
Aerospace Engineering Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Is an aerospace engineering degree worth it? That's what we're going to be talking about today."
"Aerospace engineering is anything that has to do with aircraft and spacecraft."
"With this degree, you can expect to make around $70,000 a year starting out and $119,000 in mid-career pay."
"This is more payload capability than any vehicle in history, apart from the Saturn 5."
"Energy Maneuverability... defined a new concept... the key to outmaneuvering an enemy."
"Starship good, SLS also good though I wish it was less expensive and less late."
"I've just been admitted to San Jose State to study aerospace engineering."
"Rutherford is the world's first 3D printed orbital rocket engine."
"This is the most powerful rocket ever made, over twice as powerful as the Saturn V."
"This was the 15th flight of Falcon 9 booster 1071, the 317th Falcon 9 launch to date."
"So there we have it, a booster stage one landing. That sequence of calls, the booster has landed."
"Seeing six is definitely showing it's a good sign of things to come for the reuse of rockets."
"It's basically like the RL10 that they use on the Centaur upper stage is bought from Aerojet Rocketdyne."
"The rocket scientist is a really great pick for your first time."
"The Falcon 9 rocket has become the most reliable orbital launch vehicle ever."
"Former NASA rocket scientist... designing those spaceships... traveling to other planets."
"Gs can only create force where there is mass, and it turns out the satellite industry has been finding ways to reduce mass for decades."
"Rocket scientists are supposed to do. If you don't get excited about rocket launches, why are you building Rockets?"
"Hybrid rocket engine eliminates one set of pumps."
"I think Blue Origin really needs to focus on those engines because they have to be productionized so that they can actually sell them at the cost that they promised."
"Building an aircraft absolutely does [need a formal systems engineering process]."
"The engines we used to launch from Earth were like running your car at race car speeds."
"Sonic booms are the actual air being compressed by a shock wave as the booster is going faster than the speed of sound. You hear the engines right after the fact because also the landing burn is happening then."
"Stressing the need for a space flight traffic system like we have for air traffic control."
"Stage two is following a nominal trajectory, everything going perfectly."
"Aircraft stability is achieved when the center of gravity is located ahead of the center of pressure."
"It was observed that the overall airframe drag was considerably higher than expected... but nevertheless the prototype's overall performance met and even exceeded the official specifications."
"We build airplanes today... using the computer to model all the mechanistic analysis."
"If it makes it to stage separation, I'm gonna lose my mind a little bit."
"I don't think any man should work hard every day and come home to something that he doesn't find desirable."
"Everything continues to look nominal on both first and second stages."
"Spacex's Engineers are already working on outfitting another launch complex slick 40 with a special tower."
"Essentially, by the time we fly, most components on the rocket have gone through three mission duty cycle tests."
"That's SpaceX, they iterate and try to change things here and there and come up with new ways of doing things."
"I think the Mark 1 Starship will work, yes I do."
"The rocket kinda did what it's supposed to do."
"Mary Jackson's journey and work has inspired countless women across the country and the world who fight every day to defy odds and break barriers."
"It's 22 times more efficient to launch off of the moon than it is to launch from earth."
"First we've got to get the payload into actual orbit."
"We have a good orbital insertion burn. Starliner is in a stable circular orbit on its way to the International Space Station."
"The total header tank propellant as it currently is designed allows SpaceX to land on earth with a little margin left after touchdown."
"A full duration static fire with all six of those Raptor engines."
"There is only one aircraft with the lift speed and size to transport some of the elements of the International Space Station: the Super Guppy."
"It is incredible how such a poorly conceived and run program may have produced such an outstanding aircraft."
"Creating humankind's very first reusable extraterrestrial spaceship."
"It's essentially a controlled fall where the fins are used... like air brakes... the ship can be made to keep itself orientated... to slow the vessel down gradually."
"SpaceX's Falcon Heavy generates more than five million pounds of thrust at liftoff, capable of carrying up to 119,000 pounds in orbit."
"It's been tailor-made for Lockheed Martin by the MPO Energomash design."
"This year, we bring to life the stage of the most powerful rocket ever built, the Space Launch System."
"This will be the longest flight of an Atlas rocket to date, over seven hours to complete its mission."
"Super Sonic passenger travel, a fabled dream of aerospace engineers until one day we just broke the speed of sound."
"The goal of the nozzle is to take those hot gases inside the combustion chamber and accelerate them to a supersonic velocity or above Mach. That's part of why we call these things 'air mock diamonds' and this is like fundamentally why rockets work."
"The Odysseus is a high-altitude pseudo satellite developed by Aurora Flight Sciences."
"Flaps and grid fins are locked straight outward to provide minimal drag."
"Equipped with nine of these engines, the 229 foot tall Falcon 9 rocket stands as the most powerful single core vehicle in the American Fleet."
"There are key physical phenomena that we care about... that separate it from Just typical supersonic."
"Lockheed would have to live without the acclaim that the blackbirds so richly deserved and instead accept the mystique that has been associated with his aircraft ever since."
"No one has ever built a rocket that can be fully reusable."
"Elon Musk: Being an aerospace engineer and a former astronaut, Howard has always looked up to Elon Musk."
"The Starship will plummet from space like a skydiver but instead of a parachute the ship will fire up three Raptor rocket engines to slow and control its descent to the ground."
"...designed and built an aircraft that could be piloted into space and flown back safely to a controlled landing on Earth."
"He saved the vehicle; it was 9 months before they perfected everything, but after that, the HL10 was actually one of the most successful lifting bodies they had."
"She wanted to go to Georgia Tech, be an aerospace engineer."
"The F-35 is equipped with the APG-81 phased array radar manufactured by Northrop Grumman."
"The point of the main parachute is obvious: you want to bring the rocket or payload down to the ground softly."
"The Falcon 9 will pass through Max Q, the point of greatest aerodynamic pressure on the vehicle."
"Ingenuity proved it could fly in 980-foot hops about 10 to 15 feet in the air for up to 90 seconds, beating the Wright brothers' first flight by a good 78 seconds or so."
"I'm Geethu AKA Colourfulmystique, a full-time aerospace engineer by profession with an art business as a side hustle and an illustrator."
"There are four independently controllable vanes to give full control of pitch, roll, as well as the rotation of the craft."
"The use of the interrupts in its various forms was an important addition to the aerospace field and was the major architectural attribute of the AGC."
"Aerospace engineering is the primary field of engineering concern with the development of aircraft and spacecraft."
"I study aerospace engineering because Aeronautical Engineering would be just Aviation; aerospace engineering is Aviation and space, so you get both."
"The loft feature is a very useful tool and very important for those of you who are studying aerospace engineering."
"Constructed from aerospace industry grade 5 titanium, it can withstand the weight of a London double-decker bus."
"She's also going to school to be an aerospace engineer."