
Film Quality Quotes

There are 458 quotes

"At least Marvel Studios actually cares if their movies are good. They care about the fans."
"The amount of money a movie has in its marketing budget has basically nothing to do with the film's artistic merit or the quality of work done on that film."
"Talk about riveting... it's a very good movie that had me glued to the screen from start to finish."
"It's the better script, better performances, and it's a daring film."
"It's a tight movie, well-paced and well-choreographed, just everything works together and the jokes all just land."
"I wish more scary films aimed at kids tried this hard."
"None of them are good. None of them come close to landing."
"The visuals are super professional. There's great color correcting."
"It's got great action, it's got a great Bond, and it's just a well-rounded film."
"It's the best Bond film that we've gotten up to this point in time."
"People want to see good films, and good films have diversity in them inherently."
"That's what we have to do to get the movies good again."
"This is an absolutely brilliant and intense film that I think everyone should see."
"The first two films are rightfully hailed as some genuine masterpieces."
"The updated visual effects certainly add to the atmosphere and even though this movie is almost a decade old it doesn't feel or look like it."
"I really do think Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is my best movie." - Quentin Tarantino
"It's a movie that's so good that it manages to take a line as sappy as and turn it into a real heartfelt tear-inducing moment."
"Money isn't everything, especially when it comes to judging the quality of a film."
"This movie, I'm very proud of it, it was a very good movie."
"It's an incredibly well-crafted and expertly paced film with well-developed characters that we really care about."
"All in all, it's a fantastic movie, one which made it clear that eco Hado was nowhere close to running out of ideas."
"Casino Royale did just that: it doesn't betray or dishonor what made the past films so great, but it does reach far above what EON had ever tried to do before."
"A movie doesn't need special effects to be good."
"One sequel that would surpass the reputation of the original."
"The star power of this film is not to be doubted."
"Big action scenes with characters, that is what good movies are."
"Every single aspect of this film is practically perfect."
"Lightyear is actually a legit straight up good science fiction movie."
"Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Not just a perfect comic-book movie but a perfect movie full stop."
"The film adaptation is not a bad movie and certainly does have a lot going for it."
"Sunshine has some incredible visuals, I mean like Stanley Kubrick level visuals in this movie."
"Mad Max: Fury Road is not only one of the best sci-fi movies ever made, it's also one of the best action movies ever made and certainly one of the best to have come out within the last 10 years or so."
"One of the most rewatchable films inside of the MCU."
"This movie is on a higher level... because of the clever writing."
"It's an anomaly in every single way there's no woke nonsense in it there's no pandering or insufferable girl bosses it feels like a real movie made by people who know what they're doing."
"It's a timeless story and its film quality and cinematography still hold up exceedingly well today."
"It is not a bomb artistically it is not a bomb in terms of just a good movie being out there for us to take in dissect and have fun with so I think that that's a win right."
"Practical effects are great; it's not the same with too much CGI."
"Ultimately, I think First Contact is a Star Trek movie which just gets things right."
"It was really convincing... it looked great."
"The Incredibles is still one of the best superhero movies, and one of the best Pixar movies too."
"It's an embarrassment of riches. There are so many good scenes in this movie."
"There's just something very likable about this movie and a dash of purity and wholesomeness is much appreciated."
"The movie is stellar. The movie is truly, truly Stellar."
"The opening scene is so good, the choreography and camerawork do an amazing job."
"Personally, I consider Peter Pan II the absolute best Disney sequel."
"The original films had a richness to them, they felt more real."
"I'd love to watch a Bond film with real care put into it once again."
"It's actually a film with a vision and has good parts to it."
"What it's going to have to deliver is not just one of the greatest films ever made, but the greatest Star Wars movie ever made."
"Better directed, just as well adapted. I'd have to agree with the critics and say this is probably the superior film."
"A good movie is a good movie, bad movie is a bad movie."
"This film ended up being a lot more clever, a lot more tense, and a lot more subversive than I expected it to be."
"Spider-Man was filled with memorable scenes."
"The overall presentation is like indistinguishable from some of the greatest movies."
"The Last Broadcast is an impressively well-made film."
"It's much better than I was expecting it to be and better than most the predator movies that come out."
"It's visually stunning and leaves you with a lot to think about."
"Some of the best movies I saw were made for Netflix."
"Dante's Peak is a very satisfying movie. It's extremely well-made."
"Pixar is still fully capable of delivering masterpieces that'll stand the test of time just like they did in the old days."
"I loved what they did in this scene. It was so well done."
"Joker, in my opinion, one of the better movies in this last decade."
"I want everybody else to have the same experience I did... of being like holy [ __ ] they're doing it right."
"It's not that special of a movie you can have a great marketing campaign but if you don't have great material behind that campaign it's only going to get you so far."
"The plot about the island is like a b-movie that's so bad it sometimes feels intentionally satirical."
"The Conjuring is a really, really good movie."
"Star Trek: First Contact showed me that the great Star Trek films were not dead yet."
"From the soundtrack to the plot to the CGI, everything involved in this movie was so top-notch."
"Empire Strikes Back is pretty much a flawless movie."
"Every character really does get a chance to shine."
"Even if Batman vs Superman is just 75 percent as good as The Dark Knight, that's an awesome movie."
"Making a movie unsatisfying just for the sake of being unsatisfying is... surprisingly pretty unsatisfying."
"And I know for a fact that Pixar is better than that."
"This movie looked real, it is an epic movie."
"You're truly quadrupling the resolution you're going four times the resolution."
"I feel like nearly all the shots in the movie kind of look like masterpieces in their own right."
"Pixar always does a good job with their movies."
"Make a good movie and people will just naturally support it."
"The action was just top-notch, you know, it's incredible."
"The problem isn't how much money it's going to make... how good will the movie be." - "The problem isn't how much money it's going to make... how good will the movie be."
"Looks surprisingly good uh yeah especially when they go into the little tent area."
"It's the only one that I would say is a legitimately good movie beyond being just a good Friday the 13th movie."
"This is top-notch stuff, especially when you consider how brutal and bloody it is."
"It was just an absolute treat to see something so well edited."
"It makes it so poignant, it makes it so powerful."
"It's a very important, groundbreaking film that tells a great story."
"A thoughtful and hilarious script counts for a lot, as does the film's eye-meltingly beautiful animation style."
"The truth is the original predator is a perfect standalone movie, tightly plotted, well acted, well scripted."
"It's got a fantastic soundtrack, like I said before, a superb direction, all of this really makes it feel like a high production movie-like experience."
"What's most important is it's good. Forget resetting the universe."
"The deviants looked great, they looked phenomenal."
"The film wasn't just a cheap cash grab, it had a lot of heart put into it and it shows."
"Inglourious Basterds: This is a movie that is just so solid."
"There's no denying that the Disney-owned Marvel films have been great. In fact, some have been absolutely excellent."
"Fantastic Four, commonly known as 'Fan4stic,' is pretty much the bottom of the barrel for Marvel films."
"It's a well-made movie by people who are clearly fans of the franchise."
"It's a masterfully made film, super well done technically, it's intelligent, it treats you as an audience member with a lot of respect."
"I think we're going to get continuing we're going to continue to get great films from him as a director."
"It's all about the quality of work. If you've got good movies, it's fine."
"It's a black movie, no question, but it's a great movie, and that's more importantly."
"But a good movie is a good movie, and this is a fantastic movie."
"Worth watching for the six minute long take alone."
"It's an incredibly well-made movie and if you watch it I doubt you'll be able to compare it to much else this year or maybe ever again."
"It was everything a Spider-Man movie should be."
"As soon as Bill Burr knocks on the door and that door opens, and his mustache is shining, that movie, it's a good movie. Really, really good movie."
"The cinematography in this film was unbelievable."
"We should love the idea of DC and Marvel working together... it's just going to make the other faction really try harder and make better quality film homes."
"Even with all that working against it... the movie is just good film."
"It never failed to engage me... it's never not been interesting and that's an achievement."
"It's everything a video game adaptation should be."
"I love how this man can be in a film like Jiu Jitsu and then turn around and be in something more serious and dramatic."
"The music is Second To None, the cinematography is astounding, the CGI is treated with way more care and effort than anywhere today."
"The animated movies this year have been consistently good for the most part."
"It's a much more ambitious film and I appreciate that."
"I think it's a technically sound film. It's easily the best I think filmed movie that we've watched."
"The ether of this film is so palpable and there's such a serene quality to it."
"Make a movie where it just gets better, more life, it just starts out real bad."
"This movie could have been really stupid and cheesy if handled by a different director but it was pretty good."
"It's the difference between a great movie and like a movie... we can feel." - Perry
"I don't ever see myself seeing something as good as Coco."
"Shazam is proof that DC has finally learned a lesson."
"Top Gun Maverick... it's probably one of the best films ever made."
"This is one of those movies where the art direction is so solid, the writing is really good, and then the acting makes it all feel very real."
"If you're bumming out about DC's live-action movies check out their animated films there's like thirty of them a lot of them is credible"
"Marvel movies with good plot are still great... as long as the plot isn't a mess the movie is good."
"The action sequences in this are really very solid."
"A good movie is a good movie is a good movie, a good story is a good story is a good story."
"It's an incredibly ambitious movie and it's filmed very, very well."
"Spider-Man across the spider-verse is amazing you have never seen a movie that looks this good point blank period."
"It's beautifully shot, the soundtrack is incredible."
"It's a beautifully made movie with captivating cinematography which tells an insightful story of Bruce Wayne becoming Batman."
"It's hard to get much better than this in terms of legal dramas yet it's just not regarded as a classic the way that I think it should be."
"Infinity War was a [ __ ] fantastic film, and the Russo brothers proved once again that they know how to write a villain."
"Steamboy is just a great movie no matter which metric you want to measure it by."
"A movie does not have to be good to be entertaining."
"All great Terminator films recaptured that tone, that intensity, that take-no-prisoners feeling."
"The animation is jaw-dropping... it's just crazy."
"Parasite is like really good, Parasite maxim. Well, max something you have to say the max and that's the most important."
"We've already got it, like the Peter Jackson films were really good."
"The Mandalorian is pulling off visuals that impress me. Movie quality, insane."
"The fight scenes were really, really well done."
"This movie was leaps and bounds better than first class, not even close."
"The cinematography was better, I feel like the story was better."
"Everything is just perfectly done with this movie."
"Arrival is a creation of such love and nuance."
"How incredibly unsatisfying and disappointing it's a it's best it's almost getting there and I think that it would be neat to see a Saw someday that's like a really great film that takes it seriously and is also good."
"Halloween Resurrection goes and completely ruins everything all over again."
"Spiderverse easily one of the top 10 contenders for best movies of the decade right astonishing everybody as we all came to the realization that somehow you can make a good movie after destroying your reputation on the emoji movie."
"The film is really handsomely done and I think from a craft technicals perspective, it's the most impressive the franchise has ever done."
"Film will always have this wonderful richness, the analog color it has, the superior resolution."
"In the end, it obviously wasn't the white man's fault that Oceans 8 got bad reviews; it was the movie's fault for being sucky." - Narrator
"It's just nice to see like a mainstream wide-release horror film that feels like a horror film."
"The story is the most important part... if a story is garbage you have a garbage film."
"Spielberg treats the subject with a sincere interest."
"We finally have a new Star Wars film with fantastic characters, excellent filmmaking, and its Sharman witty script."
"Best directed film in the saga since Empire."
"The filmmaking on display in both of those films is so strong that for me personally it outweighs what flaws might be present."
"Watching it again, I was impressed with how many elements did hold up in terms of technology, size, scale, and performances. You legit feel the effort with every frame. It, in no way, feels like a lazy movie."
"The comedy in this movie landed every time for me."
"It's almost like if you put really talented creative people in charge of something, they will make a really great cult classic film."
"It was shot beautifully, like a lot of great wide shots of the country and getting to see the culture within the story without it being forced."
"Every actor has to make terrible films from time to time but the trick is never to be terrible in them."
"They do not care about the art; they do not care about the film's quality; they care about the money."
"This is Scorsese's best looking film. The cinematography is unbelievable."
"Avatar 2 is well worth it... it's a good movie."
"Some things about this movie are so good it's almost heartbreaking to see them as part of the total mess the thing as a whole ended up being."
"The action in this movie is totally mad and is easily the best thing about it."
"Alfonso had put a stamp on this film and he did an outstanding job."
"An utterly fantastic Flash movie is good for everybody."
"Disney, when it comes to their animated classic live-action remakes, are hit and miss."
"The acting is amazing, the script is excellent even the jokes that I thought wouldn't land ended up Landing."
"Saint Maud is horrifying and beautiful; it's going in top tier."
"They do a really good job with what they have, like there's a lot of cool stuff in this movie and cool sequence of the action is great."
"The more diverse the group people around the table, the better the movie."
"The critic and audience response made me really hopeful, but movies just aren't as good as they used to be."
"It's just good, it's just a really, really good movie."
"Watching Rogue One is watching Star Wars in its greatest form at its fullest potential."
"I just can't recommend this movie enough, it's beautifully shot, it has some of the most haunting music I've heard of this year."
"This movie has more spirits, soul, and heart in its opening than most of the Marvel movies have been able to achieve in the entire runtime since endgame."
"The reason that movie is so good is because the story is so good."
"It's about damn time they actually focus on making good horror movies around these legendary characters instead of forcing them into becoming an Avengers esque superhero team."
"For a $9 million budget, the film looks far more expensive, and it respects the original while telling a different story."
"Making a good movie is really hard. So yes, he's done a couple of really bad ones, but he's also done a couple of really good ones."
"If it's not a good quality movie then we've got real issues on here and I think the bigger issue is if it's good."
"The camera work in general is exceptionally good."
"Even the greatest films have elements you look back on and go, 'Oh wow, okay.'"
"The Babadook... is brilliantly filmed and provocative."
"Rogue One is Disney's best Star Wars effort to date."
"Guardians of the galaxy is so good because you can take it out of the MCU entirely and it still works on its own completely as a fleshed-out super fun sci-fi movie."
"A Few Good Men: the best courtroom film of all time."
"It's these kinds of practical solutions that I think make movies like Titanic work and hold up to today's standards."
"A damn good well-written, well-directed scene."
"Kingdom will constantly remind you how great the cinematography and the stories the Kdrama world can offer."
"Expect superb cinematography and a great plot."
"Columbus - I thought the film was incredibly well done."
"Shin Godzilla stands out as not only a great mainstream film but also one of the most meaningful, visually stunning, and well-directed entries in the series."
"At the end of the day, a movie is only as good as its cast."
"Pure brilliance... way better than the first one."
"I'm giving this one a 3 out of 10. Wasn't as horrendous as it could have been, but still pretty bad."