
Civilian Impact Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"The difference between collateral damage versus targeting and actually trying to kill civilians is a massive distinction."
"The invasion of Iraq was criminal, was illegal. It led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians."
"An attack on the civilian infrastructure no doubt will have an impact on any infrastructure dependent on it."
"The civilian casualties... it's tragic. Everyone who has been killed since October 7th would still be alive if Hamas had not declared war."
"Russian armed forces have indiscriminately shelled and bombed populated areas, killing civilians, wrecking hospitals."
"Is Russia shelling Mariupol? Yes, Russia has just claimed control of Mariupol. Now you're saying that Russia is not killing people?"
"You don't need a world-beating military in order to do immense damage to civilian infrastructure and run up casualty figures."
"My heart goes out to the people of these two countries who will suffer terribly in a war they did not want."
"What is happening now to the civilians is devastating... they feel very angry."
"He's likely to double down and try to grind down the Ukrainian military with no regard for civilian casualties."
"The US has admitted that a woman and child were killed by an American drone strike in Somalia."
"Anything that makes civilians less safe makes us all less safe."
"If you consider what Russia has done, is killed Ukrainian civilians and bombed cities with no military objective, necessarily, except to devastate the cities and then walk in and take them over."
"I think we're really about to see the start of a battle that puts civilians on the front line."
"In modern times, America's actions in the Middle East have the same results: civilian deaths and unrest in the region."
"Wars were not won by Prime Ministers, they were won by the Defiance of ordinary people."
"More civilians died as a result of the war than people in uniform."
"You know, people don't realize most of the people that die in such a war are going to die not of directly of the blast and radiation effects, they're going to die because of basic infrastructure breakdown."
"If it lands into like an area like a house or an apartment block and it kills civilians then that of course would be a huge deal."
"Thankfully it can't get worse... they've already pretty much hit rock bottom with how they're attacking civilians."
"Dozens of Bucha civilians were killed by metal darts from Russian artillery forensic doctors discover flashes rarely used in modern warfare in bodies found in mass graves."
"When the Wind Blows highlights the cruel absurdity of targeting civilians—with their sausages and chips for dinner and their lovingly tended cabbage patches—with weapons of mass destruction."
"As a mother, I know a number of you are mothers yourself. It is horrifying to see the barbaric use of military force to go after innocent civilians."
"Frustrated is a gross understatement. I feel infuriated as I watch the pictures of these civilian casualties."
"Russian war crimes in Ukraine include targeting civilians all across the country."
"81.4 percent of the civilian casualties in the Donbass war came on the side of the Donbass civilians dying there."
"Russia could escalate more in Ukraine, kill many more civilians, and this war can expand."
"Russia continues destroying Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, resulting in tragedy."
"Otherwise we're looking at another two years of trench warfare and that is ultimately not going to benefit Ukrainian civilians."
"A U.S. defense official warns that Russia is intensifying attacks in the eastern Donbass region, striking a hospital and blocking civilians from escaping."
"A top U.N official describing it as a horror story of violations perpetrated against civilians."
"This calculated attack on a civilian airliner... has shocked the world."
"11 Palestinian children slaughtered after an Israeli drone fired a missile into a group of children in a playground."
"This is truly a military provocation, a war crime against peaceful civilians."
"To think that it's okay to do these drone strikes that disproportionately kill civilians, I mean to think that's okay and that it has no consequences, what world are you living in?"
"German commanders also recognised that widespread civilian casualties would only stiffen British resolve to fight on."
"It breaks my heart to see innocent civilians lose their lives over political leaders' problems."
"You don't want your homes to be shelled with artillery, you don't want your friends and loved ones to die, it's a pretty simple and powerful message."
"The Russians are firing unguided artillery into civilian areas."
"Russia launching new strikes across Ukraine, killing civilians."
"The Minutemen weren't just intended to strike military targets; they were designed to reduce civilian populations to radioactive slag."
"US drone strikes have killed hundreds of civilians in the past two decades."
"The civilians coming in actually doing stuff has done a big a big favor pretty much to the Ukrainian forces."
"Russia is attacking critical infrastructure, civilian infrastructure, power plants, hydroelectric infrastructure."
"All these poor Ukrainian kids have gone out and been slaughtered massively."
"Here's seven civilians killed in one strike this afternoon including two children, unimaginable a week ago now unforgettable."
"You may not like it but the answer is yes the civilians are the victims of putin's aggression now and of the geopolitics and the situation that has been created that put them in that position in the first place."
"Terrorism is defined as violence or the threat of violence carried out against civilians as a means of coercion, often for political reasons."
"Steve argues that when you try to win a war before it starts innocent people will die."
"It's a reminder that there is this huge war going on and a lot of Russian efforts are being used to target civilian infrastructure."
"A dirty war not against an army but against the people." - Bernardino
"Tonight, a dangerous new phase in the war in Ukraine as Russia strikes more civilian targets."
"These blackouts are more than just blackouts; they are war crimes. These are direct attacks on civilians."
"The idea that we're some plast the graveyard here and we're not paying attention to uh to the civilian casualties or the civilian suffering is just not true."
"It's always so hard to grasp the concept that war is fought literally in people's homes; it's not just a battlefield."
"The real victims of war are the people who live at Ground Zero."
"The vast majority of those slaughtered by Israel in Gaza are innocent civilians."
"The cost of conflict falls on civilians, with a disproportionate burden carried by women, children, and the elderly."
"The line between soldier and civilian blurred way more in World War II than in almost any other large-scale modern conflict."
"The war was truly devastating for the population; about 5 million civilians lost their lives due to illness, famine, and combat."
"It was by any reckoning a hard-hearted strategy, throwing the burden of the war onto the civilian population."
"We are maintaining this, and the Israeli government is responsible for all of these deaths."
"War is hell; it's terrible. There's always civilians who get caught in the crossfire."
"The fact that a German U-boat would torpedo a passenger liner full of passengers and civilians, not military personnel, sparked great controversy all over the world."
"The people suffering are the civilians because they're getting killed because of political stuff."