial armageddon."
"So for me, about 10 to 15, which is probably among the highest altcoin positions I would have."
"Don't invest more you can afford to lose, everything's a scam, and help her otherwise don't leave anything on exchanges."
"You are actually going to lose some gold doing that. You are going to lose some value."
"Being really transparent and doing your education before you put your money in is so important."
"Betting 100% of your stock when you're 100% certain is the fastest way to get wrecked and never trade again."
"If you have a 'can't lose' mentality, there's something wrong. That's bubble talk."
"You should only be putting money on the line that it's not going to have like some sort of massive negative impact on your life if you end up losing it."
"Always invest with caution and never invest simply because someone else that you trust or that you believe in invested in something."
"Never invest money in crypto or stocks that you cannot afford to lose or you're going to need so I'm not going to apologize for that."
"Home-ownership may be a better option, but it's not an automatic guarantee."
"Don't invest in anything that you don't fully understand."
"Bears make money, bulls make money, Mr. Gill. But hogs get slaughtered."
"If you have to use a spreadsheet to tell you it's a good deal, you probably shouldn't buy it."
"Definitely not financial advice, but everything's volatile."
"Even though the stock market right now is at all-time highs, and it's kind of uncertain where we're headed..."
"Nothing I'm saying in this video is designed to convince you to buy or sell any cryptocurrency."
"If you don't know what you're doing and you don't want to take the time to learn, then don't buy the bot."
"Most people haven't seen or touched real gold and silver."
"You never invest more than what you could afford to lose."
"Exposure to the cryptoverse should be limited to bitcoin because of the opinion that the dominance isn't a macro uptrend."
"You do not want to be in a token that is not evenly distributed because you will just get dumped on."
"You had two months okay to catch the crash so people lose more money a trying to short and B trying to pick tops than anything else so you have to let the market tell you don't tell the market let it tell you."
"Learn your lesson. Don't Panic sell, don't do it."
"Be careful with the shiny objects, all the rage doesn't always mean long-term store of value."
"None of us want to get buried from our wealth portfolio that would be like a nightmare scenario."
"Go find yourself some comfort not sure if you necessarily want to rush into buying a dollar index fund but right now it certainly feels a lot more comfortable than watching Tesla stock."
"Many families love DVC and it works really well for them but it's not without its red flags to consider before you sign up."
"Take time to inform yourself before investing your hard-earned money."
"Do your due diligence, investigate, and understand projects before investing."
"You can't just blindly throw your money into the next oh six steps to six figures system because most of those are just scams."