
Intuitiveness Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"It's visually impressive, it's highly intuitive, and it's even to some degree appealing to somebody that really isn't into this particular genre."
"These brakes are extremely intuitive... you no longer have to think about them."
"Using the touchscreen to select items to use or playing notes on the ocarina it feels completely natural."
"Your person also sees you as someone who's very spiritual, very intuitive, and somebody who is very beautiful."
"It's a pretty intuitive system, it's pretty simple, it's relevant, and it's complex enough to not be mindless overall."
"Straightaway, it's super super intuitive... all be done with one finger as you're holding your phone onto deck B."
"The new GUI in there is just so intuitive I can't get enough of it."
"The graphical approach to the computer appealed to the human mind because commands were now replaced with movements and objects." - ColdFusion TV
"It's not the most efficient programming language, but it's very intuitive because you get to see all the stuff as it's calculating."
"I love pushing buttons in this game, it just feels so intuitive."
"The interface itself is by far the most intuitive interface I've ever used on a resin printer."
"Everything felt very intuitive and fluid in the game."
"There's actually quite a few new features here in the update manager... so intuitive and easy to use."
"So, that's how gesture navigation works: very intuitive, very simple."
"The combat is intuitive and like not weird, and it's just... great."
"It's an opening that's used at the highest levels, and even at your level, it's still intuitive to play."
"The gameplay isn't very clear at first but that's alright because you eventually pick it up naturally without the need for any forced tutorials."
"Multidimensional analysis is very intuitive for businesspeople."
"The FiTech was very intuitive with a handheld, just a few parameters and it fired right up."
"Circle to search feels intuitive, especially with the S Pen."
"Technology is also becoming more agile and intuitive."
"It's just very intuitive and just super easy to read and get started on."
"You don't need to even learn anything. That's how intuitive it is."
"What fascinates me about this system is that despite its complexity, it's actually very intuitive while playing."
"Everything here is reasonably intuitive."
"Once you spend the time to learn it, it really is super intuitive."
"Everything about this car is just intuitive."
"...the software should be intuitive enough that it shouldn't require a consultant for you to use it correctly."
"This infotainment is really, really fast, really sharp, really intuitive. I love it."
"It's such an easy, intuitive, and optionated API."
"It's very intuitive, very easy to pick up."
"It's pretty intuitive, very, very easy to use."
"It's not overly cluttered, it's simple but it's intuitive."
"It's so intuitive, so easy to use."
"So, fewer files and then using decorators in Python, which I assume is going to make things more intuitive for them as Python developers. Yup. That's the hope."
"The engineering is fun, straightforward, intuitive, and easy without feeling simple."
"What you wanted to do is create a game where people walked up looked at it and said I know what to do."
"This thing is incredible, man. It feels so stable, so intuitive."
"This thing is so good. It feels so stable, so intuitive."
"I found the front end fantastic, much more direct, very intuitive, very easy to drive in the curves."
"I think they're a very good quality product, very well built, very well put together, nothing's out of place, and it all looked very intuitive to use."
"The Mac OS experience is more polished and intuitive, which makes focusing on the tasks at hand easier."
"I found it to be quite intuitive, actually."
"A good model should be intuitive, insightful, and self-explanatory."
"The beauty of this patch is it's incredibly intuitive."
"I think part of the good things about these softwares is that you want them to be extremely intuitive; you shouldn't have to mess around too much."
"It's important that the system is user-friendly and intuitive."
"I think that the grid solution is more intuitive and it allows us to have simpler markup."
"It's super intuitive to use it to set up literally anything you want."
"It is a tool for collecting patient forms and patient data, it is designed to be very intuitive."
"It's not particularly complicated... most of it is very, very intuitive."
"Everything that you need is right where it needs to be, it just makes sense."
"It is pretty intuitive; it's easy to get around, it's easy, and intuitive for the user."
"The Diva smart dimmer is just way more intuitive."
"It's just very intuitive, it's set up in a smart way."
"It's very, very intuitive and very easy to use."
"Docker compose is much more intuitive and easier to work with."
"It's just much more intuitive for new YNABers to now look at that money and realize, 'Oh, that's money I have that I need to now apply to the budget, my plan'."
"The most intuitive method of interacting with your media."
"It makes it very, very intuitive."
"It should be intuitive, concisely capture the idea it represents."
"The bike feels very intuitive and easy to ride."
"This is the best way I have seen it described: intuitive 3D sketching."
"Todoist is an intuitive to-do app that lets you quickly capture and organize tasks."
"It produces fantastic stills, it is really intuitive to use in comparison, especially to the original, and the focusing is far superior."
"It's so intuitive that I didn't even realize that it should be there."
"So that's all there is to it for HubSpot workflows. You can see that there's a lot of options, but they're pretty intuitive."
"It's really, really nice and it's easy to figure out and things are just kind of located where they're supposed to be."
"Everything is really intuitive, everything is really smooth."
"It's super intuitive, it's very easy to use."
"The software that this car runs is really quite intuitive and easy to use."
"I do actually like how intuitive it is."
"It's clear the design team knew what they were doing and the user experience is nice and smooth and intuitive."
"The controls are very intuitive on this pedal."
"The game mechanics are intuitive."
"It's really important that these tools are free if you're working in public and also that they're really intuitive."
"It's very simple and very intuitive, not complicated at all."
"The graphical user interface is pretty intuitive."
"Counterfactual explanations are so intuitive, the audience is actually very wide."
"It makes it a much more intuitive interface to work with when you're dealing with any kind of content or creator your custom post types."
"It feels like an extension of your hand, of your arm, of your body."
"Everything is just really intuitive and having the touch feedback is really awesome."
"It's a car you don't really have a learning curve with; it just works the way you're going to want it to work."
"Navigating all the different windows and options on the QNAP, if you've ever used any desktop operating system, everything feels very intuitive."
"Everything's fast, everything's easy, everything's intuitive."
"Jasper AI feels a little bit more user-friendly, a little bit more intuitive."
"Building a beautiful, empathic, and intuitive product is core to the Nutanix platform."
"This software is both intuitive and intelligent."
"We wanted the Expression Builder to be fast, discoverable, intuitive, and consistent."
"So powerful and so easy, it's intuitive, right? If you understand the basic, I think everything should be so easy."
"The ability to place points in space very intuitively is hands down one of the coolest things ever."
"It's very intuitive, so that's why I really like this platform."
"It's cool that technology has advanced to the point of being so intuitive that you can give a two-year-old that bit of technology, and then they'll be able to navigate even better than the grownups can, sometimes."
"The more you can consolidate it, the more intuitive and sustainable your workspace is going to be."
"Optional is intuitive, efficient, and versatile."
"Putting this thing together is very intuitive; parts just go where you think they would go."
"For the price, for the ease of installing, the ease of use, and just how easy it is to manipulate and how intuitive it is, it definitely works."
"Definitely the most intuitive and probably the best straight out of the box without any touching to it."
"In my experience, .NET MAUI is intuitive and a timesaver."
"This is actually really, really intuitive."
"The graphical version is more intuitive."
"It's about as smooth and stable as it gets and intuitive."
"Gestures become such a natural thing."
"It's very intuitive, very user-friendly."
"The user interface should be clean, it should be intuitively understandable without having to read pages of documentation."
"A great app is one where users aren't even thinking of it as an app."
"PHD2 I find to be quite intuitive, especially for astrophotography software."
"The new control flow is significantly more intuitive and closer to JavaScript syntax."
"It's very intuitive; when I first sat down with it, I had it figured out literally in about 30 seconds."
"The notes seem to fall very naturally under the fingers."
"You can do everything right from this one window, which is really intuitive."
"It's really simple and intuitive, it really truly is."
"I find the videos are very intuitive."
"The Beta feels very intuitive, natural, and easy to ride; it's very neutral handling."
"SolidWorks is a very intuitive system; there's plenty that can be done within here."
"This node editor is one of the most intuitive and user-friendly ones I think that exists in Cinema 4D."
"The whole experience was intuitive; you literally figure it out in about five seconds."
"The icons have been much more intuitively grouped together to make it easier to find the function you're looking for."
"The things which really become popular and the method the concept which becomes very useful, crucial at the end, they are very simple, very intuitive."
"Super intuitive, very easy tent to set up."
"Choose the shortest API and the most intuitive API you can."
"But spreadsheets are wonderfully straightforward. It's just so intuitive how you store the data in rows and columns and just more and more rows as you have more and more data."
"It's just intuitive as a piece of fitness equipment to improve your cardiovascular health."
"Nova works in this really intuitive and convenient way."
"An intuitive API lets you be lazy when you don't need to spend a bunch of extra effort figuring out how it should work."
"The API becomes extremely intuitive to look at the HTML and see exactly what's going on."
"The app is the best app of all of them; it's intuitive."
"It's a very simple interface; it's really intuitive and easy for people to learn to use."
"It's a really great setup, it really hasn't changed over the years, it's very intuitive, they've done a good job."
"It does rapid-fire extremely well, it's very intuitive to use."
"For me, an intuitive interior is almost as important as how the car drives because you have to live with so much technology, it better be easy to use."