
Truth Revelation Quotes

There are 418 quotes

"The control grid on human consciousness is breaking down, and once that converts over, we will see the pillar of truth for what it really is."
"The universe has a unique way of revealing who's who. When something gets revealed to you, believe it the first time."
"You let somebody speak long enough, and they'll tell you everything you need to know."
"The only one that can reveal truth is the Holy Spirit."
"The private truths of what was actually happening in our government, what our government actually does, what our nation was involved in without the knowledge or consent of the people it purports to represent, was very different than the public representation of it."
"Political comedy often works best when it's pointing out a truth of some kind."
"This discovery stands as a testament to the enduring power of truth, shattering the towers of misinformation and prompting a reevaluation of the stories we tell ourselves about the past."
"It eliminates the idea that this was a hoax."
"Whenever people say they're joking, they never are."
"If you make them feel stupid they'll withdraw so you got to do it in a way that people kind of empowers people rather than be like you were so wrong look totally no be like look how bet much better off we are now that the truth is apparent."
"What goes on in the darkness will come to the light."
"Whatever happens in the dark will always come to light."
"This is not being a sore loser; this is an awareness of how the process is supposed to happen."
"It often emboldens more people to come forward with the truth, there's safety in numbers."
"We felt like shocking truths, absolutely shocking, which are hidden need to be stated so that people can make a rational, educated, informed decision about their Lifestyles."
"Everything that comes to the dark will always come to the light."
"The truth has been presented. Racial tensions exposed."
"There's nothing has been hidden that is going to be revealed."
"Can technology really see the truth locked in the murderer's memory?"
"Justice is done when the truth is revealed." - Mark Richards
"We all feel the truth came out. Our entire company team JD."
"Johnny Depp was quick to celebrate his victory in a statement that read in part, 'From the very beginning, the goal of bringing this case was to reveal the truth regardless of the outcome.'"
"Your soul's incarnation is to bring deception into light."
"The truth always outs and it will reveal itself here as well."
"How can you live with yourselves? Sooner or later, the truth will come out."
"Finally she thought, everyone in the courtroom had heard the truth."
"Nothing that shall be done in darkness shall... everything done in secret will... come to light."
"To protect my friends, I need to reveal the truth of this academy. I need to face the truth and reveal it to the world."
"The truth will get out there regardless of whether folk want to hear it or not."
"Expect the unexpected, they just get triggered and the truth comes out."
"So what they're really saying is the first pathway to radicalization online is being told the truth."
"The truth coming out is so critical and helpful for some victims to feel believed and that someone cares about their story."
"When Emilia finally manages to grab her arm and reveal the truth to her, she lets go of her hatred..."
"What's done in the dark always comes to light."
"Lies get exhausted... The truth is revealed."
"Did you help Kim release her sex tape? No, true of course it's true."
"You know you are right when your wife responds in a triggered way... Her defensive, triggered response is how you know there is absolute truth in what you are saying."
"And then when the truth is known to the entire world, we are going to have extreme accountability. Because let's be clear, accountability is God's job."
"This is about far more than race. It's about a manipulative thing that's been going on."
"There is no superior race. We've been lied to. It hasn't anything to do with race."
"We are utterly unstoppable when it comes to exposing the truth of the food industry."
"Truth will come out eventually that's this is one of those."
"What's done in the dark will come to the light."
"We're going to be seeing more and more truth coming out and we're going to see more and more Americans looking for people that have the courage to be able to articulate what that truth is."
"Truth is coming out, don't play the blame game with Scorpio."
"The truth will set you free, even if it's controversial and offensive."
"If you can exploit the one lie, then it will ultimately unravel."
"There is no healing without acknowledgment. You want to know the truth about 2020? Let's talk about it." - Vivek Ramaswamy
"As it usually works is I say something people get outraged by it and then with time it is proven to be true."
"Jupiter is the planet of truth and of course when it was in Scorpio, it revealed a lot of secrets about misuse of power."
"People are going to find out, there will be some admissions."
"Illusions are being shattered, and that is because of Mercury retrograde Scorpio energy."
"There's no secret, the secret is that there's no secret."
"The truth will out but we have many paths of getting there, and that's okay."
"Truth will come to light... Truth will absolutely Prevail."
"By the spirit the one true living God may only the truth come forth."
"Can you handle the truth? Should you know what the true agenda is?"
"What happens in the dark will always come to the light."
"The truth is like the Sun, it can't be hidden for too long."
"What happens in the dark comes out to light."
"Put their truths in their face. That's all you gotta do. Or the consequence of their previous actions put them in their face."
"The truth is no longer out there, it's finally here."
"This message you're going to receive is really going to expose people for who they are... masks are falling off people are showing their ass left and right."
"Whatever happens in the dark will come to the light eventually. The truth will reveal itself."
"The truth is really stranger than fiction if you really look at the actual documents themselves."
"When light shines on the truth, the darkness is the lie that has to come to light."
"Keep playing it up. Once the truth comes out, you're gonna look very, very stupid." - President Trump
"The truth about our hidden past is finally being exposed."
"It's about the clarity, okay, then the truth that's coming in and the breakthrough. You're completing something here, a cycle, karmic, and you're graduating to the next level."
"Nothing is secret that shall not be revealed nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light."
"The truth is out, whatever the truth is, it's out."
"Truth is always uncomfortable for those comforted by lies."
"Oh, the truth comes out. Well, you know how you do one thing is how you do everything."
"Truth is one of those things that gets revealed over time."
"This court is about getting people the truth they need, so they can figure out how to move forward."
"It's about all of us waking up to how the world has been a lie."
"Eventually, when everyone pulls the curtain, people will realize."
"Islam is not here to command you to believe XYZ, it's here to tell you what the truth is."
"The truth will be revealed to you the reality whatever that's been withholding."
"Do you want to know what the truth is after this there's no turning back... remember all I'm offering is the truth nothing more."
"Mama always says what happens in the dark always comes to light."
"The truth begins to emerge but slowly and in unexpected directions."
"Lies are oftentimes only the tip of the iceberg."
"Kazuma states that a human knows the truth the best but despite the danger she chose to fight."
"We're right on the edge of the truth coming out."
"Understanding that everything you were led to believe is a lie. But once you learn it, internalize it, and start living your new life, it gets better."
"This person is truly bringing enlightenment with them. Very cool. Aries Leo Pisces Scorpio coming in."
"Even in death, through forensics, the bodies were able to speak for themselves about the reality of what happened to them in the compound."
"The truth is finally revealed, how will it affect the human condition? We may soon find out."
"Chaos shows up to try and bring truth, and this week it's showing up in the most extreme ways."
"Truth will be revealed, and darkness will be exposed."
"Truth Comes Out Eventually... Maybe Not Today, Maybe Not Tomorrow."
"Truth is coming whether this is about a romantic relationship or somebody that you looked at as a friend."
"Any novel worth reading is full of made-up facts but somehow they tell you truth about life."
"The only problem with this guy is the fact that he's exposing certain truths and not providing a solution to those who are suffering from it."
"Their truth has been silenced through the intimidation and the fear and the manipulation and the control of the cult."
"It's going to be a tidal wave of truth within the next two years."
"What goes on in the dark will always come to the light."
"Behind all the hidden secrets and the spin is the simple and hard truth."
"I love it when a bombshell drops truth bombs."
"They've been caught, and the truth will be revealed step by step." - Lin Wood
"Finally, the general public finding out the larger truth."
"What happens in the dark eventually comes to light."
"Ultimately what is in the dark comes to light."
"There will be possibly some unrest but this is a positive arrest because mercury is very emma analyzes everything very well and when people see the truth of course there will be some murmuring as they say."
"Max Blumenthal's rigorously researched work in October 7 testimonies reveal truths otherwise assiduously ignored in the MSM."
"Wow, I can't believe they're actually showing the truth."
"Not everything is what it seems... sometimes the best way to the truth is by debunking."
"The truth will set you free, but first it's going to piss you off."
"This truth that's being revealed is going to be a little bit rocky in the change department, but it's going to be a good change."
"That's what the victims' families want to know at the end of the day."
"What's done in the dark will find a way to shine."
"I had a source... who had just done this incredibly courageous act he unraveled his whole life to show the world the truth."
"This is what happens when facts start to destroy your narrative."
"Image is not everything, and when we pull back the veneer, we find that some of the underlying truth is pretty ugly."
"The mere mention of certain truths stirs up rage in mainstream society."
"Someone can deny, they can lie, they can hide, but the truth eventually comes out."
"Once you know that particular truth, it opens up to them gloriously and it's like you know what to do."
"Whatever is done in the dark will come to the light."
"The truth will come to the light in the court of law."
"How can we do that with manipulation? Just like a real autopsy, it's gonna be ugly and gross."
"Lord, I just thank you for speaking, thank you for Your Truth, Lord, which sets people free."
"Pluto reveals what is not truth, what is artificially created... the problems that have existed for a few years now."
"In the light of truth, we can't help but change."
"You're going to be getting the truth either which way you look at this."
"Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But now that you know the truth, this should serve as motivation when you feel that it's impossible for week three and you haven't seen any changes."
"A father forced to face the truth: 'I said, well, your son's a monster.'"
"He ended up telling the police the truth about the murder of Lorenzen."
"We are in a time right now from the edge of Pisces to Aquarius, this is the unveiling period and what's being unveiled? The truth, that's right."
"The truth was probably just as gruesome and frightening as any kind of ghost or goblin."
"Everything that's done in the dark gon' come to the light."
"Maybe there is a safe and peaceful way that we could be introduced finally to the truth."
"The people in the dark will always come to light."
"Every time you tell us some version of what happened, it gets closer to the truth."
"The truth is coming out about who we are and who our god is."
"The truth shall set you free in ways that you couldn't possibly imagine."
"This is what's important: that the network has been exposed for what it is."
"In the final moments, people show you who they really are."
"The truth will come out for so many things that have been wrong for so long."
"Get ready for the truth, get ready for clarity."
"You literally subtract the words from the actions, you're left with actions. That's your answer."
"The figures are familiar but her wide-angle lens gets to the truth behind the story."
"It's like when the truth completely reverses everything Politifact says, that's when you know that we're back."
"The truth has to get out that Micah has left people in her wake that have been hurt so much by this."
"Few realize it's based on a real story that reveals a larger truth."
"Everything that comes, everything that happens in the dark comes to light. It's the natural progression and order of things."
"Laughter... it opens you up to truth. It's sort of like God's tickle coming through and touching Our Lives. It does, it does."
"I write it because there is some lie that I want to expose."
"Sometimes knowing the truth isn't really worth it."
"What's done in secret always comes to light. Amen, it does."
"If you want to be successful, yeah, the sooner you can realize you've made a mistake and cut your losses, the better you will be in life, bro."
"Frank gives his life for the cause, his last words to Snake are a request to tell Naomi the truth."
"I feel like there's some kind of truth that's going to be revealed here, I feel like someone's really going to be speaking their truth about this situation."
"We're gonna see more of the truth emerge and it will haunt my Republican colleagues."
"Maybe then America will know the true history."
"The truth will always come out; it will prevail eventually." - Troy
"What Jesus said - 'Am I now your enemy because I've told you the truth?' - sets you free."
"We’re laughing about the same things...it’s a real truth serum."
"Your will is defined. Well it's all truth and the truth sets you free."
"What happens in the dark must finally come to light."
"Money is gonna be the great revealer of a lot of things"
"A conspiracy theory that's that turned out to be true."
"Justice never rests not until the truth comes to light."
"It's all about learning how to deal with and talk to and communicate with and ultimately from our perspective secure human beings."
"May the truth come out, may light shine on the darkness that's been dark for so long."
"Often in humor, we also find essential truths."
"I'm really happy that everything has been revealed just because it might help save somebody else's life."
"It would be nice to see the federal government forced to tell the truth about something."
"Everything they thought they knew about Johnson was just a big lie."
"What's Done in the Dark will always come to the light."
"More and more whistleblowers and revelations of the lies we've been told in 2023."
"All will come to the light, reach for the stars."
"How do you kill eleven million people? Lie to them... we've been conditioned little by little to accept these things."
"Armin succeeds in getting Bertholdt to admit."
"I see some honesty being spoken and some truth being brought forward between you."
"The truth will set you free." - "The truth will set you free, you couldn't have said it better Ron, absolutely right."
"When you know the truth it will set you free."
"You have to do it because this is the truth being exposed."
"You better believe that I will when it's done. It is trial week for me. There's so much that I wish I could say and I can't say it yet." - The truth will come out eventually.
"My motivation in coming forward was to provide the facts about how Mr. Kavanaugh's actions have damaged my life."
"They turn to forensic scientists to reveal the truth and to bring justice to victims who are killed for love or money."
"Julian Assange is perceived as a hero... for me, he's a hero who stood up and showed the truth."
"What is hid in darkness shall come to light sooner or later."
"What's done in the dark is gonna come to the light."
"The knowledge hidden will eventually come to light. Thank you for doing your part."
"The truth is slowly coming out, and as we see it coming out, we now see the lies and deceit."
"Finally, the truth is gonna get revealed once and for all."
"No matter how many underhanded tricks a person uses, the truth will always find a way to make itself known."
"Thank you for realizing that we are in a new Epoch, plainly truth is coming out, New Revelations are being made."
"The heartbreaking truth and mixup were revealed, allowing both Ethan and Michael's families to receive the closure they deserved."
"I think you're right, like that does suck, but at the same time usually justice is just like written to like history once like the truth does come out."
"The truth, or at least Steven's truth, will eventually come out."
"Every lie betrays itself through body language, even if words fail."
"Everything done in the dark will come to the light."
"The truth will come out and that's why you're feeling so good."
"The truth will set you free, but first, it has to piss you off."
"Information starts to come out on a massive scale. People start to learn the truth."
"The truth will be revealed; there's information that will be brought to our consciousness."
"Oh shit they were telling the truth and I've seen similar shit so you know it isn't this not really uncomfortable subject for me because I'm like I'm like it's it's 7:00 in the morning but I was playing a scary game."
"I'm hopeful that more of the truth... comes to light."