
Local Governance Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"Distributing power and responsibility down the hierarchy to the most local levels possible is the antidote to tyranny and to slavery."
"The key to American history is not actually charismatic leadership, it's the ordinary citizens... their ability to solve problems locally."
"Federalism and localism are an answer to a lot of these questions."
"Localism is the answer. It means everything from volunteering to be an election officer to running for a local office."
"Local communities, local jurisdictions have a right and an obligation to know what threats are in their communities, so that they would know how to deal with them."
"It's about local control and people moving out to the suburbs wanting to be able to determine what the nature of their community is on a non-race-based basis."
"Neoliberalism...is about realizing that power lies at the community level."
"We've got to get it right, especially the citizens of Louisville. They expect the change, they want the change, and they deserve the change."
"The local level is key because everything is now at the local level."
"Community policing works the best. Let the regions deal with the problems themselves first."
"That's our port down here, so we're gonna have the main town in this area."
"If New York wants to abolish the cops, let 'em do it. I don't live there. Let the people see and you see how it's going."
"Your vote matters so much at the local level."
"If you live in New York City, your taxes are supporting that system. You're voting incentivizing those people to do those things."
"It was a failure at the federal level that 2500 local election officials were forced to apply for philanthropic grants."
"We want community control of the public schools."
"Focus on local elections, school boards, attorneys."
"People should be self-governing locally but have a global ethics that realizes that we live on a shared planet together."
"Voting is a singular method for a people locally and regionally to govern themselves."
"You know what's really funny? Economic Forum. Yeah, we should just abolish States and go County only."
"Your local elections matter far more than your national elections on a day-to-day basis."
"If you want to become a Liechtensteiner, your neighbors get to choose whether to accept or reject you through a popular vote."
"If you live somewhere and you say no cops then the cops should respect that."
"We care about the president but it actually matters who your Governor is it matters who your mayor is."
"Unless we really begin to rebuild trust by results at the local level, we are done as a party."
"One of the strengths of our system is the diversity of the system itself and the state and local responsibility to conduct an election that people have confidence in."
"We need to get Washington starting to work more like our best-run cities and towns rather than the other way around."
"Building is very local... dealing with a lot of codes and regulations... meant to keep people safe and to keep cities of high quality."
"Our number one priority is making sure that our community knows that we're working for them."
"Hopefully the incentive program is going to be a first few steps towards regaining that trust with our community."
"I want to speak up on behalf of people in Ashfield and the rest of the country."
"We're standing up, even the sheriffs upstate. Are you crazy?"
"The best government is local, local solutions to local problems."
"The local government is the most important government to reclaim... if enough of us take back our community, we can meet the needs of the community better."
"You vote locally and I'm saying vote all your local judges, you know representatives, you vote locally when you get to that president, you write in a black guy."
"More school choice, not through the federal government but locally."
"The better way to do that is to remove these top-down targets and give more power, agency, and responsibility to local communities."
"A case study on how the nationals run a small town, i.e., secret dictatorship."
"If you want your town to be run by crooks...I think I know the party for you: the National Party."
"The regeneration of the American political system has always come from cities and states."
"If Donald Trump as President can be held accountable or investigated at a local level, it might put a chilling effect on a lot of low-level people who engage in this behavior."
"If Ron DeSantis gets rid of Disney World's special district privileges for opposition of his 'don't say gay' bill, then the Florida taxpayers would have to foot the bill for DeSantis's petty tyranny."
"A little bit of local autonomy? Yeah, prioritize garrisons."
"The more localized it is, the more we can see what the government is doing and can object."
"Mr. Heinz voiced his concerns about two-hour parking signs near the library and after several minutes of discussion, a city hall employee called the Harrison County Sheriff's Office to assist with the situation."
"Push back against the Tennessee legislature."
"Should people be able to vote on Sunday if the local jurisdiction allows it absolutely yeah."
"We're going to have to put... mayors because they do the hiring and the firing of the police department."
"Anyway, my last message about the voting thing is: Please keep showing up to everything that you're allowed to vote for."
"The story that's being written about strong towns is a story of Heroes... you all are the heroes of that story."
"Gotham City politics: Panera Bread exempted from minimum wage rules."
"If we as Christians were to see ourselves as a Christian voting bloc, I think we could be very effective at the state and local levels."
"He's organizing the takeover of your local Republican party, your local school board."
"It's not been required that you take the money and issue it in the way that the feds may want."
"Leaders who really care about your community will be there when something important is happening to you."
"We need to be pushing our local hospitals. They get your tax dollars. Those county hospitals get your money. They're beholden to you."
"The mayor of Detroit should be giving me a medal!"
"He was everybody’s friend. He was considered also to be a Senator who really delivered for his constituents back home in Illinois."
"Local officials have the flexibility to put mandates into place."
"Local issues inevitably played a part, but all politicians know it wasn't bins voters were angry about but Brexit."
"Instead, they call on city and state to raise taxes on the app Airbnb."
"The physical security of the staff, I would defer to the counties."
"Locally is where this stuff starts. These things that these laws that passed in Texas, they weren't started at the national level."
"Georgians deserve to know where their federal tax dollars are going."
"This is not a joke and death here is real." - Mayor Drew Dilkens
"Pay attention to what's happening at your school board meeting."
"Put money back in Pennsylvanians' Pockets right now when they need it most."
"Always follow the instruction of local officials."
"The District in New York is going to start bringing suit on everything."
"Communities tend to take care of each other much better than a federal government."
"Kahuna Hala, the Kahuna of this island, after all, whenever there was a problem on the island, it is my duty to resolve it."
"The concept of devolution and devolving powers and localizing is a good idea."
"Local elections matter. If all the crazy going on at school board meetings hasn't kind of awakened people to what's possible, I don't know what will."
"We're gonna propose this district change people are way in favor of it so we'll use the quick and vote."
"Let's all get together and force our local and collective government..."
"I believe it is absolutely the best solution at hand to ensure service and safety to all the people of Floyd County in the near term."
"We gotta become Mayors and we gotta make sure we have representation in our legislative branches because we need to fix our neighborhoods and if anybody is gonna fix it it's gonna be us."
"Maybe know your neighbors and try perhaps to get involved at the local level so that your community leaders are in charge of a police force that's gonna do the right thing."
"All politics is local. So that means all politics is retail."
"This began an age of the militarization of local police forces."
"There's just no question about it: any idea that local school districts don't have control over how their kids are being taught is going to set parents off."
"Colusa County, Florida is now a sanctuary County. See, it's spreading."
"You know, like, how many people do you know who sits on their city council, and they're the ones making budget decisions for the city you live in?"
"So, like, if you, if you're talking about, excuse me, school boards and infrastructure within your city, that is like local level issues."
"Jersey deserved better. My wife and I got involved in this last winter. Oh, it wasn't my plan in life to be doing this, but we were just morally offended."
"It's healthier for people to give a [ __ ] about their local mayor, their local municipalities, their local [ __ ] you know civic system than it is for everyone to be freaking out about the presidency."
"Federal and state government authorities are subordinate to the local authority of county sheriffs and police." - Sheriff Wheeler emphasizes the importance of local law enforcement authority.
"Local culture affects each jurisdiction—that's so true."
"Will your county stand up to being a Second Amendment sanctuary?"
"I don't really care much about the statute thing, but if communities want to take them down, they can. I think that's totally fine."
"Federalism means understanding what the right thing to do locally is going to be very, very important."
"Turmoil surfaces in Seattle City Council's push to reimagine public safety."
"Every single life in Atlanta is important and matters to me."
"The normative governance of the church is local synods because for the first 300 years of the church there was nothing but local councils."
"Every single school board meeting, every person that goes up there should be specifically calling for Scott Ziegler to step down because of this issue until he does."
"The real fight is at the local level, getting involved, people rolling up their sleeves, going to the school board, going to the County commission, becoming poll watchers, becoming poll workers."
"We're not going to let them destroy this state, and hopefully we can push back and prevent it for the country."
"Mayor Adams out of New York same thing he's saying all hands on deck this immigration thing is turning into a catastrophe for us."
"No one but Belarusians can solve these problems."
"Miami's mayor looks to woo Chinese bitcoin miners with low energy prices and clean nuclear power."
"Local elections matter. Lots of attention is always on presidential races, but these are crucial as well."
"It's a great thing to hear back from the county."
"I think locally finding out corruption in Mal is going to be huge."
"Last time, honestly, if that goes to a referendum, no one votes against that. Salford vote for it and everyone else 103 yes all on the pink bins. Lord, yeah, fantastic count."
"It is very much a local and state decision about the approach to take based on data, we’re there to help and advise them."
"Texas wants to be more self-reliant today than we were yesterday because of the leadership right here in Nueces County."
"Nobody there has any control... just County considerations."
"If you go Jeremy but you'd be the perfect person to run for Council in Otter Creek, even your Christmas in the creek had more details and more information that had to be managed than the entire town of Otter Creek."
"The people of Dover were profoundly embarrassed by the actions of several members of the board of education."
"According to this document, Orange County has divided the area into seven different districts."
"Decisions are best made at the local level, and I think if we look back we'll find that this man Thomas Sowell has been one of the towering intellectuals of our time." - Dinesh D'Souza
"It's now on us. I'm going to show up to the school board meeting. I'm going to show up to the local town hall for my representative."
"When the federal government respects provincial jurisdictions and lets local provinces make their own decisions in their own realms you tend to have a more united country because people aren't antagonized by each other."
"Local communities can actually make decisions for their 5,000 or 20,000 people rather than some far-up high person."
"Politics is more local than national. One of our biggest problems is we concentrate on presidential elections and don't concentrate on our local school board or the local person running for city council."
"What I want is local control, the city council controlling the police department."
"You only support local control? Yes, sir."
"...surely these decisions should be being made by the people in their towns and Villages rather than head office or dare I say some unelected un accountable bureaucrats in think tanks..."
"People don't realize the power of the village head. Go and read it. The village head is more powerful than an MP, more powerful than a councilor. There's nothing that you can't do."
"These plans should be locally driven, considered locally, and should be taking into account the concerns and interests not just of the clinical commissioning groups but of local authorities and of the public."
"At the head of each county is the chief who was selected by the Kabaka, approved by the Queen's representatives."
"What happens in this town really, really matters."
"The power of the government should be more the closer it is to you."
"We believe in building the right homes in the right places with local people having a say."
"It doesn't matter who's in the White House, it matters who's running your neighborhood."
"Our federal system... local governments matter, who your mayor is, who your county commissioners are, that matters."
"Quito was the first place in the Americas where locals attempted to claim autonomy."
"I think it's down to the local councils and so on and so forth to actually investigate success stories in their area."
"The more local forms of governance are essential in governing in accordance with the natural law."
"These are local decisions made best by local officials who understand the communities in which they work."
"All positions and organizational structures should be elected with the ultimate power of voting held at the local grassroots level."
"Watching town meetings cable access is some of the most fun you can ever have."
"Home Rule Authority gives local officials the ability to enact ordinances or regulations that are specific to the community and not otherwise prohibited."
"Spain did support the local caciques in some instances and in what they defined as Indian towns."
"Education has typically been a local responsibility."
"I want local authorities to be running away that is forward thinking and progressive."
"We have devolved powers to London and we're very happy to go on having discussions about transport and about other economic powers."
"Devolution has allowed for policy that reflects the interests of local populations."
"Devolved governments... and elected mayors in major cities means that decisions are closer to the people."
"The most important laws with the most impact actually are at the local level; your city ordinances and your state statutes are far more important to the average person on the average day than any federal law."
"We're going to pass 'Bring Chicago Home', an ordinance that's going to help us raise hundreds of millions of dollars to deal with this dynamic."