
Trajectory Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"The deorbit burn will place Dragon on a precise trajectory to return to the splashdown zone off the coast of Florida."
"A visit from God can change your trajectory."
"We're on a trajectory... that is going to lead to some kind of a crisis."
"Flight trajectory is going northeast out of Florida."
"You were always on a trajectory to something greater."
"It doesn't matter where you are what matters is your trajectory."
"This deorbit burn is what will line the vehicle up and put it on that final trajectory to the landing site."
"He's barreling like a cannonball in the direction of being a serial killer."
"I will always be happy when I see a trajectory that's going like this instead of like this."
"I just can't imagine that this trajectory going upwards will ever stop."
"Stage two is following a nominal trajectory, everything going perfectly."
"The trajectory of the club is actually going down, we're on a downward slope."
"The very act of landing on a comet means you've given your rocket the exact orbital trajectory of the comet itself."
"Looks like you're on a positive trajectory."
"Things are just shifting onto a whole different trajectory."
"...if China stays on its current trajectory, then greenhouse gas emissions from road transport in that country will peak well before twenty-thirty, ahead of the European Union and the USA."
"Ultimately, I like where you're headed, your trajectory looks good."
"And then ping, and you get a lovely trajectory into the future."
"Because investing is all about terminal value. It’s all about the trajectory of the return on capital employed, the trajectory of the terminal value."
"Every business has its own trajectory; some will start really slow and then they'll take off, some will start off really fast and then burn out."
"The trajectory of your lives are really a reflection of the decisions that you make."
"Who thought Hyundai would be doing this? If you saw the Veloster N, then you could say, 'I like this trajectory, I'm curious for what lies ahead.'"
"The trajectory of your lives will never be the same, and there's no going back."
"One day is not going to make a significant difference in the entire trajectory of your life."
"You might not have done anything really bad, you might have only been one degree off and that one degree traveled over ten 15 20 years and now you're a hundred and fifty miles or two hundred and forty kilometers off your intended target."
"We cannot continue on the trajectory we've been walking."
"I'm still only what, six, seven years into having a business. If you're always on a trajectory up, then you always know that you're going to get to a point where you can upgrade."
"The carbon budget on our current trajectory will be used up before the end of this decade."
"The foundational generation acts as a pivotal moment that determines the family's Financial trajectory for years to come."
"Profitability is the goal... but the trajectory is the most important."
"It feels like we are on the trajectory of having some historical events happen in this country that will be marked in history books as like the beginning of the end of the United States as a governmental entity."
"A long period of time can change your whole trajectory."
"This ball is going to the moon, this thing is out of the..."
"The right bit of inspiration can completely change the trajectory of someone's life."
"This isn't necessarily a bad thing. This is your chance to change that trajectory."
"Trajectory is way more important than your position."
"Everybody thought that was your trajectory, right?"
"Begin with the end in mind. Think about where do I want to be at 50 or my age, I'm 57, so like, okay, so I'm 57 where do I want to be and then work back by 10 years and that'll give you more clear trajectory."
"I don't believe the future's set in stone but I think that we have trajectories we go down based on the present moment."
"Your trajectory was not meant to put you right here right now in this room."
"I think this is a growth story that we are still in, probably the second inning of where this is broadly going."
"The trajectory that you put yourself on can become constant."
"Money should not be a circle. It should be a line going up with maybe a few divots along the way."
"The Earth will follow a parabolic shape out to infinity."
"But you got to combine that with the fact that the bullet came out fairly pristine which means it didn't actually go through a kind of a bouncy path like that, right? It went out a straight path."
"We're always gearing towards getting more on that whatever that normative typical trajectory is."
"It's been interesting to watch gifted hater's trajectory."
"Don't assume that this trajectory is going to continue because business don't work like that."
"The choices you make between 16 years old and 25 pretty much are going to set the course of your life."
"She was a very good fit and so that was the beginning of a trajectory that would eventually take her through the heart of the American space program."
"The trajectory of her life is one almost no one would have predicted."
"I think overall I like to be really realistic about my trajectory."
"Trajectory is more important than speed, but speed is an asset to growth."
"The fact that an asteroid can actually be pushed from its course was demonstrated in 2022 by the DART Mission, a spectacular field test conducted by the space agencies NASA and ESA."
"That's what they're building towards, which I think is a great trajectory for that."
"Nothing goes up in a straight line nor does anything go up forever."
"People along the way affect trajectory. I do not believe in the idea of a self-made man or self-made woman."
"Most people have one or two life-defining moments that change their trajectory."
"The other main currency in sort of the trajectory and the space trajectory design is another, some of the technical term is our Delta V which is shorthand for change in but, but the change in velocity."
"Draco's career would continue to soar."
"The cycle breaker disrupts the cycle and sets your life on another trajectory."
"The bullet comes out of the muzzle here, and as it goes downrange, that's how we're reading this, right to left."
"This inspiration really affecting the individual, using other people potentially for the sake of this course and trajectory."
"An object without power in this flight path would travel 10,000 miles from earth and return under the pull of gravity."
"Taking the time to look at our lives and think about our trajectory, what we want our story to be, and whether we're moving in that direction can help us readjust and refocus our energy."
"But let's be honest, that 17-year trajectory was the plan."
"Despite the issues, Cherry Bullet's overall trajectory seems to be actually alright, definitely not leading the 4th gen but they're definitely in their own lane."
"It's a very flat trajectory. Now out of the rifle you can get 200 yards, out of a pistol definitely considerably less than that but still it's a very accurate round."
"Yaw every pose is the small lateral angle that the bullet makes in relation to the bore line that steers the bullet off its course."
"Knowing the trajectory of a product could help you make a decision on whether to use it or whether to jump ship."
"He's on course for something massive."
"Process-wise, I'd say I'm very pleased with the season. I've proved to myself that I can be up there in those moments and I can play really well. I'd say we're on a good track."
"The first three to five years of a child's life sets their whole trajectory."
"This is what takes our trajectory, our goal, from being something vague that is hard to realize and suddenly makes it tangible and concrete."
"Life is what you chose to do in 30 seconds. It's going to lead you to do this for the next 40 to 50 years of your life."
"...the trajectory of Lavi's character is an impressive one..."
"You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory, the direction of which you're going extrapolated based on the points of data you already have, than with your current results."
"The power of the audience changes the entire trajectory of a show. It takes a good show to a great show, takes a bad show to a good show, so on and so forth."
"Your career trajectory is so interesting because there's no way you could have predicted when you were very young what you would do."
"Trajectory that trajectory is where you're going and that thing can be pointed up and it can be pointed down."
"That song Not only put you on a trajectory but music fans who love the killers and love that kind of music on a trajectory very far from where we were hit it so thank you for that."
"the Market's natural trajectory over the long term is up."
"He studied law at the Detroit College of Law and then I guess he went to Chicago to shoot a show."
"...at the last second the ball unexpectedly deviates off course, it's really danger for the keepers because it's impossible to understand the trajectory of the ball."
"Choosing your life partner is probably one of the biggest, if not the biggest choice you'll ever make. It really changes the trajectory of your life."
"I just want this to be part of my story, part of my trajectory, not where I end up."
"That was never, I don't know, like I just didn't really see that as my trajectory."
"That's another testament to knowing your trajectory and believing so much in yourself and then succeeding."
"The Golden Rule of how to defend ourselves when we're playing pickleball up at the net is that we want to focus on the trajectory of the ball."
"Earth has a second Mini Moon that was discovered just a few years ago, circling our planet in a peculiar corkscrew-like trajectory."
"A higher ballistic coefficient means a flatter trajectory, less susceptibility to wind drift, and faster target acquisition."
"Forest's life and career were actually on a really good trajectory."
"He's obviously I don't think he's aware of the like the tracks he done the same in Bale fast when he last year when he launched to the side trajectory when he takes off his hard left."
"Kate was a bit of a golden child...we all imagined that the trajectory of her life would be one of skyrocketing success."
"That ball was hooking the entire way down the line."
"For this to happen, the bullet had to travel nearly a mile, climb one thousand feet, pass through Danny, and then penetrate the telephone cable."
"Once you get this debt paid off, once you get three to six months saved, once you start investing 15%, you're going to be on such a great trajectory."
"With a shotgun wound, you know, you've got over 800 pellets that are making damage. It's not like a projectile, a single projectile from a pistol or a rifle. So there's mass damage and it throws body fluids and blood in several different directions, but they follow the path."
"In every case look to the potential as being frustrated in that child or in that young person look at the trajectory of their life as in where it's going not just where it's come from."
"Make sure that you like your own trajectory."
"Like an air hockey puck perfectly gliding on a fixed trajectory."
"The bullet comes out of the muzzle climbs to meet line of sight then it goes above line of sight for some period of time before it falls back down."
"The show changed the trajectory of my life beyond anyone's comprehension."
"He's a joke. If he keeps on this trajectory, he'll be the greatest Winger of all time."
"Getting something or getting someone that you think is going to change the trajectory."
"If you are able to discover what your true will is and you're able to follow your trajectory, then you are in fact discovering your true personality and you are becoming a true Thelemite."
"Generate physically consistent trajectories."
"Those that accept the inevitable and plan for it have a totally different trajectory than those that accept the inevitable and just wait for it to happen."
"I see a guy with huge upwards trajectory."
"The trajectory is crucial. It's about where you are coming from and where you're going."
"Freedom copies nominal trajectory."
"Seeing the trajectory with the light behind, actually seeing the bullet arc down, was just so cool."
"To achieve safe entry, the spacecraft must follow a trajectory within the entry corridor."
"As we send spacecraft from one planet to another, we send it on what we call an escape trajectory using escape velocity."
"If you can set your trajectory just a little different by 1%, you're going to be 500 miles more in the direction where you want to be."
"Just by setting your trajectory by 1% in a different direction, you could be 500 miles in a better position down the road."
"The angle of the Sun in the sky is following a sinusoidal path."
"I have full confidence in the trajectory Arsenal is heading."
"If you get on a nice trajectory, that momentum just kind of carries you."
"The flatter of the trajectory means the less precise the soldier has to be when aiming."
"I'm optimistic that we're already changing the trajectory."
"One opportunity can change the trajectory of your entire life."
"What we need to do is doable. We can see the trajectory from here; you can't see the objective, but you can see the direction to head."
"Life is quite lit, the trajectory is all up from here."
"As a physicist, I think of the trajectory that this piece of chalk made in the real world."
"Curvature causes initially parallel trajectories to become non-parallel."
"You were able to redirect that crucial handful of degrees that over the long term is not a few feet, it's thousands of miles in terms of the difference between where you could have ended up and where you did end up."
"Anything that you throw goes in a parabolic pattern."
"It's amazing that Drake is as popular as he is, given his trajectory."
"The US healthcare system today is on an unsustainable trajectory."
"When you look at the trajectory of the films that followed, there's a solid argument to be made that Iron Man 3 changed the course of the MCU for the better."
"The release is important because that's the last moment in the draw in which you can influence the trajectory of the arrow for better or for worse."
"Let us be clear about the current trajectory of a Liz Truss government."
"That's literally the moment that everything just went... it just put me on a trajectory to lead me to where I am today."
"It's like you embracing who you are becoming, what path you are on, what trajectory you are on."
"When I press play, that line is gonna go exactly where that yellow ball is at."
"In a gravitational field, light falls; light travels along curved trajectories."
"This changes the trajectory of my whole entire life right now."
"A small primordial black hole falling into the sun from a great distance would be moving so fast it would pass right through the sun and emerge on the other side, never to return."
"Okay, really nice high ball flight as you sort of expect from this type of iron."
"Isn't it kind of funny how the trajectory of your band kind of looks like an accident?"
"The rifling spinning the bullet making it go out does allow it to travel in a straight line."
"This current trajectory... is a pathway toward loss."
"We've been growing every single year, literally our trajectory has been like this."
"The trajectory and speed of Oumuamua, combined with its non-gravitational acceleration as it moved away from the Sun, sparked intense debate and speculation among astronomers."
"Your life is taking a completely different trajectory than it was before."
"The maximum height is equal to the initial velocity squared sine squared theta divided by two times the acceleration due to gravity."
"Learning in this phase of the theory is no longer a simple trajectory into one community but a more complex trajectory through a landscape of different communities."
"On a personal level, the choices we make can have a significant impact on someone's life, altering their trajectory in unexpected ways."
"I trust Bernal a little bit more, and I think he's actually on a really good trajectory."
"We're on a trajectory that is going to take us, like it or not, into that very, very blinding light of the truth."
"It will change the trajectory of your life."
"If you were a plane taking off from New York, you changed 3 degrees, and that was the difference between ending up in Seattle versus Tijuana."
"The Falcon 9 will be heading downrange to the southeast on today's mission with the 56 Starlink internet satellites on board."
"This gave a much higher velocity, flatter trajectory, and allowed the soldier to carry more ammunition."
"You can figure out what the trajectories look like and thereby gain information about the solutions without solving the equation analytically."
"It's important what you feed them early, right? Get them get their tastes set for certain kinds of food and then they've got a trajectory."
"The overall trajectory has still been on an upward way."
"Planning a trajectory is about more than just exerting motion control that leads a robot from A to B."
"It's just crazy how little decisions and little people coming through your life at the right time can either derail you or send you on a better trajectory."
"By careful planning and career management, you can start off your career with such a trajectory that you're going to hit your career goals much easier."
"Life was good, yeah, that now changed the trajectory of my life."
"The goal of the model predictive controller is to determine a set of control inputs... that will make the output or the state of the system follow a prescribed output trajectory or the desired trajectory."
"The model is used to predict the output trajectory over the prediction Horizon and then to minimize the difference between the desired and predicted trajectories."
"Does there exist a closed orbit for the trajectory of a ball in this triangular billiard?"
"You're on the trajectory of a real relationship, a real one."
"When you throw a ball, the flight path of a free falling object like a football maybe, that path is going to follow a parabolic shape."
"Whatever happens, it needs to be an upward and an onward trajectory."
"I love the trajectory of what you're doing."
"What a ball flight, like that was just low penetrating, I'm impressed with that."
"The club that I had helped me; it encouraged the ball to go higher, which is what my mind wants to see."
"We wanted to know what is the optimum time from our model that flaperon would have taken to travel from the crash site to Reunion Island."
"The trajectory of one's life occurs in moments."
"It's got the most robust trajectory I've seen in a while."
"By the way, this arc that you have seen, for the mathematicians in my audience, is a parabola."
"A limit cycle is an isolated closed trajectory."
"The trajectory is approaching the origin as T goes to infinity."
"You're on a trajectory that's really positive."
"The road ahead is long, and in New York, the trajectory is pointed upwards."
"If you keep on this trajectory, you'll be able to meet your goal."
"He's on a totally different trajectory."
"The same trajectory we've been on is just going to be amplified."
"Being able to do this conversion between the actual atomic trajectory and the normal mode trajectory is very powerful."
"Autocatalysis, this self-acceleration, can spin up a flywheel of growth and an exponential trajectory is likely to be the result."
"We are not on track, and if by 2030 we don't change this trajectory, we are cooked."
"We're on an uphill trajectory, so that's good."
"The range is the horizontal distance traveled from the point of projection to the point where the particle strikes the ground."
"Some of them are only seen once; they make one trip around the Sun and then go way out into space."
"We perform a cost evaluation and feasibility checks for each candidate trajectory to find feasible candidates that have a minimum cost value."
"When George Muller came to know the transforming power of his Saviour Jesus, it completely changed the trajectory of his life."
"Just beautiful, I love the trajectory of it."
"The trajectory tool is one of the most useful for the animator."
"Our flight path will take us one full orbit around Earth before we are able to change our trajectory for the moon."
"The character should smoothly enter the ballistic trajectory."
"The direction that the country is taking is putting them on a path of destruction."
"Any projectile moves along a parabola if it is propelled forward and upward and allowed to fall under the influence of gravity."
"Don't let this blip make you think that you're somehow off the course of your ultimate trajectory."
"Your mindset really does help your trajectory."
"One degree is all it takes to set you on a whole new life trajectory."
"This is not an ordinary transformation, this is a transformation that changes the whole trajectory."