
Leadership Roles Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Accountants are also often really business savvy and they can end up in high-ranking positions in companies like CEO or vice president."
"Leadership is actually a servant's position if you're truly a great leader."
"When you're the ordinary now you're the one who sets the tone and provides the vision."
"I don't want to be Malcolm X or Martin Luther King Jr."
"You deserve economics, you deserve a political voice, you deserve leadership roles."
"Why bother being mad, right? If you can't change anything, and the people in charge now aren't the same people who were in charge then, right?"
"In order to succeed, a pitch would have had to enlist the support of then-design lead Mark Pacini, studio head Michael Kelbaugh, and Nintendo producer Kensuke Tanabe."
"As King, the father is the authority in the home."
"People are too nice. I like helping people. I'm just supposed to be that president, not their friend."
"We should think of our politicians not as our leaders but as our followers."
"The psychedelic thing is super important for our leaders to be talking about right now."
"Startup also introduces us to a man who will judge or determine the future of startups."
"She just girl-bossed her way into the role, he literally said okay."
"He was such a central part of the family, and you know, often people talk about how the queen was head of the firm and he was head of the family."
"The platform of NFL owner is a high one and it gives you the opportunity to have an impact."
"The duty of a leader is to serve their people, not for the people to serve them."
"You're the captain of Manchester United for Christ's sake."
"Leaked to me, they're both great defenders. But I think he can handle being in that third or fourth role better than Jimmy can. Jimmy wants to lead. Jimmy wants to be out front..."
"I want you to host this, you know what I'm saying?"
"Birth to a female child. It is the custom that a female child should always be the leader of the Guardians, but this time will be an exception."
"Zenobia is a beast. Any garrison captain and you're good."
"I mean thanks, you won't regret this. Man, captain, I can call you captain now."
"When you just say everybody do whatever you want freedom for all the problem with that is that that leaves a cult vacuum and a leadership vacuum in any country."
"They are the shock troops, and you know they're in it to make the revolution, not to have a comfortable job."
"Everything works better when you have great women leaders leading in tandem."
"Let's make some preparations here, also you want to make me a commander?"
"It's fantastic, would I ever run for president fide? No, you guys, I would never run for president of fide."
"The problem in Europe is not German power anymore it's the opposite it's German weakness it's German reluctance to give leadership."
"She wants you to be the leader in the relationship."
"Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, you have both been chosen to become the new princesses of the day and night."
"Saudi Arabia is not a reliable ally...bring Iran and Saudi Arabia together in a room under American leadership."
"Some of us are main characters out here trying to change things and trying to make the world a better place."
"He's not the guy at the top, but he's the guy running the show."
"Split responsibilities a little bit, for example, you can have one captain that always has the last word on art decisions."
"This is going to be a big healing in victim Consciousness... the purpose of it is to step into leadership and sovereignty."
"We need to be aggressive in our advocacy. It's not enough for us to just rely on our leaders to do it for us."
"Leader, there's no boss, and we need a boss."
"Some of y'all meant to be leaders, even if you're not business owners. You're not a failure in life if you don't work for yourself."
"Neither side wanted the war, and aside from Kings, generals, and businessmen, it seems that no one's winning either."
"The gym leaders in Pokemon are some of the most iconic."
"We all win when we see more women in leading roles."
"The women are leading the charge as is not atypical and dominating."
"He's fine. He's important to a franchise. But when the, when you get the opportunity to be an alpha, you just don't have it."
"Being a team lead does not mean that you should make all of the technical decisions from now on."
"UNRWA is managed by the donor Community led by the United States."
"A passionate new cycle for you filled with a lot of responsibility, a lot of leadership roles and duties for you."
"In the meantime, I think, you know, of course there's way other important positions besides the presidency."
"Black leadership is no longer about articulating the demands of the black community; it is more about simply getting a seat at the table."
"Somebody's gotta be on the front lines when this chaos erupts."
"The Maga Republicans have given Margerie Taylor Greene major powers over you and your family. That's who Maga is."
"The head of the home mirrors Christ's relationship with the church."
"No Nation will break free until transformational leaders arise."
"Neither disaster nor disgrace ever befell any man who filled this honorable station."
"I think it's safe to say that I've kind of been starting all the engagements at this point."
"This is a perfect time and the table has been perfectly set by the president in order for a good deal to come together."
"I think they're both Batman. I think at times, I think AD can be Robin, right? LeBron could try to be Robin, but that ain't who he is. He is Batman."
"You got three white men in charge with two minorities working for, get the button should be for the rest of time."
"You are stepping into a new position of authority."
"You're stepping into a new position of authority as a family member."
"Essentially here Pisces, you're stepping into a new position of authority as a friend, as a team player, as an acquaintance, as a future planner, and as a visionary."
"Black women are definitely leading the charge for us in the Cannabis space."
"Culturally they could not be more different in terms of how they view their people and the role of leadership."
"Realize how you should act as a human, as a team member, as a leader, as a follower."
"I want to buy a ghost town and we just, you know, we get to appoint the sheriff, we get to appoint all the parents, the mayors."
"The very reason why peacekeepers should not be leading a war."
"I may be a boss at work and in the street, but I don't want to be a boss at home."
"It does sound like the second and third in command is referring specifically to Zoro and Sanji."