
Sense-making Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"Not holding false or misrepresented beliefs or ideas is really fundamental to being able to do sense-making."
"The decentralized sense making is something that we want to experiment with...to make architectures that really incent higher quality sense making and conversation."
"Thank you for making sense of this crazy world, especially from a legal perspective."
"Ideas that at first seem radical, even revolutionary, when implemented often just make sense."
"Sure, they may not make sense but if they did make sense, you'd find it really boring."
"It's my privilege and honor to continue doing this, dissecting the world, making sense of a world that has gone mad."
"Greater better sense making is the thing that we need to amplify and that results in the positive change that that we need."
"Culture is just the result of us making sense of the world."
"Sense making is just such an important part of that."
"As we make sense of everything that's happening in the world, all of us are trying to find our way through what's happening."
"If it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make money."
"Our ability to make sense of the world is breaking down, we're making more consequential choices with worse sense-making."
"I feel superior to things people tell me when they don't make sense."
"When you're around everything kind of takes on more color and everything makes more sense."
"We have to make sure that we try to do the right thing, that's when our finger pointing actually makes sense."
"That's how I make sense of things."
"...it's only from the perspective of the future that we have any sense of making sense of the present."
"Do those ideas allow us to make sense of things that previously seemed mysterious? Do the ideas allow us to see things which previously went unnoticed?"
"It's not a storybook ending, but it makes some semblance of sense."
"I mean that's kind of like the only thing that makes sense to me."
"It doesn't have to make sense, that's just what people make up and think."
"We've been working with chaos and our data made absolutely no sense."
"I find the world we live in very strange and it seems like the more time I spend in it, the less it makes sense. Stories, for brief moments, make it make sense."
"Whenever we're learning something, we're always trying to make sense of the material."
"It's not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty that something makes sense regardless of how it turns out."
"I have to make sense of this. I have to figure this out step by step."
"Sense-making is not talking about sense-making, it's talking from sense-making. When thinking and sensing are one, things make sense."
"Interpretation means how we make sense of the information that we have."
"Nothing's gonna make sense initially, but just give it time."
"So, that's an inference from the data points to an explanation, and so the explanation is a good one to the degree that it captures all the data points and that it makes them make sense more than before you had the explanation."
"I think it's really important that when we get new information, if it is something that makes sense and if it seems to support another point of view, it's okay to at least consider it."
"Something good can come out of something that doesn't seem to make sense."
"Our world is better when it makes sense or we're able to make decisions better when things make sense, and that's really what I think this is all about."
"I'm creative too. I just like when things make sense."
"We need to understand our emotions, not reduce them, but make sense of them."
"Narratives give sense to experiences, both to oneself and to others listening."
"If you're the measurements you're getting don't look like they make sense, stop and figure out why before you jump to the assumptions."
"Adult development theory is like a map. It describes how, once we look like adults, what happens to how does our sense-making change."
"You don't have to excuse it, you don't have to justify it, you don't have to make sense of it."
"We're all just trying to make sense of the world around us."
"I think filming things and editing things and seeing these projects come together is kinda like my way of making sense of my own life."
"To acknowledge uncertainty is quintessential in making sense of things."
"So, to survive is just a statement that you are expanding and making sense of these things. So just existing is sense-making, and if that is the process, then this and this then just becomes an attribute of those things that do survive."
"If you don't understand history, you can't make sense out of what's happening."
"as much as we could try to make sense of this stuff, you know you do have to use discernment"
"Better sense-making, better choice making."
"It may in fact be the only way to make sense of a world in which the ground under your feet feels like quicksand."
"...you can't make sense of this stuff unless you have your own philosophy."
"We like to make sense out of developments as human beings, we like to find patterns, we like to find integrating themes."
"Thank you for doing this, thank you for doing that, thank you mutations, always make sense."
"What makes sense given the story and the fiction in the game."
"Nothing makes any sense, so we try to make some sense of it."
"Make sure that your sense making informs your creativity."
"How do I do a better job of making sense of the world?"
"Sense making at a societal level."
"If it don't make sense, it don't make money."
"Orwell's book is a great defense of freedom of thought and making sense during times of hysterical inability to make sense."
"Life makes no sense because, obviously, a sense is a structure we invent to try and understand the mechanisms working all around and through us."
"If you hear 'doesn't make sense' over and over again, there's a good chance the person is lying or they don't know what they're talking about."
"If what you're talking makes sense to people, you are able to talk to the whole world just sitting in this place and that's not a simple thing."
"We're trying to make sense out of chaos."
"So what do you think? Honestly, it makes a lot of sense."
"Tell me if this don't make sense."
"Tragedies make sense of the world."
"Science is a way of trying to make sense of the evidence."
"If you believe those allegations to be true, everything that happens afterwards makes total sense."
"Language does not make sense, you make sense."
"I think that for me at least it's better to try to understand what happened. You can make better sense of it."
"You gotta make it make sense. Most of these people do it, they're not making sense."
"I wanted to build something that was probably in my mind what made the most sense at the time."
"This is me just trying to make sense out of chaos."
"It ends up making sense, it's for a purpose."
"Ultimately the fact that any amount of our existence can make any sense and that any amount of paradoxes past or present have and can be resolved by us, it's a paradox in it of itself."
"I define sense making as how can you make sense of the world so that you can act in it."
"I am going to start off with my opinion, I think that makes sense."
"I felt numb. There seemed to be only one explanation that made sense."
"You can't use your boss's name as your authority, right, if what your boss has told you to make it happen doesn't make sense and you can't explain why it makes sense, you need to go back to your boss."
"The constitutive ideal of rationality controls interpretation, interpretation is making sense."
"This is so fun, it makes so much sense like this."
"Once someone said that to me, I was like, man, makes a hell of a lot of sense."
"We want to be open-minded, but at the same time, we wanna make sense of the world."
"It doesn't need to be realistic or anything, just needs to make sense; that's what's important."
"Sure, for a few seconds, everything would make sense."
"Everything will make sense; the struggle, the pain, the hard work, everything will make sense by the end of the journey."
"I hope I'm making some sense, as well as impacting the community."
"Once you realize that, things that make sense start to just fall into place."
"The new creation then retrospectively makes sense of the old like nothing else would."
"Whatever you do in your writing, your ideas should be structured and presented in a way that makes some kind of sense."
"It has to make sense on the page, like if you're just reading it as poetry or as literature."
"The logic all makes a lot of sense."
"I think the ones in your life, you've been able to actually get something out that made perfect sense."
"We're looking for signal in the noise; we basically use stories for coherence."
"I feel like that makes a lot of sense, actually."
"I'm currently independently working on a video essay that examines established sense-making structures and alternative ones."
"What consciousness seems to do is a way in which you can coordinate attention and other related abilities of awareness so as to optimize how insightfully you can make sense of your world."
"Somehow we have to make sense of some of these crazy experiences."
"We have to make some sense out of the chaos and the craziness we see in our lives."
"Once I understood those narratives, their history really made a lot of sense to me."
"We're doing it, it just makes so much sense."
"Surprises are good, but I think the best surprises are ones we can step back and think, 'Oh, does this make sense? Yes, it does.'"
"At the end of the day, writers will become sense-makers."
"If something goes around the world and doesn't make sense, you get here and put this thing, it's going to pan out."
"I think a lot of people are leaving the church because the whole thing doesn't make a lot of sense."
"The explanation that I was told made a lot of sense."
"I try my best to ask myself the question, does this make sense? Are there things that need to be questioned?"
"You calm them, you make the world makes sense again."
"Our minds are just trying to help, they're trying to make sense of things, they're trying to help us understand the world."
"That's how we make it all make sense."
"When you're writing them, you kind of gotta ask, does this make sense?"
"I actually feel like this theory honestly makes so much sense."
"For the first time in a long time, a product made a whole bunch of sense."
"...as I'm seeking to make sense, I want to increase other people's sovereignty in their capacity to make sense."
"Which one makes more sense, that's what I mean by these philosophical arguments."
"All I know is I come here on Mondays and Wednesdays and talk to you guys and hopefully we'll make sense out of all this."
"Pragmatism is what makes sense the most consistently."
"People are just trying to make sense of the world."
"I think that makes sense actually."
"People are attracted to transformational leadership because it makes sense to them."
"You understood it just doesn't make a lot of sense, so it's only right that you would question it."
"You have to see it through, and as you see this through, you start to see why this makes sense."
"The human brain will always try to make sense even when it doesn't make any sense."
"It's utterly ridiculous what we're watching but if you keep everything in context, it makes complete sense."
"It's not about whether I like Eleanor, I got into philosophy to try to make sense of a world that almost never makes sense."
"If it don't make sense, it ain't true."
"It just didn't make sense anymore."
"I found truth in it, I found things that made much more sense than what I was already believing."
"Truth is something that needs to make sense in your heart and in your mind."
"It must make some sense because she knows what she's doing."
"Trying to make sense of it and also seeking enlightenment in the process."
"We're clearly visual sense-making is social as well as cognitive process."
"Collaboration can help make sense of data."
"This is really in service of a larger goal of sense-making."
"How do people explore data, how do they engage in sense-making around data, and how can interfaces better support that?"
"Because of you, everything's making sense; because of you, everything's coming together."
"Everything that happens makes some type of sense."
"Improvising is not about being clever, but it's really about making sense."
"It's a rare blend of it actually makes sense, and it's a pretty cool title to begin with."
"It really makes sense from the first one, it really does. It makes it like complete circle."
"Once the whole look comes together, the blush just makes sense at the end."
"This was simultaneously completely unexpected and yet makes total sense."
"Certainty is about experience and then how to make sense of experience that we have."
"All the work you've been doing, all the lessons, all the things that you've had to learn, all the difficulties, all the challenges, it's like all starting to make sense now."
"You're making it make sense, you want it to make sense, you know that this is divine intervention."