
Data Representation Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"This is our entire bar of chocolate, representing all the data we have access to."
"Records override the ToString method, giving a neat value display."
"You can specify larger data bars to represent larger numbers, making it easier to identify key components within your spreadsheet."
"Icons, top group gets a green up arrow, the bottom group gets a red down arrow."
"What if we wanted to see these country jazz pop rock as the bars and not the quarters?"
"Hey look at that I have now drawn contours around all of the areas of black and white."
"The figures are by their nature tentative but must be illustrated."
"The supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience."
"The main idea behind deep learning is that we often want to learn the way that we represent the data that we use."
"Represent your data in a way that's robust, testable, maintainable, and easier to reason about."
"It's not compression... it's figured out the essentialization of these points and it's replicable."
"Let's look at another type of chart called an area chart."
"Vector embedding essentially allows us to represent information like text, images, videos, and even sound into a format that algorithms can understand."
"I love mapping because it allows you to represent data in a way that's not just numbers or words. It's a visual experience."
"This doesn't tell the whole story right because we'd like to see kind of the spread of the data."
"Instead of just saying degraded, now we get this whole JSON object of information."
"Computers are made up of ones and zeros. Now usually we like to group these together into more manageable chunks - either 8-bit as a byte or sometimes even 16 or 32 bits."
"What you see are fractal textures, fractal creations that mimic the missing data... they're done using fractal geometry."
"Vectors are a very compact way of representing any type of data."
"Whenever you produce a graph on a piece of technology, you can only look through a given window."
"Data visualization is the graphic representation and presentation of data."
"Just whatever you do, avoid the mean, okay? We don't want to use the mean."
"I enjoy the creative side of it, and it also gives me a visual representation of the data that often sparks ideas for analysis and use cases."
"Do you need 3D data, is a 2D image good enough, or do you need 3D?"
"We try to make the data visible, and more than the data, the story is visible."
"The tree does a better job reflecting the data than the straight line."
"Dashboards give the graphical representation of reports."
"It's the pure data representation of what you see rendered in the browser."
"A donut chart is basically a pie chart with a white center."
"The amazing thing about this is that the kind of embeddings you get have this compositional semantics property."
"We're gonna have a look at two-way tables and frequency trees."
"A two-way table is going to make this a lot more clear."
"A Gaussian mixture model is nothing but taking a bunch of these gaussians and mixing them at a specific ratio, then combining them to define the original data."
"Data frame is the main object in pandas that allows you to represent the tabular data."
"Can't we just take our tree and maybe every subtree and serialize it in a way that it can be represented with a text or a string?"
"Every single number on all these data charts is a human being with people who love them."
"It's one of the challenges with forensic artifacts, that we have this rich data then a lot of times is nested, but how do I represent that horizontally?"
"The next thing we want to do is bring out this text in a way that we could represent it in some Excel table."
"They have very powerful representations, so you can compactly represent very powerful functions that are hard to represent with a single explicit computation graph in a single layer."
"That's exactly what we want to say and that is a representation of what you can do with a histogram."
"Don't truncate it just to make something look like it isn't, but don't expand it to deceive either."
"It's not just numbers and text, but actually structures and objects that users can put on your grid and that you can fill with data."
"And so very often what you'll see is that we'd like a better string representation of this flight."
"This brilliant part, this brilliant... I don't know the name of this chart, but this heatmap with distribution on the sides."
"I surely don't think hard enough about graphical representation of my data."
"What we want to do is we want to return a list of dictionary objects or JSON data of all of the quotes on that page."
"Line graphs are an important part of our everyday lives because they can swiftly communicate data and trends."
"The results you're going to get are going to depend so much on how you represent your input, how you represent your output."
"This will lead to better uncertainty representation which is crucial for decision making."
"A plot is a graphical representation of data which shows relationship between two variables or the distribution of data."
"The world graph is the semantic representation of the physical world and the entities participating in it."
"Global supports the display of geographic data on a sphere or globe, usually appropriate for large areas or regions."
"Raster data is way more than imagery; this is a gridded surface that allows us to represent the data in a visual context."
"A picture is said to be worth a thousand words, can you imagine what visualizations do for your data?"
"It generates this really beautiful three-dimensional graph."
"The logical state of a string only cares about the logical contents of the value, not the representation."
"Maps do not generally show us opinions, they just show us facts."
"Quantitative data could be represented as numbers and statistics and easily generalized to form a law of behavior."
"The latent variables are encoding high-level semantic information about the scene."
"Having enough data to be representative of all of the customer journeys is probably the key point."
"GeoJSON is an open standard designed for representing simple geographical features along with their non-spatial attributes."
"We wanted to create a matrix that contains for every row a different comedian or a different document."
"Points representing objects or data are called nodes, while the predicates that connect them are called edges."
"With lazy evaluation, you can represent an infinite amount of data by just saying we're going to store the infinite amount of data but we're not going to bother calculating the later pieces of data until we need it."
"Every time we draw any kind of graph, we always start off with some kind of heading."
"We use line graphs for continuous data on the x-axis."
"Pie charts are showing us parts of a whole."
"An instance is like a filled out form with its own unique set of information."
"Discrete is represented as blue and continuous is represented as green."
"Each of the sentences have a numeric representation of that sentence."
"Pie charts are great use because a lot of people put an icon in here; it's a really great use for that space to kind of better showcase what the applicable data is about."
"Histograms are used to depict frequency distribution data."
"About 65% of the passengers in the data set were male, and about 35% were female."
"Programming is really just reading documentation on how they're expressing the data towards you and then representing that to the users."
"This is a testing board, but you will see that the data here that is returned is also on the board."
"What a Bayes net is, it's a way to represent a distribution over lots of random variables in a very compact way by encoding local interactions."
"In the world of serverless, a collection of functions work together and encapsulate a representation of data."
"We can move from majority representation of data in our models to something more like diverse representation, from our ethical AI."
"Point cloud is quite a basic representation used in graphics and AR/VR applications."
"The correct answer is D, which is the Line Chart, and that's definitely the best way to display time-based data."
"It's really very powerful because you can either get a continuous view of the item... or we can break it apart by manager, by title, whatever else has changed when we need to view it that way."
"The median is superior because it still gives a representation of the bulk of our data that we think is right."
"Sparse coding is one of the models that I think that everybody should know what it is."
"Sparse coding as finding an overcomplete representation of your data."
"The curve doesn't actually interpolate your data; it doesn't touch any of the control points."
"Charts are an extremely useful tool for visually representing your data."
"At the end of the day, no matter what media we use to represent information, it all reduces to zeros and ones."
"The vast majority of data is in English, when in reality fewer than 10% of the world's population speak English as their first language."
"The first thing to look at with a pictogram is the key, which tells us what each picture represents."
"If you're trying to build something, a plot that has kind of a pseudo 3D or pseudo 4D, you can map multiple attributes to these values."
"This bar chart shows the population of the top ten most populous countries. The data comes from the year 2018 estimate in World Population Prospects 2017."
"The content is data that you're trying to represent in a logical, structural way."
"A choropleth is a type of map that uses colors and shading to represent different data values."
"So there you go, the application has been successfully... you can see the pulchritude where inside the pie chart details you can see the task value."
"Underneath the hood, anytime you receive one of these emojis, you're actually receiving a pattern of bits—0's and 1's that in the context of an email or text message or some other program, are being interpreted as and therefore displayed as a corresponding picture."
"Carrying information requires low entropy; you can't represent things with randomness."
"A variable can be thought of as a column in a spreadsheet or a field in a database."
"The model is your external representation of data in your application; it knows nothing about UI."
"All the time your questions might change or the way you want to represent the data might change, and that's actually going to work to your benefit."
"We're converting color to amplitude or color to position; it allows us to visualize many things at one time."
"Features are both a way to represent the data and a way to encode domain knowledge."
"Rest APIs and the rest approach can give you an abstraction level of how to represent data without exposing everything."
"TrueNorth takes spikes, little packets of data that are current space and time and can represent many things."
"The overview of autoencoders is that in general, the idea of an autoencoder is that we want to force a network to try to reconstruct our data and hopefully this will learn sort of useful representations of the data."
"Heat maps are a type of map that can be used as a visualization technique to show magnitudes of a certain phenomena as a distribution of colors."
"The neural net can warp the space around and move the representation of data points to provide something that at the end of the day can be classified by a linear classifier."
"Representation, the challenge can be formalized as learning how to represent and summarize multimodal data."
"The simplest possible graph should be used for a given set of data."
"We're going to create different types of charts."
"It also has tooltips so you can hover and see what category a given country is in."
"One very common thing that we need in any engineering or science is to represent data."
"There's nothing that cannot be shown in the numbers."
"We have a visualization showing birth rate map based on rank."
"For any problem solving, we will have to think of how can we represent the data so that our computation is made easy."
"There are ways to actually generate visual representations of all that data."
"In the very common case where you're looking for a single number to capture a typical item within your data, median is the best bet."
"Now when we submit the form, we get a PDF that contains the values from the form."
"All we need to know logically to store a string is where does that string begin."
"The X-axis displays how often samples are taken, again in the appropriate units."
"The chart illustrates the percentage of electricity generated by fuel type in the UK in 2014."
"Go ahead and create a view model; this is the data I want you to expose."
"If your research question is not considering the effects of some phenomenon on a portion of a group, a pie chart might not be the right fit for your data."
"JSON documents allow you to represent your object model more directly."
"ASCII is just this code, this mapping of letters to numbers."
"If you transform the Cartesian coordinates into polar ones, they immediately become very easy to separate by just a single line."
"You can map variables in your data to visual variables in your output."
"Images in scikit-image are represented as NumPy arrays."
"The earth is spherical, and all the data we look at is on a flat computer screen or printout."