
Philosophical View Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"Perfectly balanced, as all things should be."
"All humans are born good, although your experiences might differ, your nature is good."
"Politics is important, but it isn't purpose. It cannot be the meaning of life."
"Faith is not the opposite of reason; it's the confidence in what reason and evidence have shown us."
"Men can make money but money cannot make men."
"Money just to have money is useless... it's a tool that God gave you."
"Yoda's species embody what it is truly like to observe the galaxy the way the force does."
"Despair is the logical conclusion of atheism."
"Money is the root of all evil, but sometimes we can overcome a lot."
"It's almost like they're taking a God's eye view of the world."
"Hell and heaven is a state of mind. They made us take us into slavery all over the world to create their own Heaven here on Earth and then they told us we had to die to wait to get to our heaven."
"I don't really believe in time. I think time is a spell that's been casted on us to make us age."
"Death isn't always this like evil thing in a weird way death, I guess can represent life, right?"
"Sexual expression and experience are not necessary for human flourishing."
"The truth is there is no such thing as something that is not spiritual."
"Anarchism is the mother of God or not the daughter."
"The difference between gods and demons depends largely upon where one stands."
"Money is a measurement for the amount of transformation you create."
"Love is the answer, that's how your divine counterpart sees you."
"Women are God logically because they make life."
"Should we fear death? Personally, I don't think so."
"If you're truly a liberal, you must believe in the fact that you can escape reality itself."
"Most human beings have the dualistic materialistic context."
"Physics is physics, my prison, but that's kind of the argument that's that's kind of what they're saying is that like everything any one of these limitations uh a prison."
"I think Consciousness organizes matter... everything is consciousness down to atoms."
"Love is the only thing that is alive... imagine others lovingly and it happens automatically."
"It is not events that disturb people, it's their judgment about things."
"The way of water connects all things before your birth and after your death."
"Death isn't the end. They burrow inside of you like a parasite."
"Love is the only thing that matters, love is eternal, love makes us immortal."
"A tragedy's a tragedy. I don't compare tragedies. I don't compare injustices."
"Evil goes beyond one's point of view as it spreads indiscriminately."
"To me, love is an action, not just a feeling."
"Energy is always changing, it's very constant."
"For me, a nation is not a geographical or political entity."
"Mind is the master power that molds and makes."
"Love is unconditional. Whilst you love another and place conditions or reasons on them, you do not really hold love for them."
"Death is not the end but rather it is the beginning of eternity."
"Love is a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good."
"Karma's like, don't worry about what's fair, trust that we usher that in because we have an understanding of what true justice is."
"Democracy lies in the hearts, not just in heads."
"There is no such thing as death. Energy only changes form."
"What matters is the impact you left, not the income."
"Rights come from God's loving way to make us more human."
"A human being should essentially be identified as a human being."
"This is a civilizational type of thing we're dealing with."
"Nobody knows [expletive], bro. Nobody knows [expletive]. Everything is a [expletive] belief."
"Everything is alive, there is no life and death, it's just isness."
"It's the duty of art to ask the questions, not give the answers."
"There's almost a Greek art to it or something absolutely there is it really is good against evil I mean that's what's happening like in the world right now it it really is becoming a wrestling match."
"God hung it in the sky for a reason... we've got to have it to live folks."
"If there's one thing I know for a fact, humans will always evolve. I'm talking about quantum leaps, I'm saying."
"One would hope that AI... looks at humans and says... Love Is The Answer."
"The universe cannot test you because you are the universe."
"There's truth in all things, and neither thing is bad or good, right? It just is."
"Determinism is the carving out of the future, and if one is determined enough, they can accomplish anything within the capacity of the reality in which they find themselves."
"There will be no avoiding death in the years to come, it is a privilege."
"Human will. We have free will. History is not predetermined. I don't know."
"The unlimited mind does not view suffering the same way."
"There are no coincidences and everything's connected."
"What is it to appreciate a work of art... if you do appreciate it is to live with it... literally change your life in its account."
"There is more hope in a red pill paradigm than there ever will be in a blue pill paradigm."
"Man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward."
"I honestly don't think God put us on this planet to be mean to each other, to bring negativity into a space."
"I wouldn't change nothing that happened. That's the other cliche saying, but I just wouldn't change [__]."
"I think love is a kind of connection with that, you know between people."
"Persons exist for one another merely as representatives."
"It may be a profoundly false view, and to live life in a way that's profoundly false is a recipe for unhappiness."
"Man was not created to work for provisions, but for purpose."
"Every single person is playing the most important role everywhere anywhere that could that it could possibly like from from somebody that I've never met that's the most important person in the whole universe."
"Life is preferable to death. That's why death is the escalation, it's not a punishment."
"Nature forms us, sin deforms us, environments conform us, schools inform us, prisons reform us, but only Christ can transform."
"Success is rooted in our faith that nothing is wasted."
"Life is beautiful in all its colors, even the darker ones, they're here for a reason."
"Consciousness does not emerge from physical complexity, rather physical complexity emerges from this realm of Consciousness."
"Marxists see human nature as inherently kind of good but corrupted by systems."
"Do you agree? Listen, code is a value system."
"All satisfaction or what one commonly calls happiness is really and essentially always only negative and never at all positive."
"Absolute equality and equality of opportunity harmonize into the same concept."
"Systems of morals are only a sign language of the emotions."
"Nothing can stop what's coming because this is nothing new under the sun."
"Matter isn't intrinsically evil, it's a canvas for us to create."
"Ren it was never really a battle for me to win it was an eternal dance"
"If we truly live in a universe where nothing matters, well, that's just another way of saying that everything matters equally."
"Women are gonna come and go in your life, right? They're not permanent fixtures."
"The world is desolate and unforgiving, but never unfair. Suffering or success, it's a tough road to walk but worth the risk."
"It is only when we account for the human soul, a thing more precious than the entire known universe, that we can then say that all men are equal."
"Death is to transcend the physical and achieve rebirth."
"Only love is real... let life flow and know that only love is real."
"I don't believe in icons. I don't believe in personalities. I believe that peace lies beyond personality, beyond invention and disguise, beyond the red S that you wear on your chest that makes bullets bounce off."
"I think everything in life is nuanced. Nothing goes up or down in a straight line. It's a wave."
"Love is the currency of the soul, but unlike money, even if you don't have any of your own, you can sure spend it on others. And that's the way it should be."
"I consider money sometimes if you think about it too much the root of all evil."
"Every really good time turns into a really bad time and every really bad time eventually turns into a really good time."
"Religion is the sigh of an oppressed creature, the heart in a heartless world."
"There is no objective morality... morality keeps progressing throughout the ages."
"This is nothing new under the sun, it's nothing to fear, but one thing you need to know is change is inevitable."
"Your mental health comes from your mind, not your brain. Your mind and your brain are separate."
"People are crippled by right, instead of understanding it's all just actually a process."
"Death isn't the end; it's just a transition. It's a semicolon, not a full stop."
"Nothing is fundamentally good or fundamentally bad; it can be used in either good ways or bad ways."
"Love is the key. If we all just loved one another, you think there'd be a lot of problems in the world?"
"The material world is essentially an illusion."
"Money is a piece of paper. It has... to basically just stop us from killing each other."
"All is divinity manifesting and nothing exists outside of it."
"Evil is inevitable and can never be truly destroyed."
"Human beings must always be oriented towards the future."
"Everything that you experience is there by your own choice."
"Love is universal because love is who we are."
"Capitalism should mirror nature because nature is perfect."
"Words hold a lot of power. Life is more beautiful that way."
"Love is not chemical, it's not material. It's an unseen intangible value."
"If you want to know how rich a man is, take away his money."
"Money was just a tool to do whatever you want."
"True magic is neither black nor white. It is both because nature is both loving and cruel all at the same time."
"Abundance is the natural flow of the universe."
"Morals are made up by humans and humans are kind of inherently imperfect beings."
"Love is the key. Love is what makes up the universe."
"I generally think about civilization as a machine for engineering and safeguarding certain experiences and it seems to me that it has barely started running in earnest."
"Love is not something to do, it is something to be."
"The universe is made of love, everything is love."
"I think each war is a true disappointment for humankind."
"Cancer doesn't beat you because when you die it dies at the same time so, technically, it's a draw."
"America is more of an idea than it is a place."
"I believe it's the most powerful thing in this universe: love."
"Everything that's going on is a sort of jazz."
"Your age is just the number of times you've gone around the sun."
"Giving also is not an action, it is an intention."
"Freedom is just that, free. People want to be free."
"Time is an illusion, every moment you've ever lived has always been in the now."
"Love isn't special. Love isn't a tick in the pro column. I will dare to say that love isn't even a positive thing. Love is basic requirement for a committed relationship to exist. Period. End of what love is good for."
"I think just sometimes you just have to open yourself up to the possibility and then maybe you can experience it."
"Differences of sensory form do not matter and have no epistemological importance at all."
"The soul is nothing but chemistry."
"You know that life is a journey that must be traveled step by step."
"The structure of the world as a mountain, a garden, and civilization."
"Wisdom is reasonable to assume that neither view will be mistaken."
"Life's just going, man. It's got that wildness to it; it's really a stray animal, isn't it?"
"It's not that I create reality; it's that I am reality."
"Consciousness is coming from somewhere else; the brain is modulating or mediating Consciousness."
"Nobody is a special person on this planet."
"The spiritual world is superior to the physical, temporal world."
"Nothing in life is accidental, sometimes but not really."
"There are always people to fight," Marcus replied.
"If you don't try too hard not to fail, life is ambiguous."
"Love is the highest ethic and highest standard."
"I've always believed that there is good and evil in the world."
"I don't love life because it's pretty. I love it naked; there is beauty to me even in its ugliness."
"Life is suffering and I want to help other people."
"I do not want to live forever. I think that would be an ontological mistake of astronomical proportions."
"I look at Humanity, I look at the Universe, I look at Consciousness."
"Death isn't an actual being; it's just life confronting entropy."
"Death is life," she said. "That's why they're called 'nature mort'."
"Man though made of body and soul is a Unity."
"The truth about life as far as Maharaj is concerned is every single person here is just having a human experience right now."
"Pain has two functions: the survival of the body and to tell us, body is just a vehicle."
"Let's just see truth and beauty, that's all we need."
"Can you see this entire thing as a play of consciousness and matter?"
"Man is a transitional being, not final."