
Regional Conflict Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"It's hard for me to see how this doesn't culminate in at least a significant regional war, and heaven forbid, a World War."
"Unfortunately, I think the Middle East is going toward mission creep, gradual escalation till it reaches a critical mass where it becomes a full regional conflict."
"The whole southern parts of Ukraine feel like they are under occupation, especially because of the laws regarding the language."
"Once we are in this thing, this regional war does have the potential to go global and spread. And that's the problem."
"The risk of massive military escalation exploding across the Nile Basin will continue to ratchet up..."
"Yemen is basically an apocalyptic nightmare right next door across the border."
"Russia is aiming to take control of the entire Donbas region through this winter."
"I have a very good friend in the Donbass area who I am worried on a daily basis that he may get killed or die."
"The In-law anti-tank weapon is synonymous with Ukraine's stubborn resistance to the Russian Advance."
"Russia has launched a new campaign with a narrower goal focused primarily on capturing Ukraine's east and it promises to be much more methodical." - New York Times
"Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh are under existential threat."
"He doesn't need to know the nuances of this, he doesn't need to know why the people of this region have been facing a genocide since 2014."
"If there is going to be an escalation of this conflict and if there's going to be missile strikes by Iran on Israel on a regular basis, Israel cannot itself produce air defense missiles in the necessary quantities."
"I still think in the end of March and in early April, there may be some new complications involving China possibly in the southeast China Sea possibly involving Taiwan."
"We will see more of what changed in Ukraine in the upcoming weeks."
"Why should Yorubas continue to pay the supreme price of sacrificing our young, our old just to keep Nigeria going? It is too much of a price that people have paid."
"The deployment of Ukrainian troops to the Black Sea and the employment of Turkish Naval vessels was a daring action that called Russia's dominance over Ukraine into question."
"Everything began with Crimea and everything will eventually end with Crimea."
"More than one hundred thousand Russians fled Crimea for areas with stronger security, primarily Moscow and Saint Petersburg."
"This whole region is a mess because of outside meddling right."
"The EU is deeply concerned about the fighting along the Armenian-Azerbaijan border."
"Three major themes: individual innovations, violence in the Middle East, new representation in leadership."
"Violence in the Middle East is really represented during major Aries transits."
"China hopes that the continued grey zone operations around Taiwan will allow it to get its will."
"If Chia Falls, it is a very bad situation for Ukraine..."
"He has stoked the fire within the Middle East."
"As long as we have the war of gods in our region and foreign interventions, the only solution is democracy with civil states."
"The day of judgment: New Canaan is in flames, a new power has emerged in Utah."
"China's military superiority over the United States close to Taiwan island is overwhelming."
"If President Putin says, 'We've got enough of the Donbass now,' this is preserving the integrity of the Russian minorities in the Donbass who were suffering from all these Nazis in Kiev."
"The Ukrainians have won a major victory in the south very close to Mariupol."
"There's actually an accumulation of evidence that Ukrainian forces on the front lines in Herson region are indeed thinning."
"Liberate the territory from where the army will come from Khorasan. No one can stop that jihad when you see that army coming from Khorasan."
"The Russian forces have likely committed to reinforcing their tactical offensive effort in the backwood area despite Ukraine's apparent focus on limited and localized counterattacks."
"The Israelis now had two bridges across the canal and their presence on the West Bank was growing stronger by the hour."
"Anytime you have two competing forces, competing for the same region, which is the Arctic, there's the possibility of military conflict."
"The announcement could Herald the end of a long-standing era of conflict in the Middle East."
"This defensive strike has taken out most of the air of India's arrogance and aggression."
"Ain't nothing east coast west coast, that's just wolves out there."
"Morocco and Algeria are practically on the brink of war."
"In the past few months, Ukrainian troops have taken a number of courageous steps towards the liberation of Crimea, convincing the whole Western world that Crimea can be saved."
"It is possible for Ukraine to reclaim control of Crimea if it implements an effective strategy and uses all of the weaponry that have been pledged to it."
"Ukraine just had a pretty decisive victory in the Karkov region. We just kind of outlined what we're going to be discussing in so far as this decisive victory."
"If Bachmat falls, and of course if the important neighboring cities of Slavyansk come under [Russian] control, well, the credibility of the Ukrainian government will be severely damaged."
"Israel is the thorniest place on this planet."
"I believe in everything is right okay so I'm not a Sunni I'm not a Shia and I yes I support my organization okay because I believe that they are doing a great job to bring their biggest enemy of mankind in Iran so I'm supporting them."
"Ukrainians had truly a massive success in the southern areas of Bahamut."
"Would you sacrifice Boston for the Donbass region?"
"We're not battling the Assyrians, but we are winning the war against Israel's water crisis."
"Israel faces threats from Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian groups, and the Houthis."
"It's complete nonsense that there's some kind of threat to Israel's security from Gaza."
"Methodical, steady, incremental Russian advance in the North."
"Crimea's invincibility is greatly exaggerated by International observers."
"The tide on the southern front began to turn in Kiev's favor."
"Ukrainian Special Forces make historic offensive assault in Zaparazia."
"Nagorno-Karabakh is one of those regions that you didn't even know existed until two weeks ago; suddenly it's now all over the media."
"The story of Congo often seems like one of never-ending tragedy."
"We're looking very closely at the situation in the Middle East."
"The only real answer to this is a democratic state between the river and the sea."
"This has become a war for the existence of Israel... and Muslims in the region."
"The dispute over the territorial waters in the South China Sea is first and foremost a regional issue."
"If the Pakistani military that are guilty of the crimes 50 years ago in Bangladesh would have been tried, we would have saved a lot of lives in Balochistan."
"Ukrainian forces have inflicted a major operational defeat on Russia, recapturing almost all of Kharkiv Oblast in a rapid counter-offensive."
"Ukraine's outstanding success in this region was enough to ruin the dreams of Russians."
"Just what are the prospects for Ukraine in the days, weeks, and months ahead?"
"The resolve of the people of Kyiv, like the people of Kharkiv, like the people of Mariupol is just extraordinary."
"Puffy replied to this by saying that the East Coast vs West Coast had to stop."
"The Ukrainian Army had an absolute victory in the region."
"Be skeptical of everything that you're hearing coming from that region because there's going to be so much misinformation, purposeful disinformation, and also just propaganda being used by both sides."
"One battle was won, but there were still many to come, like in Canada."
"Which Taliban do you want to believe? The Taliban that says that they want good relations with India or the Taliban that says that they want to raise the voices of Kashmiri Muslims?"
"The sentiment that doesn't agree that Jammu and Kashmir should be a part of this country. It's the sentiment I fought against all my entire political career."
"Russian forces are mounting their own offensive operations in northeastern Ukraine around the city of copiotsk."
"Looks like a very extreme situation for Ukraine."
"Israel has complete control over the region's water resources, preventing Palestinians from digging wells and other methods to invest in water sources."
"A subtle shift in Kiev's position on the Russian occupation of Crimea."
"The strange thing is, Iran is very powerful militarily, and if Iran went into a full-scale war, there would be Mass Bloodshed in Israel and throughout the Middle East."
"The conflict in Donbass is a consequence of the coup d'etat that brought radical nationalist forces to power in Kiev."
"Let's jump into our next piece of footage, the next footage is Ukrainian strategy to combat air power from Russia."
"The indigenous Palestinians were there before Israelites, enduring different occupations."
"The Ukrainian Army would now achieve the victory it deserved and practically corner the Russians."
"Sheikh Sabah took on the role of a key mediator demonstrating his commitment to resolving Regional disputes."
"We have a human responsibility to all the people in Gaza."
"The Red Sea has always existed within one of the most geopolitically turbulent regions in the world."
"The region finds itself in turmoil and stands on the precipice of unimaginable hostilities and suffering."
"The harsh reality of the region and the neighborhood where Israel lives is the driving force behind the intelligence community to develop the best technological skills in order to have the edge over the enemies."
"It's a classic North versus South confrontation."
"The repercussions of the feud would go on to influence the Levant for decades to come."
"Palestine shall be free from the river to the sea."
"Prayers up for everybody in that region, what they're going through."
"The battle for Wahala and Kamina would mark a significant change in the lives of the people of this region."