
Pollination Quotes

There are 267 quotes

"You need those flowers to draw in those pollinators; you're going to have more of an abundant harvest."
"We're the only ones who make honey, pollinate flowers, and dress like this."
"Movement now, pollination sometimes without even trying. The bee is beneficial, right? So, know that."
"She'll go to great lengths to make sure the bees are kept safe."
"Bees in general are important for the environment. They pollinate plants allowing them to grow and produce food."
"Bees help pollinate 35% of the world's food."
"Plants attract pollinators with perfect temperatures."
"These tiny creatures are responsible for spreading the pollen on flowers, fruits, and vegetables. They help plants grow, and without them, our ecosystem might suffer."
"They bloom for most of the summer and they bring pollinators in and there's a lot of different colors."
"They attract all the pollinators and they're a really excellent cut flower as well."
"You can't grow stuff without pollinators...you need the bees to come and do whatever they do."
"Around 90% of flowers are adapted to be pollinated by animals."
"Bees and other pollinators are increasingly threatened by the effects of human activity."
"Fig trees require a unique kind of pollination that only comes from fig wasps. The fig produces an enzyme called phycane, which digests the dead wasp and absorbs the nutrients."
"OMG guys look at how beautiful this butterfly is visiting these flowers ah gorgeous pollinators."
"Flies pollinate plants around them just like bees. They are crucial for Nature's life cycle."
"Bees are absolutely necessary for our planet. About a third of the world's food production requires bee pollination."
"Without our bees and pollinating insects, our supermarket shelves would be unrecognizable."
"Without bees, all the everything changes. If all the bees died, all your fruits and vegetables will suck because it's the cross-pollination that makes everything sweet."
"The need for these high-tech solutions reflects the seriousness of the pollination problem for food security."
"If you have an opportunity to try to grow some passion flower in your garden, the bees are going to love it."
"Some plants are just really good at replenishing the nectar really fast on their flowers."
"Blueberries are inefficient self-pollinators. They'll set a lot more fruit if you plant them in close proximity to a plant of a different variety."
"We wanted bees because as obvious they're pollinators... and they produce honey as well."
"Flowers have to do things to bring in the bees."
"In fact bees are responsible for pollinating about 70% of all crops globally and a third of all food consumed by humans."
"Basically bees help plants to have sex. They transfer pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female parts so it can produce seeds and fruit."
"Every landscape has to support a diverse community of pollinators—not because they pollinate our crops, because they pollinate eighty percent of all plants and ninety percent of all flowering plants, including our crops."
"Bees love flowers. In fact, bees' love of flowers is why they're so important to us."
"Bees collect pollen from flowers, then spread it around, which helps them grow."
"We want our bees to be bringing back pollen."
"Bees transport pollen on their bellies, thanks to pollination."
"But again, it's such a good pollinator plant."
"The pollinator power of this plant is extraordinary."
"The flowers are beautiful and the bees absolutely love it."
"Flowers have different shapes to attract their pollinators."
"Flowers are doing the very best they can to attract their pollinators."
"Tomatoes are self-pollinating, but can also be pollinated by insects and birds, or even by hand."
"You want to encourage as much pollination as possible. You want to set the mood, light a few candles, put a little berry white on the boombox."
"If you had two inflorescences coming from the same plant at the same time, for example, if this magnificum had another one of these guys and this one was male and the other one was female, I could self-pollinate them. I can literally just rub them together and it'll pollinate."
"Bats help pollinate over 300 species of fruit."
"The best way to increase the amount that you have is having more pollinators."
"Attracting the pollinators out there."
"Most of the wild bees are all gone, it's the people that's keeping bees now, it's doing the pollination."
"Once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange? Semen."
"It goes way beyond our crops pollinators are pollinating 80 of all plants and 90 of all flowering plants."
"Pumpkin pollinating. It is some weird stuff to really look at because pumpkin flowers are massive. So they're taking these parts and they're just like sticking it in and swirling it around and it's. It looks kind of funky."
"But what you see, what you'd see is that they would have to artificially pollinate because otherwise it's a significantly lower chance of it occurring."
"Bees pollinate virtually every flower they touch."
"It all starts with a flower, the bees eat sweet nectar."
"Bees pollinate around 80% of flowering plants in the world."
"Bees have a vital role in our food chain as a pollinator, improving the yield of crops."
"Flowers use their pretty colors and smells to attract pollinators."
"Bees are some of the busiest and most important pollen carriers around."
"Bees prefer white, yellow, or blue flowers, and they can be shallow, as shown with the yellow Cup [Plant] flower in the top picture, or they could be tubular like in the picture below."
"The bumblebees are just going nuts over these raspberries; they're everywhere."
"Look at all the buds on the grapefruit so hopefully these will get pollenated and I'll get some fruit."
"Flowers are fun to look at and they usually smell great. But they actually have a really important job. They use their pretty colors and smells to attract animals, which help make new plants."
"Don't be afraid to buy Freeman maples. Bees work them like crazy."
"The avocado is gaining pollen from both type A and type B avocados through insect pollination."
"...by doing this you will spend less money on seed, you will spend less time sowing seeds, you will better support the pollinator population, and you will get bigger Harvest with less work."
"...I like to give back to nature and I like to feed the pollinators when there's not much else growing on for them."
"I love that this sesame flowers and then the bees are super busy."
"All of the flowers that I've been pollinating, the fruit's Now set and now we have so many fruits."
"That's huge importance of pollination. Reptiles are just as important to pollination as birds and insects."
"Bees coming and going, you can see pollen on their legs and you can see things happening."
"Without bees, these foods would be much harder to grow."
"Bees are essential to many plants who rely on them to spread pollen and in turn produce more and more plants."
"It feels so good, you guys, the amount of pollinators out there, it's wild this year."
"Honey bees are fantastic to pollinate flowers, to help trees and plants grow and fruit as well."
"Thanks to this process of pollination, flowers produce fruit and seeds."
"Another thing that is so important when it comes to fruit trees is the particular pollination requirements."
"Our native bees did all the pollination before we brought over honeybees."
"Bees are essentially one of the most vital insects to our food chain; they pollinate everything that we need for all of our fruits and vegetables."
"Successful pollination is essential when breeding plants on a commercial scale."
"Flowers help to promote pollinators coming into your garden."
"Native pollinators are very, very important for mango pollination and production."
"We need insects to pollinate crops so we can have food."
"That's when certain animals fly from plant to plant, the pollen gets on their body, then they fly to the other plant and it helps the plants grow."
"It's not something that you need to be fearful of, but if you want to make sure that you get what you are trying to get, just isolate the blossoms and hand pollinate them."
"They play an essential role in pollination and therefore on the development of vegetation."
"Bumblebees get the last laugh; not only are their nectar gathering activities essential to pollination and by extension our survival, they're considered by many experts to be the smartest insects around."
"A bee drinks from a flower and leaves with its pollen; a squirrel in a tree spreads the seeds that have fallen."
"Pollinators are really important for our environment, for everything that grows."
"They serve an important part in the ecosystem because they're very efficient pollinators."
"Having flowers is going to bring all those different pollinators in to make sure that your vegetables are getting pollinated."
"Most pollinating bees will actually live and make their hives underground in bare soil."
"Pollinators, Earth's tiny creators."
"Apis mellifera, the honeybee, is humanity's greatest friend among the insects."
"40% of our total crop pollination is done by Apis mellifera."
"These wild colonies are important because, of course, they're providing lots of pollinators for free."
"The fruit that made your day and the bread that's in your hand is here because of a pollinator."
"It's just doing so fantastic. The best thing about lovage is it duels as a really, really nice wildlife plant and pollinator attractor."
"It looked absolutely amazing and pollinators were going crazy on it."
"They help pollinate not only other flowers but also crops that are grown by local farmers."
"They're also responsible for pollinating one third of the human food supply."
"Bees help pollinate the plants and in return, the bee gets some food from the plants."
"They smell kind of like sweet orchids that the same species that pollinate the orchids might also be attracted to the Anthuriums."
"Flowers that have red or purple colors usually are rich in anthocyanin and can attract certain types of pollinators through their coloration."
"In order for plants and trees to grow, there must be pollinization. There cannot be pollinization without insects."
"The function of pollination they provide is so important for agriculture but also for the health of our native plant species."
"I think it's well worth letting these plants flower because they're really good bee food."
"So many white scented flowers are night-scented because that white color glows in low light and attracts nighttime pollinators like moths."
"Bees are vital to humans, not only as a source of honey and wax."
"Worldwide, about 150 crop species depend on these for pollination."
"This is the typical syndrome for pollinating by hummingbirds: yellow, orange, red."
"Our garden cannot have flowers and fruits without bees."
"I always just let the flowers form, let them go to seed so that the pollinators like the bees and the butterflies have something to feed on."
"Every mouthful of food you eat has been pollinated by an insect."
"Bees don't just make honey, they do a very important job with pollination."
"Pollination and bees, in particular, are very, very important in that process."
"Amazing, so pollination and honey, and looking after the environment as well."
"All these things rely on a pollinator, and the biggest pollinator is the honeybee."
"The bees and the pollinators absolutely loved it more so than anything that I've ever grown."
"Pollinating banana, breadfruit, and mango trees indirectly help produce tequila by pollinating agave plants."
"Approximately 80 percent of wild plants are reliant on insect pollination for their survival."
"Insects pollinate more than 75 percent of global crops."
"The female parts are like, 'Come to me, beetles, pollinate me, bring me pollen.'"
"This is going to be a butterfly pollinator Little Dream World right here."
"Bees go from plant to plant and they carry some of the pollen with them to other plants."
"These strange blooms are actually pollinated by bats in its native habitat."
"This time in the garden is really lovely; we have a lot of pollinators."
"I've got all kinds of little native flies and bees working these flowers right now."
"These things bloom at night; they're a night-blooming cactus, pollinated by bats."
"The flowers are an important source of nectar for pollinators when they're going off."
"You'll see a huge difference when you start to bring in the pollinators."
"Flowers attract pollinators, and the pollen is the sperm of the plant."
"Eighty-six percent believe that local bee colonies help pollination of local plants and crops."
"The more flowering plants you have that are providing pollen and nectar for beneficial insects, the better off you are."
"It is important because butterflies not only serve to make the ecosystem look beautiful but also help with pollination."
"You are special, you are one of the noblest pollinators."
"Pollinators are tiny creators, from the honey so sweet to almost everything we eat."
"Bees are protected species because their activity is essential for plant reproduction on this planet."
"Butterflies are very important for the environment because they help with pollination."
"Flowers are designed to attract pollinators."
"These are great for all three of the bees, the butterflies, and hummingbirds."
"There's a lot more movement than you might expect, and a lot more stuff for pollinators as well."
"Your pollinators love this, especially your bumblebees because the flowers on them are nice and fat."
"The moths are the specialist pollinators of yuccas here."
"If you don't have bees, you don't have apples, you don't have almonds, you sure as hell don't have too many pumpkins."
"Beetles do 80% of the pollinating on this planet."
"A single variety of moth produces pollination."
"Bees pollinate over 70% of the world's agriculture."
"Bees pollinate half of our food sources."
"The way it works is a bee crawls in there... and in doing so, he brushes up against that stigma right there, it leaves some pollen on it."
"This red petal directs them to the exit, and they crawl out that way so that they do not brush against that stigma again."
"They do this amazing pollen collecting effort where as they come to the flower, the pollen grains actually jump off them because the bees are statically charged."
"A hive like this could pollinate 50 million flowers a day."
"The flower has to bloom enough for a bee to go to it."
"You really want to plant your corn in blocks, you really want to have it densely planted so that it will pollinate with the other corn stalks around it."
"The rapid growth period determines the potential ear size, the potential number of kernels; the actual number of kernels are determined by the success of the pollination period."
"Bees are so nice that they make honey that we all love to eat and they help with pollination which brings us all the fruits and vegetables that we love to eat."
"Without honeybees, all of the beautiful apple tree blossoms wouldn't turn into apples at the end of the season."
"Honeybees make delicious honey and they help us grow fruits and vegetables and flowers; they're really important."
"What a beautiful flower, doesn't smell like much but probably bird pollinated, maybe I guess."
"We rely on animal pollinators to pollinate plants... without those pollinators, these food crops cannot reproduce."
"We want to make sure that we're adding back some pollinating, so as our animals are clearing out the land down the driveway, we want to make sure that we're reintroducing wildflowers."
"Monkeys play an important role in the wild by pollinating flowers and dispersing seeds as they travel."
"The main function of flowers is to attract pollinators and to produce fruit and seed."
"Butterflies are so cool and they're pollinators."
"As you sit down to eat watermelon, kiwi, pumpkin, cucumber, apples, avocados, almonds, blackberries, and much much more, remember to thank a bee."
"About 1.7 million colonies, roughly 60% of all the colonies that we have in the United States, go every year to California to pollinate almonds."
"If you're looking to attract your pollinators and your butterflies, the butterfly bushes are doing wonderful."
"Look at this bee; it's getting pollen and going from one flower to the next."
"I just let it go to seed, I let the bees enjoy the flowers if I don't enjoy them first."
"Leafcutter bees are 20 times more effective in pollinating crops compared to honeybees."
"Solitary bees are considered super pollinators because they have a 95 percent chance of pollinating compared to honeybees."
"My garden has proliferated since my involvement with solitary bees."
"Say hello to your super pollinators, the solitary bees."
"Like bees buzzing around a flower, eventually that flower is getting pollinated."
"These are the rains that give life to the field before you, where flowers burst with color and bees pollinate the countryside."
"These are just absolutely smothered in pollinators."
"We need bees for pollination and food, all that good stuff."
"The bee is pollinating the yellow flower."
"We've had a lot of pollinators, lots of different little moms and things which is always exciting."
"Bees are pollinators, that means they help other plants and flowers to grow."
"It's going to be absolutely covered with pollinators."
"Pollinators love this plant; it's evergreen."
"Bees are pollinators, so they're really, really important for an environment like this."
"This is going to make more pollinators; it's good."
"Flowers are beautiful, aren't they? Because bees like beautiful things, and flowers want the bees to take their pollen and give it to other plants so they can grow up and be beautiful too."
"A bee is a pollen collecting machine; its entire role in life is to collect as much pollen as it possibly can."
"A red mason bee is able to pollinate as many plants as a hundred-twenty honeybee workers."
"The bees are certainly loving it though."
"The flowers are not hiding by the leaves, so the chances of attracting a lot of insect pollinators are very much high."
"Plants have different genders, and the winds are a means of fertilization."
"We rely on pollination by insects for approximately three-quarters of our crops grown for food."
"The more bees that you've got out there, the more diverse your pollination is going to be."
"One of the most important recent developments that helped to diversify plants was pollination association."
"Pollinators are attracted to the nectaries... and when they're doing that, they brush against those anthers, pick up some of the pollen."
"Bees are crucial to our survival as they pollinate every plant that we eat."
"They also pollinate 30% of the world's crops."
"You need two trees, two genetically different trees that are flowering at the same time, to cross pollinate to set fruit."
"Bees pollinate half of our food sources, so we really don't want them to die."
"Insects are really important for our environment; they're the reason we have plants because of our pollinators like our bees and our butterflies."
"Did you know that bees collect pollen on its body? They even take that pollen to another flower, and that is when pollination happens—when pollen from one flower travels to another."
"Then this flower can then make seeds to start growing into new plants. So, pollination is a super important part of their life cycle."
"It takes only 7 mason bees to pollinate a fruit tree."
"She's going to go to 75 to 150 flowers in one day, one very busy girl."
"They also help with pollination, attracting beneficial insects and bees to pollinate the veggies."