
Existential Thought Quotes

There are 240 quotes

"You need a bloody belief structure because, what are you gonna do? Wander around aimlessly?"
"No matter how much time passes, it remains dark outside. Perhaps this isn't reality."
"You have earned the right to come to this life. That right has been earned through great deeds."
"It's bigger than the weirdest thing ever, and I'm glad it's bigger than me, and I hope it lasts longer than me."
"Imagine if we are all just living in one big back room."
"Free Will is an achievement, not a metaphysical endowment."
"Maybe this is how it all ends. Not with a bang but with a whimper."
"It's both impressive, unsettling and terrifying to think about the kind of entity that would choose to voluntarily keep existing for billions or trillions of years in a context like that."
"Birth is not a beginning, and death is not an end."
"The purpose of life is to hydrogenate carbon dioxide."
"There's no real point in survivalism if you never make time to actually live."
"The purpose of science is to determine how the heavens go, but the purpose of religion is to determine how to go to heaven."
"Nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die."
"Most of us hang on to Earth for dear life! But we should be hanging onto Heaven!"
"Were we really put on this earth just to hate our neighbor and die with our bony fingers clinging to a gun?"
"Life is sure don't this is more important than any election."
"Just becoming more yourself might be enough to save the world."
"The erotic is designed to be directed towards all of life."
"If we're legitimately the only intelligent life in the entire universe, then I think it would make me even more."
"Maybe I too am a prawn in someone else's game."
"I feel like I could probably die at any time."
"The moments are rare, the moments are fleeting, but the moments are worth it."
"My life is the 'ah', but there is a silence that underlies it."
"We are part of something incredibly special and that our lifetime maybe it's a test I don't know exactly what this is but it's special."
"Nothing in this world can come close to the being you really are."
"The fact that we're here at all might be even more remarkable than we thought."
"We are visitors, imposters maybe, paying someone who is already here a visit."
"Man fears time, but time fears the pyramids."
"Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living."
"Have you ever felt like your life was a TV show?"
"Time is an illusion, yet a very persistent one."
"What if your life is nothing but a computer simulation?"
"Certainly, we may be quick to write off such experiences as coincidences or the like, but isn't there something to be said about what we take for granted being worth more than we sometimes think?"
"It's wild to think... life's already been written."
"You met me at a very strange time in my life."
"To be able to despair is an infinite advantage..."
"You are not here just to suffer through life."
"I like to look at bigger purposes and bigger points of focus because that's really why we're here."
"Everything isn't life and death but your preferences are life."
"Consciousness is a very rare and precious thing, and we should take whatever steps we can to preserve the light of consciousness."
"I'm gonna live my life as if it's the only one I'm gonna have."
"Will is an illusion. We're good to know that very soon." - Lawrence Sonntag
"I think that's what it is for me. If you want to be there and live longer just to see, just experience, and just to live life, I think, in my opinion... because I don't want to lose one second of life."
"Nothing is sacred, nothing is good, nothing will ever be the same."
"Death is always knocking at the door... you're gonna die, you're gonna die, you're gonna die."
"I tried so hard to find the form that best suited you."
"The only thing I'm sure of is that I'm not sure of anything."
"All places all things have souls all souls can be devoured you will all be alone in the end holy [ __ ] man damn like that this [ __ ] is insane man like I don't even know what to say."
"Each of you is a thought, and that thought is of love."
"Nothing can scare us, except for us. Like what's worse than us? Nothing."
"Your story includes your death and also transcends."
"I think dying is the easiest thing man you know like we make such a big deal out of it but it's living the [ __ ]."
"I think we're hard-wired to find spiritual meaning in life."
"There is something after this life, ladies and gentlemen. There is."
"You didn't choose to come into this world, you're probably not going to choose to come out of this world."
"Ignorance is bliss, but it could also be as scary as knowing because you could like think about it then what's the quote, we're either alone in the universe or we're not, both are terrifying."
"One day we gonna dismount off this planet, oh yes."
"It just really opens the whole idea of life in this universe into a new dimension."
"It is such a quiet thing to fall, but far more terrible is to admit it."
"Are we just the science version of a miracle?"
"To take something as large as life itself for a mere test run is just absolutely bewildering."
"It's all about the philosophical point of view."
"What an incredibly bizarre world we all live in."
"Ultimately the future is completely unknown."
"What if we're in the simulation and everything we're doing feels like the most important thing ever."
"Life is better than death even if it is not your own."
"We all are kind person we all are angry we all are crazy people we all him we all can do everything like both good and bad observer humans that what you can be God."
"The size of our universe, she a thick boy now. Even those who do not believe in the UFO or alien photos and videos going around, don't do this to me on a [ __ ] Wednesday 1 pm existential crisis incoming."
"You and I are literally living out someone else's dream right now."
"There is most likely no higher power, or at least if there is, whatever higher power there is, they probably don't care about us too much."
"She said it would be better if we had never met, more so, it would be better if we had never existed."
"We forget that we are in an exquisite miracle of beauty every day."
"Who truly knows how many times you were minutes from death?"
"We're always in this gray zone between the obvious and then the hidden."
"Unlike those poor souls in the distant future, we can do something about it."
"Now is the time to leave earth, there's more to you than what you see around you."
"Meaning can be found beyond deeply religious beliefs."
"Life is more mysterious than we've imagined."
"By acknowledging that maybe there isn't any meaning, or that we'll never ever find meaning, you end up taking life a little bit less seriously."
"It's nice to know we all basically come from the same place and, in some sense, are connected."
"It's okay, city is in danger. He cannot destroy light any more than I can destroy darkness. One cannot exist without the other. Find the light in the dark, they somehow destroy each other."
"Life is fundamentally suffering, but the Bible also shows us a way to heal and overcome it."
"Dying need not be something we fear, it's the status of being dead that can be scary."
"Life doesn't always need to have a grand meaning."
"It's almost like if you were to imagine... we are the co-creators of our reality but we don't know it."
"Ignoring existential questions is intellectually arrogant and perilous."
"Time is just a f*cking... It's a human construct."
"Some people love suffering; it gives them purpose and meaning."
"When something in life works in your favor, it's moving."
"The universe is a pretty big place, so if it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space."
"It's just chance that it turns out to be me, and I can't imagine anything more humbling than that feeling."
"The most important person in the whole wide world is you and you hardly even know you."
"Forcing the world to confront the vastness of the unknown and our place within it."
"All of life is an illusion, but you still have a purpose."
"Either we're alone in the universe or we're not. Both are equally terrifying."
"Let's suppose all of that scale, which is just 5% of God's expression or a supreme omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscience something."
"Who knows? I've been on the planet for quite some time now, and I'm not sure when I'm going to go to my star."
"Your birth is a sign that you have a purpose."
"It's remarkable and frightening how quickly time moves on."
"We're living in the last days of human history."
"There never was any evidence and there was still never any any evidence and and so you know ultimately like kind of washes over you and and there is like this feeling of kind of almost existential nausea."
"You were the way, I was the winner in my own."
"Everything on Earth is alien life, it's just our alien life."
"Life's not a paragraph and death is no parentheses."
"But it's about the journey, man. It's not the destination."
"There's something you know when life is just like everything feels like it's happening arbitrarily and outside of your own control."
"Isn't it amazing how, like, all the same things happen just differently?"
"What if I'm the only one that's real and everything around me is something my mind is making up?"
"Remember, none of this even actually matters as long as you have fun."
"Earth is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark."
"Time is a curse and a blessing, confined in the eye of my mind."
"There's a reason why the universe has brought you to this planet."
"Life is infinitely precious and fundamentally cheap."
"Everything is connected, the past, the present, the future."
"Maybe what was is no more but shall be again."
"I do feel a lot like I am living in a simulation... it's mad, it's absolutely crazy."
"Life is not suffering, nor is it joy. It's simply a phenomena."
"If we truly live in a universe where nothing matters, well, that's just another way of saying that everything matters equally."
"The only way to take grief out of life is to take love out of life."
"As even light must die, there is a very real sense that we are in someone else's realm here."
"Don't bother worrying about falling through reality, in many ways you already have."
"There's just more to life than just what we have here on Earth."
"Everything ends but it's gonna end sooner than later."
"You think you exist but you're just another part of it. Everything is just another puzzle."
"No Man's Sky can help us think through the question of whether or not we are currently living in a simulation."
"Humans seem to have an innate yearning for something other than our physical world and our brief existence in the physical form."
"Once you have tasted the sweet nectar of what starlight has to offer, nothing else will ever matter."
"A vessel for their hopes and doubts, a mirror, nothing more."
"There has to be like a higher energy, higher power, you know what I mean? There has to be like a higher energy, high power."
"I don't know what that means for me, it probably means I'm gonna die too."
"For all of us the most precious element we have is time."
"Your soul has purpose, but you may choose not to fulfill it in this lifetime."
"Death is not the worst thing, where you going can be the worst thing."
"First and foremost you have to say I'm ready to die."
"Yes, everything is futile in what we are mortally trying to achieve here on earth."
"Philosophers always said, you know, in the thread of existentialism that our life has no meaning unless we give it a meaning."
"Time could be an hour; my whole life could be one hour."
"All of life is a wager...I can't make it come out any other way."
"I'm in a really big place in my life where I'm like, 'I basically live life like this: I know I mean nothing in the universe.'"
"It's a great time to be alive... in a paradoxical kind of way."
"It just is what it is, it's kind of purposeless if I had to give my opinion on it."
"Every galaxy, every star, every planet, every rock, every tree, every human being that's ever lived, you are the oldest thing in the universe."
"Hope is not all lost because nothing at all has actually really happened, we're in a simulation right now."
"Life truly has a way of adding unexpected twists even when we least expect it."
"Everything is eternal, everything is internal, everything, all of it."
"The human journey becomes a very different game."
"Life on this Planet would have been a lot more boring without you."
"You cling to your life as if it actually matters, ancestors cling to you screaming in silence."
"Reality: What is reality and what could give you any clue as to what reality is?"
"Reality is unreal in many ways but I'm getting used to it."
"The reality outside is a lie, it's what you make of it, that's it."
"You know there's a bigger picture out there somewhere."
"When you're dead, you're not gonna think about the stuff you didn't buy, you're gonna think about the places you never went."
"This whatever the body is and all of this is just some shell that we're living in, you know? This is just some carrier for the spirit that's inside of us."
"I mean, you don't know, I don't know, nobody knows."
"Probably it is the end of the world all the time."
"We're just somehow a rock, got more and more complex and started thinking about itself."
"Life has meaning and you have to create that meaning for yourself."
"The most precious commodity that you have is your sense of death."
"The billboard would say: 'Me today, you tomorrow.'"
"Enjoying moments like these now because you'll never get them back."
"No weapon can be as lethal as the life that isn't."
"We don't have any observations of what it's like to not have an observation."
"Maybe the reason nothing makes sense down here is because it shouldn't."
"Time is really just a human construct anyway."
"Have no worry about anything that does not exist on your predominant frequency."
"Roger realized that his physical body will die and Decay but the what a part of him will always live on."
"Sometimes us humans don't quite realize just how fragile our lives are."
"Friendship has no survival value, instead, it gives value to survival."
"There's a deeper meaning to life than the superficial noise we see and hear on the surface."
"If you knew you were already dead, if you knew you had nothing to lose, and if you knew anything was possible, what would you do?"
"I like the idea that everything ends, but it's a nightmare."
"Jim Carrey is just an idea. Jim Carrey doesn't really exist."
"Just because something is outside your control doesn't mean it's within something else's."
"You truly never know what can happen in life."
"Hero is a venerable title, because of the price paid by soldiers."
"We are just mere things floating on a rock in space. We are not only figuratively but literally Stardust."
"There's also something about the sun is like this uncaring, you know, ultimately it's the sun you know the sun doesn't give a shit it's just it's the sun and the idea of."
"Shadow and light are two sides of the same coin, one cannot exist without the other."
"Life is extremely short, but it has so much to offer."
"Life is long. I think death can be a lot of things."
"It's a whole nother thing to be able to create life itself."
"Every depth has a surface but not every surface has a depth."
"Cosmically, things happen how they're supposed to."
"Time amongst the living is but the wink of an eye."
"Every time you sleep, you die. Someone else wakes up in your body thinking they are you."
"You're on a ball flying through space that's all on fire half the time and there's like we should be a little bit anxious."
"We all have purposes in life, monster."
"You're still here, you're still alive."
"It's not about this life, he has a purpose for us."
"What need we weep over parts of our life? The whole of it calls for tears."
"There's almost a real interesting question there of, is it a dream, or is it something more?"
"All you really need to know for the moment is that the universe is a lot more complicated than you might think."
"It's 50/50 in a way... I sometimes believe... I like to believe that there's more to life than what you see."
"Sometimes... we're not directing the story of our lives, we're just... drowning."
"We do not have here a lasting city."
"If you are not prepared to die, then you're not prepared to live."
"Truth is a person more than a principle."
"It's a bit mad how we've ended up here, isn't it?"