
Data Access Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"This is our entire bar of chocolate, representing all the data we have access to."
"We think this is something that's in the best interest of everybody because if data is available and people can develop innovative solutions and innovative services for car owners, they're going to want those cars."
"The anonymized participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remains inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public. This is morally indefensible."
"The public has a right to an entitlement to those data as well as the interrogation of those data by experts."
"This is a great win for transparency and removes one of the strangleholds federal health authorities have had on the data needed for independent scientists to offer solutions."
"There's actually a more reliable source than web scraping and that is APIs."
"It provides random real-time access to your big data and supports updates and deletes."
"Government would have access to all the data that you normally can't get on people's consumption or general behavior at all times."
"NASA's data are free and publicly accessible for the entire world to download."
"Focus is your tool to gather data. If you were not focused, if you were screwing around with your phone, then you're losing access to that data."
"Nordvpn is a virtual private Network and it just allows you to access content and data of any kind on the internet securely."
"Legacy contacts can access and download the data stored in your account after your death."
"We're now able to excavate trenches here with our hands on the technology which not only helps us to record in completely different ways but also to be able to access that information as well."
"It's about time this happened; they've been doing this for a little while."
"They're trying to gain access literally to election results."
"We need the government to be more open and provide the data we need."
"The cool thing about this is it gives you their name, phone email address whatever information you want."
"They can see your browser history. They can see it before we know. They can see your lock screen."
"With all of the necessary information downloaded."
"You don't always have access to all the information in the world."
"If for whatever reason you can't access your account anymore, like you're dead, your family needs access to your data or at least they should have it, this makes it possible."
"Accessing data randomly is much slower and less efficient than accessing it sequentially."
"Power Pages' built-in security is its core, enabling organizations to securely provide access to their business data."
"Just because Stanford researchers can access certain data doesn't mean there's good access to aggregated data that ensures better algorithms."
"medical doctors will soon be able to get almost instant access to newly published clinical data"
"So ideally, when you are trying to access the data which is not allowed for your user, developers will give the response as a 403."
"Having access to private data is going to be really valuable."
"Because Google sheets live in the cloud they're online they can access online information and pull that information into your sheet."
"All the data you see is available to you and you can actually go download it at the Hubble Legacy Archive website."
"This is pretty much like the reason why we were able to become, you know, Capital positive relatively quickly because we had access to this kind of data."
"Blockchain eliminates a central authority and ensures rapid access to data."
"I don't think we're going to be able to really unlock the power of AI and large data sets until we start to understand how do we do that protecting privacy without blocking access to it."
"RAG allows access to outside world data, scaling to billions of records if done properly."
"...the demo movie api didn't care who we were. It's open to anyone retrieving its data to look at it."
"This allows us to empower engineers and additional teams that need access to that data."
"So if you ever were to do a backup to a USB hard drive for example, if you use something like the NTFS file system, you wouldn't necessarily be able to open that on a Mac to access the data if you ever needed to."
"Who should have access to this data? And should I be encrypting this data? With all of those choices come the associated responsibilities."
"Application can request multiple change feeds simultaneously on the same collection."
"With Microsoft Graph API, you can access resources like email, calendar, SharePoint, Dynamics CRM, and more."
"The repository pattern abstracts away the details of the underlying data access technology from the rest of the application."
"Iter gave us access to immutable references to items."
"Any access to personal data which exceeds the options of obtaining proof for a certain vulnerability is out of scope."
"You have overstepped a line. You need to access the minimal amount of data required in order to demonstrate the impact of vulnerability."
"I'm much more of an advocate of actually trying to find and reverse engineer the back end API to get the data that way."
"...when you want to know when you will have data access, this is really good because it's deterministic."
"This is the data that we get making an API call; it's really that simple."
"So it should be no surprise to anyone here that the lake house is great for open access to data."
"When you give access to data to people that are able and in power of taking decision, that they didn't really have access to data before, I think it's there that you can advocate that there will be a sort of change."
"It gives you direct access to authoritative data-driven spatial content from ArcGIS."
"The Microsoft Graph is the gateway to your data in the Microsoft cloud."
"Snowflake's cloud data warehouse platform provides instant, secure, and governed access to the entire data network."
"We now have a fully functioning API that we can query in our browser or we could send requests to from Python to get data back based on the category for the quotes that we are scraping."
"We could be able to pip install access to the data to solve the most important problems we face."
"We now have more access to data than ever before."
"Access to data, intellectual property rights, secrecy and confidentiality, these are all things that we really need to think about very carefully when we structure environmental law."
"If you ever need to fail over to it, your employees will be able to deal with slower speeds but they will not be able to deal with not having access to their files."
"We now have access to the data from that particular post."
"It's about providing access to the right people at the right time but also making sure that your data is protected."
"Generative AI allows large language models to give better answers by allowing access to additional data resources."
"The cache stores frequently used data so the CPU can access it quickly."
"Our typical search engines are only four percent of what we see on the web."
"This is going to be ideal for OLAP workloads where we do read-only queries and we only need access to a subset of the attributes."
"You can access async data from the server just as easily as you would access sync data from memory."
"You can access the current weather data from 200,000 cities across the globe."
"We at Tableau believe that if you are analyzing your data, you should have access and the ability to clean your data along the way."
"Stay connected and browse your secure data anytime, anywhere."
"A tape drive provides sequential access to data by moving the tape forward or backward."
"In this video, we're going to add some persistence using Spring Data, a Spring framework for data access."
"If you wanted to view all of the email addresses, then we could say DF and access the email column."
"This is going to enable your customers who do not have authentication into your domain to interface with their own data in your domain."
"It also allows different groups of people to view specific data based on their roles."
"You should never access state.data directly, always use state.source.get."
"A register file is a collection of registers for which any register can be read or written."
"The oracle pattern is very handy for when you need to access data that's not stored on the blockchain."
"These connect to the network, and once you have it set up, any device that you have just has to download the app, and you can access all the data that's on the drive through all your devices."
"Your goal when working with OAuth is to get access to a user's data in one of these APIs."
"It is really beneficial to use shared memory in case of kernels with high memory access and a high data reuse ratio."
"Most utilities will let you download at least 13 months of bills."
"We have access to the diagnostic data from our vehicles."
"This is how you retrieve your JSON value."
"This way, we can access output information very easily."
"You can see the amazing ability of the yfinance library; it's like free data, free end-of-day daily data."
"EU citizens get the right to access their personal data."
"Individual elements are accessed by specifying the index."
"Since I want to access data for the end user of my application who is logged in, we will also want to learn about authentication."
"Athena gives you access to your data in S3 as a query service when you just want to run ad-hoc queries."
"The dollar sign is used to extract elements of a list or data frame that have a name."
"These kinds of sites might have some really large number of users that are always accessing their data."
"We want our customers to use any tool, any language of their choice to access 100% of their data."
"You're structuring the indexes to support those secondary access patterns. That's how NoSQL works."
"Just because a data set is not available online does not mean you can't gain access to it."
"Streams provide us with a way of accessing asynchronous sequences of data."